The Stories

Part 1

The Crater of the Wind

Ben Cain, Jedi Knight knew he was in love. He had known that this day would come for a very long time.

The vision had come many years ago, and it had stayed with him until this day, when he had arrived at the Crater of the Wind.

It was immense, and staggering to imagine all the power and force that was put into the making of this single anomaly.
But more than the Crater, was his companion. a woman so dear to him, so good in every respect, that Cain could do nothing but follow her, and give his entire being to her.

And she accepted his love, and returned it in kind.

To Ben Cain, it was more than the treasures of the universe.

But there was a fire burning, and obstacles to overcome before Cain and the wonderous Queen Aramat could live in harmony.

There was the shadow figure known as Dar J'Brett, a man driven by his need to succeed, and care for those in his own sphere of influence. He too need to be with the beautiful Queen, but he had many miles to travel before he could rest in her arms.

Ben Cain had know Dar J'Brett in another time, a more violent time, but they has grown apart, Cain, not wanting to be like J'Brett, and J"Brett wanting only to be Cain, but knowing that was not to be.

"I don't ever want to leave this place" Cain said in a hushed tone.

"You know we must leave, we have many things to do in life." Cain understood, if not wanting to believe that, but he was a practical man, as was the Queen.

"This place holds meaning for me. Like a memory of love renewed, and the spirit unleashed."

Aramat turned and looked to Cain, saying words to him through her eyes, not speaking, but telling her love for him.
Cain knew he was never going to be the same, his love grew, and the wind began to grow, she held him tighter, and he was never a happier man. He held his queen very long, and the storm of wind passed across the desert world, and could not disrupt the feelings of love at that moment.

"Will you be with me always?" the Queen asked.

"Until the sands of time have blown the oceans dry, and all the stars have fallen, I will be with you."

The couple turned, and walked towards the waiting vehicle, as drove into the future, knowing fortune had smiled.

Part 2

The Malestrom

He was a dark man, but the darkness lay inside of him.

And yet, his lifes work was to make those around him happy, although the joy he knew was waiting was many miles away.

He stood alone here on this violent world known as The Malestrom. It was a stormy world with only a few outcroppings of desolate rocks to call land.

It was a water world, but the storms raged all around, most of the time. There was life here, in the tossing sea that made up the better part of this forsaken world. Large creatures reared there head in anger from time to time, some of them larger than the crag on which the fool stood.

This parcel of stone was perhaps the largest mass of land on the planet, about three kilometers wide, and a few across, but nothing lived here.

The fool came here to think. His sturdy ship had made landfall easily, for Neb took few chances with his gear, making sure the best was at hand.

But now the ugly ogre thought about a love, near to him, yes so far away. A beauty, wise and so very sweet, always kind to Neb and the fool was with her whenever possible.

Neb was not old, but he had seen many hard things in his days, and this aged him more than most. The light way he held close to him, and shown to many, was harder to show these days, he longed to be with his queen forever, but not knowing the path to take.

Then there was Cain, a good man, devoted to the Queen, her champion. Neb knew he could be like Cain, given the chance, but the fool was also a realist, he knew his ugliness could not draw her from the valiant Cain.

He had spoken to Cain on occasion, and could tell that the love he held for the queen was true, strong, and he would give all he knew to make sure the Queen was safe.

It made the fool happy to know that she was loved by this man.

But the storms raged around him, as he sat pondering. This world was so much like himself, in conflict and awash from outside forces, a world few dared get close to, even fewer cherish.

"What is this, foolish one? Again, sitting alone?"

A voice he knew. It was the Ghost of the Jedi.

"Greetings, old one. Your presence is welcome."

"Ha! Old am I? My days have yet to begin, fool."

Neb laughed. This one always made him feel good, he enjoyed the Ghost.

"It is good to see you, old freind. But why have you come, why here, why now?"

"There are things you must do." the Ghost said in a serious tone."The time is now."

"What do you mean?"

"The child is ready to take her place of destiny."

Long lost memories flooded Nebs mind, and now he realized that the most imoprtant thing he would ever do, was now approaching.

