GOD - 10/15/00 16:12:54
My URL:/mandodragon_2000
My Email:hiredgoonthug@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: YES
Elder Scrolls fan?: YES
Hey buddy! I am updating my page like mad so check it out before I quit again! Well, I'm on my way out now to play Warhammer 6th Edition so BUH BYE UNIPAE!!!!!!
Dave - 08/08/99 17:42:52
My URL:/Area51/Stargate/7853
My Email:hiredgoonthug@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: Yep
Elder Scrolls fan?: Sure thing
Andy you suck! Stop telling me to update my page and update yours! I added a whole new section and all you did was change music and pictures around. YOU SUCK! Well, I'm going to add a character bio on my main guy, Rand al'Thor, and another new character I
made, Jaha the miner. Visit in a few days and check it out. I sould be editing my Warhammer section to put up the Fantasy rules or the new 40K rules instead of the old ones. And I'm going to update my UO page to delete old crap and add in some current eve
t stuff. I need to learn how to set frames so the music doesn't have to keep loading. Enough about me, check out my site!
Misfit Thug - 02/24/99 22:52:33
My Email:kamikazi13@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: yeah
Elder Scrolls fan?: yeah
I guess I'll start changing my page tomorrow. I'm going to start working on it again. This whole page is going to change and going to give more time to it. Can't change it now..I shouldn't even be on the computer now... and I definitely need a faster mode
. Everything loads soooo slooowwww...
I'm gonna have to agree about Wheeler on crack, but there's a whole cabinet in the classroom full of that kinda stuff, know what i mean.
Guardian Dai'Shan - 02/05/99 23:57:03
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ct/guardianofdragonfire/index.html
My Email:Amethyst104@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: Of Course, you would be a nobody if not.
Elder Scrolls fan?: What is this you speak of?
Ha! Ha! Ha!
My web page sucks because i haven't had enough time, and I just started it, and I have no idea wtf html is all about. But ye old Dave's page is cool, and so is yours.
And no matter what, I STILL SAY WHEELER IS 0N CRACK!
Hired-goon Thug - 10/23/98 00:56:07
My URL:/Area51/Stargate/7853
My Email:hiredgoonthug@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: Yes.The Path of Daggers rules!
Elder Scrolls fan?: Sure,why not?
Bug,when you sign your gestbook it says TWOT and when you view it it says WOT.Fix it if you can or reset your guestbook.I'm not going to be able to be on for a while so no changes will go in affect on my page for a few days.Visit anyway.I'm also thinking
f addind a Dragon Ball page :).I still need a scanner but since you want The Path of Daggers so bad I will type(try to)the first chapter for you on my web page.The Prolouge is a little confusing so I'll leave it out.And it's too long!Well gotta go.BYE!
10/15/98 06:36:59
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Hired-goon Thug - 09/23/98 01:13:51
My URL:/Area51/Stargate/7853
My Email:hiredgoonthug@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: TWOT?I love Twots :)
Elder Scrolls fan?: Yes
Andy,you didn't fix thw twot thing.I got the music to work on my pages for you.ALL OF MY PAGES!I added a link to my guards page from my main page under News.VISIT!
Hired-goon Thug - 09/19/98 00:08:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/7853
My Email:hiredgoonthug@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: Yes
Elder Scrolls fan?: Yes
Andy,Fix that damn TWOT thing!Oh,I added a quizzlet to my page.Check it out.Make sure you don't close it because you may think it is a geocities tag. :)-Goon
Bug Thug - 09/06/98 17:04:59
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dungeon/4418/index.html
My Email:kamikazi13@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: of course
Elder Scrolls fan?: absolutely
Sorry, I don't sign my guestbook much. I stole your Fantasy Books idea;P I got some fonts you can download. You gotta give me that stuff that I have to scan for you...you know...for the battle reports. Anyway, my bro is gonna compose some music on his key
oard and turn it into a MIDI file for my site. It's gonna be cool. That's all I have to say.
Goon - 09/03/98 22:52:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/7853
My Email:hiredgoonthug@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: Um....ok
Elder Scrolls fan?: Maybe
Andy,I don't think you even look at your guestbook.Anyway,if you happen to see this message visit my Fantasy Book site.I changed it a bit.
Goon Thug - 08/29/98 21:34:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/7853
My Email:hiredgoonthug@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: I love twots
Elder Scrolls fan?: maybe
Andy I am so pissed.I am on UO and I spent 2 hours for nothing.I made a new charecter for a contest but now I can't find where it is being help.AHHHHHHHHHH!I could win a cd for the beta testing of the game expansion.GRRRRRR!I hate Origin.Don't get UO now.
t makes me mad.AHHHHHHHH!I'll kill them all!Anyway,this bites.I could have gotten my other charecter to be a Grand Master. -goon
Goon - 08/27/98 12:26:11
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/7853
My Email:hiredgoonthug@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: Yeah yeah
Elder Scrolls fan?: Whatever
I forgot to ask you before....Do the images in my rules section work?I hope so,they are my best ones.Anyway,Goodkind is a sick bastard.He has to many details in his sexcapades,I mean books.I guess we won't be playing WARHAMMER this summer.Once I can get p
ctures scanned though I will add a few battle reports.I'm working on adding one now.Me and John played 2 games so far and now we are going to play a Warhammer Fantasy game.:)Our 2 games were cool(I won both)One was a regular battle and the second was a La
t Stand.I got luckiy in Last Stand(I was in the middle)because my cousin couldn't kill anyone with Ghazkhuul.It was sooo cool.I'll give you details later as this comment is like a chapter....in the life that is mine!
Hired-goon Thug - 08/27/98 12:19:51
My URL:http://www.geocties.com/Area51/Stargate/7853
My Email:hiredgoonthug@hotmail.com
WOT reader?: Twot?Is this a sick joke?TWOT.....I read them all the time
Elder Scrolls fan?: How old can they be?
Andy,Borzz's page won't work for me :(.Tell him he smells bad for me.Anyway,you have to fix that TWOT reader thing.It sould just be WOT so it won't sound perverted.Okay...I'm reading 2 books right now,Temple of The Winds and Fellowship of the Ring,EMAIL M