You can't adopt them all yet, you will be able to very soon! All these pictures I drew myself, and please ask before putting them on your page.

Please be Patient, this page takes a while to load.
NOTE: Digimon X is something I made, and is not a type of Digimon being released by Bandai. However, the rest are the real thing, but Pokemon is part of Nintendo of America. And, in case you didn't notice, all you SimCity 2000 fans should know that the Digimon I made in Digimon X, Eyemon, is actually the monster in SimCity 2000!


To Adopt your own Digimon, E-mail me:
1. What you would like to call your 'Mon.
2.Which Rookie you want. (rookies are not displayed on page)
3. The Champion you want (you can also tell me if you want a random Digimon so that I pick it)
4. If you want an Ultimate and which one.
As soon as possible I will e-mail you giving you the pic of your 'Mon, etc.
You start off with $35.00
The training sets are at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: You have to raise your digimon from the egg. To get an Ultimate, you have to have a champion trained 100%. Every day your digimon goes through training (if you have a training set), and becomes ??% stronger (depending on the training set you have), until he gets completely full.

To get enough money to buy a better Training Set, you must fight other 'Mons and win. You win $25.00 for every fight, and if you win a Tournament, you win $30.00 each fight, and $100.00 and a trophy! If you have a trophy, you can keep training XX% past 100% until you eventually get to 1000%. Fill in 100% more if you have a Gold Trophy 50% more if you have a Silver Trophy 25% more if you have a Bronze Trophy

Here are the Digimon that I have up for Adoption!

Digimon 1
Digimon 2
Digimon 3
Digimon 4 (Coming Soon)
Digimon X
The first 15 Pokemon
Training Sets

© 1997 sasuke64@hotmail.com

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