TM & ® 2000 Lucasfilm Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Star Wars and related marks are trademarks of Lucasfilm Ltd. Used under authorization by Decipher Inc. TM, ® & © 2000 Decipher Inc. Decipher, Customizable Card Game, The Art of Great Games and associated marks, logos, packaging, instructions, game theory and strategy, and intellectual property are exclusively owned by Decipher Inc. All Rights Reserved. Gameplay by Technical Game Services.This card list is copyrighted but may be distributed freely in unmodified form at no more than cost of duplication. Comments, questions and other issues can be directed to the maintainer at: (Chris Gregg)
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Light/Dark | |||||
·Alderaan Premiere R1 | System Parsec: 2 | Planet | If you control, Force drain +1 here for each Death Star site on table also in your control. | ||
·Anoat Dagobah U | System Parsec: 5 | Planet | If you control, all opponent's Ugnaughts on table are forfeit -1 | If opponent initiates a battle here, your starships may move as a 'react' to or from nearest related asteroid sector. | |
![]() ![]() ![]() Dagobah C | Sector | Space | "Asteroid Rules" in effect here. | "Asteroid Rules" in effect here. If you control, may cancel Force drain at related system. | |
·Bespin Cloud City U | System Parsec: 6 | Planet | If you control, your characters and vehicles deploy -1 to Cloud City locations. | If you control, opponent's characters and vehicles deploy +1 to Cloud City locations. | |
·Bespin: Cloud City Cloud City U | Sector | Planet | If you control, for each of your starships or vehicles here, your total power is +1 in battles at Cloud City sites. | If you control, for each of your starships or vehicles here, your total power is +1 in battles at Cloud City sites. | |
![]() Dagobah U | Sector | Space | "Asteroid Rules" in effect here. | "Asteroid Rules" in effect here. If you control, Force drain +1 here for each Asteroid Field at same system. | |
![]() Dagobah U | Site | Interior, Exterior, Creature, Planet | "Cave Rules" in effect here. | "Cave Rules" in effect here. If you control, may cancel Force drains at system related to Big One. | |
·Carida Endor U | System Parsec: 1 | Planet | Force drain -1 here. If you do not occupy, all your troopers are forfeit -1. | If you occupy, once during each of your control phases, you may lose 1 Force to retrieve one trooper into hand. | |
·Cloud City: Carbonite Chamber Cloud City U | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you occupy, subtract 2 from opponent's Carbon-Freezing destiny. | If you control, add 2 to your Carbon-Freezing destiny. | |
·Cloud City: Casino Special Edition U | Site | Exterior, Mobile, Scomp Link | Unless you have a gambler here, you may not use wild cards in Cloud City Sabacc. | Whenever your gambler present here wins Cloud City Sabacc, retrieve 2 Force (3 if Lando). | |
·Cloud City: Chasm Walkway Cloud City C | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If Weather Vane on table, characters 'hit' here are instead immediately relocated there. | If Weather Vane on table, characters 'hit' here are instead immediately relocated there. | |
·Cloud City: Dining Room Cloud City R | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, Blue Milk, Beru Stew and Yoda Stew are doubled. Jek is deploy -2 here. | Your characters and character weapons may deploy here as a 'react.' | |
·Cloud City: Downtown Plaza Special Edition R | Site | Exterior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, opponent's Downtown Plaza game text is canceled. | Once during each of your control phases, may use 1 Force to retrieve one Cloud City location. | |
·Cloud City: East Platform (Docking Bay) Cloud City C | Site | Exterior, Mobile, Scomp Link | Your docking bay transit from here requires 2 Force. | Your docking bay transit from here requires 1 Force. | |
·Cloud City: Incinerator Cloud City C | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control Force drain -1 here. | If you control, during your control phase, may use 2 Force to retrieve one droid. | |
·Cloud City: Interrogation Room Special Edition C | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | Force drain +1 here. | For each captive present, Force drain +1 (+1 more if captive is a unique Rebel). | |
·Cloud City: Lower Corridor Cloud City U | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, Force drain -1 here. | Your characters with lightsabers are each power +2 here. | |
·Cloud City: Port Town District Special Edition U | Site | Exterior, Mobile, Scomp Link | Force drain +1 here. | Force drain +1 here. Your aliens are deploy -1 and power +1 here. | |
·Cloud City: Security Tower Cloud City C | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, instead of Force draining, may release one captive here. | Once per game, may search your Reserve Deck, take Lando into hand and reshuffle. | |
·Cloud City: Upper Plaza Corridor Cloud City U | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, Force drain +1. | During your move phase, you may move between here and any Cloud City site for free. | |
·Cloud City: Upper Walkway Special Edition C | Site | Exterior, Mobile, Scomp Link | Force drain -1 here. If you control, opponent's Upper Walkway game text is canceled. | During your move phase, may move for free from here to any other Cloud City exterior site. | |
·Cloud City: West Gallery Special Edition C | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | Force drain -1 here. | Your blasters present may fire at targets at nearest related exterior site. | |
![]() ![]() ![]() Cloud City C | Sector | Planet | If you control, Force drain +1 here. Starships are power and maneuver -2 here. | If you control, once per turn, may add 1 to a Force drain at a related site. Starships are power and maneuver -2 here. | |
·Corulag Sealed Deck NA | System Parsec: 4 | Planet | If you control, Force drain -1 here. | If you control, all non-unique Imperials are power and forfeit +1 and Imperial trooper guards may move. | |
·Coruscant Special Edition R | Site Parsec: 0 | Planet | Force drain -1 here. | If you control with a Star Destroyer, Force drain +1 here and opponent may not deploy Rebels to related sites. | |
·Coruscant: Docking Bay Special Edition C | System | Exterior, Planet, Scomp Link | Your docking bay transit from here requires 3 Force. Your transit to here requires +8 Force. | Your docking bay transit from here requires 1 Force (free if an Imperial present). | |
·Coruscant: Imperial City Special Edition U | Site | Exterior, Planet, Scomp Link | If your general here, during battles at all battlegrounds, add one destiny to your total power only. | ||
·Coruscant: Imperial Square Special Edition R | Site | Exterior, Planet, Scomp Link | Force drain +1 here. If you control, Emperor Palpatine may not deploy to Coruscant. | Emperor Palpatine deploys free here. If your moff here, all Imperials are deploy -1 at sites. | |
·Dagobah Special Edition U | System Parsec: 9 | Planet | Opponent's Force drains here are canceled. You may not Force drain here. | If you occupy, opponent's Force drains at related locations are canceled. | |
·Dagobah: Cave Dagobah R | Site | Interior, Underground, Planet | Lose 1 force during each of your control phases if Yoda on table but not on Dagobah. | If opponent has presence here, your Force Icons are canceled. | |
·Dantooine Premiere U1 | System Parsec: 5 | Planet | Your starships may move here as a "react" (if within range) at any time during the opponent's turn. | ||
·Death Star A New Hope R2 | System Parsec: X | Mobile | X = parsec of current position. Deploys only at parsec 0. Hyperspeed = 1. Immune to Revolution. If this is your starting location, Light Side goes first in game. | ||
·Death Star II Death Star II R | System Parsec:X | Mobile | X = parsec of current position. Must deploy orbiting Endor. Death Star II locations are immune to revolution. Opponent's Force Drains +3 here unless That Thing's Operational on table. | ||
·Death Star II: Capacitors Death Star II C | Sector | Mobile | When your starship moves from here, draw movement destiny. Add maneuver. If total destiny < 2, starship is lost. | Deploys only if Coolant Shaft on table. While That Thing's Operational on table, you may add one battle destiny during battles at Death Star II system and system it orbits. | |
·Death Star II: Coolant Shaft Death Star II C | Sector | Mobile | When your starship moves from here, draw movement destiny. Add maneuver. If total destiny < 1, starship is lost. | Deploys only if Death Star II system on table. Your TIEs at Death Star II locations may not Tallon Roll. Your non-Objective cards with 'Occupation' in title are canceled. | |
·Death Star II: Docking Bay Death Star II C | Site | Interior, Exterior, Mobile, Scomp Link | Your docking bay transit to or from here requires 8 Force (ignore other docking bay's text). | Your TIEs deploy -1 here. Your docking bay transit from here is free. | |
·Death Star II: Reactor Core Death Star II C | Sector | Mobile | When attempting to "blow away" Death Star II, add 1 to total destiny for each of your piloted starfighter here. | Deploys only if Capacitors on table. You may deploy That Thing's Operational from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Ominous Rumors is suspended. | |
·Death Star II: Throne Room Death Star II R | Site | Interior, Scomp Link | Immune to Revolution | Once per game, you may take Emperor's Power into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Death Star: Central Core Premiere U2 | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, Force drain +1 here and Death Star Tractor Beam is canceled. | If you control, Wrong Turn and Retract The Bridge deploy for free. | |
·Death Star: Conference Room A New Hope U1 | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | Force drain +1. If you control, may subtract 1 from total of Commence Primary Ignition. | If you control, with a leader here, may add 1 to total of Commence Primary Ignition. | |
·Death Star: Detention Block Control Room Special Edition C | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, you may raise converted Detention Block Control Room to the top. | If you occupy with an Imperial, this site may not be converted. | |
·Death Star: Detention Block Corridor Premiere C1 | Site | Interior, Mobile | If you control, Force drain +1 here. | Add 1 to each of your weapon destiny draws here. | |
·Death Star: Docking Bay 327 Premiere C2 | Site | Interior, Exterior, Mobile, Scomp Link | Your docking bay transit from here requires 2 Force. | Your docking bay transit from here is free. | |
·Death Star: Docking Control Room 327 Premiere Introductory Two Player Game T2 | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, with a Rebel with ability > 2 present, Force drain +2 here | If you control, may deploy a docking bay directly from your Reserve Deck. Reshuffle deck. | |
·Death Star: Level 4 Military Corridor Premiere U1 | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, Force drain +1 here. | During your move phase, Imperials may move free from here to any one Death Star site. | |
·Death Star: War Room Premiere U2 | Site | Interior, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you initiate a battle here, add one battle destiny. | If you control, with a leader here, all Rebel Troopers and Y-Wings on table are forfeit -1. | |
![]() Special Edition F | Site | Exterior, Planet | May not deploy to Bespin, Coruscant, Dagobah, Hoth, Kessel or Naboo. Each of your battle destiny draws is -1 here. Sandwhirl here moves only if on Tatooine. | May not deploy to Bespin, Coruscant, Dagobah, Hoth, Kessel or Naboo. Your Jawas and Tusken Raiders may deploy here. Sandwhirl here moves only if on Tatooine | |
·Endor Endor U | System Parsec: 8 | Planet | If you have no Ewoks on Endor, Force drain -1 here. To move or deploy your starship to here requires +1 Force. | If you control, for each of your starships here, your total power is +1 in battles at Endor site. | |
·Endor: Ancient Forest Endor U | Site | Planet, Exterior | Your aliens are deploy -1 here (or -2 if Yuzzum). If your Yuzzum present, Force drain +1 here. | ||
·Endor: Back Door Endor U | Site | Planet, Exterior, Scomp Link | If you control, during your move phase, you may move from Back Door to Bunker (or vice versa). | If you control, during your move phase, you may move from Back Door to Bunker (or vice versa). | |
·Endor: Bunker Endor U | Site | Planet, Interior, Scomp Link | You may move here only from Back Door. While you control, Endor Shield is suspended. | Once per game, you may deploy Endor Shield from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Endor: Dark Forest Endor R | Site | Planet, Exterior | Your Ewoks are each deploy +1 here. If your Ewok present, Force drain +1 here. | Your Yuzzum are each power +1 here. If your Imperial is present, Force drain +1 here. | |
·Endor: Dense Forest Endor C | Site | Planet, Exterior | No starships or vehicles here except speeder bikes, AT-STs, Ewok gliders and creature vehicles. | No starships or vehicles here except speeder bikes, AT-STs, Ewok gliders and creature vehicles. | |
·Endor: Ewok Village Endor U | Site | Planet, Exterior, Interior | No starships or vehicles here. If your Ewok present, Force drain +1 here. | No starships or vehicles here. If no Ewoks on Endor, Force drain +1 here. | |
·Endor: Forest Clearing Endor U | Site | Planet, Exterior | Your vehicles are each power +1 here. | Your vehicles are each power +1 here. | |
···Endor: Great Forest Endor C | Site | Exterior, Planet | Your character movement from here (except for Ewok and scouts) requires +1 landspeed. | Your character movement from here (except for Yuzzum and scouts) requires +1 landspeed. | |
·Endor: Landing Platform (Docking Bay) Endor C | Site | Planet, Interior, Exterior | Your docking bay transit from here requires 7 Force. Your transit to here requires +9 Force. | Your docking bay transit from here requires 1 Force (free if your Imperial present). | |
·Eriadu Jedi Pack NA | System Parsec: 1 | Planet | If you control, Force drain +1 here | Tarkin deploys free here. If you control, all Imperials with ability > 2 on table are forfeit +2. | |
·Executor: Comm Station Dagobah U | Site | Interior, Starship, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, your starships may 'react' from same system as Executor. | If you occupy with Tarkin, Piett or any admiral, your starships may 'react' to same system. | |
·Executor: Control Station Dagobah U | Site | Interior, Starship, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, only you may move Executor during opponent's move phase. | If an Imperial leader here, Executor is power +1 for each Executor site on table. | |
·Executor: Docking Bay Special Edition U | Site | Interior, Exterior, Starship, Mobile, Scomp Link | Your docking bay transit from here requires 7 Force. Your transit to here requires +9 Force. | Your docking bay transit from here is free. If you occupy, opponent may not move to this site. | |
·Executor: Holotheatre Dagobah R | Site | Interior, Starship, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, Force drain +1 here. | If you have Vader or Emperor on table, your Force generation is +1 here (+2 if both). | |
·Executor: Main Corridor Dagobah C | Site | Interior, Starship, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you control, opponent's Main Corridor game text is canceled. | During your move phase, you may move free between here and Executor or any Executor site. | |
·Executor: Meditation Chamber Dagobah R | Site | Interior, Starship, Mobile, Scomp Link | If you occupy, opponent's Meditation Chamber game text is canceled. | If Vader alone here, once per turn, may apply his ability to draw battle destiny at any system. | |
·Fondor Special Edition U | System Parsec: 6 | Planet | Force drain -1 here. If you control, opponent may not deploy Executor. | Executor deploys -5 here. If you occupy, all opponent's Corellian corvettes are forfeit -4 and deploy +1. | |
![]() Special Edition F | Site | Exterior, Planet | May not deploy to Bespin, Coruscant, Hoth, Kessel or Tatooine. | May not deploy to Bespin, Coruscant, Hoth, Kessel or Tatooine. Your characters present here are immune to attrition. | |
·Gall Death Star II C | System Parsec:9 | Planet | Immune to Revolution | While you occupy, once per battle you may choose a target just 'hit' by a blaster or rifle (except permanent weapons) to be lost. | |
·Hoth Hoth U2 | System Parsec: 5 | Planet | If you control, for each of your starships here, your total power is +1 in battles at Hoth sites. | If you control, for each of your starships here, your total power is +1 in battles at Hoth sites. | |
·Hoth: Defensive Perimeter Hoth C2 | Site 3rd Marker | Exterior, Planet | Your troopers are forfeit -1 here | Add 1 to each of your weapon destiny draws here. If you control, Force drain +1 here. | |
·Hoth: Echo Command Center (War Room) Hoth U2 | Site | Underground, Interior, Planet, Scomp Link | If you control, your starship movement from Hoth sites to the Hoth system is free. | Add 1 to total of Commence Primary Ignition when targeting the Hoth system. | |
·Hoth: Echo Corridor Hoth U2 | Site | Underground, Interior, Planet, Scomp Link | If you occupy, you may raise all of your converted Hoth locations to the top. | ||
·Hoth: Echo Docking Bay Hoth C2 | Site | Interior, Exterior, Planet, Scomp Link | Your docking bay transit from here requires 1 Force | Your docking bay transit from here requires 2 Force. | |
·Hoth: Ice Plains Hoth C2 | Site 5th Marker | Exterior, Planet | If you control, and Main Power Generators on table, Force drain -1 here. | During your move phase, you may move free from here directly to Mountains (or vice versa). | |
·Hoth: Mountains Empire Strikes Back Introductory Two Player Game T2 | Site 6th Marker | Exterior, Planet | Force drain +1 if you control. | Your Imperials and combat vehicles deploy -1 here. | |
·Hoth: North Ridge Hoth C2 | Site 4th Marker | Exterior, Planet | Your AT-ATs move to here for free. | ||
·Hoth: Wampa Cave Hoth R2 | Site 7th Marker | Interior, Planet | If you control, and Main Power Generators on table, Force drain -1 here. | Your Wampas deploy free here. | |
·Imperial Holotable A New Hope R1 | Site | "Dejarik Rules" in effect here. Site converted by Dejarik Hologameboard. | "Dejarik Rules" in effect here. | ||
·Jabba's Palace: Audience Chamber Jabba's Palace U | Site | Interior, Planet | If you control, may use 4 Force to cancel Scum and Villainy. Immune to Revolution. | One per game you may deploy one alien here from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Jabba's Palace: Droid Workshop Jabba's Palace U | Site | Interior, Planet, Scomp Link | If you control, with a droid here, Force drain +1 here. | Your droids deploy -1 here. | |
·Jabba's Palace: Dungeon Jabba's Palace U | Site | Interior, Planet | If you control, may use 3 Force to release an imprisoned captive here. | Whenever a bounty hunter delivers a captive here, retrieve 2 Force (once per captive). | |
·Jabba's Palace: Entrance Cavern Jabba's Palace U | Site | Interior, Exterior, Planet | If you control, Force drain +1 here and your aliens deploy -2 here. | Bib Fortuna deploys -3 here. If you control, with a Gamorrean here, Force drain +1 here. | |
·Jabba's Palace: Rancor Pit Jabba's Palace U | Site | Interior, Underground, Planet | If your character here is 'eaten,' opponent retrieves Force equal to character's forfeit. | Dark Waters may deploy here. If a creature present, cards cannot move from here. | |
·Jabba's Sail Barge: Passenger Deck Jabba's Palace R | Site | Interior, Vehicle | Your characters may enter/exit here for 4 Force each. | Deploy on Jabba's Sail Barge. If you occupy, Sail Barge is immune to attrition. | |
![]() Special Edition F | Site | Exterior, Planet | May not deploy to Bespin, Coruscant, Hoth, Kessel or Tatooine. Force drain -1 here. Your attrition against opponent is -2 here. | May not deploy to Bespin, Coruscant, Hoth, Kessel or Tatooine. Your aliens and creature vehicles are each power +1 here. | |
·Kashyyyk A New Hope C1 | System Parsec: 6 | Planet | Your starships with any Wookiee aboard are power and forfeit +2 here. | Force drain +1 here. If you control, all Wookiees on table are forfeit -3. | |
·Kessel Premiere U2 | System Parsec: 8 | Planet | Total ability of 6 or more required for you to draw battle destiny here. | Your starships deploy -1 here, -2 if Tarkin is present. If you control, Kessel Run is prevented (canceled). | |
·Kiffex A New Hope R1 | System Parsec: 2 | Planet | If you occupy with exactly 2 starships, your total power here is +2. | If you occupy with exactly 2 starships, your total power here is +2 and Tonnika Sisters anywhere are doubled. | |
·Kuat Special Edition U | System Parsec: 1 | Planet | If you occupy, all Star Destroyers are deploy +1 (+3 if you control). Your movement to here requires +1 Force. | Your starships may move as a 'react' (for free) to a battle here. | |
·Mon Calamari Death Star II C | System Parsec:6 | Planet | Force Drain -1 here. If you occupy with a Star Cruiser, opponent's Star Destroyers deploy +2 here. | If you occupy with a Star Destroyer, opponent's Star Cruisers are deploy +2 (and may not deploy here). | |
·Nal Hutta Jabba's Palace R | System Parsec: 3 | Planet | If you control, Force drain -1 here and opponent's Nal Hutta game text is canceled. | During your control phase, may search Reserve Deck, take one Bounty or Hutt Bounty into hand; reshuffle. | |
·Ord Mantell Hoth C2 | System Parsec: 7 | Planet | Your Bounty Hunters are deploy -2 here. | ||
·Raithal Dagobah U | System Parsec: 3 | Planet | If you occupy, opponent's Raithal game text is canceled. | All your troopers are destiny +1 (+2 if you control). Tactical support is used interrupt. | |
·Ralltiir A New Hope C1 | System Parsec: 3 | Planet | Tantive IV is power +1 here | Devistator is power +1 here and may move to or from here for free | |
·Rendili Special Edition F | System Parsec: 2 | Planet | Force drain -1 here. If you occupy, opponent's Rendili game text is canceled. | If you control, once during each of your control phases, may use 3 Force to retrieve a Victory-class Star Destroyer. | |
·Sandcrawler: Droid Junkheap A New Hope R1 | Site | Interior, Vehicle | Your characters may enter/exit here for 1 Force each. "Nighttime conditions" here. | Deploy on your Sandcrawler. Each Jawa is forfeit +2 here. "Nighttime conditions" here. | |
![]() Special Edition F | Site | Exterior, Planet | May not deploy to Bespin, Dagobah, Endor, Hoth, Kashyyyk or Yavin 4. If your thief or scout present, Force drain +1 here. | May not deploy to Bespin, Dagobah, Endor, Hoth, Kashyyyk or Yavin 4. If you have a non-unique Imperial leader at same or related site, Force drain +1 here. | |
![]() Special Edition F | Site | Exterior, Planet, Scomp Link | May not deploy to Bespin, Dagobah, Endor, Hoth or Yavin 4. Your docking bay transit from here requires 3 Force. Your pilots deploy +1 here. | May not deploy to Bespin, Dagobah, Endor, Hoth or Yavin 4. Your docking bay transit from here requires 2 Force. Your starfighters deploy -1 (or -2 if freighter) here. | |
![]() Special Edition F | Site | Exterior, Planet, Scomp Link | May not deploy to Bespin, Dagobah, Endor, Hoth, Kashyyyk or Yavin 4. | May not deploy to Bespin, Dagobah, Endor, Hoth, Kashyyyk or Yavin 4. If your Imperial leader here, Imperials at same and related sites are power and forfeit +1. | |
