White Wolf Publishing Inc. All Rights Reserved
Everyone survived this post-Appocalytic future.
It turned out that the Ice was caused by the garou that didn't preform the rites of the summer dawn. The effect was increased by a Virtual Adept in a monsterous 20 year quiet. The Shadow Lords Caused the darkness that covered the sky. The ShadowLords were killed, the mage was freed from his quiet, and the players learn a valuable lesson about drinking Demons. The end of the quiet rifted the characters back in time 20 years. This left the PC's on a lonley road heading North toward Brainard, MN.
This Leads us to The End of a Begining, and the Begining of the Vault of Darkness.Troupe style play not at RPSIG.
Another Part of the Vault of Darkness for Changlings:
Forest City
My pc's and other linksSorcerer's World
"The future bites!," Methos the Meti-mortal.
No Pregenerated Characters
I summon half the gophers in the area.(50 gophers storm the walls and flood into the pit as the red eyed pimp runs down the tunnel into the labrynth and outside to saftey. pimpin' ain't easy.)
Past Game Info Prelude
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Any opinions expessed are purely those of the author. This page
not been viewed or aproved by the U of MN and also doesn't reflect
the oppinions or sanctions of the U of MN. This page last updated 6/14/1999. Layout copyright 1999 Donald A.
Background Setting for Club Avalon.
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