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Last updated April 22, 2002

Apart from Freddie M.'s quotes, this page houses a number of Queen-related articles and interviews, as well as an embryo of a humor page.
DJAnnie's Freddie Mercury/Queen Page
Hello, darling!

(quotes, interviews, and memorable bits of...wisdom)

"I won't be a rock n' roll star. I will be a legend."

This is a collection of quotes made at sometime by Freddie Mercury. But before letting you go slightly mad in the field of 1001 yellow daffodils, I have to clarify one thing. All of those quotes, anecdotes and interviews have been lifted off other web-pages or books. None of the errors, misinterpretations, etc. are mine, and none of the quotes comes from my memory or anysource that unreliable. Enjoy:

"I am as gay as a daffodil, dear."

Freddie must've enjoyed a bit of Wordsworth in his days.

My drawings:

This is my first shot at Freddie (wait, that didn't come out right...)
Sir Curly with the red Special
Sir Curly enlightened (fooling around with contrast)
Deacy in blue :)

My page has encountered info-overflow, so all the quotes were moved - check the link.

VOTE for your favourite Queen song in the "Song Of The Millenium" contest at

Freddie's Last Interview

"You're the last person I'm talking to, so you'll probably get the best interview, darling.
I don't want to change the world.
For me, happiness is the most important thing and if I'm happy then it shows in my work. In the end, all the mistakes and all the excuses are down to me. I like to feel that I'm just being my honest self and as far as I'm concerned I just want to pack in as much of life and fun, having a good time as much as I can within in the years I have. Well there you are, you have it on tape. Use it. Well that's then nearest I've come to a lot of passion in terms of interviews. How much more have you got? Come on, I'm getting bored."





Queenies' Offspring

(Andrew Young did a good job of listing them, so I'll refer you to him :)

Queen Kidography, by Andy

I can only add that another Freddie's cat was named, supposedly, Roger .

And oh yeah: does it seem strange to anybody else that out of seventeen people, all four Queenies' birthdays are in line?..

NEW: Come listen to a touching tribute to Freddie at

Comments? Questions? Objections? Protests? Suggestions? Threats?
(e-mail has been scrambled as a tentative precaution against spam address harvesters;
to use successfully, omit all z's from the address)

Some links to my favorite Queen pages:
Jayme's Place - to whom I owe much of my Killer Quotes award! Thanks man!!
Desperately Wanted - ALIVE! - lots of Freddie.
Queen Heaven - a must for any fan.
Royal Visions of Queen - personal encounters with the band, and even a few pictures - link fixed (itself :)!
Andy's Queen Page - take a weekend off and browse.
Queen Internet Zone
The Incomparable Freddie Mercury Tribute Page - a place to leave a note to Freddie.
Dedicated to Freddie's Felines - *purrr*...
NEW: Magic Mike's Queen Page

Do you have something to say? Comments on Freddie's cats, Brian's hairstyle, "Roger's really cute..." ;-)
Read my Guestbook!

My (practically empty) Humor Page

Comments to my readers:

Senior year is coming... mamaaa, oo-oooo-oooh...

Since December 26th, 1998, this page has been hit (in the face) times.

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