The SPQQKY Files

Isn't this SPQQKY?

"Wow! Did you see that new picture of the Beast Wars toy on E-bay? It hasn't even been released yet!"
Does this sound familiar? It should. For many months, a mysterious user on the worlds biggest transformer trading group, E-bay.. has been showing us glimpses of new toys that won't be on the market for months, and selling them for ridiculous prices. Hey, when you're a collector.. you have no problem dishing out the green for the new toys. He goes by the name SPQQKY, and yes, ALL of his items are acquired legally. So it dawned on me, if this person is getting all these new items and selling them to Beast Wars fans.. I think it would only be fair if he would donate a scan of the box/card and the tech specs. Believe it or not, he had been trying to find a way to relieve the pressure of all the fans trying to get a scan from him through e-mail. And what a solution I had! Why not donate these scans to one of the best Beast Wars sites on the internet? So there you have it.. the story of how The SPQQKY files began. So remember.. this is the place to find your first glances of new toys and tech specs on the internet. ENJOY!

Sure seems SPQQKY to me.

Beast Machines: Nightscream
Card Scan Tech Spec

Dinobots: Magmatron
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Silverbolt
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Nightviper
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines Deployers: Rav
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines Deployers: Dillo
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Megatron
Box Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Blastcharge
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Sonic Attack Jet (Aero Drone)
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Skydive
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Quickstrike
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Geckobot
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Supreme Cheetor
Box Scan Back Box Scan

Mutant Beast Wars and Fox Kids Transmetal Classics: Catalog scan
Card Scan

Beast Machines: Blackarachnia
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Thrust
Card Scan Tech Spec

Mutant Beast Wars: Razor Claw
Card Scan Tech Spec

Mutant Beast Wars: Poison Bite
Card Scan Tech Spec

Dinobots: Catalog scan
Card Scan

Beast Machines: Longhorn
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Obsidian
Card Scan Tech Spec

Dinobots: Dinotron
Card Scan Tech Spec

Dinobots: Triceradon
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Optimus Primal
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Cheetor
Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Tankor
Card Scan Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Jetstorm
Card Scan Tech Spec
Function: Aero Drone General
Motto: "I am not bound by the law of the Land."
The appointed general of Megatron's aero-drones. Jetstorm is the hotshot lord of the skies over the enslaved planet of Cybertron. Quite a talker, tends to engage in tactics of verbal intimidation. Head strong attitude and less than modest personality often cause friction with the other generals - but impressive combat abilities speak for themselves. Outfitted with various types of energy blasters, and plasma bombs. Extremely swift, and maneuverable in vehicle mode. Rather flighty, Jetstorm never touches land - must convert into robot mode where he hovers over the ground.
Beast Machines: Buzzsaw
Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Scavenger
Tech Spec

Beast Machines: Mirage
Tech Spec

Fox Kids Transmetal Tarantulas (Recolor)
Card Scan

Fox Kids Transmetal Cheetor (Recolor)
Card Scan

Transmetal 2 Prowl
Card ScanTech Specs

Transmetal 2 Scourge
Card ScanTech Specs

Transmetal 2 Catalog #2

Transmetal 2 NightGlider
Card ScanTech SpecsInstructions
Function: Intelligence Operative
Motto: "Do not go gently into that Good Night."
Nightglider is the most skillful Maximal spy. A creature of the night, he operates best alone. Can virtually escape detection- emits an electromagnet cloaking field, is soundless in flight, disappears in subdued light or shadow. Electro-disruptor can cast illusions, altering his physical placement and appearance for up to 10 minutes. Devoted to the Maximal cause; despises Predacons. Wields serrated energon sword.
Transmetal 2 Megatron
Box Scan Tech Specs Back of the box Side of the box
Function: Predacon Commander
Motto: "What does not destroy me makes me strong... what attempts to destroy me shall be obliterated."
Megatron- supreme tyrant, evil genius, and commander of the predacons- combines brute strength, military cunning, ruthlessness and terror to achieve cruel methods of oppression. Fused with original Megatron's spark essence and thrown into a volcano, he rises into his most powerful and befitting incarnation yet: the dragon. Breathes pyro-beam torpedoes that give birth to flames burning 1000 times hotter than oil. Deploys wings in beast, ground speeder, and robot modes. Can fly up to 400 mph. Tail fires electro-static energy and captures enemies for later torture. Travels up to 250 mph as ground-speeder while retaining full combat capabilities. Now experiences difficuly controlling rage, leaves excessive wake of fire and devastation. Recognizes this weakness but believes new transmetal 2 form will empower him to defeat Optimal Optimus.
Transmetal 2 Catalog

Transmetal 2 Blackarachnia
Box Scan Tech Specs
Function: Saboteur
Motto: "I use deception for the purpose of good- I use it a lot."
Stealing Megatron's mysterious new technology, Blackarachnia -black rose of the Maximals- succeded in altering her Maximal Protoform into a powerful Transmetal 2 structure. Despite her Predacon pride, she detests Megatron and fights for now with the Maximals. The definitive femme fatale, she despises life's pleasentries. Fires strong venom pincers that operate as paralyzing claw, retrieving enemies from up to 100 meters. Electro disrupter housed in rear segment casts illusions altering her physical placement and appearance for up to 5 minutes. In robot mode she packs a deadly roundhouse kick. Gererally concerned with her own self-preservation, Blackarachnia will at times astound with heroism, but cannot be fully trusted.
Transmetal 2 Spittor
Card Scan Tech Specs Instructions
Function: Special Forces: Amphibious Warrior
Motto: "I'