"What must I do, Master?"

"Go to her, watch her, be wary of what she says and does. men will come, and a confrontation, there will be."

"And what of me? What shall I do?"

"You will know, fool. You will know."

Neb thought for a moment.

""Tell me master, where must I go?"

"She waits for you now, on Cathedral."

"Is she in danger?"

"The entire galaxy is in danger. That is why you must go."

And the Ghost was gone.

As was the fool, a moment later, leaving the storms of The Malestrom to continue unabated.

Until he return.

If he returned, the fool thought.

And he was gone.

* * * * * * *

Not far from the Malestrom, was a dry , hot world, a trading world, in contrast to the bleakness of the Malestrom.

Candalor was a bustling hive of activity. Just like a hundred worlds in this sector, Candalor dealt with goods, and the buying, selling, and trading of such goods.

In every city, was a certain place, where people tended to gather, taverns, bars, brothels, commerce centers, and such.

On Candalor, the place for simple people to avoid was called The Rats Nest.

Because, simply, it was. The worst men , and some woman who dealt on the fringe of legality, came here for business, and often for relaxation, and some for both.

In a small corner of this hot, dusty tavern, sat a dark man, watching the woman intently. she had been playing the card game for about an hour, and didn't seem to be slowing down. She continued to rake in her winnings, and had disposed of several players, until there was only one remaining.

The dark man watched as the cards were dealt, waiting for the woman to make her bid.Her opponent, while not stupid, was very on edge. He had seen the dismantling of his cohorts, in what he thought would be an easy mark, but not this one. She smiled and laughed throughout the game, setting the men into a false sense of security.

The opponent went through the motions of playing, but he knew he was beaten before he laid his hand out.

Wicca Olve, again collected her winning.

"Thanks, my freind. It was a pleasure." She rose to her full height, slim, but muscled. She looked as if she worked in the mines, but not this one. She carried herself with assurance, and strode to the back of the room.

As she moved past the main bar, a hand caught her arm. "That was pretty impressive, little lady."

Wicca turned to face the man, pulled her arm away, and looked him over.Another dust cropper, just looking for trouble.By the size of him, he did well, but now, drunk, and feisty, he may be more dangerous than usual.

"I suggest, freind, you contain yourself, and not open that jar."

The farmer looked around, not seeing a jar, he looked quizicaly to the woman.

"What jar? I don't see no jar." He laughed, and once again reached for Wicca Olve.

As his hand came to her, she stepped inside of his reach, grabbed the arm, and pulled down. With a snap, everyone in the place knew the arm was now useless,broken, but Wicca turned, lashed out with her foot to his knee, sending him to the floor.

Dazed, his arm in agony, he stared at the woman standing there.

"What jar?"

"The jar of kick ass I told you not to open."

The bar broke out in laughter, as the man turned red, angry now, arm all but forgotten, leapt to his feet, and started towards the woman.

As he neared her, he heard a growl, and stopped.

Looking down, he saw the large hound, black, and mean, and obviously with the woman.

Raising his good hand, he back away, slinking to the door, to find medical attention.

She smiled, and stroked the dogs head.

"Good job, Beau. I knew you would back me up."

The patrons had returned to whatever they had left in favor of the short sparring.

Wicca Olve looked around the room.

There he was, in the back, dark, looking angry like he always did, but nonetheless here, waiting as he always did.

She walked over to him.

"Hello, Dar. Long time."

"Hello, Wicca, I have missed you. That was a very nice display, hardly worthy of your talents." Dar J'Brett grinned to his old freind."And how are you, Beau?"

The dog climbed upto Dar, and licked his unshaven face hello, and Dar ruffled his short hair, please to see them both.

"Well, you know, some people are born to trouble."

"You mean the one armed guy, or yourself?"Dar smiled.

Wicca let out a short laugh.

"Always the same Dar. No matter how much time goes by, you seem not to change.What if I had really been in trouble there? Would you have helped out?"

"Wic, i have never seen you in real trouble, except for that time over on Malcittine....."

The hound began to settle under them small table, resting on Dars feet.

