Welcome to the Plastic Surgery Customizing page. This
page showcases some of my custom figures ranging from STAS, TNBA, Kingdom
Come, to whatever grabs my attention. Click on the icon to go to that particular
section. Have a look around. If you want to send me feedback, e-mail
me. Enjoy:-)
What's new:
1/11/04 added Wonder Woman, to the FC section.
1/04/04 Well this update is about 2 years overdue :-). FC is all but
dead, but for some reason, I still have a fondness for superheroes in this
scale. Anyways ... new are: Superman, Supergirl,
Black Manta, Vandal
Savage and upgrades to the Target Joker
and Penguin to the FC section.
4/2/01 added Darkseid to the FC section.


All characters, trademarks, etc, etc, are copyrighted to their respective