![]() Special Edition F | Site | Exterior, Planet | May not deploy to Bespin, Dagobah, Endor, Hoth, Kashyyyk or Yavin 4. Rebels are power -1 here. | May not deploy to Bespin, Dagobah, Endor, Hoth, Kashyyyk or Yavin 4. During your move phase, may move free between here and any related ![]() |
···Star Destroyer: Launch Bay Dagobah C | Site | Interior, Exterior, Starship, Mobile, Scomp Link | Starships captured by Star Destroyer go here and may be Besieged. Immune to Revolution. | Your TIEs deploy -2 here. You may shuttle, transfer, embark and disembark here for free. | |
·Sullust Death Star II C | System Parsec:7 | Planet | Immune to Revolution | If you occupy when Haven is canceled, opponent loses 8 Force. | |
![]() Special Edition F | Site | Exterior, Planet | May not deploy to Bespin, Coruscant, Hoth, Kessel or Tatooine. To initiate battle here, you must use +3 Force. You may not 'react' to or from here. | May not deploy to Bespin, Coruscant, Hoth, Kessel or Tatooine. Once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one creature here from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Tatooine Premiere C2 | System Parsec: 7 | Planet | If you control, for each of your starships here, your total power is +1 in battles at Tatooine sites. | If you control, for each of your starships here, your total power is +1 in battles at Tatooine sites. | |
·Tatooine: Bluffs A New Hope R1 | Site | Exterior, Planet | "Bluff Rules" in effect here | "Bluff Rules" in effect here | |
·Tatooine: Cantina Premiere R2 | Site | Interior, Planet | Your aliens here are each forfeit +1. | Your aliens here, except Tusken Raiders, are each power +1. | |
···Tatooine: Desert Jabba's Palace C | Site | Exterior, Planet | Your character movement from here (except for scouts) requires +1 landspeed. | Your character movement from here (except for scouts) requires +1 landspeed. | |
·Tatooine: Docking Bay 94 Premiere C2 | Site | Interior, Exterior, Planet, Scomp Link | Your docking bay transit from here requires 2 Force. | Your docking bay transit from here requires 1 Force. | |
·Tatooine: Great Pit Of Carkoon Jabba's Palace U | Site | Exterior, Planet | During your control phase may cause Sarlacc to immediately attack one captive present. | ||
·Tatooine: Jabba's Palace Jabba's Palace U | Site | Exterior, Planet | If you control, opponent's Jabba's Palace game text here is canceled. Immune to Revolution. | During your deploy phase, may deploy one Jabba's Palace site from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Tatooine: Jawa Camp Premiere C1 | Site | Exterior, Planet | All your Jawas are power and forfeit -1 here. | Your Jawas deploy here for 1 Force from you only. | |
·Tatooine: Jawa Canyon Special Edition U | Site | Exterior, Planet | Force drain -1 here unless your Jawa is at this site. | Your Jawas are each power +2 here. | |
·Tatooine: Jundland Wastes Premiere C1 | Site | Exterior, Planet | Total ability of 6 or more required for you to draw battle destiny here. | Your Tusken Raiders here are each forfeit +1. If you control, Force drain +1 here. | |
·Tatooine: Krayt Dragon Pass Special Edition F | Site | Exterior, Planet | Force drain -1 here if Krayt Dragon Bones on table. | Add 1 to each of your battle destiny draws here for each Tatooine battleground site you occupy. | |
·Tatooine: Lars' Moisture Farm Premiere U2 | Site | Exterior, Planet, Scomp Link | Add 1 to each of your weapon destiny draws here. If you control, Force drain +1 here. | ||
·Tatooine: Mos Eisley Premiere C1 | Site | Exterior, Planet | Your spies, thieves, bounty hunters and smugglers are each power and forfeit +1 here. | ||
·Tatooine: Tusken Canyon Sealed Deck NA | Site | Exterior, Planet | If you control, Force drain +1 here (+2 if a Gaderffi Stick is present). | ||
·Wakeelmui Special Edition U | System Parsec: 2 | Planet | If you occupy, all TIEs deploy +1 (+2 if you control). Your movement to here requires +1 Force. | If Kuat is on table, Force generation +2 for you here. | |
·Yavin 4 Premiere C2 | System Parsec: 4 | Planet | If you control, for each of your starships here, your total power is +1 in battles at Yavin 4 sites. | If you control, for each of your starships here, your total power is +1 in battles at Yavin 4 sites. | |
·Yavin 4: Docking Bay Premiere C2 | Site | Interior, Exterior, Planet, Scomp Link | Your docking bay transit from here requires 1 Force. | Your docking bay transit from here requires 1 Force. | |
·Yavin 4: Jungle Premiere U2 | Site | Exterior, Planet | An Imperial alone here battles at power +2 and is immune to attrition. |
2X-7KPR (Tooex) Special Edition C | Droid | P:0 D:2 F:2 Security Patrol Droid | Basic security droid. Monitors perimeter sensors and floodlights at Imperial outposts. Responsible for maintenance of security devices. Stolen from Jabba. | Where present under "nighttime conditions," each of your Imperials and aliens at same planet site is power +2 and immune to attrition <3. | |
·4-LOM Dagobah R | Droid | P:2 R:3 D:2 F:3 Protocol Droid | Information Broker. Thief. Overrode and reprogrammed its own self-governing software. Convinced Jabba the Hut to upgrade its armor and weaponry. Became a bounty hunter. | Warrior Total power at same site is +1 for each of your alien/droid pairs present. Once during each battle, if present with Zuckuss, may use 1 Force to search any Used Pile and move 1 character there to the lost pile. May initiate battle and be battled. | |
·4-LOM With Concussion Rifle Enhanced Cloud City NA | Droid | P:2 R:3 D:3 F:3 Protocol Droid | Accomplished thief and information broker. Modified by Jabba to be an effective bounty hunter. The Hutt often teams 4-LOM with other hired killers. | Warrior, Permanent Weapon Adds one battle destiny if with Jabba or Zuckuss. Permanent weapon is ·4-LOM's Concussion Rifle (may target a character for free; target may not use its game text for remainder of turn). | |
·5D6-RA-7 (Fivedesix) Premiere R1 | Droid | P:2 D:4 F:5 Servant Droid | Aide to Admiral Motti's staff. Foul-tempered and vindictive. Feared by other droids. A spy for the ISB. Secretly investigates Imperial officers whose loyalties are in question. | Power +1 if at same site as Motti or Yularen. Deploy +1 for all opponent's droids (and your 'mouse' droids) at same location. Immune to attrition during "nighttime conditions." | |
AT-AT Driver Hoth C2 | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Piloting walkers high above the battlefield, AT-AT drivers are protected by 15 centimeters of reinforced armor. Accordingly, they are regarded with contempt by the infantry. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of any combat vehicle he pilots (3 if combat vehicle is an AT-AT). | |
···AT-ST Pilot Endor C | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Due to the unstable control characteristics of AT-STs, only the most talented recruits are assigned to them. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of any combat vehicle he pilots. When piloting an AT-ST in battle, adds 1 to his forfeit, draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise and cumulatively adds 1 to your attrition against opponent. | |
Abyssin Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Abyssins have an extremely violent culture. They also possess tremendous regenerative abilities. Often become mercenaries once they leave their homeworld, Byss. | Warrior Power +2 and Forfeit +1 while Myo at Audience Chamber. If lost or forfeited during a battle, may use 2 Force to 'regenerate' (place Abyssin in your Used Pile). | |
·Admiral Chiraneau Death Star II R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:4 | Deep space transmissions expert. Piett's personal advisor. TIE ace promoted upon Piett's request. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. When piloting a Star Destroyer at a battleground system, adds 1 to your Force drains here and at each other battleground system controlled by a Star Destroyer within 2 parsecs of Chiraneau. | |
·Admiral Motti Premiere R2 | Imperial | P:3 A:3 D:3 F:5 Force-Attuned | Senior Navy Commander of Death Star. Believes in technology. Ridiculed the Force. Ambitious leader. Promoted due to support of New Order, not military skills. Hates Vader. | Pilot, Warrior Deploy -2 if at least two Imperial starships on table. Rebel pilots at same system with Motti have forfeit -1. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. | |
·Admiral Ozzel Hoth R1 | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:0 F:4 | Leader of the Emperor's Death Squadron assigned to hunt down and crush the Rebellion. As clumsy as he is stupid. Has just failed Darth Vader for the next-to-last time. | Pilot Your capital starships are deploy -1 to same system. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. Immediately lost if Vader is on table and opponent 'reacts' to same location as Ozzel. | |
·Admiral Piett Death Star II F | Imperial | P:3 A:3 D:4 F:6 Force-Attuned | Veteran of the Imperial military machine. Leader of the Imperial fleet at Endor. Skilled at political maneuvering and appeasing his powerful superiors. | Pilot, Warrior Deploys -2 to ;Executor;. Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots (3 if a Star Destroyer). Your capital starships deploy -1 to same system. Once per game, you may take one Admiral's Order or any commander into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
···Advosze A New Hope C2 | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:2 | Typical of male Advosze, Bom Vimdin despises those of his own species. Pessimistic and territorial, he is a lone smuggler who prefers to work for corrupt officials. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. Whenever you deploy a weapon or device from hand at same location, activate 1 Force as a 'kickback.' Limit of one Advosze per location. | |
·Ak-rev Special Edition U | Alien | P:4 A:1 D:3 F:1 | Weequay musician from Sriluur. Studied in a monastery devoted to the Weequay god of thunder. Jabba's drum master. Trained in several forms of hand-to-hand combat. | Warrior Subtracts 1 from attrition against you at same site. Once during each of your control phases, may use 1 Force to take one musician into hand from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
·Amanaman Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:4 F:2 | Male Amanin. Hangs the heads of his victims on his staff. Nicknamed Amanaman; his real name is unknown on Tatooine. | Once per battle, may use 2 Force to "behead" (place out of play) one opposing non-droid character lost or forfeited where present. Adds X to attrition in battles at same site where X = the number of "beheaded" victims. | |
Amanin Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:3 F:2 | Amanin are a primitive hunting species. Exposed to space travel when their planet became a mining world for the Empire. Fierce-tempered when angered. | When Attacking or being attacked by a creature, power +3 and may add one destiny. If Amanin is alone and causes a non-selective creature to be lost, creature is placed out of play and you may retrieve Force equal to its deploy cost. | |
Anoat Operative Special Edition C | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Independent mercenaries operating out of Anoat work with some of the locals, such as Ugnaughts. These operatives inform the Empire of all suspected Alliance activities. | Warrior While at an Anoat site: adds 1 to your Force drains there, is power +1 (or +2 if your Ugnaught is on Anoat) and, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one site to Anoat from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
···Aqualish Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:3 F:3 | Aqualish originate from Ando. Continually at war. Reached the stars by eliminating the creator of the first ship that landed on their planet. Often seen of Cloud City. | Warrior Power +2 and forfeit +1 while Ponda Baba is at Audience Chamber. May initiate a battle for free where present. When at a Cloud City site, cumulatively adds one to number of Bespin locations required to cancel Dark Deal. | |
·Bane Malar Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:1 A:4 D:4 F:3 Force-Sensitive | Mysterious bounty hunter of an unknown species. Rumored to be somewhat telepathic. Infrequent member of Jabba's court. Plotting to kill Jabba. | At the start of a battle, may use 1 Force to 'mindscan' one opponent's non-droid character of lesser ability present. Adds that character's power and game text to his own for remainder of battle. Immune to attrition < 3. | |
·Barada Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:4 A:1 D:5 F:3 | Male Klatooinian in charge of Jabba's repulsorpool. Sold onto slavery and won by Jabba in sabacc. Responsible for maintenance and supplies for Jabba's vehicles. | Deploys only to a Jabba's Palace site. Power = 0 at any location other than a Tatooine site. Power +2 at any Jabba's Palace site while Jabba is on the table. Your transport vehicles lost from same site may go to your Used Pile rather than your Lost Pile. | |
·Baron Soontir Fel Death Star II R | Imperial | P:2 A:3 D:3 F:5 Force-Attuned | Corellian Baron. Leader of famed 181st Imperial Fighter Wing. Taught at the Imperial Academy on Prefsbelt IV. Instructed Biggs Darklighter. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. When piloting Saber 1, adds one battle destiny and 2 to maneuver. Adds 1 to your total battle destiny for each of your piloted TIE Interceptors in same battle. | |
·Barquin D'an Special Edition U | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Bith musician and gambler. Estranged older brother of Figrin D'an. Plays kloo horn, but not as well as his brother. Briefly jammed with Max Rebo's band. | Once during each of your control phases, may use 1 Force to make a 'wager'. Both players draw two destiny (add 1 to your total destiny for each of your gamblers at same site). Player with highest total may retrieve 1 Force. | |
·Beedo Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:* F:2 | Rodian bounty hunter. Relative of Greedo. Taking Greedo's place in Jabba's court. Fearful of Jabba's wraith. Notorious sycophant. | · Replaces any male Rodian for free (Rodian goes to the used pile) or deploys for 3 Force. While at audience chamber, all your Rodians are power +2, and whenever Greedo threatens a smuggler, may add 2 to destiny draw. | |
·Bib Fortuna Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:3 F:4 | Twi'lek leader and majordomo of Jabba's palace. Succeeded Jabba's last majordomo, Naroon Cuthus. Plotting to kill Jabba. | Deploys only on Tatooine. Opponent's characters of ability < 4 may not move from same site as Bib to a Jabba's Palace site. When at a Jabba's Palace site, each of you Gamorreans and Niktos may deploy as a 'react' to any Jabba's Palace site. | |
Biker Scout Trooper Endor C | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Scout troopers, or 'biker scouts' as they are commonly called, are stormtrooper specialists. Given wide latitude to operate independently of Imperial control. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any speeder bike pilots. Power -1 while not at a forest, jungle or Endor site. Forfeit +2 aboard a speeder bike. Once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy a speeder bike to same site from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Boba Fett Cloud City R | Alien | P:4 A:3 R:5 D:5 F:6 | Feared bounty hunter. Collected bounties on Solo from both the Empire and Jabba the Hutt. Took exquisite pleasure in using Solo's friend to capture him. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any starship he pilots. On Slave I, also adds 2 to maneuver and draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. When escorting a captive, captive is forfeit +5. May 'fly' (landspeed = 3). Immune to attrition < 3. | |
·Boba Fett Special Edition R | Alien | P:3 A:2 R:5 D:5 F:4 | Infamous bounty hunter. Hired to help Jabba intimidate debtors and smugglers. Crack shot. Mandalorian armor and jet pack provide protection and flight capability. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 2 to power and 1 to maneuver of any starship he pilots. May deploy -1 as a 'react' to same site as a gangster or smuggler. When firing weapons, any 'hit' characters are forfeit = 0. May 'fly' (landspeed=3). Immune to attrition < 3. | |
·Boba Fett With Blaster Rifle Enhanced Premiere Pack NA | Alien | P:4 A:3 R:5 D:5 F:5 | Notorious bounty hunter. "As you wish." | Pilot, Warrior, Permanent Weapon Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. Adds one battle destiny if with Han or Jabba. Permanent weapon is ·Boba Fett's Blaster Rifle (may target a character or creature for free; draw destiny; target hit, and its forfeit = 0, if destiny +1 > defense value). | |
·Boelo Special Edition R | Alien | P:3 A:3 D:4 F:3 | Naroon Cuthus' predecessor as Jabba's right hand man. Sees what he wants to see. Hears what he wants to hear. Has a pet womp rat named Worra. | Warrior Deploys only on Tatooine or to same location as Jabba. When in a battle either at Audience Chamber or with your alien leader, may cancel one opponent's battle destiny just drawn. | |
·Bossk Dagobah R | Alien | P:4 A:2 D:4 F:3 | Male Trandoshan bounty hunter. Strong but clumsy. Extremely proud and arrogant. Suffered a humiliating defeat at the hands of Chewbacca and his partner Han Solo. | Warrior, Pilot Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. On Hound's Tooth draws 1 battle destiny if not able to otherwise. Adds 1 to attrition against opponent in battles at same site. May reduce Chewie's forfeit to zero while present. | |
·Bossk with Mortar Gun Enhanced Jabba's Palace NA | Alien | P:4 A:2 D:5 F:3 | Trandoshan bounty hunter. Modified his mortar gun to fire stun cartridges for live captures. Uses non-fragmentary capture rounds to minimize collateral damage. | Pilot, Warrior, Permanent Weapon Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. Permanent weapon is ·Bossk's Mortar Gun (may fire for free; draw destiny; may substract or add 1 if at same site as a bounty; choose one character with that destiny number present to be captured.) | |
·Brangus Glee Special Edition R | Alien | P:1 A:4 D:3 F:3 | Elder of a dextrous race of renowned travelers. Gambler. Frequents casinos, bars and spaceports. Originally from distant planet Dor Nameth. | Pilot, Warrior Power +2 at Cantina. Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. Once per turn, may exchange a docking bay from hand with top card of Lost Pile. Your docking bay transit is free when moving to or from same site. Immune to attrition < 3. | |
CZ-4 Jabba's Palace C | Droid | P:1 D:2 F:3 Communications Droid | Very common communications droid. Some have been modified to be defense drones. Programmed to warn their masters of an imminent attack. | Opponent may not 'react' to or from same site. You may 'react' to a battle or Force drain at same or adjacent Jabba's Palace site by deploying (at normal use of the Force) one non-unique alien to that site from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Captain Bewil Cloud City R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:4 | Tactical officer from Dentaal. Leader. Familiar with utilizing computer controls to lure an invading enemy into a tactically weak position. | Warrior During your control phase, may search your Reserve Deck, take one Laser Gate, Heart Of The Chasm or Rite Of Passage into hand and reshuffle. Opponent's characters may not move from same site as Bewil to a mobile site. | |
·Captain Godhert Death Star II U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Elite fleet engineer. Technically brilliant. Key operator of magnetic signature sensors monitoring Star Destroyer hulls. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any capital starship he pilots. While aboard a Star Destroyer, adds 1 to armor, adds 1 to hyperspeed and, once during each of your move phases, may cancel Landing Claw at same system or sector. | |
·Captain Jonus Death Star II U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Often flies as top cover during bombing runs. Served with Death Squadron. Narrowly escaped death by space slug. Scored several kills against rebel blockade runners. | Pilot Deploys -2 aboard Scimitar 2. Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When forfeited from a TIE/sa, also satisfies all remaining attrition and battle damage against you. | |
·Captain Khurgee A New Hope U1 | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:3 | Docking bay security officer. Leader. Honored for bravery aboard the Star Destroyer Thunderflare where he rescued five officers from the wreckage of a shuttle crash. | Warrior Once during each of your control phases, you may use 2 Force to take one Scanning Crew into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Captain Lennox Hoth U1 | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:5 | Captain of the Imperial Star Destroyer Tyrant. An able leader. Unlike most Imperial officers, he is dedicated to his ship and crew. Finds political maneuvering distasteful. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots (3 if starship is Tyrant). When on a Star Destroyer, may use its Tractor Beam once each turn during your control phase. | |
·Captain Needa Dagobah R | Imperial | P:3 A:3 D:3 F:5 Force-Attuned | Able leader and captain of the Avenger. Was given his command by Admiral Ozzel. Treated with suspicion by Darth Vader and the Emperor, who distrust Ozzel's close advisors. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. If on Avenger, starship is also immune to attrition <4. You may re-target applicable Utinni Effects to Needa. If in a battle where you choose to forfeit characters, you must forfeit Needa first. | |
·Captain Piett Hoth R2 | Imperial | P:2 A:3 D:3 F:4 Force-Attuned | Captain on the Executor. Monitored probe droid telemetry. His flawless record of arrests and suppressions has contributed to an impressive rise through the ranks. | Pilot Power +1 when at same site as Vader. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots (3 if starship is Executor). May use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck and take one Probe Droid into hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. | |
·Captain Sarkli Death Star II R | Imperial | P:2 A.2 D:2 F:3 | Piett's nephew. Once granted audience with Emperor. On fast-track to promotion. Absolutely fearless spy. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. While he controls opponent's non-battleground location, opponent generates no Force here. While he occupies opponent's Subjugated system, Liberation is flipped and Local Uprising may not be flipped. | |
·Captain Yorr Death Star II U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Former member of Imperial Demonstration Team. Flew test flights during development of various TIE prototypes. Jendon's wingman. Has scored 24 combat victories. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots (3 if a starfighter). When piloting a TIE Defender and with Jendon, adds one battle destiny. | |
·Chall Bekan Sealed Deck NA | Alien | P:2 A:3 D:4 F:4 Force-Attuned | Male Morseerian leader. Methane breather. Has ties to Tatooine's Imperial government. Uses alien agents to maintain surveillance on Jabba and the Rebellion. | Pilot, Warrior When deployed, you may immediately search your Reserve Deck, take one non-unique alien into hand and reshuffle. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. Your aliens deploy -1 to same or adjacent Tatooine site. | |