"Don't even go there , my freind. I've still got some moves even you haven't seen." She laughed, and the dark man joined in.

"I'm sure you have. But we have a journey to make, you and I. Many lives may depend on what we do, and when we do it."Dar took a very serious tone.

"Wicca, there is somehting happening, something dark and evil, and I need your help."

"What is it, Dar. You know you can count on me, but what is so important?"

"Maybe everything. And we may be too late already."

"Is this about Cain, again? We have chased him before, he is elusive and quick. I dont know if i'm up to that."

"Maybe, but this time , I know where he will be. Where they both will be."

"Both? You mean, her as well?"

"Yes, and this may be the last chance I have."

"Dar, please let it go, babe. There is so much out there, you obsess with her."

Dar grew agitated.

"Wicca, there is nothing more immportant to me than her. I cannot live , knowing he is with her."

Wicca Olve was silent.

"This is important to me, Wic."

"Will you destroy him?"

"I may have to."


"It may be the only way to save everything."

"What does that mean?"

"It means we go to Cathedral."

"Damn, and I just had my hair done."

They rose, and left,the dog Beau following, unnoticed by anyone.

Part 3


The dark , powerfull ship landed well away from Catherdrals spaceport. Dar J'Brett wanted to make a quiet entrance, not wanting to alarm the populace, or and security officails that may be around the city. It would be hard enough to get in, to get close to Cain.

"What will you do?" asked the now rested Wicca Olve.

"Awake, I see. Did you sleep well?"

"Well, some company would have been nice, but yes, i slept well" Dar didn't respond to her comment, but studied the controls, making sure everyhting was ready for his departure.

"I plan to enter the city, and find Cain. I feel as if im drawn here, for some reason, and it has to do with Cain."

"What is this really about, Dar?"

Dar looked sharply at her.

"Just what you know. and thats all you need to know."

Wicca Olve gathered her gear, and started to leave the ship.

"Well, i hope you find what you are looking for. I will be really upset if something bad happens to you, Dar. You are a good man, but you have your mind on the wrong things."

"And just what would that be, gambling and carousing my life away?"

Wicca stiffened, hurt but his comments.

"You might try to relax sometime, pal. This obsession of yours will be your end, I can tell. As for me, you know where you can find me, if you ever want to."

She walked briskly down the ramp, and headed toward the lights of Catherdal City.

Dar rose, and walked to the hatch.

"Wicca," he called out.

She stopped, not turning.

"I'm sorry for what I said. You are my freind, and always will be. It would do me a grave injury if you went away mad. I dont want that."

"I'm not mad Dar. I'll be mad when i find out you are dead for no reason."

And she walked into the night.

Dar walked down the ramp, and watched her go. He would be very upset if he had screwed things up with Wicca.

"It's best that she is gone."

In a heartbeat, Dar had drawn his blaster and was searching for the shape to go along with the voice he had heard.

None could be found.

"Who's there! Show yourself, or I start blasting!"

A rustle of wind, and a dark form appeared.

"The Force is with you, Dar J'Brett. I can feel it flowing through you."

"What do you want?" Dar peered closer into the dark. He could somewhat make out a form of a tall thin humanoid.

"I am here to help you, Jedi."

""How do I know you? And how do you know i even want help?"

"You and i seek the same thing, Jedi. The destruction of Ben Cain."

Dar thought for a bit, his blaster still pointeed at the shadow figure.

"What do you want?"

"Just that. Kill Ben Cain. If not, he will be the end of everything you know and love"

"I love nothing, and everything i care for i have right here."

"Everything?" the shadow began to laugh. "What about Amarat?"

Dar bristled, he was getting a little worried now.

"Who are you?"

"You may call me Obra. I am here to help you."

"I dont want any help from you."

"But you may need it. Ben Cain can defeat you, already has, if you dont consider me a freind."

"Most of my freinds are dead."

"Most of them were not me."

"So how do you help?"

"When the time comes, I will give you the power to defeat Ben Cain."

"And what do you get out of his death?"

The dark Obra hesitated.

