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Playstation/Computer Game
[7-10-2001 02:50 PM]

I played this game on playstation first, before I owned a computer. I chose to play a warrior because the rogue and sorcerer were too physically weak for my taste.

The biggest frustration I had playing a warrior was the lack of a strong ranged attack. Toe-to-toe I could kill any monster, but I kept dying to archers and wizards that would shoot me, and then flee when I went after them while their friends shot me.

My first thought was to just level up some more, a strategy that worked in numerous roleplaying games. Unfortunately, in this game when you a clear a floor of a dungeon, the monsters don't come back. So I had to export my character and start the game new, giving me new monsters to kill for money and experience.

I don't really have much strategy on this game because I played it hack-and-slash style. I would go in with a belt full of heal potions, kill as many monsters as I could until I ran out of potions, and then town portal to restock on potions and sell treasure.