Welcome To The Scully Skinner Shipper Honour Roll!

As part of their initiation into this noble group, these honourable people completed many tasks. The most important part of the initiation rite was their answer to the question, that question of all questions: "What do you love about the idea of Scully and Skinner together?" To apply for admission to the roll, click here.

Cassie - 11/17/00 22:36:48
My URL:/syndicate_slut_scully/index.html
My Email:foxytime@xfilesfan.com
Fanfic writer? (Y/N): yes
Details as appropriate: Mulder/Krycek centric, some Scully + Skinner situations ;)
Comments: I wish this page would keep updating, it's a great idea for a page!!

Oh where do I start?! For starters, I love every single scene of them together on the show! There's an intensity between the two of them ... they respect eachother and care for eachother greatly. Skinner is better than anyone else for Scully because he's mature compared to other men in her life (*coughs* Mulder!) Now if only we could get another kiss out of CC! ;) I just guess I like the look of them together :) It's too cute.

Barbara - 06/30/00 02:19:58
My Email:BARBARA.BRANHAM@prodigy.net
Fanfic writer? (Y/N): no
Comments: Love it

They just look sooo cute together. Skinner is a much better catch than Mulder also.

Barbara - 06/02/00 00:55:04
My Email:BARBARA.BRANHAM@prodigy.net
Fanfic writer? (Y/N): no
Comments: Love it !!!

They just look so cute together.

Kim - 07/18/99 02:09:48
My URL:http://alanna.net/journeytox
My Email:JourneyToX@aol.com
Fanfic writer? (Y/N): Yep
Details as appropriate: Skinnercentric, het, as hot as I can make it
Comments: Oh yeah!

Two such controlled, disciplined people, two peopl who have shown such a great committment to Mulder and to the truth, two people with the same points of view and an equality of humanity - two people like Skinner and Scully - were meant to be lovers. Truly passionate lovers at that.

Sam Spade - 05/28/99 02:54:56

"http://www.the-fbi-files.com">FBI Files

- 03/28/99 10:27:06


10/15/98 06:57:13
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks

Cindy - 09/22/98 22:35:47
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 03:44:08
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

MLB - 06/26/98 18:44:08
My Email:mlb@ipass.net
Details as appropriate: all s/s stuff on SIS
Comments: Very nice. I like the pictures and *love* the S/S shippers drinking game.

Sculy and Skinner are two very restrained people. Both are "strong and silent" if you will. Scully has to assume too much of a caretaker persona with Mulder to have a sexual relationship with him. She needs someone she can relate to as an equal. Skinne needs someone who can understand his "silence equals strength" mentality and can give him the space he needs. He also needs someone strong enough to tear down his walls if necessary. Scully needs this as well. I think each could find rest and release n the other.

Red Valerian - 06/21/98 09:51:09
My URL:http://dspace.dial.pipex.com/town/parade/hg83/skinner.htm
My Email:hg83@dial.pipex.com
Details as appropriate: Webmistress of the Sisters-in-Smut Skinnerotica Archive - and when I have time, writer of NC17
Comments:You just can't have too much Skinner fanfic on the net. So thankyou for providing us with a site that looks like it's going to be a wonderful haven for the Skinner hungry!

As I said on my SIS biog page: Why Skinnerotica? That's a good question. I started off writing Mulder/Scully and I still sometimes dash off the odd MSR when I'm feeling mellow. But Lyrica's 'Sharp Focus' converted me to Skinnerotica. Once I read it, I was hooked. And after a while, I ried my hand at it too. Now if I want something dark and dangerous, I go for Skinner every time. But if I want amusing or tender stuff - out comes my MSR persona. But as for why Scully? Well - we've seen her lose so much. A father. A sister. A child. Even at times, her faith, her sanity and her health. And she has been given so very little in return. So very very little. Writing Skinner/Scully erotica is one way of letting her have *some* love and fulfillment at least. I guess it's my attempt to repay Scully for some of what she's lost. To give her, if only temporarily, a little happiness. And let's face it. Only a character as strong as Skinner could hope to break through the protective shell that Scully has built around herself. He's fire to her ice. Passion to her restraint. He's a force that will not be denied - at least not in the wo ld of fan fiction. And seeing Scully cave before his power is enough to make anyone swoon. That's my excuse for reading Skinner/Scully fiction. But if I'm honest, my reason for writing it is because it's such fun! Thanks for providing us with a platform to talk about it.

Deslea R. Judd - 06/20/98 13:06:20
My URL:http://homepages.tig.com.au/~drjudd
My Email:drjudd@catholic.org
Fanfic writer? (Y/N): Yes - also site owner
Details as appropriate: Someone I Trusted, Offspring
Comments: I'm thrilled to be hosting this site!

I guess my intro line on the main page says it all. For me, Scully reminds me a lot of me, both in strengths and in weaknesses. Skinner reminds me of my late partner - not so much what he was when he died (although it was there in embryonic form), but t e sort of man I think he would have grown into had he lived another ten years or so. In that sense this page is not only a tribute to Scully and Skinner, but also in a subtle way to Matthew, and the love we shared, as well. Matt has a memorial page should you wish to learn more about my very own special AD. I have set up nine pages on the web to date, and this would be the one I've enjoyed the most. I hope you do, too.

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