Behold, a dream did come to me in the night and the lord did show all this to me. In the dream the lord did come to me he was a shape, it was He Who Walks Behind the Rows, and I did fall on my knees in terror, and hide my eyes that the fearfullness of his face strike me dead, and he told me all that has since happened he said, Joseph has taken his things and fled this happy place because the worship of me is no longer upon him, so take you his life and spill his blood. I brought you upon this earth, but let not the flesh pollute the corn, cast him instead upon the rows
FROM 666
All men shall die for their sins
Go now, before you corrupt my innocent children
I'm your true belong with me
Better you were never born, then to have dissapointed me so
Her betrayel was unforseen, but she shall be punished. Tonight, she will watch her daughter foster a new generation of the chosen
I have faith
We are the sowers of seeds, the workers of he. Pray for your tainted soul to your fake god. There is no escape you'll be dead eventually. Surrender to he now, or your fate will be so terrible you would not want to speak of it. Your pain, your surffering, of your slow and vengeful death.
Why do you ask....? Why? Why do we kill the ones that have birthed us and cared for us? I will tell you why, for it is not us that have done what we forbid, It is not us who everyday poison the earth and its youth with their tainted society. They brought it opon themselves and now he picks out us, the ears and the eyes of the world. The ears of corn that will thrive into a field. Now we will hold ourselves high and strike down the infidel. It is time there is work to do before he commeth.
You do not want to destroy those who defy you because they are your parents? Then you do not see the truth! That is sad, for your pain will be greater then all those we sacrifice, so horrible even I cannot describe the sadness and pain you will feel as you slowly die.
Why did you have to do it papa? Why did you have to hurt my brother? Family is important papa.
Looking for this.
You've done well. Because of you our crops will prosper, it is time for you to rest.
Don't I get a kiss?
I offer this, to He Who Walks Behind the Rows.
She was calling for the road...but she's come in now
I hope she can swim.
What do you want here outsider?
And what is your purpose?
Come with us my beautiful child.
You have challenged my authority, and commited heracy against it, this kind of insabordanation will not be tolerated. Now, your soul purpose, will be to scare away the birds, and other trespassers, that violate our cornfields.
Put him in the cornfields, be sure to cut his throat, so his screams can't be heard.
You must leave now.
We all have a few skeletons in the closet Allison. Fortunately, I was able to put mine to good our leader!
© 1997