Prophecies Fulfilled and unfulfilled
* hardback page #s if no * it means it is paperback page #s
() are my additions for clarification for whom the reference is to or about, otherwise the quote is correct.
Some meanings are interpretations of what is yet to come others have already been revealed. They are all my interpritations in italics If I have missed any please e-mail me at stngtreky@hotmail.com. Please look over the list carefully. DON'T SEND ME REPEATS or Prophecies from other books. I will get to them eventually, but I know that I skip some prophecies sometimes. I sometimes get so caught up in the books (most of you should relate) that I forget to write down page numbers.
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The Eye of the World
Prophecy by Min Farshaw
“(About the group that left Emond’s Field) Sparks swirling all around you thousands of them, and a big shadow, darker than midnight. It’s strong...The sparks are trying to fill the shadow, and the shadow is trying to swallow the sparks. You are all tied together in something dangerous...” Chapter 15 Strangers and Friends pg. 215, 181*
- The theme of sparks that represent the fight against the shadow appears throughout the series. Also, as will appear later, only with Rand, Perrin, and Mat will the fight be won. The sparks hold there own when two are together and start winning when all three are together.
Prophecy by Min Farshaw
“Master Andra (Lan) has seven ruined towers around his head, and a babe in a cradle holding a sword...” Chapter 15 Strangers and Friends pg. 215, 181*
- It has been as much as stated that Lan is the Last Lord (king) of Makier, a land over taken by the blight. His was born to fight against the Dark One.
Prophecy by Min Farshaw
“The strongest images around the gleeman (Thom Merrilyn) are a man-not him-juggling fire, and the White Tower...” Chapter 15 Strangers and Friends pg. 216, 181*
- This could be a reference to his nephew who was a channeler and was gentled by Reds.
Prophecy by Min Farshaw
“The strongest things I see about the big, curly-haired fellow (Perrin Aybara) are a wolf,
and a broken crown, and trees flowering all around him.” Chapter 15 Strangers and Friends pg. 216, 181*
- As I have seen in other websites, Perrin can be look at as the Builder in the triptic(as apposed to Mat the Preserver and Rand the Destroyer). Trees flowering could be a reference to the fact that he will build a new life for his land. The wolf is obviously about his ability to talk with the wolves. The Broken crown has to do with Faile and her claim to the throne of Saldaea. She is the heir to the throne/the Broken crown if Tenobia dies.
Prophecy by Min Farshaw
“And the other one (Mat Cauthon) -a red eagle, and an eye on the balance scale, a dagger with a ruby, a horn, and a laughing face.” Chapter 15 Strangers and Friends pg. 216, 181*
-The red eagle could be a reference to Manetheren. The dagger is odviously the dagger from Shadar Logoth. The horn is the Horn of valere. An eye on the balance is has to do with giving up half the light to save it. He will have to sacrifice one of his eyes. The One doorway where he got his medal, spear, and memories, is about trading something for another thing. He might trade his eye for Moiraine.
Prophecy by Min Farshaw
“(Rand Al’Thor) A sword that isn’t a sword, a golden crown of laurel leaves, a beggar’s staff, you pouring water on sand, a bloody hand and a white-hot iron, three women standing over a funeral bier with you on it, black rock wet with blood... Most of all, I see lightening around you, some striking at you, some coming out you... You and I will meet again.” Chapter 15 Strangers and Friends pg. 216, 181-182*
- Callandor is the sword that isn’t. Crown of Illian is known as the crown of laurel leaves later renamed crown of swords. Pouring water on sand could be the lake that was once the mist of Rhuidean. Three women looking at a funeral bier: Three wives MIN, AVIENDHA, and ELAYNE. The lightening is the attention of Ishmael and his fights with forsaken. Rand will learn to channel. Min and Rand are practically married now.
Prophecy by Min Farshaw
“The sparks, Rand. She (Nynaeve al’Maera) met Mistress Alys coming in, and there were sparks, with just the two of them. Yesterday I couldn’t see the sparks without at least three or four of you together, but today it’s all sharper, and more furious.” Chapter 16 The Wisdom pg. 231, 194-195*
-Nynaeve is a major part in the fight to win Tarmon Gai’don
Prophecy by Elaida a’Roihan
“The Dark One stirs in Shayol Ghul. The Shadow lies across the pattern, and the future is balenced on a pin point. This one is dangerous. This I Foretell and swear under the Light that I can say no clearer. From this day Andor marches toward pain and division. The Shadow has yet to darken to its blackest, and I cannot see if te Light will come after. Where the world has wept one tear, it will weep thousands. This I Foretell. This, too I Foretell. Pain and division come to the whole world, and this man (Rand) stands at the heart of it.” The Web Tightens pg. 613-614, 514*
-The Shadow has over taken the world. It will get much worse before and if the Light returns. Andor will be divided and have much suffering like a loss of a Queen, nobles fighting amonst themselves for the throne, and the Dragon Reborn holding Caemlyn. Rand is ta’veren therefore stands at the center of the pattern causing things to weave around him. As Dragon Reborn he will cause much pain and suffering to save the world.
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