Sylver Midnyght - 07/10/99 06:16:02 My Fav. Animal: DRAGONS! Crows, horses | Comments: Lovely site! Thanx for helping me to make my av collection even bigger!! Btw, do you by any chance paint avs? hehehe, keep it up, the site, love it! ~Goddess Blessings!~ Sylver Midnyght spelled "poem" wrong... :) |
Leay R. Windrider - 02/14/99 20:50:10 My Fav. Animal: DRAGONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Comments: My E-mail adress is NOT wrong it's supposed to be ""(Because our server is Direct Connect Internet Services) |
Breanne - 11/14/98 18:56:46 My Email:not working at the moment Fav. Animal: cat | Comments: Hi I'm Kristine's friend. She told me that you loved Backstreet Boys, especially Brian heh heh. and anyways i told her that she had to give me your webpage addy and so she called me up and gave it to me, there needs to be more bsb fans in Corning. anyways pretty cool page. -Bre |
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing Thanks
Laura - 10/11/98 14:45:15 My Fav. Animal: Cows | Comments: cool page talk to you later on ICQ Bye |
-._B-Roks_Girl_.- - 10/11/98 04:33:49 My Fav. Animal: Cat | Comments: I love the Backstreet Boys and I love your Backstreet Boys avatars! Stop putting up ;N Sync though!! |
Cindy - 09/22/98 21:05:59 My URL: My comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Lightmare - 09/19/98 15:05:16 My URL: My Fav. Animal: my horse *smile* | Comments: Lot's of beautiful pics on your site ... like it very much ... keep up your great work *smile* ... Lightmare :-) |
^griffin^ - 09/07/98 20:52:29 My URL: My Fav. Animal: eagle | Comments: Awesome site! The music is a nice touch and you have some great links! Keep up the good work! |
Meadowflower - 07/21/98 22:07:22 Fav. Animal: White Bangle Tiger | Comments: Hey Ryder you improved it and you got the counters fixed that rocks and more links kewl :) |
Meadowflower - 07/15/98 23:17:00 My URL:http://www.don't Fav. Animal: White Bangle Tiger | Comments: tee hee hmm it needs work Ryder (espetially the counters!!!) |
Alicia - 07/05/98 23:57:52 My | Comments: |
the unknown sister - 07/05/98 22:08:47 My Fav. Animal: horse | Comments: great... my sis got a web page... oh boy... |