The technology used here by these foreign visitors is know in earth
as the Fields Theory, is necessary to remember that a field is defined
as energy stored in a space region , in the case of an electric field or
and magnetic field this one would be stored in a Electromagnetic Energy.
For example: in a condenser made of parallel boards the energy is stored
in the region of the space where the boards are separate. We can generalize
that in any place of the space where a field is present, an amount of energy
is stored in that region.
Remembering our courses of electromagnetism or physics we know,
when an electric field is varied respecting time, it generates a magnetic
field, and these store electromagnetic waveform energy and its direction
is given it with the Poynting vector that can travel through the space
transporting Energy from a point to another one at the speed of light.
These two fields (Electrical and Magnetic) are very bound to each
other and generate a third field: The gravitation field, this
field is in charge to store energy "Theoretically " in graviton form.
The electromagnetic field generates the gravitation field and the gravitation field generates the electromagnetic both are conected, to this new field the Theory denominates it the Tensor Unified field g (miu, viu); But, a gravitation field also stores energy in the surrounding space to its geometry, curve the space and the time (see it in the General Theory of the Relativity of Einstein or in a Gravitation courses ) here is where we introduce the phenomenon.
Summarizing we would have Three fields (Electrical, Magnetic and Gravitational) which store an important amount of energy contained in its space geometry and a fourth field would be the Space-Time field; Theoretically generated by the graviton flow. When the Electromagnetic field intensifies exponentially the space curve, what happens if an object is in the Geometry of Unified field g (miu viu), following our knowledge of Electromagnetism the energy will absorb the object, similar case happens when a Dielectric is placed in a parallel condenser, the energy is stored in the dielectric and this one is proportional to the constant of the molecular electric dipole of the object (As long as its not conductor), for example if we placed a sweet iron bar with a selenoide, the energy would be stored in the bar, and this one it is directly proportional to the constant of relative permeability of the conductive object, and on this case would be of 5000. Consequently we would have the gravitation field generated by the electromagnetic, would curve the space and the surrounding time to the object contained on its geometry.
What happens later?... it will be to go very far in the elplanation of the Fields Theory, Albert Einstein's theory would suggest that the mass is moved to different places including space and time. It is necessary to remember that in the Maxwell Equation's the fields are derivatives respecting the Time in their modality of partial Differential Equations. Then we would have to derive the " Space-Time" field respecting time, or the space if we fix the Time like a constant, to obtain in a modality of a Differential Equation, doing this we would be accepting the posibility of trips in Time or Space. At that moment when the fields begin the variation respecting time, the Space-Time occurs a variation which induces a displacement. This effect is similar when a black hole transports matter through its singularity by the Theoretical bridge known as the Einstein-Rosen bridge. The direction of the displacement is give by Plücker's line, and the scientific calculation to describe this phenomenon would be described by Tensorial Mechanics; in this moment we would find the theory of traveling to enormous distances in very short periods of time to be tue, this being the only form to exceed the light speed, without breaking our Physics laws, since this is an illusion effect.
I want to comment that the electromagnetic field is injurious for the
human health, from my personal opinion the field must be acting on the
external structure of the Spaceship. The only way to be able to obtain
this is catching the Energy of the Electric field on its structure
(with a dielectric) and the Magnetic Energy with a conductor (iron recomendation),
the technique of the design would have to include a quartz structure (dielectric
K=3) with internal iron filaments on its interior (K=5000) or any conductor
(K=1). This way we will be able to obtain the energy from the electromagnetic
field stored in the structure of the Spaceship leaving the interior
free from injurious effects caused by the field.
In order to make an interstellar trip we would need an electromagnetic
field with enormous magnitudes, impossible fromr our actual technology,
but we found that these foreign visitors use the earth's electromagnetic
field. We believe the mechanism includes the use of the borealis
aurora, to get the power to obtain the transportation at a short
moment of time and outside the terrestrial space.
It is very probable that the High Energy physics (Elementary Particles
Fenomenology) is the future instrument to obtain the sufficient energy
from atoms for our future ships, as well as to use the properties
of these subatomic particles to obtain different effects.
Gilberto Garza
Senior Engeenering
Translated by Allen Rivera