Creations of a Deluded Mind

This is the Index! Imagine that. Click on the Diamond.

Chronicles of the Last Ones
My White Wolf page, and the one most updated. Frames.

Moon Bridge
External links ( Note: all will open a new window )

My religion. News and a few newsgroup articles I wanted to keep.

Author's Notes
News, the Latest Word on updates, etc

From various sources. Lots of Babylon 5.

I'm working on getting a science fiction section put up here. Boy, do I have a lot of work to do.

Now, the people who are hosting this site are wonderful. There's not going to be any popup ads or cutesy little watermark designs, and there isn't a banner that's required to be on your site like a Certain Company we all know and hate. *grin* I recently moved from there. Click on the image below that I created. It took me under five minutes to make.

If you actually, for some twisted and demented reason, wish to know about me, there is quite the selection. A list of things I like, and actual info on me, including a picture.