Chevin Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:3 F:2 | Most Chevin are mercenaries, gun runners and slavers. Have strong communities on their homeworld. Wear clothing only because others do. | Power +2 and forfeit +1 while Ephant Mon is at Audience Chamber. When forfeited at same site as one of your alien leaders, may satisfy all remaining attrition against you. | |
·Chief Bast Premiere U1 | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Aide to Grand Moff Tarkin. Rarely underestimates enemies. Learned cunning and patience hunting big game as a youth. | Pilot If aboard a starship at the start of a battle, can immediately evacuate with one other person to a related site. Power +1 if at same site as Tarkin. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. | |
·Chief Retwin Cloud City R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:3 | Highly skilled saboteur. Former Imperial sympathizer who worked for the defense forces on his home planet, Ralltiir. Joined the Empire after Ralltiir's subjugation. | Warrior May use 3 Force to 'hide' from (not participate in) a battle. May use 2 Force to target one device or weapon present which deploys on a site. Draw destiny. If destiny > target's deploy cost, target is lost. | |
·Chyler Special Edition U | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Placed several ISB agents and Aqualish in the Cloud City miner's guild. Promised a position when the Empire took over Cloud City. She's still waiting. | Warrior While on Cloud City, adds 4 to destiny of each of your miners drawn for battle destiny and adds 1 to your Force drains at related cloud sectors where you have a minor or refinery (adds 2 if both). | |
···Cloud City Engineer Cloud City C | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:3 F:3 | Maintenance specialist Lee Phenets. Assigned to ensure the smooth operation of Cloud City. One of the few humans respected by the city's Ugnaughts. | When present at a converted site, may use 2 Force to raise your site to the top. Also, when present at an opponent's site that has a Scomp link, your Force drains are +1 there. Ugnaughts deploy -1 to same Cloud City site. | |
Cloud City Trooper Cloud City C | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Officially titled Cloud City Wing Guards. Some are holdovers from previous administrations which were more totalitarian. A moderate pay scale breeds corruption. | Warrior Deploys only on Cloud City, but may move elsewhere. Power -1 when at a site other than a Cloud City site. | |
·Colonel Davod Jon Death Star II U | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:4 F:5 | Scout. Special forces leader. Convinced superiors that wilderness survival and recon training are necessary for militia dominance, despite technological superiority. | Warrior While at an exterior planet site, power +2, immune to attrition < 3 and draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. When present with a Scomplink, cancels Surpise Assault at a related site where you have a spy or scout. | |
·Colonel Dyer Endor R | Imperial | P:3 A:3 D:3 F:4 Force-attuned | Responsible for defense of control bunker. Leader. Worked closely with Moff Jerjerrod to plan the installation's defense. Instructed to hold troops in reserve. | Warrior While at Bunker of an Endor battleground site, prevents Ominous Rumors from being canceled. Your Endor icon troopers may move as a 'react' to same site. | |
·Colonel Jendon Death Star II R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:4 | Senior test pilot ordered to shake down first TIE defenders assigned to fleet operations. Occasionally given honor duty of flying Vader's shuttle. | Pilot Adds 3 to power and 1 to maneuver of anything he pilots. When piloting Onyx 1, draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
·Colonel Wullf Yularen Premiere U1 | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:5 | Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) officer assigned to brief Tarkin. Also ordered to ensure absolute loyalty to the Emperor. Leader. Will stop at nothing to fulfill the Emperor's will. | Warrior Power +1 if at the same site with Tarkin, Chief Bast or General Dodonna. | |
···Comm Chief Dagobah C | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:3 F:3 | Chief Hudiss is one of the Imperial fleet's many communication specialists. Coordinates Star Destroyer fleet movement during challenging tactical situations. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. When piloting a starship or combat vehicle, that starship or vehicle moves for free. | |
·Commander Brandei Dagobah U | Imperial | P:1 A:3 D:3 F:3 Force-Attuned | Technical Services Officer of the Fleet Support Branch. Responsible for keeping Executor's 12 TIE squadrons serviced and combat ready. Just received transfer to Judicator. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. If aboard a Star Destroyer or at any docking bay, once during each of your control phases, may use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck and take one TIE into hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. | |
·Commander Desanne Cloud City U | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Officer from Kalist VI. Due to a political blunder, was stripped of most official duties. Relegated to shuttling dignitaries and high-ranking Imperials. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. Your shuttling, landing and taking off to or from same location is free. During your control phase may search you Reserve Deck, take any one Lambda shuttle or Landing Craft into hand and reshuffle. | |
·Commander Gherant Dagobah U | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:3 F:4 | Deck officer aboard the Super Star Destroyer Executor. Responsible for preventing unauthorized access to sensitive areas of the Empire's flagship. Hand-picked by Captain Piett. | Warrior If aboard Executor (even at an Executor site), once during each of your deploy phases, may use 2 Force to search your Reserve Deck and take any one Executor site into hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. | |
·Commander Igar Endor R | Imperial | P:3 A:3 D:4 F:5 Force-attuned | Leader. Served with General Veers' Blizzard unit at Battle of Hoth. Assigned by Vader to coordinate surface defense of Endor's moon. Kuat native. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any combat vehicle he pilots. When piloting Tempest 1 or a non-unique AT-AT, adds one battle destiny. When in battle with Veers or Tagge, may use 2 Force to cancel and redraw one just-drawn battle destiny. | |
·Commander Merrejk Death Star II R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:4 | Elite Imperial scout and spy. Often poses as a freighter captain making runs to the Outer Rim. Monitors activites of Rebels and other criminals. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When he is present with a Scomp link, once during each of your deploy phases, you may deploy one battleground system from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Commander Nemet Dagobah U | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Logistics officer for the Avenger, member of the Line Branch of the Imperial Navy. Relays important scanner information to Captain Needa. Fiercely competitive. | Pilot Adds 1 to power and maneuver of any starship he pilots. Opponent may not 'react' to or from same location. | |
·Commander Praji Premiere U2 | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Vader's aide on the Devastator. Personally supervised search for Death Star plans on Tatooine by Vader's order. Was graduated with honors from Imperial Navy Academy on Carida. | Pilot, Warrior Where present, C-3PO or R2-D2 cannot utilize "game text." Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. On Devastator, also adds 1 to hyperspeed. | |
·Corporal Avarik Endor U | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Frequently engaged in brawls at the local enlisted clubs on homeworld of Corulag. Stormtrooper assigned to biker scout unit. Monitors Yuzzum activity. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any speeder bike he pilots (when piloting it in battle, also adds 1 to your total battle destiny). When in a Local Trouble battle, adds one destiny to your total power. | |
·Corporal Derdram Dagobah U | Imperial | P:3 A:1 D:3 F:3 | Member of Imperial Intelligence, Internal Security division. Assigned by IntSec to Executor. Responsible for physical safety of Imperial personnel against Rebel saboteurs. | Warrior Power +1 when at any Executor site. While at Detention Block Corridor, cancels game text of Detention Block Control Room. May use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck and take one IT-O or Hypo into hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. | |
·Corporal Drazin Endor U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Stormtrooper assigned to Commander Igar's honor guard. Accompanied Vader on Drazin's homeworld of Bespin. Shot C-3PO there. | Warrior Once during each of your control phases, may take one Special Delivery into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Special Delivery is immune to Alter. When Drazin completes Special Delivery, you may take two additional cards into hand. | |
·Corporal Drelosyn Endor R | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Stormtrooper from Coruscant. Honed piloting skills by racing swoops in underworld of Imperial capital. Still tempering his skills as a biker scout. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any speeder bike he pilots or anything he drives. When in battle with Irol at a site, adds one battle destiny. Power +1 at any mobile, interior or spaceport site. | |
·Corporal Grenwick Special Edition R | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:1 | Death Star trooper who witnessed Leia's interrogation. Senior tactical advisor to Sergeant Major Enfield. Coordinates security duty assignments for Detention Block AA-23. | Warrior While Grenwick is on Death Star, your Death Star Sentry is not unique (·), is doubled, deploys free, applies all three of its modifiers and is immune to Alter. Power -1 when not on Death Star. | |
·Corporal Misik Endor R | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Son of a Tatooine diplomat. Stormtrooper. Biker scout. Deadly shot. Develops speeder bike tactics with Sergeant Barich. Hopes for promotion to Emperor's Demonstration Team. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any speeder bike he pilots. When firing a Scout Blaster, adds 1 to his total weapon destiny. When with Barich in a battle and piloting or driving a vehicle, may add that vehicle's maneuver to your total power. | |
·Corporal Oberk Endor R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Originally from Ukio. Stormtrooper assigned to search for Rebel activity on Endor. Trying to impress the commander of his biker scout detachment. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any speeder bike he pilots. Once during each of your control phases, may target one opponent's missing character at same site. Draw destiny. Add 2 if Oberk is armed with a blaster. Target captured if total destiny > ability. | |
·Corporal Prescott Special Edition U | Imperial | P:4 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Death Star trooper and detention block guard. Volunteered for prison detail. Takes sadistic pleasure in seeing Imperial justice enforced. | Warrior When at a prison, instead of Force draining there, may use X Force to retrieve X Force, where X = number of imprisoned Rebels there. Power -2 when not on Death Star. | |
·Corporal Vandolay Dagobah U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | ISB attache to the Executor. Detention Officer. Political Liaison for COMPNOR. Responsible for all prisoner transfers. Fiercely loyal to the Emperor's New Order. | Warrior May use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck and take one Spice Mines Of Kessel or Detention Block Corridor into hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. While at a mobile site, We Have A Prisoner is a Used Interrupt. | |
Corulag Operative Special Edition C | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Independent traders make money selling equipment to the academy at Corulag. Resentful of the Alliance pilots that disrupt their shipping lines. | Warrior While at a Corulag site: adds 1 to your Force drains there, is power +1 (or +2 if your trooper is on Corulag) and, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one site to Corulag from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
·DS-181-3 Death Star II U | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:1 F:2 | Flies Saber 3 in fighting 181st. Studied under Baron Fel at the Prefsbelt Imperial Academy; now flies as his wing. Nicknamed "Fel's Wrath". Watches the Baron's back. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When piloting Saber 3, draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. Opponent may not 'react' to same system or sector. | |
·DS-181-4 Death Star II U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Wingman of Major Phennir. Earned promotion to Fel's squadron by scoring 12 kills at Mon Calamari. Repeatedly refused further promotion so that he could remain in the 181st. | Pilot Adds 3 to power of any TIE he pilots. Once during each of your deploy phases, you may take one unique (·) TIE Interceptor into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·DS-61-2 Premiere U1 | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:4 | Pilot DS-61-2. Vader's left wingman. Flies Black 2. Specially trained pilot held in reserve for mission with Vader. Nicknamed "Mauler Mithel." | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any starship he pilots. On Black 2, also adds 1 to maneuver and may draw one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
·DS-61-3 Premiere R1 | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Pilot DS-61-3. Vader's right wingman. Flies Black 3. Reputation for ferocity in combat. Corellian pilot with excellent skills. Nicknamed 'Backstabber.' | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any starship he pilots. On Black 3, also adds 1 to maneuver and may draw one battle destiny if not able to do so otherwise. | |
·DS-61-4 A New Hope R2 | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Imperial pilot nicknamed "Dark Curse." Survived assaults against several dissenter worlds including Ralltiir and Mon Calamari. Intends to retire after his next combat mission. | Pilot Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. When piloting Black 4, also draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. May use 1 Force to take one Lone Pilot into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Dannik Jerriko A New Hope R1 | Alien | P:* A:3 D:4 F:2 Force-Attuned | Anzati assassin. Cheek-folds hide proboscises which allow him to "eat the soup" (consume the life Force) of his victims. Smokes t'bac. Currently working for Jabba. | Once per battle, may use 1 Force to "eat the soup" of (place out of play) one opposing non-droid character just lost or forfeited at same site. *Power = 1 + total ability of all victims whose soup was eaten. | |
Dantooine Operative Special Edition C | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Corrupt Pacithhip businessmen. Report to the Empire on who makes contributions to the Alliance. | Warrior While at a Dantooine site: adds 1 to your Force drains there, is power +1 (or +2 if your thief is on Dantooine) and, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one site to Dantooine from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
·Danz Borin A New Hope U2 | Alien | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Cocky gunner and bounty hunter. Maintains a residence on Nar Shaddaa, the spaceport moon of the Hutt homeworld. To his companions' delight, he's nearly as good as he boasts. | Pilot Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. If aboard a starship as a passenger, adds 1 to starship's weapon destiny draws. | |
·Darth Vader Premiere R1 | Imperial | P:6 A:6 D:6 F:8 Dark Jedi | Dark Lord of the Sith. Servant of Emperor's. Encased in armor with cybernetic life support. Student of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Was the best starpilot in the galaxy. Cunning warrior. | Pilot, Warrior When in battle, adds 1 to each battle destiny. Adds 3 to power of any starship he pilots. Adds 4 to power and 3 to maneuver when piloting Vader's Custom TIE. Immune to attrition < 5. | |
·Darth Vader With Lightsaber Enhanced Premiere Pack NA | Imperial | P:6 A:6 D:6 F:7 Dark Jedi | "If you only knew the power of the dark side." | Pilot, Warrior, Permanent Weapon Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. Permanent weapon is ·Vader's Lightsaber (may target a character or creature for free; draw two destiny; target hit, and its forfeit = 0, if total destiny > defense value). | |
·Darth Vader, Dark Lord Of The Sith Special Edition R | Imperial | P:6 A:6 D:6 F:8 Dark Jedi | Formerly Anakin Skywalker. Jedi Knight. Became Darth Vader. Ordered by Emperor Palpatine to deal with Luke Skywalker, but bargained for his son's life instead. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. When in battle, may target one opponent's character present. Draw destiny. Target 'choked' (lost) if destiny > ability. Immune to attrition < 5. | |
·Dathcha Premiere U1 | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:* F:2 | Jawa adventurer and trader. Famous for taunting a krayt dragon and escaping to tell the tale. Wants to leave Tatooine to explore the galaxy. | Warrior · To deploy, requires 2 Force from each players' Force Pile. Cannot deploy otherwise. Deploy only on Tatooine, but may move elsewhere. Power +2 at non-Tatooine sites. | |
···Death Star Gunner A New Hope C1 | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Most gunners in the Imperial Navy once assigned to be TIE pilots, but lacked sufficient skills to fly starfighters. A few were assigned to the Death Star to man the main artillery. | If on Death Star: Cumulatively adds 2 to total of Commence Primary Ignition. OR During your control phase, may send this gunner to your Used Pile and take Superlaser into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
Death Star Trooper Premiere C2 | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Elite soldiers trained in combat techniques and weapons skills. Devin Cant augmented security personnel guarding Princess Leia in Detention Block AA-23. | Warrior Deploy only on Death Star, but may move elsewhere. Power -1 at a site other than a Death Star site. | |
···Defel A New Hope C2 | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:3 F:2 | Male Defel from Af'El. This species, also known as 'wraiths,' is capable of warping light around themselves, becoming difficult to see at dusk. | Under "nighttime conditions," may use 1 Force to 'hide' (exclude himself) from a battle. While at a site affected by Revolution, opponent must lose 1 Force during your control phase. | |
·Dengar Dagobah R | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:4 F:3 | Corellian bounty hunter. Assassin trained by the Empire. Has reflex-enhancing cyber implants. Gravely injured during a swoop race in the crystal swamp of Agrilat. Blames Han Solo. | Pilot, Warrior Adds +2 to the power of any starship he pilots. Power +1 for every opponents character present. May reduce Han's forfeit to zero while present. | |
·Dengar with Blaster Carbine Enhanced Jabba's Palace NA | Alien | P:3 A:2 D:5 F:3 | Corellian bounty hunter. Skilled athlete. Expert shot. Has worked many times for Jabba the Hutt. Carries a long-standing grudge against Han Solo. | Pilot, Warrior, Permanent Weapon Adds 2 to the power of anything he pilots. Permanent weapon is ·Dengar's Blaster Carbine (may target a character, creature or vehicle for free; target hit, and its forfeit = 0, if destiny +1 > defense value; may be fired twice per battle). | |
·Djas Puhr Premiere R2 | Alien | P:1 A:4 D:4 F:4 | Male Sakiyan, a race often employed as assassins. Bounty hunter. Incredible infrared peripheral vision. Has excellent aural and olfactory senses. Often tracks by scent. | Warrior Power +1 for each Imperial Icon present, +2 under "nighttime conditions." Immune to attrition < 3. | |
·Dodo Bodonawieedo Special Edition U | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Rodian musician. Plays slitherhorn. Grew up in the streets of Mos Eisley. "Frocked" Jawas and stole ronto steaks as a child. Information broker. Was part of the Shawpee gang. | Warrior Power +2 at Mos Eisley. Opponent's Jawas are power -1 here. Once during each of your control phases, may peek at top X cards of your Force Pile, reorder however you wish and replace, where X = number of other musicians at same site. | |
·Dr. Evazan Premiere R2 | Alien | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Thug. Smuggler. Twisted 'doctor.' Disfigured by blaster. Has death sentence in over 12 systems. Notorious partner of Ponda Baba. Aliases: Dr. Cornelius and Rooboo, | Pilot, Warrior The not-so-good doctor may immediately 'operate' on any hit or Disarmed character at same site. 'Patient' is immediately lost. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. | |
·E-3P0 Cloud City R | Droid | P:1 D:2 F:3 Protocol Droid | Brought to Cloud City by the Empire. Facilitates Imperial-to-alien communication. Relayed carbonite chamber modification instructions to Ugloste. Arrogant. Rude. Vulgar. | Total power at same site is +1 for each of your alien/Imperial pairs present. Once during every turn, may use 1 Force to 'insult' one opponent's droid present (except R2-D2), canceling that droid's game text for remainder of turn. | |
EG-6 (Eegee-Six) Premiere U2 | Droid | P:0 D:1 F:3 Power Droid | Ambulatory power generator made by Veril Line Systems to support equipment and vehicles. Slow-witted. This EG unit is memory-wiped and doesn't know its name or serial number. | Power +1 for each droid present, except power droids. · Destiny equals zero, but if drawn as a battle destiny where you have less power than opponent, your total power present is doubled (once per battle). | |
·EV-9D9 Jabba's Palace R | Droid | P:3 D:3 F:2 Supervisor Droid | MerenData EV supervisor droid. Particularly enjoys torturing power droids. A clumsy designer nearly broke this unit before it was shipped. She formerly worked at Cloud City | During your control phase, may search Reserve Deck, take one power droid or Torture into hand and reshuffle. May Force drain at Droid Workshop, Droid Junkheap or Incinerator (+1 for each other droid present, including captive droids). | |
···Elite Squadron Stormtrooper Endor C | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Commander Igar selected the Empire's most dedicated stormtroopers to guard Endor for the Emperor. All they know is killing and white uniforms. | Warrior Power +2 while armed with a blaster. When using a blaster, subtracts 1 from Force required to fire it. Adds 2 to forfeit of each stormtrooper of ability < 2 at same site. | |
·Emperor Palpatine Death Star II UR | Imperial Dark Jedi Master | P:4 A:7 D:5 F:9 Dark Jedi Master | Sith Master and leader of Galactic Empire. Dark side mentor to Darth Vader. Controls the Empire by instilling fear in its subjects and greed in its governors. | Never deploys or moves (even aboard a starship or vehicle) to a site opponent occupies. Where present, subtracts 3 from attempts to cross Vader over. Once per turn, you may take Force Lightning into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Immune to attrition. | |
