"The mandate I've been handed by Marvel is, "John, you're God now.'"

--John Byrne speaking to Wizard about his upcoming Spider-Man restart

On the "advantages" he has over Stan Lee and Steve Ditko--

"I know what's going to be in issue #10, issue #100 and issue #300.  All those early Marvel stories were very chop-chop-chop, because they were making it up as they went along. I'm able to actually give a sense of cohesion."

On re-inventing the spider--

"We're mixing some stuff together. For example, the Chameleon is working for Doctor Doom, instead of the evil Commies--because there are no evil Commies now. It's mostly stuff like that, where even the people who are the most anally retentive should be able to read it and not be too outraged."