~The Dragonlance Saga~

~The Chronicles~
Dragons of Autumn Twilight
Dragons of Winter Night
Dragons of Spring Dawning
Dragons of Summer Flame
*Collector's Edition*
*The Chronicles Audio Books*

Time of the Twins
War of the Twins
Test of the Twins
*Collector's Edition*
*Legends Audio Books*

~Tales I~
The Magic of Krynn
Kender, Gully Dwarves and Gnomes
Love and War
*Collector's Edition*

~Tales II~
The Reign of Istar
The Cataclysm
The War of the Lance

The Legend of Huma
Weasel's Luck

~Heroes II~
Kaz, The Minotaur
The Gates of Thorbadin
Galen Beknighted

Darkness and Light
Brothers Majere

~Preludes II~
Riverwind, The Plainsman
Flint, The King
Tanis, The Shadow Years

Before the Mask
The Black Wing
Emperor of Ansalon
Hedrick the Theocrat
Lord Toede
The Dark Queen

~Defenders of Magic~
Night of the Eye
The Medusa Plague
The Seventh Sentinel

~The Dwarven Nations~
Covenant of the Forge
Hammer and the Axe
The Swordsheath Scroll

~The Elven Nations~
First Born
The Kingslayer Wars
The Qualinesti

~The Meetings Sextet~
Kindred Spirits
Dark Heart
The Oath and the Measure
Steel and Stone
The Companions

~Lost Histories~
The Kagonesti
The Irda
The Dargonesti
Land of the Minotaurs
The Gully Dwarves
The Dragons

~The Warriors~
Knights of the Crown
Maquesta Kar-Thon
Knights of the Sword
Theros Ironfield
Knights of the Rose
Lord Soth
The Wayward Knights

Dragons of Krynn
Dragons at War
Dragons of Chaos
Relics and Omens

~Fifth Age~
Second Generation
The Dawning of a New Age
The Day of the Tempest
The Eve of the Maelstrom

~Lost Legends~
Vinas Solmanus
Fistandantilus Reborn
Tales of Uncle Trapspringer

~The Chaos War~
Doom Brigade
The Last Thane
Tears of the Night Sky
*Doom Brigade Audio Book*

~Murder Mysteries~
Murder in Tarsis
Murder in the Tower of High Sorcery

~Bridges of Time~
Spirit of the Wind
Legacy of Steel

The History of Dragonlance
Leaves from the Inn of the Last Home
The Atlas of Dragonlance
The Art of Dragonlance

Dragonlance: The Legend Becomes Reality
*Dragonlance Comics*

~Dragonlance in Other Worlds~
*Beyond the Moons (Spelljammer)*
*Knights of the Black Rose (Ravenloft)*
*Vampire of the Mist (Ravenloft)*
*Tales of Ravenloft*
*Dragon Wand of Krynn*

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