INTRODUCTION: We are writing this letter to you as a respected team in the competitive Gaming scene. We are Kreaturen Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Wolf: Enemy Territory, one of the only top teams left from these scene’s which has not already gone into a multi-gaming clan with major sponsors. We have a desire as a team, to play on a higher level, we wish to take our competitive natures to the edge, but with our current situation we cannot carry out these goals to there full extent. The past few months we have had many offers from mediocre clans, with small sponsors, that have not really suited our need to compete. Now we have decided to take it into our own hands, what we are searching for is a company that will give us that extra space we need to excel in our arena, and in return we would build you a brand name worthy of any major Multi-gaming team. We are a team that has had a lot of fun together through the months, but as time has gone by we have become increasingly competitive in nature, resulting in the fun being merged into the success that is now Kreaturen. Firstly, for those that don’t know much about the current gaming scene, I will do a small introduction. “Competitive gaming” as it is today is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. With over 300 000 gamers online playing at any one time, and 5 million gamers from all across the globe that are playing over 3 hours a day, it is perhaps one of the most untapped markets, more specifically in advertising and marketing areas. In terms of money, this year alone there was over 2 million American dollars given away as prize’s at the major events, including a massive 600 000 dollars in prize money for the up and coming event, Cyber X Games, in Las Vegas, in January. Already big names such as Intel, AMD, D-link, ATI, NVIDIA, and many more, have seen the potential in this market and are sponsoring such multi-gaming teams as 4-kings, Schroet Kommando, Gamepoint, and others. The key thing in gaming, is that for any person or team to perform at their maximum potential they need to have the top of the line hardware, so as not to hinder there performance due to stress on the computer, from the game. This is where the big money is, with gamers spending big bucks to stay up their in terms of performance; companies are building an empire off them. By sponsoring these clans, companies are building a brand name for themselves in the gaming scene, people see such teams winning, playing at their best, and they see that they are using Intel products or AMD for example; they instantly form a bond between winning and these specific companies. All gamers desire to be the best, it is in there competitive nature that gets them into gaming, thus all players will do anything to stay at their potential, they see these brands and they go out and buy them because of it. This is where your company comes in, by backing us as a multi-gaming team we will build you your own niche in this market, or even extend your current brand name. It will be Kreaturen and you in a partnership. Kreaturen RTCW has already proven better than such team as 4-Kings, sponsored by Intel, Gamepoint, sponsored by AMD, in the most recent Eurocup for RTCW. We would be considered top 4 in the world for both our ET and RTCW teams, and we have connections to some of the worlds top Counter Strike and Battlefield 1942 teams. All of these teams we are in contact with are very keen in joining us on this project, if we were to secure a deal with a major company such as you. We have a new website which is being professionally designed, and should be up by December 10th. It will be a community website for all the different sections of the team. News posters will be hired to keep it full of up-to-date information, with interviews, results, coverage, news on the sponsors, forum’s you name it, it will be there. Our goal is to increase awareness of online gaming in the mass media and eventually make Kreaturen into a successful e-business, with endorsement/sponsorship agreements, prize money, future membership to the website, and other such ideas to provide the very important revenue. We have already taken the first steps and are registering Kreaturen as a company, helping us to achieve our goal as a professional gaming organization. WHAT WE CAN OFFER YOU: • Two of the top teams from RTCW and ET. With access to some of the top teams from Counterstrike, WC3, BF1942, Fifa. We have spoken to the counterstrike team that came 4th at the World Cyber Games and also have had conversations with the wc3 team that came third at WCG, they are interested in joining provided that we can find the right backing. • A huge amount of help in building a brand image for your company in terms of the online gaming scene. • Good media connections, with a site admin of and a user admin. We also have the creator and owner of one of the biggest RTCW and enemy territory sites in Europe. • We are willing to follow, abide by any conditions sponsors may ask of us, including examples such as, gaming tag’s, gaming apparel, articles, any publicity events, or anything that is needed of us that is achievable and not ridiculous. • A professional site with an experienced coder and an awesome designer. Our main coder is RaZa who coded, and will soon be releasing version 2 in the style of, we have a dedicated web designer that will create the web design for us, Septik, who is also a site admin on, he created • If required a percentage of any prize money received. • Professional management, that does not cut corners when it comes to working for the project, we will provide all the support you need to build a brand name off of us. • We are willing to make sure there is coverage of all our games that we can publicize our name as much as possible and push the fact that we play because of the help we have received from you. • Stability. • Last, but not least, we are offering you a team that is dedicated, determined, and enthusiastic to succeed in the gaming world. As you can see by this email, we mean business. WHAT WE REQUIRE OFF YOU: • Our main goal is for our RTCW team to get to Las Vegas and compete in the Cyber X Games. This means money in terms of arrangements for travel and accommodation for 6 players, maybe one more. • Contracts • Provision for Servers, hardware, Travel, to future events, and whatever is needed in the future provided we satisfy your demands, and we publicize your company as much as we possibly can. • The professionalism we will require to succeed at a high level of competitive gaming. If we promise you something we will deliver and we would expect the same in return. • Stability RTCW: • Winner of bertcwl 1 • Runner up in ESo invite RTCW • 1st Place @ M˛ 6.0, FoM 5.0, FoM 5.1 (LANS) • Currently in the Eurocup Final, after beating 4kings intel in the quarter finals, and Gamepoint.AMD in the Semi-finals. • 3rd in squad3k cup • All reviews of the Euro cup states they are the most improved clan of this season, and have really started to shine as being one of the top 4 RTCW clans in the world. ENEMY TERRITORY: • Quarter finals 3 times in the • Second in the savage et cup • Not many competitions thus far for et. But we play the top teams, all the time, and win most of our games. We are definitely number 1 in Benelux, and top 5 in Europe. We play nearly every night. We have beaten teams such as mTw, Plan-b, OCRana, DSKy, Team Helix, and others, in friendly games but there haven’t been many big cups to play in so far. We will definitely be in next season Eurocup. Each one of our members has been selected to play for their country for Enemy Territory, 3 of our members run there respective countries teams. IN CONCLUSION: This letter is just our preliminary contact with you; we have plenty of more in-depth information for you that we would be happy to share. We can’t stress enough how much we are keen for this partnership to work. We understand that such projects take a lot of time and we are willing to work with you all the way, we also understand that you may not wish to provide all of our requirements, but are willing to provide us with parts of it. We assure you that however much you wish to provide we will be very grateful, we’ll still advertise and publicize your company to our full extent, as we will have places on our website, tags, shirts, etc, just for this. Even if you do not wish to provide anything, we are openly asking for feedback and constructive criticism on our proposal. We would like to know if and why we don’t appeal to you and what we could have done differently to draw your attention. We thank you for spending this time in reading this letter, and hope to hear from you soon. Yours Sincerely, Samuel Mathews On behalf of Kreaturen, User admin Undergradute at the University of Southampton, in BSc Management Sciences and Accounting.