
"With great power comes great responsibility" --Uncle Ben Parker

"Meet Peter Parker, once a brilliant, though meek, high school student, orphaned as a child and reared by his doting Uncle Ben and Aunt May. At a science fair, Peter was bitten by an irradiated spider and gained the proportionate strength, speed, agility and early warning 'spider-sense' of that arachnid. He used these powers for personal fame and fortune as a masked Spider-Man. But when Peter failed to stop a criminal who later killed his beloved Uncle Ben, the youth's costumed identity took on a far deeper significance. He realized that with great power there must also come great responsibility. So Peter Parker became the wall-crawling nemesis of the criminal element, a young man determined to atone for the tragic death of his uncle." (taken from a recent issue of The Amazing Spider-Man, Marvel Comics)

Spider-Man was created by Stan Lee and first appeared in Amazing Fantasy #15 in 1962.

This page is intended to serve as an information resource, providing summaries of each issue of Amazing Spider-Man including storylines, images, and appearances. Visit The List to see more info.

Site by: raxton@geocities.com.

    Where do these icons lead?

The PumpkinBomb links to a list of Badfolks (or, more kindly, folks who do bad things). Peter Parker links to a list of Goodfolks. Amazing links to The List which catalogs the first 100 issues of the title, before it became, as the Germans would say, aufgestinkenzie. Click the "Amazing" icon below. Spidey's head links to a Java-enhanced page. John Byrne's idiotic head links to John Byrne's idiotic words about his idiotic stint on the Spidey titles.

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