A Force Full Update
The Outer Rim presents, Credits. This is a link to the Young Jedi Deck Effect site. The Outer Rims sister site. Lots of YJ info here.
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Jedi Deck Effect
10.12.00 Decipher Con Update |
I Had a great time at Decipher Con this year. If you want to Read my Reports here they are. First my Open Report of Day 1 and how I did in that so I would qualify for Worlds is Here.
Next is my Day 2 Report on How I did in the World Championships....Click Here. what a Blast I had.
See everyone locally Soon,
Tim Guzman, The Info Broker
09.24.00 Ratings Update. |
Wow. I am updating today, can you believe that? I am not that good at keeping up a site, and for those who have, and have a full time job, and this crazy hoppy probably understand where I am coming from. Anyway I update the ratings page and that took awhile since I have done that in a while, but hope I have everyones right. And with DecipherCON right around the corner this is going to be exciting. We directors are having are weekly tournaments, but we are not getting much attendance. Come on guys lets get back into the swing. I will talk to everyone later.
08.11.00 GEN CON....WILL VEGAS WIN :) |
Well the Continental Championship is going on at Gen Con this weekend. Day ONE was Yesterday. And are local Chris Hines, made it into Day TWO coming in 5th Day One. Of Course Dan Christy will be playing in Day 2 Also, because he was second at State Championships. I will try to keep us informed of what is happening.
08.10.00 Ratings? And Gen Con... |
Hello my few Outer Rim Fans. First I say I am going to update a lot. Then time goes by and I didn't do it. Well you all pretty much know how busy I am so.
First I would like to let everyone know I updated the ratings page. Next don't forget we have two Young Jedi Tournaments this Saturday, starting with Constructed at 10:00 AM followed by a Sealed Deck event. All you Star Wars Players get ready for some Tournaments coming up, the weekend after that, and after that, and so on.
We have 2 people representing us at Gen Con this year. Dan Christy and Chris Hines made the trip, so I will try to get a report from them when they get back. Meanwhile if anyone wants to send me decks or Articles I will be happy to post them for you. Tournament Schedule my take some time to get up.
Info Broker
07.29.00 ARE YOU READY??? |
Not counting Decipher Con, My traveling to the Con's Season has ended for me. What does that mean for all you local players? Well the tournaments will be back in full force. I have talked to all of the local Tournament directors and the goal is to have at least one Tournament ONCE A WEEK. This will start with next Saturday and go on, and on. Hopefully :)
We have a NEW Local TD. Dan Christy has joined the ranks of running some of the events. In September look for a Team Event that Chris and I will do, if all goes well. And also we will try to have at least one Sealed deck event each month.
On different news, in case anyone wants to know...I just update the Ratings page, so if you do not know what your rating is check it out. DSII has stirred up the playing scene...will you be ready next week? I hope so :)
OH and updates to this site will be back in full force also.
Tim "Info Broker" Guzman
Everything for Yoiung Jedi For Local Players and World Wide players has been moved to Young Jedi Deck Effect
Young Jedi Ratings updated also! "Great ones will fall, and the youth shall rise."
Wow I had a really good time at the Tattooine Regional this year. Running an event that big was a lot of fun. I will write a report on the show really soon. There is a lot to do so give me time.
For Young Jedi we had a JC member from Colorado win the show. Congrats to Jeff Hall for that. And for Star Wars we had Josh Martin for Azirona who is now Tattooine Regional Champ. Thank you all for coming and hope you all had a good time.
Award 2000
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