Hi! I, Toygar, am a 27 years-old guy living in Istanbul, Turkey. I prepared this page to introduce myself, and meet people that I can talk about my interests. Please send me your comments and anything you want to say to my e-mail at the bottom of the page.
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I have been still researching the staff. I read about shaman, tarot, stones, herbs, psychic abilities, runes, Aleister Crowley and etc. I have no experience of using magick and I am not so sure that I can. But magick is in my point of view now.
| Future telling is also attracted me. I began with the Chinese astrology and have studied tarot, numerology. Nowadays I have been looking up sky much more than past.
We have made a Document Processing Machine using ANSI C. I have coded its Graphical User Interface using JAVA. http://hera.itc.it:3003/~messelod/OCR/RelatedSites.html My new research field is Virtual Reality You can find good references about virtual reality in below site. | |
May the spots shine on you!
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