"That is my concern."

"Well, why don't you do it yourself?"

Obra cackled evily.

"If it were that easy, I would not be here."

Dar turned away from the shadow, thinking about the spectre.

"And what if i refuse to take your help?"

The shadow had vanished, but the dark voice still remained.

"It is too late to refuse."

Dar looked into the night.

Maybe the dark Obra was right.

It was too late.

Ben Cain entered Cathedral City with his love, Queen Aramat, and the old fool Neb. He had no idea what he was doing here, just that his love had told him it was important.

But Cain was still curious.

They had made arraingements to stay at the finest lodgings in the city, and they were glorious lodings indeed. He would expect nothing less for the Queen.

Cain was relaxing in an anteroom, when Aramat enter, looking so very beautiful, and Cain knew he would always love this woman. "So what is the point of coming here?"

"Ben, you will have to trust me on this. I was told that we would be needed here, as for the reasons, I cannot explain right now, but you will find out, I promise. Just relax and enjot yourself."

"Well, its not like me to sit around, my love."

"I know, Ben" Aramat looked adgitated."But you are needed, to me , and for this task to be accomplished."

"But how will I know what to do?"

"It will be ok. I know things will be alright."

"Well, I believe you. I feel something here...something that I can't explain, like I am needed." Cain stood.

"I need to go out for a bit."

"Where will you go?" Aramat moved close to Cain.

He held her in his arms.

"I don't know. I will return soon, I promise."

Cain leaned close to her, and kissed her gently and passionatly. Then he left.

At the same time, Wicca Olve was entering Cathedral City through a darker section, not wanting to be noticed. The dog Beau followed her very closly.

Wicca was unsure whether it was a good idea to come here so late in the evening, but she had nothing else she could do. She would have prefered to stay with Dar, but he was becoming annoyed, she had see it before when he got in one of his moods. She only wished that she could ease his mind, or at least help him forget about things for a bit. But she knew Dar was not the type that could put his problems away for a while.

It was dark here, and very quiet. Beau let out a low growl, and Wicca stopped. She could sense something, something evil.

"It has been a long time, Wicca."

The voice came out of nowhere, but it was deep, and ominous. She tensed, ready to defend herself.

"Show yourself, coward."

The deep throaty laughter erupted from behind her, and she turned to face the thing that taunted her.

And she knew it as soon as she saw it.

Ir was an old evil, one she had not seen in many years.

"I know you. You were at Home."

"Your memory serves you well. Yes, I was there, but more than that. It was I that implemented the destruction of your precious Home. It was my plan that kiled your mother, and all those whom you lived and played with. It was me that took your sisters, and now, it is I that will finish the job of destroying your Order."

"Well, you'll need more than yourself this time. I have been planning on this a long time."

The shadow figure laughed again.

"Oh, poor Wicca. Do you think I would even degrade myself to even wasting my own energy on such a task? Look behind you."

Wicca Olve turned, and saw the men. But they were more than men. They were infused with the evil that was projected from this dark destroyer.

Suddenly, Beau, as if protecting Wicca, lunged at the shadow, fangs bared, seconds from sinking them deep into the thing that stood there, then just as suddenly, was flung though the air, like a hand brushing away lint from a jacket, and collapsed in a pile, unconsious, beathing harshly.

Wicca was now raging inside.

The men now circled her, their eyes dark, and and filled with the evil that was filling them. they formed a circle around her, and now she noticed the were all holding what looked like iron bars.

The first to come at her lifted the club, aiming directly for her head, but the tool never landed.

Wicca stepped up, inside the swing, and drove the palm ove her hand into the mans nose, shattering it, and driving the shards into the mans brain. He collasped, dead from a single blow.

The next man rushed Wicca Olve, swingin the club wildly.

Wicca fell to the ground, swung her leg out, and caught the man in the knee.

The man fell to the ground, as Wicca rose, her kneee now coming to connect with the mans chin, his head snapping back, and sprawling on the ground.

