Scully And 
Skinner:  Strong And Silent

Strong And Silent: The Scully Skinner Romance Page

Special Agent Dana Scully:
Strong, virtuous, brilliant.
Assistant Director Walter Skinner:
Silent, committed, principled.

Put them together and you have the most mature, adult couple never seen on TV. With her beauty and his quiet grace, they exemplify dignity, tenderness, forgiveness, commitment and love.

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The list of links below is by no means exhaustive. There are many general fanfic archives, of which only one is mentioned, as well as many fanfic resources, graphics, graphics tools, and web page tools sites. These are the ones I have found most useful.

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Useful Links

Internet Resources

PamBytes. Loads of free clip art and graphics for homepages, multiple links to similar (and not-so-similar!) sites.
Mike Shaikum's free art. His page includes Wallach's brilliant Dragon alphabet I used to use in my personal page masthead.
A comprehensive guide to using html to create your own homepage.
Geocities FREE homepage for personal users. To 11MG. Free e-mail access is also available. This is a brilliant program for home users.
Information on Net information filtering.
Electronic Frontier Foundation. Aims to protect the Net from draconian laws. This is of particular interest to NC17 fanfic writers, who generally write contextualised, sensitive erotica.
Electronic Frontiers Australia. Also has links to equivalent organisations worldwide.
The Beginner's Guide To HTML. Quite comprehensive yet aimed at the beginner. Between this and Crash Course (below) I had a home page set up from scratch inside of three hours.
A Crash Course On HTML. A good introduction.
Mirabilis, the makers of the fantastic net tool ICQ, offer it free here along with a fabulous discussion of hoax net virus warnings.
An Australian TUCOWS mirror, offering the very best of shareware arranged for your convenience.
Download Paint Shop Pro, a fabulous graphics program. I used this to create my manipulated Scully/Skinner pics.
Download the GIF Construction Set, which allows you to animate GIFS, make them transparent or fade in and out, and other effects.
The Responsibility In Free Speech Campaign.
InsideTheWeb, which allow you to host a chatboard for free. Make YOUR site interactive!
Get a free counter with statistics report including referring pages - absolutely free!

X Files Fanfic And Resources

My personal homepages, including lots of fanfic.
The Gossamer Project Fanfic Archive. Easily the most enormous fanfic archive with thousands of stories.
The Walter Skinner Fanfic Index. All stories here have A.D. Skinner as a character. Includes a Scully/Skinner page.
Scully/Skinner Fanfic Archive - Scully/Skinner romance. This hasn't been updated lately.
More X Files Fanfic links.
Specialised Fanfic Archive links.
A comprehensive X Files timeline, from 4,000 years ago to 2027AD. Invalueable fanfic resource.
Sisters In Smut Skinnerotica fanfic. The name says it all. This site is not suitable for children.
Natasha's Novel-Length Fanfic Archive. XF Fanfic. Includes several Scully/Skinner fics.
Scully Fanfic.
The Treehouse - extensive collection of X Files sounds, video, and images.
Deep Background, an X Files research web page. Excellent fanfic writer's resource.
The Ultimate X Files Information Complex.
X Files images.
Gillian Anderson Graphics Gallery.
Skinnerotic pictures. Not suitable for children.

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