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Final Fantasy
Nintendo/Computer Emulator Game
[7-08-2001 12:30 AM]

This game's biggest decision is selecting a party. After that, the rest falls into place. Although not my favorites, I have defeated the game with the following two parties:



Having at least one fighter helps immensely. The enemies attack the top person the most, so having a fighter soak up the hits saves a lot of heals. Blackbelts start miserably weak but improve greatly at level 10 when their barehanded attacks start to do more damage than using weapons. Eventually blackbelts/masters do more damage barehanded than a fighter/knight with the best weapon in the game. They are cheap combat machines. Infact, I beat Chaos, the final boss, with only two blackbelts because my Fighter/Knight and Black Wizard had been killed on the way up the tower.

I think white and black mages are way too weak. Its true their spells are powerful but the redmage still gets access to the most essential spells: FAST, EXIT, the CURE line, and the FIRE/LIT/ICE lines. Plus Redmages are adequate warriors.

I agree with my friend Scott that the best party is the following:


The fighter absorbs the damage, the two blackbelts dish the damage, and the redmage covers the group's spell needs. Not having to buy weapons or spells for the two blackbelts saves a ton of money that can be spent on the very expensive fighter and redmage.

The last bit of advice I want to leave you with involves leveling up. In each of the element based dungeons there are elementals that guard particular treasure chests. Every time you step in front of these particular treasure chests you fight an elemental. For example in the room just north of the entrance to the Earth Cave, an Earth Elemental guards the treasure chest. Although he can hit for 80, a group can take him out in one round and he yields high gold and experience. I leveled much faster off the Earth Elemental than the Hall of Giants. I recall a similar chest in the water dungeon that I used to level up off of water elementals.