Come and see what I like!!! Yeehaw
Below our my interests, hobbies, favorite people and things.
This is where all of you get to know  some of the things that make me tick. ;).
I'm a vampire, tattoo and piercing type of guy:) My ultimate  pleaure is to give pleasure to other's...That's not really true I love the intimacy shared between two  in  lovemaking but, it's more than that.  It's the holding, caressing and the shivers caused by a lover's touch.
Tattoos: Chinese(Japanese?) Symbols for Death on left bicep and the symbol for Angel behind right ear.  Also on left  bicep is a little design I drew up combining all of man's  motivations for the things they do, also the Roman numeral  XIII(13) is in the tattoo which is my lucky # and the numer of Death in Tarot which means change. Tribal skull at the base of my neck. Tribal design on right bicep w/   half a purple eyed girl's face. On the left side of  neck/shoulder is my vamp bites with the trickling blood  spelling lost. I have a tribal sun on my back purple and a tribal band on my arm. I have a stone angel type thing on my right forearm, 5 chinese symbols around my wrist(Heaven, Dragon, Soul, to be Different, to be Lost) and a stonework dragon on my lowerback.
Hair:Dark Red closeshaved.
Eyes:Hazel varies depending on mood and health(watch out when they're really green)
Weight:220 (I know that sounds bad but I'm loosing it) Got down to 190 didn't work for a year(on strike) gained some back)
Piercings:Tongue pierced. I have one other body piercing and that's all for the extra holes:P
Favorite Authors:Stephen King, Dean Koontz, John Saul, Neil Gaiman, Brian Lumley and Laurell K. Hamilton. Favorite type of book is horror.
Hobbies:Movies(and the collecting of), RPG Video Games, Weightlifting, CD's and the collecting of, Cruising the web and anything alternative. Weightlifting, jogging(I hate to run),  spending time with my son and future wife.
Movies:Scary Movie, Fight Club, Secret of Nimh, American Pie, Dead Man on Campus, Threesome, Doom generation, Chasing Amy, Nowhere, Totally F**ked Up, Devil's Advocate, Godzilla, Blade, Lost Boys, A Beautiful Thing, Matrix, Something About Mary, Searching For Bobby Fisher, Hideaway, The Incredibly True Story of Two Girls In Love, The Craft, Romeo and Juliet, and Hackers.
Television:Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Family Guy, South park, Simpson's, Drew Carrey, Dexter's Labratory, Cow and Chicken, and zat's about it.  Don't get a chance to watch much TV.
Actors/Actresses:Drew Barrymore, James Duvall, Keanu Reeves, Sly Stallone, Bruce Willis, Fairuza Balk, Christina Ricci, and Renee Witherspoon.
My religious Philosophy:The one true religion is the one you feel from your heart. Who needs a book or some guy in a robe to tell you how to live when your heart is the only thing which should be followed.
My Flaws:I get jealous easily, but I try and control it. At times I have trouble communicating anything but lust and that's not what I'm really all about. Slightly overweight.  I'm quiet and reserved till I drink a little. I'm also lacking ambition, for me a relatively simple life is a happy life.
My Merits: A good listener. Great self control, sort of negates the flaw of jealousy. I'm an optimist(weird but true). I give a great sensual backrub. I try my best to be honest. I know what I want from life. I'm not predjudice against people for anything physical, just against the ones who use it as an excuse for what they do. I'm friendly and easygoing. Disease free.. I'm in a relationship and we have a lil boy. We plan to get married this year sometime. Not sure when it will happen. heh:)
This is me:
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