Hello all you catz, welcome to my home type place. Take off your shoe's and come on in!!

Please look around, and have lots of fun! Oh yeah I'd love it if you signed my guest book to.

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Hi I'm Myrstyn Thwyrster.
Myrstyn Thwyrster and the Cheesemophones!
I signed up on 06/16/98, and I'm still here! So come back soon and play with me...

My interests/hobbies/loves include:
Massage, Rock climbing, spelunking, kayak surfing, Extreme river swimming (i.e. swimming up and down rapids with only a mask and fins!), Yosemite (everything about it!), music, cooking, poetry, climbing trees, climbing anything in front of me, granite, the ocean, cats, most dogs to, long walks in the rain (preferably in a forest and naked!), party's, homebrew (my X housemates)oh no what am I going to do with ought good Beer???, Mountain biking, all my friend's kids, mom }:-) .

Well it's summertime and I'm love'n life, and the coolest thing is that I get to share my joy with everybody through this page!

Summertime Bliss

Mother May I

Here they are folk's, Sierra and Woopie a couple real cool cat's! who sadly, have moved away to greener backyard's...

Well this summer found me in quit a few beautiful places, this is one of the harder ones to get to!

hehehehehe Just bout how I feel on a sunny day!

this is my VW'b! (I'm the one on top!)hehehehe

This is a small WinZip file with my favorite quake2 skins, all Spiderman of course! hehehe! Download it and you will see (ME) in the game!!

Come back soon and visit me, and I promise to keep sharing my joy with you!

Links to some of my buddy's kewl sites on the Web

This is my X housemate Rob's homepage!!

My pal Homer's page of Awesome Half Life maps!!

This is the Quake2 WOD clan KYAG's home page!! Check em out!

This is a link to my now fave q2 mod... WOD!!

This is a link to my old fave q2 mod... CHAOS!!

My pal Ron's page of Awesome poetry and artwork and miscellaneous links for the mind.

If you like fractals, this is the site for you!

If you love homebrew like I do go check out this page!

You are house guest Thanks for visiting!

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