Welcome to Alyssa Milano's feet!
A website dedicated to, well, Alyssa Milano's feet. For the record, I
do not claim credit for any of the content on this site. Everything
you see here I either found on the web, or someone sent me. Speaking
of which, If you have a pic of Alyssa's feet that you don't see here,
or a bigger or better scan of a pic that you do see, PLEASE SEND IT TO
ME! I'm not picky, if anything from her ankle down is showing, I want
to see it. The only pics I don't want, are pics containing
nudity. I hope to keep this site growing, and I will update whenever
I find or recieve something new to
post. So enjoy Alyssa's beautiful feet, and feel free to e-mail me
with any questions, comments, pics, or requests, and I'll answer,
respond, thank you, or see what I can do, accordingly. ;) My
E-mail address is: thablackninja@yahoo.com
Thanks yall.
~Tha Black Ninja
***Updated 6/7/02***
Added LOTS of NEW PICS to gallery 3, 4, and 5.
Well, after going 2 years and 2 days without any updates, I'm finally back in business! Bandwith as a major problem with the amount of pics here now, so just keep trying if the page is down. Coming next update will be even more adult pics, a new gallery for Alyssa's teen years, and a few new vidcaps. Enjoy!
So where do you want to go?
Gallery 1 (12 Pics)
Gallery 2 (12 Pics)
Gallery 3 (10 Pics)
Gallery 4 (10 Pics)
Gallery 5 (4 Pics)
Screen Captures page 1 (15 Pics)
Screen Captures page 2 (6 Pics)
Alyssa as a Giantess! (2 Pics)

Click here to download a video clip of Alyssa's bare feet
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"It's something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you had the time of your life." - Green Day