It might just be a movie, but it really will show you your dreams. And you gotta love a place where plastic is a treasure. Imagine what they'd think of jelly bracelets - I know I've got some around here somewhere.
I find it impossible to believe that Jareth is really a complete villain, (not that I don’t like that aspect of him, mind you) but that might just be the effect of too many peaches clouding my brain… At least I know I'm not the only one who'd do anything for 13 hours in his realm. And Sarah, you had plenty of chances and you blew it, now step aside and let someone else have a go because Jareth deserves better if that's how you're going to treat him. I mean, how much fun would the search have been if he hadn't given you so much trouble? For some great pictures, go here, here, or here. My attempt at Fan-fic and that of others, if it please you to read - there is a catch; that you e-mail me and tell me what you think - even if you hate it! I really want your honest opinion because I'm hoping to use writing as a backup for when I am a frequently-out-of-work-archaeologist, so I need to know if it's a lost cause or not. Everyone tells me the work is sporadic, so if writing is a bad idea I need to find out now while I still have a chance to find some other way to sustain myself.
The Owl is from a graphics site called "Free Spree" by the way. Isn't it just perfect?
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