A long assemblage of words

The Hun - 12/03/00 21:36:54
My URL:http://www.thehun.net
My Email:thehun@thehun.net
Your favorite RPG: neemo
Favorite site: www.thehun.net
Kendrish Deity: beebo rikishi
I think I love you.Do you love me?

Nick Sinister(RPG) - 04/08/00 19:54:55
My URL:http://???
My Email:nick_is_the_best_2000@yahoo.com
Your favorite RPG: FF series and stuff like that
Favorite site: um....this one....
Kendrish Deity: excuse me???? what the hell does that mean?
Like i'm just 14 and just wanna look around and "RPG" on the net.like how they do it on AOL(but i don't got it anymore) If u know an RPGing websight that RPGs, please e-mail me!!!!!!!!!!

Russ Junkin - 08/20/99 04:23:54
My URL:/Area51/Dungeon/3011/
My Email:rjunkin@bluewin.de
Your favorite RPG: AD&D
Been Gaming for over 20 years and find sites like this very helpful. Keep up the good work

Joseph - 08/11/99 08:43:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/al2/ADND
My Email:RedWyrm85@aol.com
Your favorite RPG: AD&D 2nd Ed.
Favorite site: The AD&D Webring
This site rocks!!! If you like this site, come visit mine!!!

Mugshots - 07/23/99 22:10:26
My URL:http://members.dencity.com/mugshots
My Email:mugshotsmail@yahoo.com
Favorite site: Yours!
Hi We love your site. Come visit ours sometime!

Marco Caetano - 06/22/99 19:58:32
My Email:marcocaetano@hotmail.com
Your favorite RPG: AD&D
Favorite site: www.mrmethane.com
Kendrish Deity: TRUE NEUTRAL

Tarric ShadowWraith - 05/20/99 02:55:30
My Email:taswi@yahoo.com
Your favorite RPG: AD&D 2nd Edition
Im constantly looking for a game to join, What can I say I'm addicted you read this and want to game leave me an Email at TASWI@yahoo.com I look forward to masacring I mean meeting you.

Tarric ShadowWraith - 05/20/99 02:52:12
Your favorite RPG: AD&D 2nd Edition
Im constantly looking for a game to join, What can I say I'm addicted you read this and want to game leave me an Email at TASWI@yahoo.com I look forward to masacring I mean meeting you.

T'narg - 05/04/99 03:26:20
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca3/DungeonsandDrones/index.html
My Email:grantzebo@yahoo.com
Your favorite RPG: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons 1st edition
Favorite site: Silver dragon's
Kendrish Deity: Come again?
Lose the ads. Get some images. and you have a webpage

Sébastien Gauvreau - 04/09/99 13:35:20
My Email:buttman2000@rocketmail.com
Your favorite RPG: advanced dongeons and dragons
Favorite site: yoirs
It is cool . But how do i JOIN . thank you .

frank carini jr - 02/16/99 19:55:40
Your favorite RPG: advance dungeons and dragons
Favorite site: legends of the lance

Aurora - 01/30/99 20:41:15
My URL:http://www.elfwood.com/library/writers/neomi/neomi.html
My Email:dorland@hotmail.com
Your favorite RPG: AD&D
Favorite site: elfwood
Wonderful and extreamly useful site! Everything is so easily accessed and orginized smartly. I think you did a great job and your site is an amazing help to anyone exploring sites related to fantasy or RPG

- 01/13/99 02:55:48

Caleb - 12/09/98 18:28:25
My Email:hypointboy@aol.com
Your favorite RPG: L5r
Favorite site: wizards.com
Kendrish Deity: don't play but i'd like to.
Cool site. 'Member me, your cousin? I'd like to play this RPG and I'll send this site to my other uncle, a big RPG fan.

Raven - 11/09/98 01:22:45
My Email:The_raven_00@usa.net
Your favorite RPG: Rifts
Favorite site: www.chatropolis.com
like the site but how do i join the RPG Leage

Misconstrued Behemoth - 11/06/98 03:38:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Labyrinth/7082
My Email:msg@cgocable.net
Your favorite RPG: Wraith: The Oblivion/Tribe 8
Favorite site: Hamilton By Night (Not on here)
Kendrish Deity: Zargos, The Evil Demon Lord
Neat, your site almost encourages you to work at your web site. Though I don't think I want to enter mine quite yet. And don't take the above wrong, I still play and love AD&D, and have soon planned a site for it as well. Maybe if there was more places like this, less people would be inclined to simply leave the site on hiatus with a "Under Construction" sign hanging.

Snikle - 10/30/98 13:14:45
My URL:http://members.xoom.com/Snikle/index.html
My Email:snikle7@hotmail.com
Your favorite RPG: AD&D
Favorite site: uh, mine? ; )
Site looks great and is really useful for those of us developing our own, helps us to now what people like and don't [in comparison to what WE like and don't]. Submitted my site, hope you don't squash it! 8)

Lord Hannible - 10/26/98 14:18:43
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~kingofchaos/
My Email:kingofchaos@geocities.com
Your favorite RPG: AD&D
Favorite site: Mine of course....heh heh
Just stopping on by again....still excellent...wait till you see my site when I have my own server....im getting real tired of the free website hosters (GeoCities, Xoom, Tripod)......my site will soon be as big and as popular as the Mimir's site...heh heh heh

Lu Smith - 10/16/98 20:46:40
Favorite site: Donovan's web page
Kendrish Deity: $$$$$$$$
Looks great--I'm impressed, but I still don't understand the whole thing. Love, Granny

10/15/98 06:50:46
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks

Cindy - 09/22/98 22:22:12
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

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