The next man was already upon her, his club slashing at her, taking the blow on the left arm, she winced in pain, then vaulted at the man, her head connecting with his solar plexus, driving him back, knocking the wind from him, both of them landing on the ground, she reversed herself, wrapping her arm arounfd his neck, and twisting.

She was rewarded with a satisfying crack, as the man slumped to the ground.

But the exertion was taking its toll, and before she could collect herself for the next attacker, she felt the club land on her skull, ringing throughout her weakened body. Wicca staggered, as another blow landed at her ribs, breaking several.

She tried to rise, only to be beaten by another club, and then it was all she could do to lay there, looking to the distance as the dark figure watched in amusment as the clubs rained down on her.

Her mind had left her body, not feeling the pain that was being inflicted on her.

Then the darkness enveloped her, the feeling of life ebbing from her.

Ben Cain had just enter the alley as the fight had begun. He had moved toward the action, as he watched the woman, try to fend of the attack. He watched as she dispatched the first, and second attackers. He could see she was in trouble, and he raced to her direction.

As he approched, he saw the young woman fall to the ground, the men beating her repeatedly, her body now prone and limp.

Cain drew hids lightsaber, and waded into the fray.

The attackers did not know what hit the.

Cain, now in full battle mode, slashed the first man, slicing though him with one stroke, then in a fluid motion striking the second man, both of them falling to the ground. The last man standing looked at Cain, and charged him, club raised high, and as he neared, Cain twirled, and the mans arm was severed as the lightsaber connected with its target, the club clattering to the ground.

But the attacker still came forward, his eyes black with rage.

Cain ducked, as the man passed over him, Cain throwing his shoulder intot he man, bringing him down.

Cain looked at the man, his eyes dead, but still alive.

Cain heard the laugh, dark and terrible coming from the man.

"You have beaten me, Cain. But I am not defeated."

"Who are you, what happened here. Why did you attack this woman? Talk!"

The man went limp under Cain.

Cain rose, and went to the woman who had fought so hard.

She shuddered once, opened her eyes, slowly.

"Stay still, I'll get help."

"Its too late, Dar"

Cain stopped.

"Dar, come here, please."

Cain knelt to her.

"My name is Ben. I need to get help."

"It is too late. I need you to help me.'

"I said I'd get help"

"No, I...I need you to kiss me."

"I don't understand."

"Just kiss me, and you will know what to do."

Cain bent low to the woman, and gently kissed her lips.He could feel her breath entering his lungs, as she pulled him close to him. Their bodies entwined, the kiss filled Cain with passion, he could not help but release the passion he felt. His arms wrapped around her broken body, holding her close as their souls locked for a moment, then they released.

"He is for you now. Take care of him."

"Who, what do you mean?"

She tried to lift he head, in the direction of the still dog.

"His name is Beau."

And she died.

Cain held her for another moment, then laid her down, still staring at the beautiful woman, who he could not save.

Cain rose, and walked over to the dog, staring at it, and he watched its eyes flutter awake. The dog got to its feet, shaky, and looked, seeing Wicca Olves body laying nearby. He walked over to the form, and looked at her, knowing she was gone. He lay down beside her, as if wanting to go with her.

Cain walked over to the dog, stroking its fur.

"It's ok boy. Your with me now."

Cain rose, looking at the bodies, and wondering what this was all about.

"I shall destroy you yet, Ben Cain."

The voice was in the air, all around him.

"Who are you, what do you want?"

"Just your life, Ben Cain."

"You did this?"

"And much more, fool. You will die soon."

And the voice was gone.

The feeling of evil was gone, and city security was on its way.He would stay behind and explain what he could.He looked at the dog.

"Maybe you can explain all this later, huh?"

The dog just looked at Cain, and they walked away, toward the oncoming authorities.

Not very far away, another figure watched, unseen by Cain.

The Ghost knew all that had transpired was for the better good of the galaxy. What he didn't know was if Cain was strong enough to save it himself. That is why he needed help from the most unlikly source.

He knew he must join forces of hated enemies to save all that exsisted.

And this was the catalyst to make it happen.

It was just a shame the woman had to die. But he would see her soon. she would be with the Ghost very soon.
