Well, now that you've decided to go, check out some of these other fine examples of Children of the Corn devotion, they are all worth the time!
Children of the Corn on the Web
Lot's of stuff here. A chat room, 666 info and some pics, as well as FAQ's and spoilers!
A truly great page. Loads of fanfic, info, and pics!
Another great page! Loads of stuff here. Messageboard, info, fan art, and more.
John Franklin's First UnOfficial Page
A page dedicated to the talented actor behind Isaac Chroner, with loads of multemidia, pics, and info!
A wicked page with up-to-date info on 666, and more info on all the movies, includes pics and more!
Quotes from all the movie series leaders and some pics!
A review page for the series, includes some pics from each movie.
A fan's tribute to the actor behind Eli Porter. Includes info and some great pics!
A great new site, check it out!
The Children of the Corn Empire
A cool site, go see!
A page dedicated to another great horror movie, Don Coscarelli's Phantasm!
An awesome horror movie database, packed with pics, info, and clips.
A site dedicated to a wonderful actor, and a kind gentleman!
© 1997 masterpuppet_13@hotmail.com