The Juicy Stuff


-Hey everyone, The Spqqky files have been updated with pics of BM Geckobot, Quickstrike, and Supreme Cheetor. Given the trend of things, I would expect to see these toys hit store shelves within a month.

-Hey everyone, The Spqqky files have been updated with pics of BM Blackarachnia, Thrust, and Mutant Beast Wars Poison Bite's Tech spec.

-Hi all, TransBot is a success! So far... I was planning on starting the actual newsletter when I reached 500 members, but I think 400+ will do :)

-The Spqqky files have been updated with a whole lot, there is a Dinobot Catalog scan up, so you can finally see who that mysterious Dino head belongs to... There is also a new catalog scan of the latest from the Fox Kids Transmetal Classic recolors including Waspinator and Airrazor, as well as a whole new line of BEAST WARS! That's right, the line is not dead after all, it's being redone as MUTANT Beast Wars.... I know... really dumb. But hey, we'll just have to see. Check them out!

-Still waiting for tech spec scans of the previous SPQQKY installments, keep posted... updates should be relatively regular :)


-HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Yes, a little belated.. but ah, life goes on :) BW Ultimo has had very few updates in recent times and will continue to do so while I work on TransBot and my LIFE :) In the meantime....

-The Spqqky files have been updated with the two new Dinobots from the Beast Machines line: Triceradon, and Dinotron. Both recolors of the Japanese line Guiledart, and Hardhead. Also, from Beast Machines itself, Obsidian(helicopter), and Longhorn(bull) formerly thought to be Rumble.

-It looks like we may be seeing a brand new Transformer movie in the near future. Plans are underway for a live action/CGI movie based on our favorite G1 characters. Still no word on a Beast Wars or Beast Machines movie... but chances... are good... that's all I can say for now :)


-The Spqqky Files have been updated with tech spec scans of the brand new Beast Machine toys, Mirage(formerly named Burnout), Scavenger(Destructicon), Buzzsaw(Mudobber). Expect to see card scans up soon. Since these have been spotted, I'm guessing they will be out for Christmas instead of Spring of 2000.

-I apologize for the delays in updates, I'm currently cast in the Montgomery College production of "Rumors" by Neil Simon. I'm playing the character Ken Gorman, it's a very funny play. Anyways, as soon as the show is over... updates will become more plentiful. It will end on sun nov. 21st. Much thanks! And in the meantime, check out the links page for other great Beast Wars Sites.


-Special thanks to everyone who took the Beast Warrior of the Month fanpoll. It means alot to me because now I realize how many people actually read it and enjoy it, so it will be going strong with this months installment. If you're wondering who won.. I can tell you that it was a DEAD TIE between Dinobot 2 and Depth Charge. So the choice is up to me, guess I'll flip a coin :)
-Currently I am in contact with one of the "Head Honchos" at the Hasbro production team. She's been very kind about answering questions, and showed a great interest in informing us TransFans. The most recent info I have from her is about the TM2 Prowl and Dinobot repaints. THEY ARE NOT EXCLUSIVES.. they are total re-decos of the original product and the older versions are no longer in production. The only reason the card packaging doesn't reflect these changes i.e.. .001, .002, is because they had a lot of the previous packaging left over so they have to use it up. WHY they re-did the colors is beyond me, and hopefully I'll get an answer about that too.
-For those who are curious.. those darned "Pop Up" ads are back on Geocities. I had originally put "Geoguides" on every page to avoid this.. but with the recent merge of Yahoo and Geocities, they came up with a different idea, so I will try and fix that problem as soon as I can.


-Thanks to everyone who voted in the Beast Wars Ultimo web poll.. You voted this page as "One of the Best". Expect another web poll to be up soon, I think it's time someone other than me chose the Beast Warrior of the Month so the next poll will be about that. Possibly going up later today or tommorrow.
-If anyone is interested I have put a set of the new Wal-Mart repaints of Prowl and Dinobot up for sale on e-bay. You can check it out by clicking HERE.


-Well, if the Fox Kids repaints weren't enough. Wal-Mart has 2 new "unofficial" Transmetal 2 exclusive repaints of TM2 Dinobot, and TM2 Prowl. They are actually pretty good, you can see pictures by clicking Here


-The re-launch of the Beast Wars Ultimo "Beast Machines" section has begun, and it is now open again. It has it's own news section, so I won't update this news area saying that there is new news in the Beast Machines area... it just makes sense. Look under the last updated part on the main page.. if it says Beast Machines under there, you can bet there's something new in that section. Check it out! You'll see what I mean :)

-I found all the "Fox Kids" recolors at the Toys R Us in Fairfax, Virginia. All I can say, is that I hope Hasbro fires whoever chose the colors for Rhinox and Waspinator. BLECH!!


-FINALLY! After a long down time, the new Beast Warrior of the Month is up! Also, I reformatted the whole page so download time is easier, and overall it looks cleaner. ENJOY!!

-Anybody interested in recolors?! Well guess what.. the SPQQKY files have just been updated with pictures of the BRAND NEW Fox Kids TRANSMETAL Cheetor and Tarantulas repaints. Check it out!

