These are true stories from a variety of sources. While possible to contain fictictious material, most are more than likey to vary only slightly in truth.
too long ago, a bio-engineering company (or chemical group, or other) produced
an herbacide, something that kills plants, that kills weeds effectively.
The only problem is that it killed the tomatoe plants that they were trying
to protect from the weeds. So in order to keep the tomatoe alive, and to
make the herbacide useable and not a waste of research money, they genetically
bred a fish gene into the tomatoe. This fish gene has proven resistant
to the herbacide (of which name I cannot remember-I'll ask around) and
so was used in tomatoe seeds sold to farmers using this herbacide. Now
this isn't such a big problem, you don't like fish/tomatoe, you buy from
another store that says 'genetic safe' or something like that. But, because
no one would buy tomatoes that said 'Genetically changed, but we believe
it's safe!' obviously, they went to court. Because of future plans, it
was decreed ILLEGAL to label ANY food as genetically changed. Any food
purchased may be genetically altered in ANY way, and they can't print any
warning on the product. So if your allergic to a biproduct of that fish
gene, and you like tomatoes-too bad for you right? Worse yet, the same
company that produced the herbacide, and effectively controlls what genes
go in what foods, is buying up the seed companies. Now why do you suppose
that? Any
questions E-mail me at or click here.
the United States of America is almost indebted to the point that is could
be sold out as being owed more than it's worth. This sounds unbelievable,
but 1) think of Bill Gates, thought to soon be the world's first Trillionare.
In the past people, actors for instance, have rented islands-others have
bought them. If the world has never before seen a trillionare-and the US
is almost, or past 5 trillion in debt-a group of collectors in France,
for that is where the banks that hold our debt are, got together they could
claim that the US was to pay up now, or forfeit the country. We've seen
worse accusations succeed in courts. This would be repossession on a larger
scale. Now think for a moment. Who would like to see the US bought out?
1) Russia is probably still pissed that their Mother Land fell, 2) the
Swiss, or collective groups in Europe for a reason in the next tale, who
secretly funded Germany and Hitler in the second World War, or 3)New
World Order. New World Order (NWO) is a belief
in a global government that is Communist in practice. Genreally it it believed
it would require a firm Communist hand to hold control over the globe.
I am conducting a research on Communism now, but it doesn't take a genuis
to tell you its not fun. To acheive NWO one would obviuosly need all the
nations and habited areas in check. This wouldn't work in most areas of
the world such as the US, who supposedly 'believes in freedom and the American
way' unless the 'system' were bypassed. This could be done by pulling out
the power behind the men in power. It would be much harder if 1) we weren't
in debt to these people, and 2) if the government was actually on our side.
While the 'spokesman' for the movers and shakers of this nation (US, I
sometimes forget people from other countries will be looking at this),
being the President, is 'there for us', it really doesn't matter. By this
time there are those who have more power over this country than we are
led to believe. And it is these people who control what the President will
promise and allow for the country. If you'll notice the IRS wasn't needed
before and isn't doing ANYTHING for us now, those canidates who try to
abolish it when elected for Presidency 'dropped out' for some reason. Last
election Steve Forbes ran for President and promised several things of
which one was to abloish the IRS. We did a class vote at my school and
99.9% did NOT vote for Clinton. Steve Forbes dropped out soon after. And
Cliton was re-elected. Why? He did very little the year before except shut
down the government, for better or worse. So, NWO does have pawns in most
governments as it is, if it doesn't consist of them. So this WILL happen
unless strong acts are done against them. I have my own plans, but most
of you readers will be right out of college, in the range of 25-35 when
this happens, so you have to be aware, and prepared when things change.
ANY questions or comments E-mail me at or click HERE.
On that cheerfull note: Part of the above plan is being put into action in Europe. A first stage test in an appropriate area is started with the 'Euro-dollar' which is a currency useable by all of Europe, in all the countries. I say test because the first initial years of a Global government will be choas if bartering fails completely. Few people in the world are completely self-sufficient, and so depend heavily of arbitrary cash, so they can be good at one thing, instead of Farming, Tilling, Cattle-general skills to support a family. Few in the eyes of the world, anyways. So a whole planet under this condition would prove futile, and set back any plans held for world domination. So if one slowly integrated one currency into larger and larger areas, coverting one currency at a time, soon there would be large countries, whole continents with one currency each. At that point, it would be converting six types of currency into one. Instead of the thousands of countries, of which most aren't even in the works yet for NWO. It would be easier to convert to a 'popular' currency. So It begins in Europe as most things do. The Major wars, large scale conflict. Is it a wonder the settlers rebelled and fought to be free of such? That America was formed with the hopes and dreams one had, all that one had after such tyanny? Yes, although this may be hard to swallow-but it has started countless years ago in roughly the the same place. Great conflict has gone down in history near current day Germany. Many wars and tales are to be had in central Europe and along the Mediterrainian. But I'll leave all that for a history teacher. Just know that many current day problems and current day geography started there. In the world of Pangea, a fabled land mass holding all the continents together as one, as what NWO is trying to duplicate with man, that was shattered by a large comet that wiped out the Dinosuars. Well, I'm getting too far off the subject. Any questions, comments blah,blah,blah.
A last touch to the national crisis above-an emergency effort to charge the national debt and inflation would be to cut off out going aid to other countries until we are strong on resources, and produce half of the money that we burn up. See, after a while the money we use has exchanged many hands and can get pretty nasty and smelly. You cant even see the green and machines wont take them anymore. So when they get recycled throught the bank it s sent back to the mint, for the records of 'out going cash', and they roll out more cash on reams. But there is always more cash bieng produced than burnt. Admttedly lots of cash dissapears through other losses, fires etc, but inflation is still increasing. The materials we can sell and make good on the promse a dollar makes, is less than the promised dollars we have handed out. Of course, the way we are now set up, the government doesn't have to give out its resources because it practically has none, Two barterers make and sell ther own goods and use the dollar to represent a promisary note to each other. A while ago, when the dollar had a red stamp on t, instead of green, you could buy that amount of gold with your dollar. But the government didn't have enough gold for the dollars they put out. So the French sent a bunch of people over who made US cash, a lot between them, and bought out all the gold they could and they went back to Europe wth it. Since then the government changed their view on materal worth. They ddn't stop inflation by equilizing the money/material rate but they did change the policy of gold for dollar. So now with materials short, sold to another country, our mint is still pumping out reams and reams of dollars.Just click here to communicate to me