·Ephant Mon Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:3 D:4 F:2 Force-Attuned | Chevin smuggler. One of Jabba's few truly loyal associates. Keeps Jabba informed as to the various plots against his life. Leader. | Opponent's spies, gamblers and thieves may not deploy or move to same site. When with Jabba in a battle, power +2 and, if forfeited, may satisfy all remaining battle damage and attrition against you. | |
Eriadu Operative Special Edition C | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Used by Imperial officers as a contact between the Empire and local citizenry. Keep the Imperial bureaucracy informed on planetary issues. | Warrior While at a Eriadu site: adds 1 to your Force drains there, is power +1 (or +2 if your commander, general or moff is on Eriadu) and, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one site to Eriadu from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
FX-10 (Effex-ten) Hoth C2 | Droid | P:1 D:2 F:3 Medical Droid | Standard medical droid used by Imperial field units. Enhanced programming allows FX-10 to treat a wide variety of battle wounds. | Once per turn, one of your 'hit' non-droid characters at same or adjacent site may go to your Used Pile rather than your Lost Pile. | |
·Feltipern Trevagg Premiere U1 | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Corrupt tax collector. A male Gotal. Bounty hunter. Once sought a bounty on Obi-Wan. Has limited sensing ability to droid emanations. Romanced M'iiyoom Onith. | Warrior To initiate battles at same location as Trevagg, player must use X Force, where X = total number of dark icons and light icons present. If a droid is present, Trevagg's "game text" is unusable. | |
·Fozec Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Spy for the Empire. Keeping tabs on Jabba's activities for the ISB. Secretly hoping to leave the Empire and pursue lucrative opportunities in the underworld. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. While at a site you control, Imperials are immune to Ke Chu Ke Kakuta? at that site. | |
·Gailid Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:3 F:2 | Mosep's assistant. Accountant. Tax collector. Enjoys tending to Jabba's skiffs with Barada. | Pilot Deploys free to same site as Mosep. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. While at Audience Chamber, adds 1 to your Force drains at Jabba's Palace sites. | |
Gamorrean Guard Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:4 A:1 D:4 F:1 | Big. Strong. Dumb. | Warrior Deploys only to Tatooine. Power -1 when not at a Tatooine site. May be sacrificed (lost) to cancel an attack just initiated by a creature present. | |
·Garindan Premiere R2 | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Long-nosed, male Kubaz from Kubindi. Spy. Squealed on Obi-Wan and Luke outside Docking Bay 94. Works for Jabba the Hutt or the highest bidder. Not particularly brave. | When at same location as a Rebel of ability > 2, deploy -1 there for any Imperials, and during your move phase, Imperials at an adjacent site may move there for free. | |
·Gela Yeens Special Edition U | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:3 | Bad-tempered smuggler. Makes a few credits more helping Jabba collect debts. Highly regarded for his uncanny anticipation in battle. Searching for Debnoli. | Pilot, Warrior May deploy for free to your I starship. Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. Power +2 when present with and opponent's smuggler. When targeted by a weapon, subtract one from each weapon destiny. | |
·General Tagge Premiere R2 | Imperial | P:3 A:3 D:3 F:4 Force-Attuned | Oversees defense operations of Death Star. Outstanding tactician. No-nonsense leader. Member of the House of Tagge, a powerful noble family and corporate conglomerate. | Warrior Tagge's forfeit +1 for each Imperial trooper, of any kind, present with him at a site. | |
·General Veers Hoth R1 | Imperial | P:3 A:3 D:3 F:5 Force-Attuned | General Maximillian Veers is the model of Imperial Army officer. Cunning, loyal and ruthlessly efficient leader. In charge of the ground assault troops in Vader's forces. | Pilot, Warrior Power +1 when at same site as Admiral Ozzel. Imperials at same Hoth site are power +1. Adds 3 to power of any combat vehicle he pilots. On Blizzard 1, also adds 1 to armor and draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
·Giran Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:2 | Kajain'sa'Nikto. Loyal to Jabba. Helps tend the rancor with Malakili. Hopes to snare a krayt dragon someday and pit it against the rancor. | Warrior Deploys only on Tatooine. Power +3 when defending a battle at a Jabba's Palace site. May forfeit in place of one of your alien leaders present who was 'hit' by a weapon, restoring that leader to normal. | |
·Grand Moff Tarkin Premiere R1 | Imperial | P:4 A:3 D:4 F:6 Force-Attuned | Leader. Governor of Outer Rim Territories. Commanded Death Star. Helped disband Imperial Senate. Defined doctrine of rule by fear. Plotted to use Death Star against Emperor. | Pilot, Warrior If with Vader in a battle, may cancel one opponent's destiny draw immediately after it is revealed. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. | |
·Greedo A New Hope R1 | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:1 F:1/2 | Male Rodian bounty hunter. Sent by Jabba to capture Han. Arrogant, overconfident and not too bright. Trained by bounty hunters Nataz and Goa, who betrayed him to Thuku. | Warrior During opponent's control phase, may 'threaten' one smuggler at same site. Opponent may use all Force Pile cards to cancel threat, allowing you to activate same amount. Otherwise, draw destiny. If destiny + Greedo's ability > 6, smuggler lost. | |
·Greeta Special Edition U | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Rodian musician. In addition to her singing talents, she plays kloo horn. Befriended Sy Snootles on the luxury liner Kuari Princess. | Other Rodians deploy -1 to same site. Once during each of your control phases, may use 1 Force to take any Rodian into hand from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. While at Audience Chamber, all your other musicians are deploy -1 and forfeit +3. | |
·Hem Dazon A New Hope R1 | Alien | P:* A:2 D:2 F:3 | Male scout from Cona. As with many Arconas, Hem has succumbed to the power of salt, and addiction indicated by his gold eye color. | Once during each of your deploy phases, may place, face down, one card from hand or Force Pile under Hem, as "salt consumption." If Hem lost, cards underneath also lost. *Power = 1 + number of cards underneath. | |
·Herat Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:1 A:3 D:3 F:2 Force-Attuned | Female Jawa shaman. Advised Wittin during his plotting with Jabba. Agreed to fan the Hutt in return for his cooperation to help usurp Kalit. | Deploys only on Tatooine. During your control phase may search Reserve Deck, take 1 Utinni! or Jawa into hand and reshuffle. If you have 3 or more Jawas on table, may play Utinni! to cancel a Force drain at a related site or to cancel Control. | |
·Hermi Odle Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:3 A:2 D:3 F:2 | Baragwin assigned by Jabba to be the palace's master weaponsmith. Enemy of Pote Snitkin. | Warrior When in a battle, you may 'react' by deploying any one non-unique blaster (for free) on Hermi from Reserve Deck. reshuffle. When present with your Advosze at a site, allows your character weapons to transfer for free there. | |
·IG-88 Dagobah R | Droid | P:4 R:5 D:5 F:3 Assassin Droid | Bounty hunter. Went berserk upon activation. Murdered all designers at Holowan Mechanicals. IG-88's outstanding "dismantle on sight" warrant ignored by Darth Vader. | Pilot, Warrior x 2 Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. May 'assassinate' any character at same site hit by IG-88 (victim is immediately lost). May use two different weapons. May initiate battle and be battled. Immune to Restraining Bolt and purchase. | |
·IG-88 With Riot Gun Enhanced Cloud City NA | Droid | P:4 R:5 D:5 F:3 Assassin Droid | Bounty hunter droid equipped with proprietary stealth technology. Archived several of its enhancement subroutines in favor of sophisticated tracking and capture programming. | Pilot, Warrior, Permanent Weapon May initiate battle. Permanent weapon is riot gun (may target a character for free; draw destiny; target captured if destiny +1 > defense value). Adds one battle destiny if alone or with your other bounty hunter. Immune to Restraining Bolt and purchase. | |
IM4-099 Special Edition F | Droid | P:0 D:1 F:3 Patrol Droid | Imperial Mark IV Patrol Droid. Identifies criminal activity and transmits information to local authorities. Monitors random comm signals for illegal activity. | Whenever opponent Force drains at same or adjacent site, may deploy up to four troopers there as a 'react.' When IM4 is present with your trooper, Rebels are deploy +2 to same site and opponent may not 'react' to or from same site. | |
·IT-O (Eyetee-Oh) A New Hope R1 | Droid | P:4 D:3 F:1 Interrogator Droid | Floating prisoner interrogation droid. Uses probes and needles to dispense truth drugs and perform "surgery." Sensors determine subject's pain threshold and truthfulness. | When at Detention Block Corridor, adds X to your Force drains there, where X = the number of captives present. Immune to Restraining Bolt. | |
·Iasa, The Traitor Of Jawa Canyon Special Edition R | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:3 F:2 | While on a trip, King Kalit entrusted his credits, sandcrawler and mate to his friend Iasa. When Kalit returned, one was spent, one was sold and the other was missing. | Warrior Deploys only on Tatooine. When firing any Jawa weapon, subtracts 3 from target's defense value. When playing Dune Sea Sabacc, may subtract 1 from or add 1 to your total. | |
Imperial Commander A New Hope C2 | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:3 F:2 | Typical Imperial leader. Uses constant training and crisis simulations to help maintain high performance levels. Commander Daine Jir is known to be bold and outspoken. | Adds 1 to forfeit of each of your other Imperials (except leaders) at same site. | |
Imperial Gunner Hoth C2 | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:1 | Walker operators work in pairs, one trained to pilot the AT-AT, the other serving as gunner. Imperial gunners consider themselves the best marksmen in the Empire. | Warrior If a board a starship as a passenger, adds 1 to starship's weapon destiny draws. | |
···Imperial Helmsman Dagobah C | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:3 F:2 | Warrant Officer Bachenkall is typical of the many graduates of the Imperial Training academy on Raithal. The sector naval school trains pilots in capital starship help tactics. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. On a Star Destroyer, draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
Imperial Pilot Premiere C2 | Imperial | P:* A:2 D:2 F:2 | Among the Empire's best pilots. Loyal and fearless. Use superior numbers to overwhelm opponents. Trained under combat conditions. Wear sealed, high-gravity flight suits. | Pilot *Power = 0 when at any site, but adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. | |
Imperial Squad Leader A New Hope C3 | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Captain Mod Terrik, a typical officer of the Desert Sands sandtrooper unit. Fearless and highly motivated. Willing to sacrifice as many troops as necessary. | Warrior Adds 1 to forfeit of each of your other troopers at same site. When moving with a 'squad' of exactly three other troopers, all four move for 1 Force. Imperial Trooper Guards at same site may move. | |
Imperial Trooper Guard Premiere C2 | Imperial | P:* A:1 D:2 F:1 | Elite soldiers trained in combat techniques and weapons skills. Death Star trooper Tajis Durmin is typical of those assigned to guard key areas of the Death Star. | Cannot move. *Power = 0 during an offensive battle, but Power = 4 when defending a battle. | |
·Imperial Trooper Guard Dainsom Cloud City U | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Experienced trooper guard from Algarian. Assigned to guard sensitive areas. Formerly served aboard the Star Destroyer Thunderflare. | Warrior Deploys only aboard Executor or on any Death Star Site. Cannot move. May cancel opponent's Force Drains at adjacent sites. | |
·J'Quille Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:4 A:1 D:5 F:3 | Whiphid spy in league with Lady Valarian. Yearns for battle. Enjoys hearing the screams of his victims. Plotting to kill Jabba. | Warrior Power +2 on Hoth. At the start of a battle, may cause one opponent's character of ability < 3 present to be excluded from the battle. While at Audience Chamber, all your other Whipids are forfeit +2. | |
·Jabba Special Edition R | Alien | P:2 A:3 D:3 F:5 Force-Attuned | Gangster. Leader. Infamous Hutt crime lord. Operates his vast empire from an ancient monastery on Tatooine. Uses mercenary pilots to smuggle spice and other contraband. | Warrior To use his landspeed requires +1 Force. Your aliens are deploy -1 to same location. While at Audience Chamber, adds 2 to forfeit of all your non-unique aliens and makes Scum and Villainy immune to Alter. Immune to attrition < 4. | |
·Jabba the Hutt Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:3 A:4 D:6 F:7 Force-Sensitive | Jabba Desilijic Tiure. Male heir to Zorba the Hutt. Gangster. Leader of one of the largest criminal organizations in the galaxy. Over six hundred years old. | Deploy -2 at Tatooine or Nal Hutta. To move requires +2 Force. May escort a captive. While at Audience Chamber, adds 1 to forfeit of all your other aliens and allows you to activate 1 Force for whenever you Force drain with an alien. Immune to attrition < 4. | |
·Janus Greejatus Death Star II R | Imperial | P:2 A:4 D:4 F:5 Force-Sensitive | Imperial council member. Very cruel at heart. Has lusted for power his entire life. Predictable and controllable. | Deploys -3 to Emperor's site. When with Emperor at a battleground site, adds 1 to your Force drains here. Once per turn, you may use 1 Force to place a card from hand to bottom of Used Pile and draw top card of Reserve Deck. Immune to attrition < 3. | |
Jawa Premiere C2 | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:* F:1 | Small, rodent-like scavenger species. Refurbish and sell droids. Nest in sandcrawlers. Considered to be pests by most species. | · To deploy, requires 1 Force from each players' Force Pile. Cannot deploy otherwise. Deploy only on Tatooine, but may move elsewhere. | |
·Jodo Kast Enhanced Jabba's Palace NA | Alien | P:3 A:3 R:5 D:4 F:3 | Bounty Hunter and scout. Perfectionist. Equipped with mandalorian armor and a jet pack. He doesn't mind being mistaken for Boba Fett. Occasionally works for Black Sun. | Warrior When in battle, if opponent draws more than one battle destiny, may cancel one. Once per turn, when firing a rifle or blaster, may target for free and add 2 to total weapon destiny. May be targeted by Hidden Weapons. May 'fly' (landspeeed = 3). | |
Kashyyyk Operative Special Edition U | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Hunters who track down escaped Wookiee slaves and report on their location. The Empire and Trandoshans pay a high price for that kind of information. | Warrior While at a Kashyyyk site: adds 1 to your Force drains there, is power +1 (or +2 if your Trandoshan is on Kashyyyk) and, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one site to Kashyyyk from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
Kessel Operative Special Edition U | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Mercenaries that make a profit selling materials to the troops stationed on Kessel. Help the Empire prevent escape attempts by the prisoners there. | Warrior While at a Kessel site: adds 1 to your Force drains there, is power +1 (or +2 if your smuggler is on Kessel) and, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one site to Kessel from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
Kiffex Operative Special Edition U | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Couriers. Watchful for any kind of activity by the Alliance or the Empire. Sell their information to anyone willing to buy. | Warrior While at a Kiffex site: adds 1 to your Force drains there, is power +1 (or +2 if your spy is on Kiffex) and, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one site to Kiffex from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
·Kithaba Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:* A:2 D:4 F:2 | Famous Klatooinian assassin. After disposing of a few more prisoners, plans to quit the killing business and become a full-time musician. Rises to the challenges he faces. | Pilot, Warrior *Power = 1 + ability of opponent's highest-ability character present. Deploys only on Tatooine. Adds 1 to power of any starship he pilots. | |
·Kitik Keed'kak Premiere R1 | Alien | P:8 A:1 D:6 F:2 | A female insectoid Yam'rii. Very strong and easily angered. Known for stealth, but also has good technological aptitude. Meat eater. Loves eggs. | Immediately lost if at same site as overprotective mother, Kal'Faln C'ndros. Cannot board starfighters or enclosed vehicles. | |
·Klaatu Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:3 F:2 | Kadas'sa'Nikto. Barada's main assistant. In charge of repairing Jabba's skiffs. Gambler. Always tries to make it back to the palace to watch the Rancor get fed. | Warrior Deploys only on Tatooine. Power +2 when with Barada or defending a battle a a Jabba's Palace site. During a battle at same site, may forfeit a transport vehicle present to satisfy all remaining battle damage and attrition against you. | |
LIN-V8M (Elleyein-Veeateemm) Premiere C1 | Droid | P:0 D:2 F:3 Mining Droid | Armored military droid which specializes in laying explosive mines. Originally intended to set charges inside ore and spice mines, but has also been converted for military use. | Lays mines. OR At any time during your turn, may use 1 Force to 'diffuse' (lose) any one mine at same site. | |
·Labria Premiere R2 | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Information broker. Spy. Devaronian males instinctively have 'wanderlust.' Frustrated that he must be reclusive due to shady past. Suffers from prejudice due to devilish appearance. | Once each turn, during your control phase, you may reveal the top card of your Reserve Deck to both players. If it is a vehicle or starship, card is immediately lost. Otherwise, return it to the top of your Reserve Deck, Force Pile or Used Pile. | |
·Lando Calrissian Cloud City R | Alien | P:3 A:3 D:2 F:3 Force-Attuned | Scoundrel and gambler. Petty administrator of a small Tibanna gas mining operation. Easily coerced. Has problems of his own. Had dealings with the Tonnika sisters - twice. | Pilot, Warrior Deploys only on Cloud City, but may move elsewhere. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. When playing Sabacc, may subtract 1 from or add 1 to your total. If present at a site, can be replaced by opponent with any Light Side Lando. | |
·Lieutenant Arnet Endor U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Veteran AT-ST pilot assigned to coordinate the surprise counterattack in the Battle of Endor. Commanded a prototype AT-ST in General Veers' assault upon Hoth. | Pilot Deploys free aboard Blizzard Scout 1. Adds 2 to power of any combat vehicle he pilots (or 3 if an AT-ST). When piloting Tempest Scout 1, draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. Opponent may not 'react' to or from same site. | |
·Lieutenant Cabbel Hoth U2 | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:4 | A recent graduate of the Officer's Candidate School on Carida. Serves as first officer of the Tyrant. Ambitious, ruthless and efficient. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. On Tyrant, also adds one to Armor. When in battle with an Imperial Leader, subtracts 1 from opponent's total battle destiny. | |
·Lieutenant Cecius Cloud City U | Imperial | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Former member of the Imperial infantry. Specializes in boarding and taking control of enemy ships. Native of Vogel 7. Hasn't had a date in years. | Warrior Deploys free to any Executor site. Power +3 when participating in a Besieged battle. During your control phase, may use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck, take one Besieged or Set For Stun into hand and reshuffle. | |
·Lieutenant Commander Ardan Dagobah U | Imperial | P:2 A:3 D:3 F:3 Force-Attuned | Commander of Executor bridge pit crews. Native of Brentaal. Participated in the subjugation of Ithor, Kashyyyk, Firro, Sinton and other planets populated by non-humans. | Warrior If at a site, draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. Immune to attrition < X, where X = the number of opponent's aliens present. | |
·Lieutenant Endicott Death Star II U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Docking bay technician. Orphan. Offered post on new Death Star when he graduated third in class from the Imperial Academy at Carida | Warrior Deploys -2 to any docking bay or launch bay. While he is at Death Star II: Docking Bay, you may shuttle for free between here and exterior sites related to system Death Star II orbits. | |
·Lieutenant Grond Endor U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Colonel Dyer's aide. Coordinates scout actions. As a youth, raced swoops on homeworld of Corellia. Formerly served with Emperor's Demonstration Team. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots or any swoop he drives. When in battle at an exterior site, adds 2 to attrition against opponent for each of your biker scout/trooper (non-biker scout) pairs present. | |
·Lieutenant Hebsly Death Star II U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Served in Anoat sector. Uses excellent maneuverability of TIE/ln to his advantage in combat. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When piloting Scythe 3, once per turn may subtract 1 from maneuver of one opponent's starfighter at same location for remainder of turn. | |
·Lieutenant Renz Endor R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:4 | Leader of one of the Emperor's finest legions of troops. His command was placed at the disposal of Colonel Dyer. Always on the lookout for Rebel activity. | Warrior Power +2 while present with a stormtrooper. You Rebel Scum target a Rebel at same site is a Used Interrupt and is immune to Sense. Immune to attrition < number of stormtroopers present. | |
·Lieutenant Sheckil Cloud City R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:4 | Former warrant officer from Concord Dawn. Promoted due to superb performance. Specializes in transporting high-profile criminals. Twin brother of a famous mercenary. | Warrior During your control phase, may use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck, take one Human Shield into hand and reshuffle. When escorting a captive, captive is forfeit +2 and Sumner is immune to attrition < 4. | |
·Lieutenant Suba Dagobah R | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:3 F:4 | Chief of security and political officer on Executor. Responsible for ensuring the loyalty of his fellow officers. Disapproved of Vader's unwillingness to simply kill Skywalker. | Warrior While at a Death Star or Executor site, your troopers deploy free there and are power and forfeit +1 there, and you may use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck and take one Tactical Support into hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. | |
