AerLia's Place-Welcome!



left speaker-click to play right speaker-click to play

click left speaker for "Iris' Theme"
click right speaker for "Silent Light"

(See "Credits" below)

Hi! My name is AerLia. I have been having problems with the old WebTV and haven't had a chance to update this page for quite a while. I just got into some of my pages and realized how long it has been since they were updated. ARGH! I am mortified. I know that a lot of the links are broken, some down-right out of service. It's a shame that some of the folks that I counted on are no longer there. I am in the process of getting this thing back in shape while this WebTV err MSNTV is still operational. All I need is to work on a section a day. And now that I have been layed off, I will have more time to work on this. There just aren't any jobs out there. Please, bear with me, Thank You and have a wonderful day!

The love of science-fiction is why I chose this area, Area51. I love "Stargate SG-1", "Stargate Atlantis", "Earth: Final Conflict", "Farscape" and "Lexx"! The "X-Files", "Star Trek", "Babylon 5", and "Sliders" are some of my favorites. Some of my other favorites are "Quantum Leap", "V", "Alien Nation", "Time Tunnel", "Dr. Who", "Earth 2" and countless other shows in the science-fiction genre. Does anyone remember "Space 1999" or "UFO"? They were among my "early" favorites and pretty cool shows, too. Have you seen the new version of Dr. Who? It is pretty spot on with plots and such. Stargate: Atlantis and the new Battlestar Gallactica just keep getting better!

I really like my video games. Nintendo, Super Nintendo and Nintendo64 are my games. 'Chrono Trigger' and 'Final Fantasy' are my favorites amongst them. Never really got into the 'Mortal Combat' type games, too gruesome for me, I guess. Zelda64 and Mario64 are pretty cool, too. I am currently hooked on Harvest Moon 64 and awaiting the arrival of Majora's Mask 64. Maybe soon! I may never tire of Harvest Moon 64. I keep trying to outdo myself and am about to throw my "blue feather"! I did finally get Majora's Mask 64. Being able to repeat the same area until everything is done right is pretty nice.

I really love the R.P.G. games, but they are becoming TOO hard to find. I don't know how many hours I've spent exploring every 'nook and cranny' in some games trying to find the answer to riddles or finding objects. Once discovered, there's always another prize to seek and hours more to play!

Hey, I just got the new Game Boy Advance SP. Of course, I had to get the Metroid game with it, as well. It is great! Now I can get my fix of Zelda withut blocking off the TV. The only trouble is, since it is so small, I keep on loosing it!

Please, come back and visit. This page will be constantly under-construction. (Aren't all web pages, after all?)

By the way Please don't link to any of the graphics on this page.

Thanks For Visiting! Come Back Soon!

links banner

bullet My Favorite Web TV Help Sites! WebTV | "Puter"

bullet My Favorite GIF Sites!

bullet My Favorite MIDI Sites!

bullet My Favorite Science-Fiction Sites!

bullet My Favorite Fantasy and Fan-Fiction Sites!

bullet A List of TV Networks!

bullet WebTV Webrings I've Joined!

bullet Other Webrings I've Joined!

bullet On The Lighter Side!

bullet Awards I've Won!


~~Where I Got My Graphics!~~

Lines and Bullets

Draac's GIFs 123!

Cool FX

Banner Generator

visit Laura's MIDI Heaven for Midis
music: right- "Silent Light" from: 'Chrono Trigger'
music: left- "Iris' Theme" from: 'Lufia 2'
From: Laura's MIDI Heaven

Music graphics Galore logo
Music Graphics- speakers and such

Star Blvd.
THANKS- without them I'd have no graphics at all!!

NetMechanic - Free Web Site Tune-Ups! Link and HTML testing, Server Reliability Testing
Gee-this place is so helpful!!

"Live Long and Prosper...Peace and Long Life!"

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