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The abdominable snowman, yeti or bigfoot is a giant creature believed to live deep in the Himalayan mountains.  The bigfoot legend  first official sighting occured in 1921, when a group of explorers found massive tracks in the snow that closely resembled human footprints.  Many expeditions have taken place and as yet none have found any evidence.
There is a great mystery that surrounds the whole bigfoot myth.  He might be our closest human brother.  Is the animal part human, part beast?  It is indeed true that some sightings are fakes, but the question remains is one of them real!!
The scientific evidence that Bigfoot exists is pretty slim.  But it seems unlikely that all the stories could all be false.
Whatever Bigfoot is or isn't still remains a mystery.  Every year there are hundreds of reported sightings.  But still we seem to be well off from the truth.  Is bigfoot a hoax, a mistaken identity, a unknown animal, a giant ape, or simply a wild man. IS BIG FOOT OUT THERE.  Take a  look at the pictures below and tell me what you think    

Statue of Bigfoot in Calafornia  





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