Finding Truth:
Disclaimor: All the characters belong to Joss Whedon not me. I only own the character Ayla in Past Time and in Conclusions.
Author's Notes: Please read the whole Finding Truth series to understand what is happeneing in the story.
Scene 1:
(Same time in the mansion)
Angel: Never forget what?
Buffy: Do you remember about 13 years ago?
Angel: What? Yeah why?
Buffy: You were that bum in the Ally.
Angel: Oh my God. I totally forgot.... You were the little girl that...
(Buffy just nods her head)
Angel: I don’t know what to say. How did you remember?
Buffy: After I had the late night conversation with you I went to the dorm and went to sleep. I had a dream a very vivid one.
Angel: What else do you remember?
Buffy: Uhh... Well, there was a girl most likely a slayer. I think her name was Ayla.
Angel: Ayla? I don’t remember. Trying but... That part of my life was such a blur.
Buffy: I never knew you were like that.
Angel: I never wanted you to know.
Buffy: I also saw her watcher. She called him Giles.
Angel: Giles? But, wasn’t he in England at the time?
Buffy: Yeah I think so...
Angel: You can ask.
Buffy: Yeah but how would I ask him? I mean he’s gonna look at me like why are you asking me this.
Angel: Just try
Buffy: OK, I can do that. I think
Angel: You will
Buffy: K umm I’m leaving now.
Angel: Buffy was that all you had a dream about?
Buffy: Yeah
Angel: Nothing about us?
Buffy: Why do you ask?
Angel: Never mind. You probably forgot.
Buffy: OK, I’ll see you later
Angel: Get some sleep.
Buffy: Bye.
Scene 2:
Buffy: Hey Giles
Giles: May I ask why are you here at 6:00 in the morning?
Buffy: Didn’t sleep much so, I got up early
Giles: Buffy?
Buffy: Where are the watcher’s diaries?
Giles: Why would you want those?
Buffy: Umm. Well, my dream brought up some questions. I need them.
Giles: Bottom shelf under the books of Thernon.
Buffy: Thernon?
Giles: Yes why?
Buffy: I heard about him. That’s all
Giles: OK. Well, I’m gonna go back to sleep. Do what you will.
Buffy: Thanks.
(Giles went back to sleep and Buffy took some of the books of Thernon and the watcher’s diaries of Ayla. She looked at the watcher and his name. Henry Giles)
Buffy: It was Giles’ father.
Scene 3:
(The Bronze)
Willow: Aren’t you gonna get you’re head out of that book?
Buffy: Oh sorry. I just have been very interested in history lately.
Xander: That’s not like you Buff. Are you sick?
Buffy: No, it’s just I’ve been thinking a lot about my life in the past and how Ayla’s is so much similar to me.
Willow: Ayla?
Buffy: Oh, old slayer
Xander: Oh ok. Well, Xander gonna get some coffee. Be back
(Angel approaches the table)
Angel: Hey
Buffy: Hey
Angel: Did you get anywhere on the Thernon/Ayla thing.
Buffy: Stumped
Angel: I have something that might interest you.
(Angel hands the Codex to Buffy)
Buffy: You know I hate that book.
Angel: Just turn to page 342.
(Buffy reads the entry)
Buffy: The Slayer dies by the hands of her assassin Thernon.
Angel: See
Buffy: Yeah I do. Thanks for this.
Angel: You’re welcome. I gotta go now. I’ll see you later.
Buffy: Yeah, Later.
Willow: Am I seeing sparkage?
Buffy: Willow!
Willow: Buffy
Buffy: I don’t know. I really don’t.
Scene 4:
(Buffy is walking with Willow back home to the dorms)
Willow: So, what’s going on with you and Angel lately?
Buffy: A whole lot of nothing. Besides, we can’t be together. Angel left and we stopped everything we had. I have to move on.
Willow: That’s good but do you want to move on?
