Directed by:
Kari Skogland

The newest addition to the hit movie series, Children of the Corn 666: Isaac's Return. John Franklin is back in the role of Isaac Chroner, He Who Walk's Behind the Rows first servant. Stacy Keach also takes on role of Dr. Michaels, who stayed behind from the first massacre (not mentioned in cotc 1)

The plot involves a girl named Hannah who comes to Gatlin to find her mother. On the way, she recieves strange visions, which are born of pain. Hannah has a run-in with Isaac on the way. As it turns out, Ike was in a coma the last 19 years, after He Who Walks Behind the Rows blew him off the ground when Malachai tied him to the cross. He's back and the terrror resumes its course, as Isaac get's back on track and continues the bloody harvest he started 19 years earlier. Hannah meanwhile, finds that her plans to find her mother are being intercepted by the towns inhabitants, who are bent on keeping Gatlin's dark history a secret. The result will be the most terrifying Children of the Corn movie yet!

SPOILER - Here's a longer plot, which totally gives the movie away! Don't read this unless you want the whole thing layed out for you!

Blockbuster Videos, COTC 666: Trailer


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