-Earlier news from 1998 has been archived with a link at the bottom of this page for faster news access.
Along with the news, this whole webpage will slowly be getting a facelift. If you have any suggestions, I would love to hear them. Thanx!

-From now on, you will be able to see what has been updated at Beast Wars Ultimo directly under "last updated" on the main page.. just makes things easier don't ya think? :)


-Finally! My home computer is set up! What does that mean? Well for starters, it means more frequent updates..I can't promise that immediately.. but it's forthcoming. Also, the re-launching of this site is underway.. some things will be reformatted, but mostly I'm going to try to get this site 100% updated. That will include new additions to the Beast Warrior of the Month, the picture archive, and the Beast Machines section.

-Iguanus and Jawbreaker have been found in large quantity at the Germantown Wal-Mart in Maryland... as well as Wal-Marts all over the country. Also found were Nightglider and Spittor at the same place. Initial shipments came and went, so if you weren't lucky enough to get yourself one. They should be back in stores very soon.


-If you're curious as to what the new Tigerhawk toy looks like.. a good friend of ours Primus X has recieved a copy of the toy and made very good pictures to tease and tantalize.. Click Here to go to Primus X's Tigerhawk page. He has also made a page dedicated to the Fox Kids recolors of Waspinator, Dinobot, Rhinox, and Cheetor. Follow the links to find those pictures.
By the way, if you're wondering how he got the toy.. just ask SPQQKY of our very own SPQQKY files.. it seems as though he sold the toy before he could even make a scan of it. But don't worry, the SPQQKY files aren't through yet :)

-Yes I know it's been a while between updates, alot has been going on in my personal life, involving a messed up computer and a bad case of Tonsilitis..(yuck!)
Anyways, alot has happened this month in Beast Wars. Botcon 99 was held last month in St. Paul Minnesota. The exclusives were Windrazor and Sandstorm... recolors of Silverbolt and Scorponok.
The first episode of Beast Machines called "The Reformatting" was also shown at Botcon, along with two prototype toys of Mega sized Cheetor and Tankorr.
There are 3 Fox Kids exclusive recolors scheduled for release around september or october of Rhinox, Dinobot, and Cheetor. I will put up more pictures as soon as I get them. These are not the only scheduled recolors, expect to hear about Tarantulas and Waspinator too.

-TM2 Megatron has begun to be spotted all over the country, mainly in the west... he's been spotted mostly at Wal-Marts, and a few Targets. He's selling at e-bay for ridiculous costs, and he comes 4 to a box. Remember, you can see lot's of pictures of TM2 Megatron in the SPQQKY files and the Lost Files on the main page. Megatron's other half, Tigerhawk is scheduled to be released later this month or next. Click Here to see a pic of Tigerhawk in his box.


-Hey everyone, I'm having trouble with my server AND my computer.. so updates are becoming a real hassle right now. I uploaded what I could into the SPQQKY files.. even though I could not edit the pics. That's what SPQQKY sent me. I'll try to write out some tech specs later. Thanks for all your patience, and happy hunting!


-Sorry for the belated upcoming edition of the SPQQKY files. Either later today or tomorrow, they will be updated with pictures of TM2 Scourge and Prowl. And very possibly, you could be seeing a new edition of the Beast Warrior of the Month... for that, we'll just have to see ;) In the meantime, those BW NEO are still for sale!


-Greetings everyone! I must apologize for the lack of updates this month. Every so often life does get in the way of internet progress. I have been heavily involved, working on my acting career. I haven't forgotten BW Ultimo, and I am aware of all that has been happening around the internet. Don't worry, updates are forthcoming. In the meantime, all of the Beast Wars Neo toys listed below are STILL for sale. It's the best price you'll ever find them for on the net.
Keep an eye out for Transmetal 2 Scourge and Prowl folks, they've been popping up all over the U.S. mainly in Toys R Us' and a few at Kay Bee. Happy hunting!


-HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BEAST WARS ULTIMO!!!!! This page has been open for one full year. Thank you very much for making this TransFan's web page a great success.


-BEAST WARS NEO HAS LANDED!!! I promised that I would be selling Japan's #1 transforming action figures at competitive prices, and I'm ready to go! All BW NEO toys are Mint in Sealed boxes, with normal light shelfwear. I have for sale one of each:
C-31 Stampy (Rabbit/Hare)
C-32 Break (Penguin)
C-33 Rockbuster(Crab)
C-34 Randy (Boar)
D-30 Saberback (Stegosaur)
D-31 Sling (Dimetrodon)
D-32 Dead End (Ammonite)
D-33 Hydrar (Pterodactyl)
D-34 Crazybolt (Iguana)
Buyer agrees to pre-pay the cost of item +shipping. Remember, because these items are in the United States, the shipping cost is very low. Whatever items do not sell, I will put up for bid on e-bay. For further information, and or to send me an offer on these cool new toys.. E-mail me!

News and Update Archive from 1999
News and Update Archive from 1998

Didn't your mother ever tell you it isn't nice to point?