Welcome to my realm, I will try to make it as accomodating as possible....A shackle or two here and the crack of a whip with silent whimpers there...Cozy..
I am still in the midst of decision of what type of devious entities will inhabit this site so please pardon the emptiness....Being that this is my second attempt I will leave you with an excerpt from one of the many dark and entertaining writings that I posess....
Fire breathes through the daemons' lungs and keeps his cold heart warm, just as mine is the darkness that caresses my soul and skin,.....And all that moves within and oddity speaks with alluring tongue, that glides gently across the bare breast of eroticism, then lifts itself to kiss the neck of innocence while sinking its teeth piercing bone and skin extracting life from within....surging energies of intertwining souls shooting up through all existence ceases as the gentle strokes of writhing pleasure encompassing itself around it's prey, two beings......
Links to other sites on the Web
Some really cool death art and sci-fi stuff
hopefully he has it up and running now should prove interesting
what if everyday was like this??
large site with really dark stuff, you'll like it if you survive...
if you are in need of information on dieties and the like here it is...great page
Thanks again for visiting, dont leave yet though take a look through my library as it will prove most interesting...As I said I am still looking for some time and cool stuff to include on my page...If you have any creepy sites that you would like to see linked to here, or you would just like to tell me your darkest thoughts mail me......
© 1997 sadieraven@deathsdoor.com
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