·Lieutenant Tanbris Premiere U2 | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Former fighter pilot grounded after injury. Tactical officer aboard Death Star. Competent strategist. Specializes in directing Imperial starfighters. | Pilot Deploy -1 for starship weapons of any starship he pilots. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots, but subtracts 1 from maneuver of any starfighter he pilots. | |
·Lieutenant Venka Dagobah U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Worked hard for a transfer to the Executor. One of the many non-commissioned personnel promoted to replace the vast number of officers lost during the Death Star disaster. | Warrior Power +2 when at an Executor site or same site as Tarkin or Chief Bast, or if the Death Star has been "blown away." Fear Will Keep Them In Line is destiny +2 and, when it adds 1 to your power, also adds 1 to attrition against opponent. | |
·Lieutenant Watts Endor R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:4 | Native of Corulag. Watts' gunnery skills produce devastating results. Temporarily assigned to Kuat Drive Yards to work on prototype AT-ST weaponry. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 2 to power of any combat vehicle he pilots. Adds 1 to each weapon destiny draw of any combat vehicle he pilots (or 2 if on Tempest Scout 2 or if present with Marquand). | |
·Lirin Car'n A New Hope U2 | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Bith mercenary. Male back-up to Kloo Horn player in Figrin D'an's band. Only musician, besides Doikk, who has not lost ownership of his instrument to Figrin. | For each other musician present, adds a "cover charge" of 1 to the Force required to move or deploy each character to same site. | |
·Lobel Special Edition C | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 C | Powerful magnetic fields in the Lobel physiology make the operation of nearby navigation devices impossible. Pilots claim these fields also produce headaches. | Subtracts 2 from forfeit of each opponent's pilot at same site. Prevents characters from moving to or from same or adjacent site using Elis Helrot or Nabrun Leids. | |
·Lobot Special Edition R | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Son of a traveling slaver. Helps run Cloud City with Administrator Lando Calrissian. Speech capability worn away by constant cyborg neural connection. | Deploys only on Cloud City. Power +2 when present at a Scomp Link. If present at a site, can be replaced by opponent with any Light Side Lobot. While present on Cloud City with your Lando, prevents replacement of Lobot and Lando. | |
·Lord Vader Death Star II R | Imperial | P:7 A:6 D:8 F:8 Dark Jedi | Forgiving administrator of Imperial policy. Emperor Palpatine's most trusted leader. Believes converting Skywalker is key to the Alliance's downfall. | Pilot, Warrior Deploys -2 to Executor, Death Star II or Endor. Adds 3 to power of anything he pilots. While armed with a lightsaber, adds 2 to his defense value and 1 to each of his lightsaber weapon destiny draws. Immune to Uncontrollable Fury and attrition < 6. | |
·Lt. Pol Treidum A New Hope C1 | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:5 | Gantry officer charged with maintaining magnetic field, atmosphere and security in Death Star docking bay. After mission on Ralltiir, paranoid about infiltration by Rebel spies. | Warrior While at Docking Control Room 327, adds 2 to your total power at Docking Bay 327. Once during each of your control phases, if at same site as an Undercover spy, may draw destiny. Spy's "cover is broken" if destiny = spy's ability. | |
·Lt. Shann Childsen A New Hope U1 | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Demoted after a superior blamed him for a clerical error. Considered a bully by fellow officers. Fanatically supports the New Order doctrine of alien subjugation. | Warrior Power +2 when at Detention Block Corridor or Detention Block Control Room. Also, power +2 when an opponent's alien is present (+3 if alien is a Wookiee, Talz or Ewok). | |
·Lyn Me Special Edition U | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Twi'lek musician whose village hired Boba Fett for protection from slavers. Fell in love with the famous mercenary. Vowed to kill Luke and Han. | Subtracts 1 from deploy cost of Bounty hunters at same site )Boba Fett deploy free). During battle, subtracts X from opponent's total power, where X = number of your musicians present (+2 if battling Luke or Han, or +4 if both). | |
·M'iiyoom Onith Premiere U2 | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:3 F:3 | Female H'nemthe, a species whose females ritually kill their mates. Stranded on Tatooine due to questionable passage tax. Razor-sharp tongue. M'iiyoom means, 'nightlilly.' | During your control phase may cause opponent to reveal entire hand by using X Force, where X = number of cards in opponent's hand. All unique (·) male Rebels or unique (·) male aliens there are lost. | |
MSE-6 'Mouse' Droid Premiere U1 | Droid | P:0 D:0 F:0 Messenger Droid | Nicknamed for rodent-like appearance. Delivers orders and sensitive documents. Retractable manipulator arms. Made by Rebaxan Columni. Easily frightened. | Deploy on any Character targeted by an Utinni Effect. Move 'mouse' droid, instead of that Character, to pick up Utinni Effect and bring back to be fulfilled or canceled. Landspeed = 3. Upon delivery, 'mouse' droid returns to your hand. | |
·Major Hewex Endor R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:4 | Leader of Navy detachment assigned to guard the Endor control bunker. Liaison between Imperial technicians and command staff. | Warrior Adds 1 to total power for each of your troopers present at same site. When on Endor, subtracts 1 from total for Deactivate The Shield Generator and your troopers are forfeit +1 on Endor. When at Bunker, allows Imperials to deploy there as a 'react'. | |
·Major Marquand Endor R | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Directed a counterattack against the Ewoks on Endor. Formerly crewed an AT-AT assigned to Devastator. Originally from Kessel | Pilot Adds 3 to power of any combat vehicle he pilots. When piloting a combat vehicle with Watts, may add one battle destiny and, if that vehicle has immunity to attrition, adds 2 to immunity. | |
·Major Mianda Death Star II U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Commander of a TIE squadron assigned to defend the second Death Star during construction. Hand picked pilots to serve with him. | Pilot Adds 3 to power of any TIE he pilots. Adds 2 to total weapon destiny of any TIE/ln he pilots. | |
·Major Rhymer Death Star II U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Leader of Scimitar Squadron, the elite bomber wing assigned to defend the Endor shield generator from any ground assault. | Pilot Deploys -2 aboard Scimitar 1. Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When piloting a bomber making a Bombing Run, prevents opponent's characters at same site from using landspeed. | |
·Major Turr Phennir Death Star II U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Executive officer of the 181st Imperial Fighter Wing. Older brother killed by Wedge Antillies at the Battle of Yavin. | Pilot Adds 3 to power of any TIE he pilots. When piloting Saber 2, draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. Once per game, you may take Fighters Coming In into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |
·Makurth Special Edition F | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | A fierce race of nocturnal carnivores from Moltok. Charge into battle with a terrifying scream. Often find employment as bodyguards for Black Sun. | When in a battle at a site, may use 2 Force (or 1 Force if you initiated the battle) to 'scream' (add one destiny to your total power only). Immune to attrition < 4 under "nighttime conditions." | |
·Malakili Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:3 F:2 | Corellian. Worked for Circus Horrificus. Disapproves of Jabba's treatment of the rancor. Plotting with Lady Valarian to steal the immense beast away from Jabba's palace. | Deploys only on Tatooine. During your control phase, may snare (steal) one creature or unoccupied creature vehicle present. Creatures at same site (except Sarlacc) do not attack and cannot be attacked. | |
·Mara Jade, The Emperor's Hand Enhanced Jabba's Palace NA | Imperial Alien | P:4 A:5 D:5 F:7 Force-Sensitive | Spy. Ordered to kill Luke Skywalker. Assumed the identity of a dancer named 'Arica' in order to sneak into Jabba's palace. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 2 to power of anything she pilots. Power +2 if Emperor on table. May be targeted by Vader's Obsession and Epic Duel instead of Vader. Once per game, may deploy a weapon on her from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Immune to attrition < 4. | |
·Moff Jerrejod Death Star II R | Imperial | P:3 A:3 D:3 F:6 Force-Attuned | Leader. Found discussions with Vader to be particularly motivating. Does not want to find out if the Emperor is more forgiving than Vader. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 2 to power of any capital starship he pilots. Once during each of your turns, you may take one Death Star II sector or Superlaser Mark II into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Prevents opponent's spies from deploying to same Death Star II site. | |
·Mosep A New Hope U2 | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:3 F:5 | Jabba's Nimbanel accountant. Inside contacts allow him to disrupt the cash flow of the Hutt's enemies. He knows a mistake could make him the next write-off. | When opponent is losing Force from Force drains at the same or an adjacent site, lost Force must come from Reserve Deck if possible. | |
·Motti Jedi Pack NA | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:4 F:3 | Considered an overrated leader by many subordinates. Has a disturbing lack of faith. Became a member of the Death Star's command triumvirate despite his failings. | Pilot | |
·Murttoc Yine Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:2 | Information broker. Spy. Has many nefarious contacts in the underworld. Contact point for many seeking employment with Jabba. | Warrior During your control phase, if at a Jabba's Palace site you control, may use 3 Force to search your Reserve Deck, take one other alien that is a smuggler, information broker, thief or spy into hand and reshuffle. | |
·Myn Kyneugh Death Star II R | Imperial | P:4 A:3 D:3 F:5 Force-Attuned | Royal guard leader. Remembers nothing of his past other than serving his Emperor. Early instructor of Kir Kanos and Carnor Jax. | Warrior Deploys only on Coruscant or to Emperor's site (or related site). When armed with a Force pike, adds one battle destiny. Your troopers and Royal Guards may 'react' to here for free. Adds 1 to defense value of other Royal Guards at same and related sites. | |
·Myo Premiere R2 | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:4 F:5 | A regenerating, primitive, violent, desert dwelling, fearless, mercenary-joining Lirin Car'n-befriending, cyclopian Abyssin from Byss. Calling him 'monoc' will start a fight. | Warrior Power +1 if present with Lirin Car'n or any bounty hunter. If lost or forfeited as a result of a battle, Myo 'regenerates' (place on top of your Used Pile). | |
Nal Hutta Operative Special Edition C | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Strong-armed H'nemthe thugs working for the Hutts. Work alongside Rodians and other unscrupulous aliens. | Warrior While at a Nal Hutta site: adds 1 to your Force drains there, is power +1 (or +2 if your gangster or Rodian is on Nal Hutta) and, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one site to Nal Hutta from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
Navy Trooper Endor C | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Navy troopers are assigned to defend key installations. Trained to protect against alien species and other insurgents. | Warrior Deploy -1 to a mobile site (except on Cloud City). When defending a battle, power +1 (or +2 if also at an interior site). When in battle against an operative, prevents opponent from drawing more than one battle destiny. | |
·Navy Trooper Fenson Endor R | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Rendili native skilled at close-quarters combat. Worked with Trooper Vesden to monitor enemy activity on Endor. | Warrior Subtracts 3 from Force opponent retrieves for On The Edge and Off The Edge. When at Bunker, adds 2 to deploy cost of each opponent's character (except Ewoks, spies and scouts) to Endor sites (except Rebel Landing Site). | |
···Navy Trooper Shield Technician Endor C | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Many Imperial Navy troopers receive technical as well as combat training, which they use to maintain the Empire's military facilities. | Warrior Forfeit +2 while with Hewex. When at Bunker (or aboard a Star Destroyer at Endor), cumulatively adds 1 to deploy cost of each opponent's starship and non-Ewok vehicle deploying to Endor (or to your mobile site orbiting Endor) | |
·Navy Trooper Vesden Endor U | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Counterintelligence agent assigned by ISB. Operates sensors designed to protect the control bunker from infiltration. | Warrior If present with a Scomp link when Never Tell Me The Odds just reached the top of your Reserve Deck, may 'shield' (add 3 to destiny number of) one of your characters at each location for remainder of turn. | |
·Nebit Special Edition R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Jawa leader responsible for organizing raids on rival Jawa factions. Detested warrior. Hates being "frocked." | Deploys only on Tatooine. When in a battle with at least two of your other Jawas, adds one battle destiny. When your total battle destiny at Nebit's site is greater than opponent's total battle destiny, Nebit reduces attrition against you by 3. | |
·Niado Duegad Special Edition U | Alien | P:2 A:3 D:3 F:4 Force-Attuned | Mercenary from Vodran. Niado's culture controls its environment through terraforming facilities. Enhanced adrenal glands allow for short bursts of incredible strength. | May not carry or use devices or weapons. Once per turn, may use X Force, where X = 1, 2, or 3, to add twice X to his power for remainder of turn. | |
Nikto Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:3 F:3 | Several different types if Nikto were sold to Jabba by slavers. Compete with Weequay to prove themselves the stronger species. | Warrior Deploys only to a Jabba's Palace site. Power and forfeit +2 when defending a battle at a Jabba's Palace site. | |
·Nizuc Bek Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:3 F:2 | Guard from Corulag. Former bouncer at the Mos Eisley cantina. Assigned by Jabba to guard celebrities visiting Jabba's palace. Friend of Wuher. Loves juri juice. | Power +3 when present with your musician. When present at the start of a battle, may cause one character of ability less than X to move away for free (or that character is immediately lost) where X = the number of your musicians present. | |
·Nysad Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:3 F:2 | Kajain'sa'Nikto. Fiercely loyal to Jabba. Stands guard over the sail barge during the Hutt's many trips to Mos Eisley. | Deploys only on Tatooine. May deploy as a 'react' to a Jabba's Palace site or aboard a vehicle at a Tatooine site. Power +3 when defending a battle at a Jabba's Palace site. | |
·OS-72-10 Special Edition R | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:3 F:3 | Pilot of Obsidian 10. Has served aboard the Conquest, the Thunderflare and the Executor. Not interested in advancing his rank as it would remove him from the pilot's seat. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots )3 if any TIE). When piloting a TIE at a cloud sector, adds one battle destiny and makes that TIE immune to attrition < 4 (< 5 if Obsidian 10). | |
·Officer Evax A New Hope C1 | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:5 | This Imperial Intelligence leader has a proven track record for predicting Rebel fleet movements. His coordination of starship maneuvers has saved many vulnerable bases. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When at a Death Star site, Imperial starships may move to the Death Star system as a 'react.' | |
Ord Mantell Operative Special Edition C | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Many Aqualish draft and maintain bounty hunting contracts for the Empire, the Hutts or anyone with credits. Fight against the Alliance to avoid losing their best customer. | Warrior While at an Ord Mantell site: adds 1 to your Force drains there, is power +1 (or +2 if your bounty hunter is on Ord Mantell) and, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one site to Ord Mantell from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
·Ortugg Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:4 A:2 D:4 F:3 | Gamorrean in charge of the Gamorreans at Jabba's palace. Posted to stand guard at the entrance cavern. Assigned by Jabba to keep an eye on Tessek. | Deploys only on Tatooine. Functions as a leader if present with another Gamorrean. While at Audience Chamber, all your other Gamorreans are forfeit +2. | |
Outer Rim Scout Special Edition R | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Smugglers and scouts employed by the ISB. Search the far reaches of the galaxy for Rebel activity and habitable worlds. Know all the smugglers' best hiding places. | Pilot Deploy -1 to your Independent starship. Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots. When piloting a I starship, instead adds 3 to power and draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. Suspends Asteroid Sanctuary at related sector. | |
·Ponda Baba Premiere U1 | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | A male Quara (or fingered Aqualish). Thug, smuggler and partner of Dr. Evazan. Has a poor quality cybernetic arm replacement. | Pilot, Warrior Power +3 when battling at same site as Dr. Evazan, unless opponent has a lightsaber weapon present. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. | |
·Pote Snitkin Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:3 | Skrilling smuggler. Supplied Jabba's henchmen with weapons when he was Hermi Odle's predecessor. An excellent driver. | When driving a vehicle, that vehicle is power +3 and moves for free. While at Audience Chamber, all your other Skrillings are power +2 and forfeit +1. | |
Probe Droid Hoth C2 | Droid | P:2 R:3 D:2 F:5 Probe Droid | Arakyd Viper probe droid. Has sensors specifically designed to detect traces of Rebel activity. Equipped with an auto-destruct mechanism. A highly durable spy droid. | May deploy only if a Star Destroyer on table. During your control phase, may glance at X cards randomly selected from opponent's hand, where X = number of light icons at same site. May Force drain, initiate battle, and be battled. | |
·Prophetess Premiere U1 | Alien | P:1 A:4 D:3 F:2 Force-Sensitive | Renowned female psychic. Predictor of doom. Agent for Governor Aryon of Tatooine. Tailed Jabba and his thugs to Docking Bay 94 when they confronted Han Solo. | If you initiate a battle where present, you must predict the winner before the battle starts. If correct, randomly retrieve one lost card. If incorrect, lose 1 Force. Immune to attrition < 3. | |
Quarren Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:2 | Nicknamed "squidheads." Quarren share their watery homeworld with the Mon Calamari. Betrayed their planet to the Empire. Dwell on the past. Rarely look to the future. | If present at a non-shielded site, your Imperials may deploy there (regardless of location deployment restrictions). When at a planet site, Tactical Support, Imperial Reinforcements and Full Scale Alert are Used Interrupts. | |
R1-G4 (Arone-Geefour) Premiere C2 | Droid | P:1 D:1 F:3 Astromech Droid | Typical of the old model astromechs still used on capital starships and large freighters. Has armored Mark II reactor drone shell. R1-G4 was abandoned after owner was captured. | When aboard a capital starship, adds 1 to power and hyperspeed, and that starship is immune to attrition < 3. Too large to go aboard a starfighter. | |
·R2-A5 Special Edition U | Droid | P:1 D:2 F:3 Astromech Droid | Combat communications astromech. Coordinates starfighter attack vectors. Broadcasts target acquisition data to gunnery systems. | Astromech When in battle aboard your capital starship at a system or sector, adds 1 to total attrition against opponent for each of your piloted TIEs present in that battle. | |
R2-Q2 (Artoo-Kyootoo) A New Hope C2 | Droid | P:1 D:2 F:3 Astromech Droid | R2 units are known for expertise in computer uplinking. R2-Q2 spent several decades serving with an Imperial reconnaissance fleet in the Expansion Region. | While aboard any starfighter, adds 1 to power, maneuver and hyperspeed. When at a Scomp link during your draw phase, may use 1 Force to peek at top three cards of your Reserve Pile. | |
·R3-T6 (Arthree-Teesix) A New Hope R1 | Droid | P:1 D:2 F:3 Astromech Droid | R3 units have larger memory and more advanced circuitry than their R1 predecessors, allowing for more efficient astrogation plots. R3-T6 served on the Death Star. | While aboard a capital starship, adds 1 to power and 2 to hyperspeed, and that starship is immune to attrition < 4. While at Death Star: Central Core, adds 1 to hyperspeed of Death Star system. | |
R4-M9 (Arfour-Emmnine) Premiere C2 | Droid | P:1 D:1 F:3 Vehicle Repair Droid | Typical multiple-use droid. Controls and repairs vehicles and computers. R4-M9 was once used by the Empire to pull data from Tantive IV's computer banks. | Deploy on a vehicle (except creature vehicle) to add 1 to power, maneuver and landspeed. May remain aboard and drive vehicle by itself, without presence. No astromech capability. | |
R5-A2 (Arfive-Aytoo) A New Hope C2 | Droid | P:1 D:2 F:3 Astromech Droid | Seldom used for navigation purposes, R5 units are known for their ability to perform hull maintenance and repair damage caused by ionization. | While aboard any starship, adds 1 to power and maneuver. During your control phase, if aboard your starship damaged by an ion cannon, restores armor/maneuver and hyperspeed. | |
·RR,uruurrr Special Edition R | Alien | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:2 | Tusken Raider who tends to the banthas used by URoRRuR'R'R's tribe. Expert in wielding a gaffi stick. Attacked Luke Skywalker in the Jundland Wastes. | Warrior Deploys only on Tatooine. Power +3 while armed with a Gaderffi Stick. Where present, each of your banthas is power and forfeit +2 unless a Weequay is at a related site. When 'riding' a bantha, adds one battle destiny. | |
Raithal Operative Special Edition C | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Opportunists work with corrupt governments and Raithal casino operators. Keep the Empire informed of local Alliance activity, for a price. | Warrior While at a Raithal site: adds 1 to your Force drains there, is power +1 (or +2 if your gambler or tax collector is on Raithal) and, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one site to Raithal from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | |
