Nov. 29 1998- Now in association with Amazon.com! Get Calvin and Hobbes books
at incredibly low prices! I am also changing the music. Keep coming!
Nov. 19 1998- Finally! I got the contest page up! It should be
interesting to see some stories about "the noodle incident." keep coming!
Oct. 24 1998- I got a sales page running. Working on a contest page.
I'm going to change some other things around, so keep watch!
Oct. 10 1998- I'm going to need some feedback from my visitors on
what I should add. Choices are:
1.) a Biography on me
2.) A section where you can buy Calvin and Hobbes books
Oct. 8 1998- working on a table of contents for my pages. Most of them have one. The "favorites"
section is to cluttered. Have to get that fixed.
Sept. 28 1998- hmmmm.... not getting as many visitors as hoped.
Probably need to register to about 40 more search engines.
people have visted this site since
September 4th 1998
All this stuff is Copyrighted to Uexpress. Plz don't sue me or anything for copyright infringement or anything.
My website is open to suggestions. Mail me at perenolde@cyberdude.com
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