Quality Diversions

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TITANIC: I loved it. In fact, I wore 1912 style clothing to go see it. There may be pictures of me dressed up on my Assorted Oddities page, if I figured out how to do it. And though I hated the fiancé and wished he would get thrown overboard and eaten by sharks, I must say that Billy Zane is far sexier than Leo DiCaprio, who still looks like he's 16. (Except the scenes where he's all dressed up.) And why can't men kiss ladies' hands anymore? That's such a terribly seductive way to say hello...

 THE CURE: My most favourite band ever, even more than David Bowie (sorry, undergroundlings, I know I've just committed the cardinal sin.) Shanna says it figures, since I'm so pessimistic about everything. (You should have heard her when she found out Edgar Allen Poe is one of my favorite writers.) Hey, what can I say? I once had an argument with a friend over who was more depressing, Robert Smith or Morissey, and I'm still adamant that no one can touch Smith. I think I like them so much because of the otherworldly quality the music has, I don't know. And let me not forget U2, who I also love but their old style is what I wanted to keep hearing from them, so I'm a bit disappointed lately.

TORI AMOS: We share the same name! Finally there's someone people can associate with me when they meet me who's infinitely cooler than Tori Spelling, which is what I usually get, and then I have to smack somebody. I love people who can play the piano - I can, but very badly, so it doesn't count. And I think her new album is great - I miss the piano or harpsichord by itself, but I like this industrial kind of thing she's got.

 Here be my gallant knights, brave and chivalrous are they and always willing to help a maiden in distress...which is lucky for me since I always seem to be getting myself into some kind of fix! Wearing the blue is Eldred, and in the red is Thigel.

What else do I do? I design clothing - I'm a little bit obsessed with the fashion industry. Real fashion, I mean, runway stuff - not like the Gap or someplace like that. I write, usually fantasy. I don't get to read much anymore now that I'm in college, but I love David Eddings, Piers Anthony: , Robert Jordan
: , Anne McCaffrey, Anne Rice: (anybody see a pattern emerging here?) I love Star Wars: , old Star Trek: (also Next Generation), (Why don't I just say anything Fantasy or Sci-fi, and have done with it?) Calligraphy (I even snagged a class in it last semester, so I was pretty proud of myself). Other Music: among countless others, Smashing Pumpkins: , Hum: , Loreena McKennitt: , Sarah McLachlan: (her first few albums were better than the latest), Cat Stevens: , Jefferson Airplane: , Melanie: (yeah, I know, you never heard of her. Nobody has. She was really popular about 30 years ago, she even sang at Woodstock - that would be the important one, in '69.) I play the guitar (attempt to play would be a more appropriate description, I suppose.) Favorite Movies not yet mentioned include: Swing Kids, which is an extremely accurate protrayal of resistance to Nazi domination during World War 2 (and has a great soundtrack). I loved The Piano: , it was fabulously dark and disturbed as well as quite realistic. I just about died over Devil's Advocate: , but then I have this thing for Al Pacino (God, he made such a perfect Devil) about as bad as I do for David Bowie and Sean Connery. But you have to keep in mind that I loved this particular movie even though Keanu Reeves was in it and I find him about as attractive as a dead bug and with as much acting ability.