This site contains strong language (dadgumit!), scenes of violence, insane ideas, alcoholic ducks,
vampire beta fish, breakfast cereal, naval lint, a hydrogen bomb, twelve lemmings,
at least one chorus line of Fabio impersonators doing the can-can, and other bad things.
If ya aren't into that sorta stuff, then go away!

The Gothic Banner Link ExchangeThe Gothic Banner Link Exchange
The Gothic Banner Link Exchange

Paramount Banner Network - http://pbn.to/
Paramount Banner Network

Esotericism Banner Ad : The banner exchange program aimed at targeting people really interested in ESOTERIC matters and bring them to your website.
Member of the Esotericism Banner Exchange


"Ricky Martin SUCKS"

Last Updated July 22nd

Hey people, as you know, I've put up with GeoCities crap for a long time. Thankfully, I've moved to a new location and merged my two sites. Please follow the link below to the new site! Thanks



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