·Rappertunie Special Edition U | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Shawda Ubb musician from Manpha. Plays growdi. Real name Rapotwanalantonee. When cornered in a fight, he can spit a paralyzing poison. | Where present, adds X to Force opponent must use to initiate battle, where X = number of musicians present. May target one non-droid character resent in battle. Draw destiny. If destiny > defense balue, target is power = 0 this battle. | |
·Ree-Yees Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:3: A:3 D:3 F:3 Force-Attuned | Gran convicted of murder. Exiled from his homeworld. Smuggler and bounty hunter. Slowly going insane. Fond of making things explode. Plotting to kill Jabba. | Warrior Thrice per battle at same site, if you just drew a battle destiny of 3, may use 3 Force to add 3 to that destiny. | |
·Reegesk A New Hope U2 | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:3 F:3 | Ranat thief and scavenger from Aralia. Regularly trades with Jawas. Adept at pilfering items without alerting the owner. Willing to steal anything, even trash. | Once during each of your control phases, may lose 1 Force to take one vehicle, droid, weapon or device from opponent's Lost Pile or Crash Site Memorial into hand to use as your own. | |
··Reserve Pilot A New Hope U1 | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:4 | Injuries kept Lord Vader's best TIE wingman out of the primary wave of starfighters. He remains on reserve duty, ready to replace lost pilots. | Pilot Adds 1 to power of anything he pilots. On Black 2, Black 3 or Black 4, also adds 1 to maneuver and draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
···Rodian A New Hope C2 | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Thuku is a typical male Rodian. Sent to hunt down Greedo by Navik the Red, head of the Chattza tribe. Rodians enjoy "the hunt," so many are employed as assassins. | Pilot Adds 1 to power of each of your Bounty Hunters and Smugglers (but subtracts 1 from Greedo's power) at same site. Adds 1 to power of anything he pilots. | |
Royal Guard Death Star II C | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Member of Emperor's Royal Guard. Completely subservient. Royal Guards must fight one of their own to the death in order to complete their training. | Warrior Deploys only on Coruscant or to Emperor's site (or related site). When armed with a Force pike and defending a battle, adds one battle destiny. Emperor may not be targeted by weapons unless all Royal Guards present with Emperor are 'hit'. | |
·Rystall Special Edition R | Alien | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Musician. Raised by Ortolans. Grew up on the streets of Coruscant. Rescued from the Black Sun crime cartel by Lando Calrissian. | Power and forfeit +2 at a Coruscant site. May retrieve 1 Force each time your deploy a musician to same site. Once during each of your turns, may use 1 Force to 'charm' one male of ability < 3 present- male is forfeit = 0 for remainder of turn. | |
·Salacious Crumb Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:0 A:1 D:1 F:3 | Male Kowakian. Prankster. Humiliates others for Jabba's amusement. His life depends on making Jabba laugh at least once per day. | Opponent may initiate battle at same site for free. At same or adjacent site, whenever an opponent draws a card for battle destiny, if it is: Even, opponent must use 1 Force (if possible); Odd, destiny card is lost. (AH-hahahahaha!) | |
Sandtrooper Special Edition F | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Equipped for harsh, high-temperature environments. Primarily assigned to search-and-destroy missions, but sometimes break up local disputes or recover stolen droids. | Warrior Deploys only to Tatooine or any desert. Immune to Sandwhirl. Power -1 when not on Tatooine. | |
·Sergeant Barich Endor R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Wakeelmui native. Former employee of Sienar Fleet Systems missile division. Stormtrooper biker scout with dreams of transferring to 181st Imperial Fighter Group. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots (or 3 to any speeder bike). When in a battle with your other biker scout, may draw one battle destiny and subtract that amount from opponent's attrition and total power. | |
·Sergeant Elsek Endor U | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:3 | Stormtrooper biker scout. Kuat native. Avarik's partner since graduation from Corulag academy. Often forced to cover for partner's rash decisions. | Pilot, Warrior Adds 3 to power of any speeder bike he pilots. When in battle with Avarik, adds 2 to your total battle destiny. When forfeited at same site as your other biker scout, also satisfies all remaining attrition and battle damage against you. | |
·Sergeant Irol Endor R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Cocky stormtrooper from an Outer Rim forest planet. Confident biker scout and hunter. Relies on superior balance and strength to operate his speeder bike. | Pilot, Warrior May deploy -1 as a 'react' to any forest, jungle or exterior Endor site. Adds 3 to power of any speeder bike he pilots. When vehicle he drives or pilots is targeted by High-speed Tactics or Get Alongside That One, adds 2 to your destiny draw. | |
·Sergeant Major Bursk Special Edition U | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Leader of most brutal snowtrooper platoon in the Battle of Hoth. Cunning planner. Coordinates attacks and manages troop movements. | Warrior When in battle on Hoth, immune to attrition < 3 and adds 2 to attrition against opponent. Your snowtroopers are deploy -1 to same Hoth site. Power -1 when not on Hoth. | |
·Sergeant Major Enfield Special Edition R | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:3 F:3 | Commander of a platoon of Death Star troopers. Maintains security around the detention block area. Often serves as Lt. Shann Childsen's attachÚ. | Warrior When in battle with another Death Star trooper, adds one battle destiny. Your Death Star troopers are deploy -1 to same Death Star site. Trooper Charge targeting at same or related site is a Used Interrupt. Power -1 when not on Death Star. | |
·Sergeant Merril Special Edition U | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Tyrannical squad commander on Cloud City. Treats his fellow Cloud City troopers with disdain. Enemy of Utris M'Toc. | Warrior Deploys for free on Cloud City if your Lando is at a related location. Power +2 on Cloud City. When in battle at a Cloud City site, adds 1 to your total battle destiny for each of your other Cloud City troopers in that battle. | |
·Sergeant Narthax Special Edition R | Imperial | P:3 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Commanded a squad of snowtroopers in the Battle of Hoth. Trains snowtroopers in extreme-weather survival tactics. Originally from Ukio. | Warrior While on Hoth, makes all your snowtroopers immune to Ice Storm. When in battle on Hoth with another snowtrooper, adds one battle destiny. Precise Attack targeting at same or related site is a Used Interrupt. Power -1 when not on Hoth. | |
·Sergeant Tarl Endor U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Took part in the capture of the Rebel Blockade Runner Tantive IV. Stormtrooper trained on Corulag. Corellia native. | Warrior While Tarl is the trooper targeted by Spice Mines of Kessel, that Utinni Effect is immune to Alter and Tarl adds 4 to Force retrieved when completed. Subtracts 3 from Force opponent retrieves with Noble Sacrifice. | |
·Sergeant Torent Special Edition R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:2 | Senior watch trooper at Death Star's command center. Monitors external sensor data, scanning for Rebel activity. Vigilant in his duties. | Warrior Deploys -2 on Death Star. When in battle, adds 1 to your total battle destiny for each of your other Death Star troopers present. While on Death Star, adds 1 to each of your Force drains at a battleground related to system Death Star orbits. | |
·Sergeant Wallen Endor R | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Stormtrooper assigned to Colonel Dyer's command. His unit was recommended to Commander Igar by Governor Yount of the Wakeelmui garrison. | Warrior May deploy for free to a battle you just initiated at a battleground site. | |
·Sim Aloo Death Star II R | Imperial | P:3 A:4 D:5 F:6 Force-Sensitive | Imperial council member. Senior political advisor to Emperor Palpatine. Never speaks. Like his master, shos remarkable patience and wisdom. | Deploys -3 to Emperor's site. When with Emperor, adds one battle destiny. Once per turn, you may use 1 Force to peek at top card of opponent's Reserve Deck; may place that card on bottom of that Reserve Deck. Immune to attrition < 4. | |
Skrilling Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Regarded as whiners. Skrillings are a scavenger species. Steal from corpses left behind on battlefields. Feed on carrion and uncooked meat. Avoided by many species. | Warrior Once per turn, may steal a weapon or device from an opponent's character just lost or forfeited where present. When you play Tusken Scavengers, may steal vehicles, weapons and devices found (place them in your Used Pile). | |
Snowtrooper Hoth C3 | Imperial | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Cold Assault troopers are specially trained and equipped to operate in frozen environments. Blizzard Force snowtroopers often work in tandem with AT-ATs. | Warrior Deploy only on Hoth, but may move elsewhere. Power -1 when at a site other than a Hoth site. | |
···Snowtrooper Officer Hoth C1 | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:3 | Elite snowtrooper offers, like all Imperial Army officers, are well versed in Rebel tactics. They serve as infantry liaisons to AT-ATs. | Warrior Deploy only on Hoth, but may move elsewhere. Snowtroopers are deploy -1 to same site. Your troopers may move to same Hoth site as a 'react.' | |
Stormtrooper Premiere C3 | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:2 | One of the countless elite shock troops totally loyal to the Emperor. Unquestioningly follows orders. Willing to sacrifice their lives to accomplish a mission. First-strike force. | Warrior Deploys free to same site as one of your Imperials with ability > 2. | |
Stormtrooper Cadet Sealed Deck NA | Imperial | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:1 | After months of intense training, a trooper is paired with a veteran soldier. While providing support during field operations, the new trooper masters Imperial military tactics. | Deploys free to same site as an Imperial leader. Adds 1 to power of one non-unique Imperial warrior present. When forfeited at same site as an Imperial 'veteran' (a leader or non-cadet trooper), also satisfies all remaining attrition against you. | |
Swoop Mercenary Special Edition F | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Members of swoop gangs on Tatooine often have experience piloting larger craft. Many wear tall shock-helmets. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of anything he pilots or drives and, when driving a swoop, adds 3 to landspeed. When present at a site with another Swoop Mercenary, may draw one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
·Sy Snootles Special Edition R | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:1 F:3 | Pa'lowick musician. Manager of The Max Rebo Band. Reports on Jabba to Lady Valarian. Bib Fortuna uses her as a double agent, feeding her false information. | During your deploy phase, where present, allows J'Quille or Bib Fortuna to deploy from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. Once each turn when you have at least 3 musicians on table, may play Ommni Box to cancel opponent's Force drain at a related site. | |
·Tarkin Jedi Pack NA | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:4 F:3 | Imperial Governor of the Seswenna Sector. Conceived and implemented the Death Star project. A leader in the effort to crush the Rebellion. | ||
·Taym Dren-garen Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:1 F:2 | Instigator of several Sand People raids on Tatooine. Keeps the Tusken Raiders well supplied so they can keep local authorities distracted from Jabba's activities. | When on Tatooine, may cancel any result of Krayt Dragon Bones. While at Audience Chamber, all your Tusken Raiders are power = 3, forfeit +2 and not limited to four per site. | |
·Tech Mo'r A New Hope U2 | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:3 F:1 | Male Bith musician. Plays Ommni Box in Figrin D'an's band. Lost ownership of instrument to Figrin while gambling. | Warrior After using Ommni Box, peek at top X cards of pile or deck just shuffled, where X = number of other musicians at same site. May re-shuffle without peeking | |
·Thul Fain Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Gambler who bets on how long the Rancor's victims will last. Formerly an Imperial pilot who worked with Lieutenant Tanbris. Now a smuggler for Jabba. | Pilot Deploys free to your Independent starship. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. When with Lieutenant Tanbris in a battle at a system, adds 2 to each of your battle destiny draws. | |
Tibanna Gas Miner Cloud City C | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:2 | One of the many Cloud City miners who are willingly employed by greedy corporations exploiting planetary atmospheres. Unconcerned with environmental repercussions. | When at a site, adds 1 to your Force drains at related cloud sectors. Also, during your activate phase, if at a Cloud City site and you control Bespin: Cloud City, may cumulatively activate 1 Force for every cloud sector on Bespin. | |
·Tonnika Sisters Premiere R1 | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:2 | Twins. Thieves. Con artists. Spies. Swindlers. Double agents. Brea and Senni use their natural charm to sway the unwary on the fringe of society. | Warrior, Warrior Twice each turn during your control phase, you may use 2 Force to draw 2 destiny for 2 chances at a destiny = 2. If successful, may steal or destroy up to 2 weapons or 2 devices present.(Sisters are targeted as 1 character, but require 2xForce to move.) | |
Trandoshan Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:4 F:2 | Trandoshans refer to themselves as T'doshok. Hate Wookiees. Many have come to work for Jabba, attempting to emulate the success of Bossk. | Warrior Power and Forfeit +1 at same site as a Wookiee or while Bossk at Audience Chamber. When in battle at same site as a bounty, adds 1 to attrition against opponent. | |
·Trooper Davin Felth A New Hope R2 | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:1 F:3 | Dispatched to Tatooine to apprehend renegade droids fleeing the Tantive IV. Suspected to have misgivings about Imperial methods. Allegedly shot his commander in the back. | Warrior While he is on Tatooine, Local Trouble and Look Sir, Droids are Used Interrupts. Opponent may select target when using Friendly Fire at same site as Felth. | |
·Trooper Jerrol Blendin Cloud City U | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:0 F:3 | Corrupt captain of the Cloud City Wing Guard. Began working during the administration of Baron Raynor. Easily bribed. Keeps the peace through intimidation. | Warrior Deploys only on Cloud City, but may move elsewhere. Power +2 when participating in a battle you initiate. Opponent may use 2 Force to 'bribe' Blendin to not participate in a battle. | |
Tusken Raider Premiere C2 | Alien | P:* A:1 D:2 F:1 | "Sand People." Ride banthas. Wield gaderffi (gaffi) sticks. Wear eye protectors and breath masks. Violent, nomadic, desert survival experts. "Urrrg! Ur Ur Uur!" | *Total power of a group of Tusken Raiders depends on how many are present. One has a total power of 1, two = 3, three = 6, four = 10. Limit of four at one site. Deploy only to Tatooine, but may move elsewhere. | |
·U-3PO (Yoo-Threepio) A New Hope R1 | Droid | P:1 D:3 F:3 Protocol Droid | This protocol droid served in the House of Alderaan's Diplomatic Corps. Imperials altered its programming for espionage, making the droid an unwitting spy for the Empire. | Deploy on opponent's side as an Undercover spy (except that if present during a battle at a site, adds its power to Light Side). If spy's "cover is broken," the above game text is canceled and Light Side may use as if stolen. | |
·URoRRuR'R'R A New Hope U2 | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:3 F:4 | Leader of a Tusken Raider tribe. Unafraid of machines. Skilled hunter and marksman. Raids moisture farms for water. Roams the Jundland Wastes in search of unwary travelers. | Deploys only on on Tatooine. When at same site as another Tusken Raider, may draw one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
·Ugloste Cloud City R | Alien | P:1 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Ugnaught assigned to determine how to use carbon-freezing on humans. Placed in charge or the Ugnaught workers on Cloud City. Formerly enslaved by humans. | Warrior Power +2 at Trash Compactor, Droid Junkheap, Incinerator or Carbonite Chamber. Functions as a leader if present with another Ugnaught. Where present, other Ugnaughts are forfeit +2 and double their bonus to Carbon-Freezing destiny. | |
Ugnaught Cloud City C | Alien | P:1 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Cheap manual labor from Gentes in the Anoat system. Make up Cloud City's second largest population. Responsible for maintenance and menial chores throughout the city. | When at Carbonite Chamber, cumulatively adds 1 to each Carbon-Freezing destiny draw. During your control phase, may lose 1 Force from hand to search your Lost Pile and take one weapon or device into hand. | |
·Umpass Stay Special Edition R | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:4 F:2 | Klatooinian born into slavery to Desilijic Hutt clan on Shawti. Musician. Works as a spy for Jabba at his desert fortress while playing drums for visiting bands. | Warrior Power +2 at a Jabba's Palace site. Each of your other musicians at same site is power +2 and immune to attrition < 3. Immune to attrition < 4. | |
·Ur'Ru'r Special Edition R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Fierce Tusken Raider. Ransacks homes and moisture farms on the borders of Mos Espa. | Warrior Deploys only on Tatooine. While at Tusken Canyon, Jundland Wastes or same Tatooine site as UroRRuR'R'R, adds 2 to each of your battle destiny draws at Tatooine sites where you have a Tusken Raider. | |
·Vader Premiere Introductory Two Player Game T3 | Imperial | P:4 A:6 D:7 F:5 Dark Jedi | Sought to extinguish all Jedi. Former student of Obi-Wan Kenobi. Seduced by the dark side of the Force. | Warrior Must deploy on Death Star, but may move elsewhere. May not be deployed if two or more of opponent's unique (·) characters on table. If in a losing battle, draw destiny. If destiny > 4, 'choke' (lose) one Imperial present (your choice). | |
·Vedain Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Kajain'sa'Nikto scout. Sold by his family into slavery to Jabba. Gambler. Plays sabacc with his fellow Nikto. | Deploys only on Tatooine. During your control phase, if at a Jabba's Palace site, may use 2 Force to make a 'wager'. Both players draw one destiny. Player with lower number loses 1 Force. | |
·Veers Empire Strikes Back Introductory Two Player Game T3 | Imperial | P:2 A:3 D:4 F:3 Force-Attuned | General of the AT-AT assault armor division sent by Darth Vader to crush the Rebellion on Hoth. Cold and ruthless. | Warrior Must deploy on Hoth, but may move elsewhere. May not be deployed if three or more of opponent's unique (·) characters on table. Snowtroopers at same site are forfeit +1. | |
·Velken Tezeri Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:3 F:2 | Assigned by Jabba to work with Hermi Odle. Former technician for the Empire. Developed a method to remotely control seekers. Plotting to kill Jabba. | Warrior When at a site you control, allows your Seekers to deploy free there. Also allows your Seekers to move for free and to ignore any or all potential target(s) whenever you choose. | |
·Vizam Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:3 F:3 | Kajain'sa'Nikto. Keeps Jabba's vehicles and starships well armed. Has hidden several weapon caches on board Jabba's sail barge. | Deploys only on Tatooine. Power +3 when defending a battle. If with your Advosze during your control phase, may search Reserve Deck, take one vehicle weapon into hand and reshuffle. Your vehicle weapons deploy free at same site. | |
WED15-1662 'Treadwell' Droid Premiere R2 | Droid | P:1 D:2 F:3 Maintenance Droid | Standard treadwell droid. This one, also known as 'Eyesixsixtoo', is typical of the thousands of droids which repair and maintain heavy machinery and starfighters. | All you vehicles and droids at same location are immune to attrition < 2. Also, if "treadwell" droid is at a docking bay, all your starfighters at the related system are immune to attrition < 3. | |
·WED15-l7 'Septoid' Droid A New Hope U2 | Droid | P:1 D:3 F:* Maintenance Droid | Multi-armed maintenance droid fiercely loyal to the Empire. Specializes in extending effective operational life of Imperial resources. Nicknamed for an insect from Eriadu. | · Forfeit value begins at 7. When 'forfeited,' droid remains in play, but forfeit value is reduced by the amount of attrition or battle damage absorbed. Droid lost when forfeit value reaches zero. | |
·Warrant Officer M'Kae Dagobah U | Imperial | P:2 A:2 D:2 F:3 | Hard-working Avenger signal officer. Coordinates and tests tractor beam operations. Apprises Executor of his ship's activities and relays orders from the flagship to his captain. | Pilot Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. May use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck and take any one tractor beam, Our First Catch Of The Day or Besieged into hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. | |
···Weequay Guard Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:3 F:1 | Weequay are extremely fierce warriors. Species name means, "follower of Quay". Very religious. Communicate through pheromones. Smell really bad. | Warrior Deploys only on Tatooine. Deploy -1 to same site as any Weequay. When at same site as any Weequay, (except Weequay Guards), may draw one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
···Weequay Hunter Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:4 F:2 | To maintain religious practices, Weequay hunters capture banthas. The beasts are then sacrificed as part of a battle ceremony. Tusken Raiders tend not to appreciate this. | Warrior Deploys only on Tatooine. When present at the start of a battle, may sacrifice (lose) one of your Banthas present: adds 2 to power of each Weequay there for remainder of turn. (May not sacrifice if Tusken Raiders present out number Weequay present). | |
···Weequay Marksman Jabba's Palace U | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:4 F:3 | Patient and quiet. Jabba uses many of his Weequay henchmen as assassins. Use womp rats for target practice during their religious ceremonies. | Warrior Deploys only on Tatooine. May fire one weapon during your control phase (at double use of Force). May use 2 Force to 'assassinate' any character 'hit' by Weequay Marksman (victim is immediately lost). | |
···Weequay Skiff Master Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:4 F:2 | Many of the Weequay at Jabba's palace work for Barada. Enjoy racing their skiffs. Dislike the Nikto guards at Jabba's palace. | Warrior Deploys only on Tatooine. Power +2 When defending a battle or when with another Weequay in battle. Adds 3 to power of any Skiff he drives. | |
