Scully And 
Skinner:  Strong And Silent

Strong And Silent: The Scully Skinner Romance Page

Special Agent Dana Scully:
Strong, virtuous, brilliant.
Assistant Director Walter Skinner:
Silent, committed, principled.

Put them together and you have the most mature, adult couple never seen on TV. With her beauty and his quiet grace, they exemplify dignity, tenderness, forgiveness, commitment and love. We trace the key moments in their onscreen relationship.

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AD Skinner first appeared in the episode "Tooms". It was never explicitly stated, but it quickly became clear that the X Files no longer reported to the Violent Crimes Unit and Section Chief Blevins, but rather, directly to him. The reason for this is unclear. Scully had by this point been assigned to the X files for nearly a year and had to that point been reporting to Section Chief Blevins. This was to be the start of a whole new era of X Files romance fandom.

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The Scully Skinner Romance Timeline

Coming Soon: Season 5, Plus Fight The Future

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