This page is about technology both existing and still in production. Some older concepts are covered, this is because they are broadly known, but not understood. There are some concepts I do not cover because I could easily get in trouble. |
Water-Combustion Engines
When CD's Become Obsolete
Super-Steel Alloy
of Youth
Solar Power-Literally |
Have you ever wondered what we would use for
our shuttles in the future for long distance space travel? What protection would
we have against debris in the flight path while we hit it head on at light
speed? My friends in R&D and I believe we have a close answer. A simple
alloy has been formed and is undergoing private testing. A car coated with
this alloy, paper thin, has not been damage through extensive testing.
They've sent it careening into a cinder-block wall, and many other large
objects. The '56 Chevy bounced solidly off many objects, lurching the windshield
from it sill shattering over everything. Seats torn from their positions,
but the chasis still intact. The testing has succeeded the available destructive
instruments and as far as I know, is still going on. I can't release the
metalurgical formula until copyrights are made.
Any questions or comments, E-mail me
power, that which fuels the Sun and all the stars in the heavens. In our
star-at it's current stage-there is a lot of hydrogen gas, more than 100
million times our Earth's weight in H2. Hydrogen is merely a
single proton. If you add a neutron it becomes an isotope (an atom with
an extra neutron) and that would be called
or a deuteron for a single atom. If two deuterons collide and fused atomically,
they would become a larger element-the next one up is Helium. Now, fussion
gives off a lot of energy. Usually the fussion doesn't happen pefectlly
and a neutron shoots off leaving Helium one neutron short. This is known
as 3He (Helium with a totally atomc weight of three-two protons
plus one neutron). Usually atoms are balanced and Helium would be two for
two. It is possible to fuse atoms on Earth, but the enviroment of the Sun
is vital. The gravity creates pressure on the atoms, and the heat from
compression-and from other fusing atoms, helps induce fussion in the hydrogen
and deteron atoms. On Earth, the gravity is considerably less and so the
heat must be intensified to make up for less pressure. Ths will speed the
atoms to a hgher speed when they impact on one another. Current fussion
reactors superheat the hydrogen gas in special magnet
rings that keep the plasma material from touching anything. The heat must
exceed six times the Sun's surface temperature. This is more energy than
is readily handled. The heat and radiation are more intense than can be
easily absorbed. The concept of Cold Fussion s that of a method of dissolving
the deterons from 'heavy water' (reagular water with deterium instead of
hydrogen, having an extra neutron gives it twice the normal wieght) and
compressing it in the electrode used that makes the deterons fuse without
the temperatures that normal fussion requires. The fussion process was
first produce by Fleishman and Pons. These two electro-chemists did this
experiment while studying the effects of platinum and palladium in electrolysis
experiments (usng electricty to break H2O into seperate gases).
With a bit of heavy water in a test tube and the platinum and palladium
electrodes, the fussion process took place and dissolved and fused hydrogen
(deuteron) atoms in the the palladium electrode for over 100 hours without
additional fuel.*Note to anyone attempting
Cold Fussion, I might have some helpful suggestions. They are related to
simulating the Sun's envirnment. And any other info I would appreciate.
Any questions or comments, E-mail me
First there was etches, carved in stones-or painted
figures. Paper came next in Egypt and Eastern Asia. Much later came puched
holes for computers and then electro-magnetic tape. With this tape came
8-tracks and 10K: 10"X10" floppy disks. After larger disks-1.2's and 1.44's
came Compact Disks using reflectves surfaces for laser light. What comes
next? What's faster to read and holds more information? EM tape and CD
use the fastest thing available, electricity and light. These move at light
speed or close to it. So with nothing faster the next revolution will be
related to light. The next data storage unit wll be most efficient as a
quartz crystal that can reflect small micro-lasers in specfied directions.
Such a crystal in a photo-sensitive chamber could reflect in any direction
within the chamber. The resolution of the recieving chamber and the reflective
resolution of the crystal (resolution meaning, the number of micro-lasers
per square centimeter-like 100 micro-lasers/cm) will determine the total
bytes able to be stored. Estimated storage space would be in the terabytes
(1,000,000,000,000 bytes) due to how small each laser could be. However,
one day the cyrstal could be so small (unless something new can replace
the data cyrstal) that it could hold 1 centibyte () in some device. This could hold every gene
map for the planet.
000,000, 000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
Any questions or comments, E-mail me
Now I know a few readers will have heard of HGH,
or Human Growth Hormone.
This is a fairly amazing new supplement that used to be injected for treatment
but is now available through injestion. What this is, is some hormone that
stimulates growth for both men and women. It doesn't turn you into some
huge giant but instead utilizes the thyroid to put out the same proteins
you did when you were young (under 20 or so). Its effects are the rejuvenation
of the cells. This has taken off ten or more years when used over time
(a few months to bring your body up to speed). It adds muscle, adds hair,
stimulates sexual drive, and generally puts you in you prime of youth-literally.
This HGH
is on an MLM or Multi Level Marketing and in two weeks of starting has
made several million dollars. My step-dad is on the ninth downline from
the President of the company and I will have a link up shortly, otherwise
E-mail me and I will relay additional info or at least give you his E-mail.
Any questions or comments, E-mail me
More Technobabble coming later today.