Ruthie's Home Page
A little about me...
Welcome and Thank You for coming by my page. Here are a few things that I would like those that come stop by to know. I am a young woman that enjoys meeting new people from different parts of the world, locally over the net or in person. I am always up for being pin pals, I find it interesting learning about different cultures and how it differs from California. I am also very adventurous and always willing to try almost anything once. Well just as long as it doesn't hurt me. But all I can say is jump for the moment, hop for your hope, and skip for B*t*h's and beer (From Little Nicky - kid scene at basketball game). Thank you again for stoping by my little cave I call home.
An introduction is to complicated for my style, so I'm just going from this very moment. My birthday is December 18, 1980. I will let you do the math on how old I am these days. But I dont have any children or urge to have any in the next 15 years. But I am still working as hard as ever. I work at "Gilroy Community Service Department" for over 3 years now, with more responsiblities now then I could have ever imagined when I started way back when. At Community Service Department I work in 3 different programs, Therapeutic Recreation, Preschool aid and sub and soon at the Gilroy Senior Center. They are all different types of work because of the ages of clients we have coming to the programs that are offered. The age groups I work with is from 2 to senior citzen ages (I am not going to disclose those ages because we all know they are as old as dirt).*ha ha ha* My second job is cooking dinner once a week at a group home with clients that come to my Therapeutic recreation program I teach. I'm always busy and wondering if i will ever have time for my self, but that will happen it time. Just hopefully sooner then later...
People that know me may think that I do wild things, but I think that is a under statement.
*wink* *wink*
Well look at me I have red hair...Now is that wild?
Well I think it is just a fashion state of me being bold and out there.
This my very first and actual tattoo on my body of Baby Taz.
Tattoos can make you laugh and make you cry.
But for sure I would get aother one.
Many people also feel that they grow out with age, but I think that is a lie. There are many adults that have percing and tattoos. Most of them are big time CEO's, that have all of these wild types of things. Well, at least that is what I think!! Tell me your opinion on this topic by E-mailing me. I'm interested in hearing what you have to say. Thank You!!!
Here are more pictures of me and only me from recent to old towards the bottom.
"More Pictures of Ruthie"
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