Whiphid Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:3 A:1 D:4 F:1 | Whipids originate from Toola in the Kaelta system, a planet extremely distant from its sun. Accustomed to hunting for prey in the near dark and the bitter cold. | Warrior Power +2 on Hoth. Forfeit +2 under nighttime conditions. When at a site, if opponent cancels Sunsdown at the related system, causes Effect to go to Used pile, and you may retrieve 2 Force. | |
·Wittin Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:3 | Male Jawa. Leader of a large tribe of Jawas. Plotting with Jabba to take control of a neighboring tribe's territory. | Deploys only on Tatooine. Your Jawa Pack is not unique, is doubled, deploys free (or for 6 Force from each player) and cumulatively affects your Jawa's forfeit. While at Audience Chamber or Jawa Camp, all your other Jawas are power +2. | |
·Wooof Jabba's Palace R | Alien | P:2 A:2 D:3 F:2 | Kadas'sa'Nikto. One of Jabba's best pilots. Often pilots Jabba's space yacht. Smuggler. Prefers to be flying combat starfighters. | Pilot Deploys only at Tatooine. Power +2 when defending a battle a Jabba's Palace site. Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots (3 if piloting an Independent starship or if Jabba aboard). | |
·Wuher Premiere U2 | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:3 | Gruff, surly, no-blasters-allowed bartender. Hates droids. "We don't serve their kind here." Wants to concoct the perfect drink for Jabba so he can work as his personal bartender. | If at the beginning of your control phase any weapons or droids are present at same site, all of them are lost. If in the Cantina, all weapons and droids there are immediately lost. | |
···Yuzzum Jabba's Palace C | Alien | P:2 A:1 D:2 F:2 | Native to Endor, Yuzzum compete with Ewoks for food and resources. Possess thick, wooly coats. Hunt in packs. Have a musical language, making them excellent musicians. | Warrior Deploys only on Endor or to same site as a bounty hunter. Power +2 when present with an Ewok. During your control phase, if a bounty hunter or Rodian present, may search Reserve Deck, take one We Have A Prisoner into hand and reshuffle. | |
·Zuckuss Dagobah R | Alien | P:2 A:4 D:4 F:3 Force-Sensitive | Male Gand. Practitioner of ancient religious findsman vocation. Bounty hunter and scout. Gains surprisingly accurate information through mystical visions during meditation. | Warrior, Pilot Adds 2 to power of any starship he pilots. May move for free as 'react.' Once during each battle, may use 1 Force to cause one alien of ability < 3 at same site to be forfeit = 0 for remainder of turn. Immune to attrition <3. |
Bog-wing Dagobah C | Avian Creature | P:* R:2 D:2 F:0 | Avian jungle-dweller. Fiercely territorial. Uses powerful talons to pick up and bear off victims. Carries up to nine times it's own body weight. Feeds primarily on root lizards and vine snakes. | Selective Creature *Ferocity = destiny - 1. Habitat: exterior sites on Endor, Yavin 4 and Dagobah. Instead of attacking a character, grabs that character and carries it as far as possible (up to two sites away). | |
·Bubo Jabba's Palace U | Guard Creature | P:4 R:5 D:3 F:0 | Watchbeast. Unwittingly foiled Ree Yees' plot to kill Jabba with a thermal detonator when it ate a crucial component. Louder than it is tough. Keeps watch for unwary intruders. | Habitat: planet sites (except Hoth). Does not attack your characters. When at a Jabba's palace site, prevents opponents characters from using their landspeed. | |
Dianoga A New Hope R2 | Swamp Creature | P:* R:5 D:4 F:0 | "Garbage squid" from Vodran's jungles. Changes color to match last meal. When unfed, turns transparent. Eats almost anything. Flexible eyestalk. 7 tentacles. Up to 6 meters long. | *Ferocity = (power/ferocity of last character or creature eaten) + destiny. Habitat: exterior Dagobah sites, Trash Compactor and Dark Waters. | |
![]() Dagobah R | Swamp Creature | P:* R:3 D:3 F:0 | One of Dagobah's deadliest predators. Has razor-sharp fins, powerful constrictor coils and large fangs. Feeds on almost anything. Often mistaken for a swamp slug, due to its size. | *Ferocity = 3 + destiny. Habitat: swamps, jungles and Dark Waters. May attack droids. Defeated droids are relocated to an adjacent exterior site (opponent of victim chooses). | |
·Krayt Dragon Special Edition R | Desert Creature | P:* R:5 D:7 F:0 | Krayt dragons have beautiful and valuable pearls inside them as a gizzard to grind up food. Their fierceness is legendary. Up to 10 meters tall and 30 meters long. | *Ferocity = 6 + two destiny. Habitat: deserts and Tatooine exterior sites. May not deploy to an occupied site. If defeated, opponent may draw destiny and retrieve Force equal to destiny draw. | |
Mynock Dagobah C | Space Creature | P:2 R:3 D:3 F:0 | Silicon-based space borne lifeform. Frequently called a "power sucker." Feeds on energy such as stellar radiation and electrical discharges. Absorbs minerals from starship hulks | Selective Creature Habitat: unrestricted. May move like a starfighter. If starfighter present, instead of attacking, randomly attaches to cumulatively reduce power and hyperspeed by 2 (detaches only when both < 1). | |
·One-Arm Special Edition R | Snow Creature | P:3 R:4 D:6 F:0 | When a wampa is wounded, the other members of its pack band together to repel the threat. | Habitat: Hoth sites. Deploys only to Wampa Cave. For remainder of game, all wampas are selective creatures. | |
Rancor Jabba's Palace R | Gigantic Predator Creature | P:* R:5 D:6 F:0 | Indigenous to Dathomir, but found on several dozen worlds throughout the galaxy. Vicious predator. Sometimes kept as pets by eccentrics and crime lords. | *Ferocity = 8 + destiny. Habitat: Rancor Pit and exterior planet sites. Deploys only to the rancor pit or to where Malakili is the only character. Moves towards another Rancor whenever possible. | |
Rock Wart Special Edition F | Scavenger Creature | P:2 R:2 D:2 F:0 | Fast-moving, insect-like pest. Scavengers in rocky, secluded habitats. Hides in shadows and attacks when surprised. Nearly 1 meter long. | Habitat: planet sites. Landspeed = 2. Ferocity +2 when present at Bluffs or any canyon. | |
·Sarlacc Special Edition R | Ancient Desert Creature | P:* R:12 D:4 F:0 | Very patient predator in the Dune Sea. Tentacles can grab prey up to four meters away. Digests victims for 1000 years. Often fed prisoners by Jabba the Hutt. | *Ferocity = 4 + destiny. Habitat: Great Pit Of Carkoon. If Sarlacc eats a captive, may retrieve 1 Force for each of your aliens here. Anything eaten by Sarlacc is placed out of play. | |
Sleen Dagobah C | Swamp Creature | P:* R:2 D:2 F:0 | Slow, omnivorous swamp forager. Eats insects. Seeks damp, dark environments strong with the Force. | Selective Creature *Ferocity = destiny - 3. Habitat: planet sites (except Hoth and Tatooine) and Dark Waters. Cumulatively absorbs (temporarily cancels) one light icon present. | |
![]() Dagobah U | Space Creature | P:* R:3 D:2 F:0 | Gigantic silicon-based lifeform. Exists in the vacuum of space. Devours small vessels whole. Has difficulty keeping its modified light freighters down | *Ferocity = two destiny. Habitat: Big One (Asteroid Cave is now Belly). Will attack starfighters (defeated cards are eaten or relocated to Belly, your choice). Once per turn, may open or close mouth. | |
Vine Snake Dagobah C | Ophidian Creature | P:0 R:3 D:2 F:0 | Found on various planets throughout the galaxy. Hides among hanging vines, dropping on unsuspecting travelers that pass beneath. Kills its victims through gradual constriction. | Selective Creature Habitat: planet sites (except Hoth). Attacks by attaching to character. X = 0. Every move phase, draw destiny. Each time destiny > ability, add 1 to X. Character is power - X (eaten if power = 0). | |
Wampa Hoth R2 | Snow Creature | P:* R:3 D:4 F:0 | Sly, carnivorous beast which stalks the snow-packed tundra. Wampas frequently drag their prey to an ice cave for storage. They always prefer to devour their victims alive. | *Ferocity = 3 + destiny. Habitat: Hoth sites. Deploy only to Wampa Cave or unoccupied marker site. Defeated characters are eaten or relocated to Wampa Cave (opponent of victim chooses). | |
···Womp Rat Special Edition C | Desert Creature | P:* R:4 D:2 F:0 | Carnivorous rodents. Typically found in Beggar's Canyon. About the size of an average thermal exhaust port. | *Ferocity = destiny. Habitat: exterior planet sites. Ferocity +1 for each other womp rat at same site. Lost if 'bullseyed' by Luke's T-16 Skyhopper present. |
·Accuser Death Star II R | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:7 R:5 H:4 D:8 F:9 | Patrol ship. Modified for optimal crisis response time. Veteran crew experienced at monitoring shipping lanes and Imperial port traffic | Pilot, Astromech May deploy -3 as a 'react'. May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. | |
·Avenger Dagobah R | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:8 R:6 H:3 D:8 F:9 | Key starship used to subjugate Outer Rim worlds. Reassigned to Death Squadron under the command of Captain Needa. Communications ship at the Battle of Endor. | Scomp Link, Pilot, Astromech May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles, and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 2. Subtract 2 from asteroid destiny draws targeting Avenger. | |
·Black 11 Death Star II R | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:3 D:2 F:3 | Stationed aboard command ship Executor. Pilot known as 'Wampa' for icy precision in battle. Often serves as escort to Lord Vader's shuttle. | Pilot Deploy -1 to any mobile system. Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. When with Vader in battle, may draw destiny and subtract that amount from opponent's total power. | |
·Black 2 Premiere R1 | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:4 D:1 F:3 | TIE/ln assigned to pilot DS-61-2. Has 27 'flames' on cockpit, one for each Rebel kill. Control yoke has a holo of Mithels' young son, Rejili. | May add 1 pilot. | |
·Black 3 Premiere U1 | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:3 D:1 F:3 | TIE/ln fighter of pilot DS-61-3. Stylized image of Corellian slice-hound painted on inner hatch. | May add 1 pilot. | |
·Black 4 A New Hope U2 | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:2 M:3 D:2 F:3 | TIE fighter flown by DS-61-4 at the Battle of Yavin. Scored a hit on Red 5 during the confrontation. | May add 1 pilot. May deploy with a pilot as a 'react' to a battle initiated against a TIE (for free if TIE is Black 2 or 3). | |
···Black Squadron TIE Sealed Deck NA | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:3 D:4 F:4 | Part of Vader's hand-picked squadron stationed at the Death Star. Boasts the latest in Imperial weaponry. Each pilot and starfighter is at the peak of readiness | Pilot Deploy -2 to same location as Darth Vader or at Death Star. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 2 and adds 2 to power. Adds 1 to its weapon destiny draws. | |
·Boba Fett in Slave I Enhanced Cloud City NA | Starfighter: Firespray-Class Attack Ship | P:4 M:4 H:4 D:7 F:4 | Dangerous and deadly starfighter piloted by its notorious owner. Uses combat-grade shields and sensors. Hidden weapons provide lethal surprises for Fett's victims. | Independent, Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 3 passengers. Permanent pilot is ·Boba Fett, who provides ability of 3, adds 3 to power, adds 2 to maneuver and draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. Immune to attrition < 5. | |
·Bossk In Hounds Tooth Special Edition R | Capital: Modified Corellian Freighter | P:5 R:4 H:4 D:8 F:5 | Bossk once said of his ship, "Greeezeg out nikek!" | Pilot, Independent, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 6 passengers and 1 vehicle. Permanent pilot is ·Bossk, who provides ability of 2, adds 2 to power and adds one battle destiny. Deploys and moves like a starfighter. Has ship-docking capability. | |
·Chimaera Death Star II R | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:8 R:6 H:3 D:9 F:10 | Early model Imperial-class Star Destroyer. Acting command ship in the absence of Executor. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. Immune to attrition < 4 (< 5 while an Imperial leader aboard, < 6 while Thrawn aboard). | |
·Conquest A New Hope R1 | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:9 R:6 H:3 D:8 F:9 | One of the Imperial cruisers that chased the Millennium Falcon from Tatooine. It scanned the Falcon just before Han punched his starship to lightspeed. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Just after initiating battle against Falcon, may peek at opponent's hand. | |
···Death Squadron Star Destroyer Special Edition R | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:7 R:6 H:3 D:9 F:9 | Vader's infamous Death Squadron, which blockaded the fleeing Rebels at the Battle of Hoth, boasts the finest captains of the Imperial fleet - and Ozzel. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link Deploy -2 to same system as Executer. May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Immune to attrition < 4. | |
·Death Star Assault Squadron Special Edition R | Squadron: 1 TIE Advanced x1 and 2 TIE/lns | P:3 M:3 D:12 F:10 | Notoriety gained during the assaults on Ralltiir and Mon Calamari makes this the most feared squadron in the Empire. Defended the Death Star during the Battle of Yavin. | Vader, Pilot x 2 Permanent pilots aboard are ·Darth Vader, ·DS-61-2 and ·DS-61-3, who provide total ability of 10 and add 9 to total power of ·Vader's Custom TIE, ·Black 2 and ·Black 3. | |
·Dengar In Punishing One Enhanced Cloud City NA | Starfighter: Corellian JM 5000 | P:2 M:5 H:3 D:5 F:5 | Corellian starfighter. Dengar replaced its passenger capacity and TIE cannons with enhanced targeting systems. Allows Dengar to track and engage multiple enemies at once. | Independent, Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link Permanent pilot is ·Dengar, who provides ability of 2 and adds 2 to power. When in battle, adds 1 to total battle destiny for each opponent's starship present. Cancels opponent's immunity to attrition here. | |
·Devastator Premiere R1 | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:9 R:6 H:3 D:8 F:9 | Supported the devastating subjugation of Ralltir. While under the command of Darth Vader, chased and captured the traitor Princess Leia Organa aboard the consular ship Tantive IV. | Scomp Link, Pilot, Astromech May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 2. | |
·Dominator Death Star II R | Capital: Victory-Class Star Destroyer | P:6 R:5 H:4 D:7 F:7 | Victory-class hull overhauled with powerful thrusters and latest hyperdrive technology. Engineered to support task forces combating Rebel starfighters. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 4 pilots, 6 passengers, 1 vehicle and 2 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. Laser Cannon Battery may deploy aboard (and may fire twice per battle). | |
Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser Sealed Deck NA | Capital: Dreadnaught-Class Heavy Cruiser | P:5 R:4 H:3 D:5 F:5 | Introduced during the Clone Wars. 600 meters long. Some have cargo space converted to TIE hanger bays. Still used to maintain an Imperial presence in the Outer Rim. | Scomp Link, Pilot x 2, Astromech May add 3 pilots, 6 passengers and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilots aboard provide total ability of 2. Turbolaser Battery may deploy here. Your TIEs present are each power +1. | |
·Emperor's Personal Shuttle Death Star II R | Starfighter: Lambda-Class Shuttle | P:2 M:3 H:3 D:3 F:5 | Transport used extensively by Emperor Palpatine. Extremely well guarded. Pilots ordered to maintain constant contact with all nearby Imperial strike forces. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 1 pilot and 4 passengers. Permanent pilot provides ability 2. Emperor deploys for free aboard. While Emperor aboard, immune to attrition and adds one battle destiny. | |
·Executor Dagobah R | Capital: Super-Class Star Destroyer | P:12 R:12 H:2 D:15 F:15 | Flagship of Death Squadron. Over eight kilometers long. Carries 38,000 troops, Can conquer entire star systems by sheer intimidation and terror. Lord Vader's personal command ship. | Scomp Link, Pilot x 3, Astromech May add unlimited pilots, passengers, vehicles and starfighters. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilots aboard provide total ability of 3. Immune to attrition < 12. | |
·Flagship Executor Death Star II R | Capital: Super-class Star Destoyer | P:12 R:12 H:2 D:12 F:15 | Command ship of the Imperial Fleet at the Battle of Endor. Originally constructed at the Fondor shipyards. Admiral Piett stationed aboard. | Pilot, Astromech May add unlimited pilots, passengers and starfighters. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot provides abiity of 3. Immune to attrition if target of Flagship Operations. | |
·Hound's Tooth Dagobah R | Capital: Modified Corellian Freighter | P:5 R:4 H:4 D:6 F:4 | Controlled by state-of-the-art-voice-activated X10-D computers. Internal sensors and security systems monitor prisoner activity. Modified for Bossk's Trandoshan physiology | Scomp Link, Astromech, Independent May add 1 pilot (must be smuggler or bounty hunter), 6 passengers and 1 vehicle. Immune to attrition < 4 if Bossk piloting. Deploys and moves like a starfighter. Has ship-docking capability. | |
·IG-2000 Dagobah R | Starfighter: Trilon Aggressor | P:3 M:3 H:3 D:4 F:3 | IG-88's assault starfighter. Custom designed. Boasts a Kuat Galaxy-15 engine from a Nebulon-B frigate. Heavy ion cannon often used to disable starships before boarding. | Scomp Link, Astromech, Independent May add 1 pilot (must be a smuggler or bounty hunter) and 2 passengers. Maneuver +3 and immune to attrition < 3 if IG-88 piloting. Ion Cannon may deploy here. | |
·IG-88 in IG-2000 Enhanced Jabba's Palace NA | Starfighter: Trilon Aggressor | P:3 M:3 H:3 D:5 F:4 | Starship adapted to the assassin droid's specifications. Flight controls linked directly to processing unit. Real-time relays minimize response time. | Independent, Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 2 passengers. Permanent pilot is ·IG-88, who adds 2 to power and 3 to maneuver. May initiate battle. When in a battle you initiate, adds one battle destiny. Ion Cannon may deploy aboard. | |
Imperial-Class Star Destroyer Premiere U1 | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:8 R:6 H:3 D:8 F:9 | Mainstay of Imperial Navy. 1.6 kilometers long. Has hangars and facilities for TIE fighter squadrons, shuttles, drop-ships and combat vehicles such as AT-ATs and AT-ATs. | Scomp Link, Pilot, Astromech May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. | |
·Jabba's Space Cruiser Special Edition R | Capital: Ubrikkian Luxury Space Yacht | P:5 R:5 H:4 D:5 F:5 | Flying fortress of Jabba Desilligic Tiurs. Reaches speeds of 800 kph in atmosphere. The crime lord installed hidden gunports as an unpleasant surprise for would-be pirates. | Independent, Astromech, Scomp Link Deploys and moves like a starfighter. May add 2 alien pilots and 6 passengers. Turbolaser Battery may deploy aboard as a 'react.' When Jabba aboard, moves for free and immune to attrition. | |
·Judicator Death Star II R | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:8 R:6 H:3 D:8 F:9 | Incorporates latest design modifications from Kuat Drive Yards. Targeting computers outfitted with antenna locking, in-line calibration and helical-motion extrapolators. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Each of its weapon destiny draws is +2. Starfighters it 'hits' are power = 0. | |
Lambda-class Shuttle Endor C | Starfighter: Lambda-class Shuttle | P:2 M:2 H:3 D:2 F:3 | Manufactured by Sienar Fleet Systems. Length 20 meters. Bottom wings fold for docking and landing. Boarding ramp allows easy access to passenger and cargo areas. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link Deploy -1 if Sienar Fleet Systems on table. May add 1 pilot and 6 passengers. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Takes off and lands for free. | |
·Mist Hunter Dagobah R | Starfighter: Byblos G-1A Transport | P:2 M:3 H:5 D:4 F:3 | Commissioned by a group of gand venture capitalists headed by Zuckuss. Manufactured by byblos drive yards. Uses repulsor lift technology developed for combat cloud cars. | Scomp Link, Astromech, Independent May add 2 pilots(one must be a smuggler or bounty hunter) and 3 passengers. immune to attrition <3 if Zuckuss is piloting. Has ship docking capability. | |
·OS-72-1 In Obsidian 1 Special Edition R | Starfighter: TIE/LN | P:2 R:3 D:5 F:3 | Lead starfighter of Obsidian Squadron. Flown by Cive Rashon. Call sign "Howlrunner." She served in an elite TIE squadron aboard the Star Destroyer Avenger. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link Deploy -1 and power +3 at a cloud sector. Permanent pilot is OS-72-1, who provides ability of 2, adds 2 to power and, at a cloud sector, may draw one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
·OS-72-2 In Obsidian 2 Special Edition R | Starfighter: TIE/LN | P:1 R:3 D:4 F:2 | Piloted by Dodson Makraven, wingman of Cive Rashon. Experienced TIE pilot with many kills in atmospheric combat. Nicknamed "Night Beast" for his many curfew violations. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link Deploy -1 and power +3 at a cloud sector. Permanent pilot is OS-72-2, who provides ability of 2, adds 2 to power and, at a cloud sector, may draw one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
·Obsidian 10 Death Star II U | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:3 D:1 F:3 | Recalled to defend second Death Star during construction. Stationed aboard Thunderflare. | May deploy with a pilot as a 'react' to any asteroid sector or cloud sector. May add one pilot. OS-72-10 deploys -2 aboard. | |
·Obsidian 7 Cloud City R | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:3 D:2 F:3 | TIE fighter modified for upper atmosphere maneuvers. Pilot nicknamed "Winged Gundark" due to the number of kills earned in high-altitude battles. | Pilot Deploy -1 and power +3 at any cloud sector. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 2. | |
·Obsidian 8 Cloud City R | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:3 D:1 F:3 | Modified TIE fighter. Used most often to pursue raiders attempting to take refuge in the upper atmosphere of nearby planets. Pilot previously stationed aboard Devastator. | Pilot Deploy -1 and power +3 at any cloud sector. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. | |
···Obsidian Squadron TIE Sealed Deck NA | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:3 D:4 F:4 | Modified TIE fighter. Specifically adapted for atmospheric engagement. Some are fitted with high-output solar panels to support improved weaponry. | Pilot Deploy -1 at any cloud sector. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 2 and adds 2 to power. Power +2 at non-unique cloud sectors. Boosted TIE Cannon may deploy here and fires free here. | |
·Onyx 1 Death Star II R | Starfighter: TIE Defender | P:3 M:4 H:3 D:3 F:4 | Designed to emulate Rebel starfighter advantages. Production began shortly before the Battle of Endor. Armed with laser cannons, ion cannons and missile launchers. | Astromech May deploy -2 with a pilot as a 'react' to same location as any Imperial-class Star Destroyer. May add 1 pilot. Any starship cannon may deploy aboard. Immune to attriton < 4 when Jendon piloting. | |
