New COTC movie?! I have come to know from a reliable source that we may expect to see yet another Children of the Corn movie surfacing in the horizon. Let's hope so, since Isaac's Return left a pretty good ending for another movie. I don't know much yet, but I do hope to get more information on this as it progresses!
COTC Comic! Cool news to all COTC fans, check out this page, Witch Baby Devil Doll and get info on how to order a special comic issue, Kronikle Komic #6, which includes a parody of Children of the Corn, among other wicked things! Check it out. The #6 issue only costs $1.00 (USA) more info on shipping, handling or whatever can be reached at the site. So go while the getting's good!!!
Oct 19: As most of you probably now, Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return will be released to video in October! The basic plot is that Ike is waking up from a coma he dropped into after the events in COTC, 19 years later, an adult! It's gonna be interesting to see how he plans to change his leadership skills now that he's older! Cudos to John Franklin, the one true Isaac!
As well, for a special treat! COTC 6 will be released on DVD on the same date as the video!
And for all of you that want to own the DVD, pre-order it for only $17.99, at Any loyal fan should check this out! It's worth the money!!!
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