Hi! Welcome to my page of favorite links for MIDIs. Some people hate MIDIs and some, like me, love them. I hope you find them as enjoyable as I have. The
links, below, are listed in no particular order and
it is not, by any means, a complete list. Many of
the sites are visited, by me, nearly daily.
Try not to link to MIDI files. It's much better to 'download' or 'transload' the files to your computer or your web-page. Linking to files really slows down the whole experience of the internet. It can also cost the web-page author 'big bucks'. Read more about what is called "bandwidth theft" at the following sites...none of which were written by me. They should definately be read by all us web-page builders.
Paul Erickson's: - "The Trouble With Linking"
Steven Foster's: - "Bandwidth Theft"
The Widow's Web: - "Why It Is Wrong to Link To Someone Else's Server"
Web Guard: - What computer users are doing to combat 'theft'.
So, if you visited the above sites, now you know why linking is not a nice thing to do. Some sites require a link back to their site. Other sites say a link would be nice, but not necessary. Keep in mind that not all MIDIs are in the "public domain" so we should do as the site wishes regarding their use. If you do not like the "requirements," chances are the MIDI may be found somewhere else, unless it's a original composition. After all, MIDI hunting can be very addictive and when we're in the middle of a "hunt" for that special MIDI, sometimes we forget to read the terms of their use.
Alas, 'they' are trying to close down MIDI sites all over the place! This saddens me deeply. It seems that copyrights are involved. A day without MIDIs is a sad day indeed! I hope all the parties involved can resolve this issue.