Buffy: I don’t know. I still care about him but I went to LA and had that 5-minute conversation and all the pain flooded into my head.
Willow: What about now?
Buffy: Now I make excuses just to see him. Good ones though none that he would expect that I want to see him. Which is good right?
Willow: He still loves you. Ya know?
Buffy: The problem is I don’t know.
(Thernon comes out of the Ally into the street.)
Thernon: Remember me
Buffy: Thernon. I was hoping you’d pay a visit
Thernon: You’ve grown
Buffy: You haven’t. Still the same old ugly demon asswhole.
Thernon: I love it when slayers talk dirty.
Buffy: Willow Go
Willow: Buffy No
Buffy: Go! This is between him and me.
Angel: And me.
Buffy: Angel
Angel: Like some help Thernon?
Buffy: huh
Thernon: Angelus. Thought you were in LA
Angel: O well. I decided to see an old girlfriend.
Thernon: oh. Is she pretty?
Angel: Yeah she is. Prettiest.
Thernon: Would you like to help me kill this slayer.
Angel: No.
(At that moment Angel took Thernon’s sword and placed it right in his heart.)
Angel: Now apologize to my old girlfriend.
Thernon: I’ll see you in hell.
Angel: Counting on it.
Buffy: Bye Bye.
(Then Thernon disappeared and went to hell)
Buffy: Thanks
Angel: Sure. I hope you didn’t think....
Buffy: I didn’t
Angel: I thought being evil would help kill him.
Buffy: I didn’t need an explanation. I understand.
Angel: OK. You better get some sleep.
Buffy: Yeah. Good Idea
(Buffy was walking and turned back)
Buffy: Angel, Thank you.
Angel: I always be here when you need me.
Buffy: I know.
Scene 5:
(Buffy in the dorm sleeping.)
The dream :
(Located in The cemetery)
Buffy: Your not suppose to be here.
Angel: I'll always be here.
Buffy: You let me go but your still holding on.
Angel: Like You. Why are we here together?
Buffy: To be honest. I don't know. Is this your dream or mine?
Angel: I guess both. Is this prophecy?
Buffy: No. It's fate. Can't you feel it?
Angel: Yes but our destiny is for us to be fighting not in love. We can't, Not anymore.
Buffy: No. Your what kept me going!
(Buffy wakes up so does Angel)
(The dorm)
Buffy: Oh. God
(Angel’s mansion)
Angel: Oh. God
Scene 6
(The dorm)
(Buffy gets dressed and walks in the rain to Angel’s)
(Angel gets dressed and goes to the dorm)
(They meet together in front of the Bronze while it was closed
)Buffy: Hey
Angel: Hi
Buffy: Some rain huh
Angel: Let’s get in the Bronze
Buffy: Good idea.
(Inside the Bonze they sat at a table with just them and no one else around them)
Angel: I was going to the dorms.
Buffy: I was going to the mansion.
Angel: Did you have the dream?
Buffy: Yeah. You?
Angel: Yeah
Buffy: Angel, Why are you here? With me in Sunnydale. Why?
Angel: I came to tell you something.
Buffy: What?
Angel: If I say this everything will change.
Buffy: I can deal.
Angel: I know you can. I can’t
Buffy: Is that it. Is that all I’ll get?
Angel: Yes.
Buffy: Tell me that you don’t love me?
Angel: I can’t say that. I won’t say that not ever.
Buffy: Then put some faith in me Angel. I’m gonna ask one more time.
Buffy: Why did you come here?
Angel: To tell you something.
Angel: I love you. I can’t stop and I don’t want it to stop.
Buffy: I love you too.
(Angel looked up and saw tears in Buffy’s eyes. Angel and Buffy hugged for a while. They let go of eachother.)
Buffy: Angel I didn’t forget.
Angel: Didn’t forget what?
Buffy: Our missing day.
(Buffy smiled and Angel came to the conclusion Buffy knew about everything)
To be continued!!!!
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