·Onyx 2 Death Star II U | Starfighter: TIE Defender | P:3 M:4 H:3 D:3 F:4 | Part of limited production run of TIE defenders. Testing of the prototype defender indicated the need for a more powerful hyperdrive, which was added for this production model. | Astromech Deploys for free to any mobile system. May deploy with a pilot as a 'react'. May add 1 pilot. Any starship cannon may deploy aboard. Immune to attriton < 4 when Yorr piloting. | |
·Punishing One Dagobah R | Starfighter: Corellian JM 5000 | P:2 M:5 H:3 D:3 F:3 | Old Corellian Engineering Corporation starfighter. Has outdated Class Three hyperdrive, but high sublight speed capability. Easy to maintain. Owned by Dengar. | Astromech, Independent May add 1 pilot (must be a smuggler or bounty hunter) and 1 passenger. Immune to attrition < 3 if Dengar piloting. Deploy -3 when deploying with Dengar. Boosted TIE Cannon may be deployed here. | |
·Saber 1 Death Star II R | Starfighter: TIE Interceptor | P:3 M:4 D:2 F:4 | TIE interceptor serial number 000004. Assigned to Baron Soontir Fel of the fighting 181st. Bears the Saber Squadron bloodstripe, representing a minimum or 10 kills | May add 1 pilot. Fel deploys -1 aboard. When firing SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons, may use 1 Force to make X = 3. Immune to attrition < 5 when Fel piloting. | |
·Saber 2 Death Star II U | Starfighter: TIE Interceptor | P:3 M:4 D:2 F:3 | TIE interceptor flown by Major Phennir. Assigned to protect Avenger at the Battle of Endor. Responsible for the logistics of Saber Squadron. | May add 1 pilot. When Phennir piloting, immune to attrition < 4 and adds 1 to forfeit of each other Saber Squadron pilot in same battle. | |
·Saber 3 Death Star II U | Starfighter: TIE Interceptor | P:3 M:4 D:1 F:3 | TIE interceptor assigned to fly on the wing of Baron Fel. Often ordered to remain at a distance from Fel to give the Baron maneuvering room during combat. | May add 1 pilot. Cannons are deploy -2 aboard. Immune to attrition < 3 when DS-181-3 piloting. | |
·Saber 4 Death Star II U | Starfighter: TIE Interceptor | P:3 M:4 D:2 F:3 | TIE interceptor often assigned to fly in a reserve position during battle. The bloodstripe of the 181st deontes the 10 kills scored by DS-181-4 | May deploy with a pilot as a 'react' to a battle initiated against a TIE (for free if TIE is in Saber Squadron). May add 1 pilot. Immune to attrition < 4 when DS-181-4 piloting. | |
·Scimitar 1 Death Star II U | Starfighter: TIE/sa | P:1 M:2 D:2 F:4 | Scimitar bombing group TIE bomber. Equipped with advanced targeting system to increase damage during planetary bombardment. | May add 1 pilot. Power +3 during a Bombing Run battle. When proton bombs aboard 'collapse' a site, opponent loses 1 Force for each rebel just lost. | |
·Scimitar 2 Death Star II U | Starfighter: TIE/sa | P:1 M:2 D:2 F:4 | TIE bomber repaired after being struck by an asteroid in the Anoat system. Stationed aboard second Death Star battle station. | May add 1 pilot. Power +3 during a Bombing Run battle. Once per game, you may deploy one Proton Bombs from Reserve Deck on this starfighter; reshuffle. | |
···Scimitar Squadron TIE Death Star II C | Starfighter: TIE/sa | P:1 M:2 D:2 F:4 | Bombers typically assigned to attack secondary targets and provide cover during bombing runs. Targeting systems calibrated to track fast-moving Rebel starfighters. | Pilot Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. Power +3 during a Bombing Run battle. Cumulatively adds 1 to total weapon destiny of your other TIE/sa present firing Concussion Missiles. | |
·Scythe 1 Death Star II U | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:4 D:2 F:3 | TIE fighter garrisoned aboard second Death Star. Part of Scythe Squadron, a TIE group with upgraded SFS Pw702 maneuvering jets to increase performance in tight quarters | May add 1 pilot. Once during each of your move phases, may fire one starship weapon aboard ('hit' targets are lost) and/or make an additional move. Immune to attrition < 4 when Mianda piloting. | |
·Scythe 3 Death Star II U | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:4 D:2 F:3 | Heavily modified TIE/ln. Cannons upgraded to destroy small asteroids while serving in Anoat system. P-w702 maneuvering jets added by Death Star technicians. | May add 1 pilot. Hebsly deploys -2 aboard. Once during each of your move phases, may fire one starship weapon aboard ('hit' targes are lost). Immune to attrition < 4 when Hebsly piloting. | |
···Scythe Squadron TIE Death Star II C | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:4 D:4 F:3 | Scythe Squadron TIE fighters are modified TIE/lns assigned to defend the second Death Star during construction. Their pilots fly frequent training missions within the Death Star. | Pilot Deploy -2 to Death Star II or Endor. Permanent pilot provides ability of 2 add adds 1 to power and maneuver. | |
Sentinel-Class Landing Craft Special Edition F | Starfighter: Sentinel-Class Landing Craft | P:3 M:3 H:3 D:3 F:4 | Modified light freighter. Length 20 meters. Heavily armored for a landing craft. Has ion cannon mounts. Often carries speeder bikes for reconnaissance purposes. | Scomp Link, Pilot, Astromech May add 1 pilot, 4 passengers and 2 speeder bikes. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Any starship cannon may deploy here. Takes off and lands for free. | |
·Slave I Cloud City R | Starfighter: Firespray-Class Attack Ship | P:4 M:4 H:4 D:5 F:4 | Originally designed as a planetary defense craft. Uses restricted jamming technology, allowing it to appear out of nowhere. Contains many hidden armaments. | Astromech, Independent, Scomp Link May add 1 pilot (must be a bounty hunter) and 3 passengers. May deploy with a pilot as a 'react'. Immune to attrition < 5 if Boba Fett piloting. Has ship-docking capability. | |
·Stalker Hoth R1 | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:8 R:7 H:3 D:8 F:9 | Originally assigned to search the Outer Rim for new worlds to subjugate. Launched the probe droid that found Echo Base. Later reassigned to Death Squadron. | Scomp Link, Pilot, Astromech May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot aboard provides and ability of 1. Probe Droids deploy free to related sites at same system. | |
TIE Advanced x1 Premiere U2 | Starfighter: TIE Advanced x1 | P:2 M:2 D:2 F:3 | TIE advanced x1 fighter boasting improved power plant, stronger shields, armored hull and enhanced weapons. Deployed to elite Imperial Navy pilots. | Pilot Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. | |
TIE Assault Squadron A New Hope U1 | Squadron: TIE/ln | P:3 M:3 D:* F:6 | Imperial strategy relies on quantity over quality. Although many of their pilots have low motivation, this is compensated by 'wolfpack' group tactics. | Pilot x 3 · Replaces 3 TIE/lns at one location (TIE/lns go to Used Pile). Permanent pilots provide total ability of 3. | |
TIE Avenger Dagobah C | Starfighter: TIE/ad | P:2 M:4 H:2 D:3 F:2 | Design based on Lord Vader's prototype Advanced x1. Manufactured until replaced by the more economical TIE Interceptor. Equipped with deflector shields and a hyperdrive. | Astromech Deploy -1 to same system as any Imperial capital starship. May add 1 pilot. Boosted TIE Cannon may deploy here. | |
TIE Bomber Dagobah U | Starfighter: TIE/sa | P:1 M:2 D:2 F:2 | Because fleet orbital bombardment often destroyed entire cities, the double-pod TIE surface assault starfighter was developed to allow more precise and controlled targeting. | Pilot Power +2 during a Bombing Run battle. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. At any time during your turn, may use 1 Force to 'diffuse' (lose or return to hand) any one Orbital Mine present. | |
TIE Defender Mark I Special Edition F | Starfighter: TIE Defender Mark I | P:3 M:4 H:2 D:3 F:3 | First production run of TIE defender design. Powerful P-sz9.7 sublight engines. Fire-linked laser cannons. Aft blind spot exploited by maneuverable enemy starfighters. | Pilot, Astromech May deploy as a `react'. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Any starship cannon may deploy aboard. Power - 2 while opponent has a starfighter present with higher maneuver. | |
TIE Fighter Premiere C2 | Starfighter: TIE/ln | P:1 M:3 D:1 F:2 | TIE or Twin Ion Engine. TIE/ln model is Empire's most common fighter. Quick and maneuverable. Solar-panel wings supplement power generator. Built by Sienar Fleet Systems. | Pilot Deploy -1 to same system as any Imperial capital starship. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. | |
TIE Interceptor Death Star II C | Starfighter: TIE Interceptor | P:3 M:4 D:2 F:3 | Advanced TIE design. Assigned to elite squadrons, such as the 181st. Developed with enhanced weapons and maneuverability to defeat the Incom X-wing design. | Pilot Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Power +1 when present with an X-wing. During each battle, may fire one starship weapon aboard twice. | |
TIE Scout Premiere C2 | Starfighter: TIE/sr | P:1 M:1 H:5 D:2 F:3 | Limited production, light reconnaissance starship. Minimal armor and weapons. Long-range sensor and communications array. Scouts for Rebel activity. | Pilot, Astromech May add 1 Pilot and 1 passenger, or 2 passengers. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. | |
TIE Vanguard A New Hope C2 | Starfighter: TIE/rc | P:1 M:2 D:2 F:3 | Reconnaissance starfighter. Often deployed first to gather detailed information on enemy starship movement before full fleet engagement. | Pilot Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. You may deploy cards to same system or sector as a 'react.' | |
·The Emperor's Shield Death Star II R | Squadron: 3 TIE/lns | P:3 M:3 H:0 D:5 F:6 | Top outer rim pilots hand picked by Admiral Thrawn. Sent to protect the Emperor during his inspection of the second Death Star. | Pilot, astromech, scomp link Deploys -2 to Endor, Death Star II or same location as Thrawn. May deploy as a 'react'. Permanent pilots provide total ability of 3. Power +3 at Endor or when Emperor is at same or related location. | |
·The Emperor's Sword Death Star II R | Squadron: 3 TIE/lns | P:3 M:3 D:5 F:6 | Eliete pilots sworn to defend the Emperor to the death. Assigned older TIEs due to their years of experience with them. Stationed at Coruscant but always travel with the Emperor. | Pilot x 3 Deploys -2 to Coruscant or Death Star II. May deploy as a 'react'. Permanent pilots provide total ability of 3. Power +3 at Coruscant or when Emperor is at same or related location. | |
·Thunderflare Unknown:D PV | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:9 R:6 H:2 D:7 F:7 | Overpowered Star Destroyer. Energy is transferred from hyperdrive to weapons. Patrol duties in the Core Worlds make it a common first assignment for junior officers. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship docking capability. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. Turbolaser Batteries deploy and fire free here. | |
·Thunderflare Death Star II R | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:9 R:6 H:2 D:7 F:7 | Overpowered Star Destroyer. Energy is transferred from hyperdrive to weapons. Patrol duties in the Core Worlds make it a common first assignment for junior officers. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship docking capability. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. Turbolaser Batteries deploy and fire free here. | |
·Tyrant Hoth R1 | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:8 R:6 H:3 D:7 F:9 | Assigned to Admiral Ozzel's Death Squadron. Attempted to capture Rebel starships fleeing the Hoth system. | Scomp Link, Pilot, Astromech May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability or 1. When using Tractor Beam, adds 1 to destiny draw. | |
·Vader's Custom TIE Premiere R1 | Starfighter: TIE Advanced x1 | P:2 M:3 H:2 D:2 F:4 | TIE advanced x1 prototype. First of a limited production run leading to the development of the TIE Interceptor. At Vader's insistence a hyperdrive was installed. | Astromech May add 1 pilot. If Vader is pilot, Custom TIE is immune to attrition < 4. | |
·Vader's Personal Shuttle Special Edition R | Starfighter: Lambda-Class Shuttle | P:2 M:2 H:3 D:2 F:4 | Customized transport of Lord Vader. Employs advanced sensor jamming gear. Modified with enhanced tactical displays constructed to the Dark Lord's specifications. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 1 pilot and 4 passengers. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 2. Moves for free. While Vader aboard, opponent must have ability > 5 to draw battle destiny at same system. May not Talon Roll. | |
·Vengeance Special Edition R | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:8 R:6 H:3 D:9 F:9 | Part of Darth Vader's Death Squadron. Support vessel for the fleet's starfighters. Cargo areas converted into hangar space for additional TIE fighters. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 1 vehicle and 6 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. Your TIE/lns are forfeit +2 at same location. Power +2 at Nal Hutta. | |
Victory-Class Star Destroyer A New Hope U1 | Capital: Victory-Class Star Destroyer | P:6 R:5 H:4 D:6 F:5 | Commissioned by the Old Republic at end of the Clone Wars, Rendili StarDrive's Victory-class starship is atmosphere-capable but has a low sublight speed. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 4 pilots, 6 passengers, 1 vehicle and 3 TIEs. Has ship-docking capability. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Adds 1 to your total power in battles at related planet sites. | |
·Visage Death Star II R | Capital: Imperial-Class Star Destroyer | P:8 R:7 H:3 D:8 F:9 | Outfitted to chart unknown expanses of Outer Rim. Staff includes galactic cartography contingent. Considered a joke assignment by most lower-ranked Naval officers. | Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May deploy even without presence or Force icons (except to Rendezvous Point). May add 6 pilots, 8 passengers, 2 vehicles and 4 TIEs. Has shhip-docking capability. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. | |
·Zuckuss in Mist Hunter Enhanced Jabba's Palace NA | Starfighter: Byblos G-1A Transport | P:2 M:3 H:5 D:6 F:5 | Zuckuss is a dangerous adversary, especially when aboard his own starship. Mystical omens enable the Gand to predict enemy maneuvers in starship combat. | Independent, Pilot, Astromech, Scomp Link May add 1 pilot and 3 passengers. Permanent pilot is ·Zuckuss, who provides ability of 4 and adds 2 to power. Unless opponent has total ability > 6 piloting here, opponent's total battle destiny here = zero. |
Bantha Premiere U2 | Creature Vehicle | P:1 M:2 L:1 D:1 F:3 | Transport, pack animal. Many breeds of different sizes and colors. Three meters tall. Can go weeks without food or water. Found throughout the galaxy. | May carry 2 passengers. Bantha ability = 1/2. May move as a 'react' only to a battle or Force drain (if within range). Each Tusken Raider at same exterior site is power +1. | |
Bespin Motors Void Spider THX 1138 A New Hope C2 | Shuttle Vehicle | P:1 M:4 L:* D:2 F:4 | This light, enclosed shuttle is used for courier runs to large orbiting transports. | Pilot May add 3 passengers. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. May move as a 'react.' *Landspeed = 3. OR Up to 3 characters may shuttle to or from same site for free. | |
·Blizzard 1 Hoth R1 | Combat Vehicle: AT-AT | P:7 R:7 L:1 D:6 F:7 | General Veers' AT-AT. Enclosed. Equipped with highly sophisticated communications gear. Employs an experimental targeting system. | Scomp Link May add 2 pilots and 8 passengers. Immune to attrition < 4. When using AT-AT Cannon to target The Main Generator, adds 1 to total. | |
·Blizzard 2 Hoth R2 | Combat Vehicle: AT-AT | P:6 R:8 L:1 D:6 F:6 | AT-AT commanded by the treacherous General Nevar before he was assassinated. Fortified with an extra layer of armor by the paranoid general. Enclosed. | Scomp Link, Pilot May add 1 pilot and 8 passengers. Immune to attrition < 4. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 2. | |
·Blizzard Scout 1 Hoth R1 | Combat Vehicle: AT-ST | P:3 R:4 L:3 D:3 F:5 | Enclosed All Terrain Scout Transport (AT-ST). Provides flanking support to the AT-ATs of Blizzard Force. Modified for cold weather combat. | Scomp Link, Pilot May add 1 pilot or passenger. May move as a 'react.' Power +1 at any Hoth site. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. | |
···Blizzard Walker Hoth U2 | Combat Vehicle: AT-AT | P:6 R:7 L:1 D:6 F:6 | Enclosed All Terrain Armored Transport. Commonly called an Imperial walker. One of the most terrifying and deadly weapons in the Empire's arsenal. 15.5 meters tall. | Scomp Link May add 2 pilots and 8 passengers. Immune to attrition < 4. | |
Cloud Car Cloud City C | Combat Vehicle: Twin-Pod Cloud Car | P:2 M:3 L:4 D:2 F:3 | Bespin Motors' enclosed upper atmosphere craft. Utilizes a combination of ion engines and powerful repulsorlift drives to gain maximum power at high altitudes. | Pilot May add 1 pilot or passenger. At cloud sectors, power +1, may deploy as a 'react' and may move and be targeted by weapons like a starfighter. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. | |
···Combat Cloud Car Special Edition F | Combat Vehicle: Talon I Combat Cloud Car | P:3 M:4 L:5 D:3 F:4 | Enclosed Ubrikkian Talon I Combat Cloud Car. Speeds up to 1,875 kph. Exceptional maneuverability makes this a favorite of outer Rim security forces. | Pilot Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. At cloud sectors, power and maneuver +1, may deploy as a 'react' and may move and be targeted by weapons like a starfighter. | |
Dewback Special Edition C | Creature Vehicle | P:2 R:4 D:2 F:4 | Protected by hard skin composed of tough armored scales. Frequently ridden by sandtroopers stationed in desert environments. | If driven by a Sandtrooper, draws 1 battle destiny if not able to otherwise. Sandtroopers deploy -1 here. | |
···Dune Walker Special Edition R | Combat Vehicle: AT-AT | P:5 R:7 D:7 F:6 | Enclosed armored transport adapted for hot climates by replacing tertiary weapons systems with additional Sienar t23 heat dissipation units. | Pilot, Scomp Link Deploy -1 to a desert or Tatooine site. May add 1 pilot and 6 passengers. Immune to attrition < 4. Landspeed may not be increased. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. | |
Flare-S Racing Swoop Special Edition C | Transport Vehicle | P:0 R:5 L:* D:2 F:2 | Attain speeds of up to 600 kph. 3 meters long. Extremely difficult to control at high speeds. Dengar rode a similar swoop when injured in a race with Han at Agrilat. | May add 1 driver and 1 passenger. W Landspeed = driver's ability, and may be used at any time to follow an opponent's vehicle or character that just moved from same site (if within range). | |
Imperial Walker Empire Strikes Back Introductory Two Player Game T3 | Combat Vehicle: AT-AT | P:4 R:6 L:1 D:4 F:4 | Four-legged, enclosed combat vehicle. The monstrous, plodding AT-AT (All Terrain Armored Transport) can carry an entire squadron of armed troops. | Scomp Link, Pilot May add 1 pilot and 8 passengers. Permanent pilot aboard provides ability of 1. | |
·Jabba's Sail Barge Jabba's Palace R | Transport Vehicle | P:5 R:5 L:2 D:5 F:7 | Ubrikkian sail barge. Custom built for Jabba with an armored hull and weaponry. Top speed of 100 kph. Used by the Hutt crimelord on his many trips to Mos Eisley. | Scomp Link Deploys only on Tatooine, you may immediately deploy Passenger Deck from Reserve deck and reshuffle. May add 8 passengers. Your aliens deploy -1 aboard. | |
Lift Tube Premiere C2 | Transport Vehicle | P:0 M:1 L:3 D:1 F:1 | System of enclosed high-speed vertical and horizontal transport cylinders. Used in space stations, large starships, Death Stars, etc. | May carry 4 passengers. Deploy and move only at interior mobile sites. May move without presence aboard. Also, may move as a 'react' only to a battle or Force drain (if within range). | |
Mobquet A-1 Deluxe Floater A New Hope C2 | Transport Vehicle | P:2 M:5 L:3 D:2 F:5 | Enclosed landspeeder often used by nefarious characters due to its luxury and evasive capabilities. Features include automated steering and fine Corellian leather. | Scomp Link May add 1 driver and 1 passenger. Moves free if Jabba or any bounty hunter aboard. May move for free as a 'react' to a battle where your thief, smuggler or bounty hunter is participating. | |
Patrol Craft Special Edition C | Transport Vehicle | P:1 M:3 L:3 D:1 F:3 | Small, enclosed patrol fighter used on many worlds to help maintain order. A cheaper alternative to the Bespin Motors cloud car. | Power +1 at Coruscant or Bespin. May add 1 driver and 1 passenger. May deploy or move as a 'react.' At cloud sectors, may move and be targeted by weapons like a starfighter. | |
Ronto Special Edition C | Creature Vehicle | P:3 R:3 L:2 D:2 F:3 | Beast of burden often used by Jawas. Excellent sense of smell. Poor vision. Slow moving. Tough hide. Easily startled by fast-moving speeders. | May add 2 'riders' (passengers). Ability = 1/4. When 'ridden' by a Jawa, moves for free and draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. | |
Sandcrawler Premiere R2 | Transport Vehicle | P:3 R:3 L:2 D:3 F:5 | Warren-like enclosed homes for Jawa tribes. Protect against Tusken Raiders, krayt dragons, etc. 36 meters longs, 17 meters tall. Originally mining vehicles. No two look alike. | May carry 8 passengers. must deploy at a Tatooine site. May relocate only to planet sites. Each Jawa at same exterior site is forfeit +1. | |
Skiff Jabba's Palace C | Transport Vehicle | P:3 M:3 L:3 D:3 F:3 | Repulsorlift engine. 9.2 meters long. controlled by two directional steering vanes. Jabba's fleet of skiffs is maintained by Barada. | Deploy -1 to a Tatooine site. May add 6 passengers. May move as a 'react.' If lost, any characters aboard may "jump off" (disembark). | |
Speeder Bike Endor C | Combat Vehicle: Speeder Bike | P:1 M:5 L:5 D:1 F:3 | Aratech 74-Z military model. Preferred by troops operating far from Imperial maintenance facilities. Flight ceiling of 25 meters. | May add 1 pilot and 1 passenger. May move as a 'react'. When piloted, vehicle and scouts aboard are immune to attrition < 4. Pilot's power = 0. If lost, characters aboard may "jump off" (disembark). | |
·Tempest 1 Endor R | Combat Vehicle: AT-AT | P:6 A:7 L:1 D:6 F:6 | Command vehicle for Commander Igar. Uses an adapted TIE targeting system to combat maneuverable T-47s. Utilized in the subjugation of Kashyyyk. Enclosed | Pilot, Scomp Link May add 1 pilot and 8 passengers. Immune to attrition < 4. Landspeed may not be increased. Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. Each of its weapon destiny draws is +1. | |
Tempest Scout Endor U | Combat Vehicle: AT-ST | P:3 A:4 L:3 D:3 F:4 | Manufactured by Kuat Drive Yards under the close supervision of the Empire. Often used in conjunction with AT-ATs in an anti-personnel role. Enclosed. | Pilot May add 1 pilot or passenger. May move as a 'react' for 1 additional Force. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Your Elite Squadron stormtroopers are deploy -1 to same site. | |
·Tempest Scout 1 Endor R | Combat Vehicle: AT-ST | P:3 A:4 L:3 D:2 F:4 | Enclosed AT-ST assigned as first response to incidents at Endor control bunker. Piloted by Lieutenant Arnet. | Scomp Link May add 2 pilots or passengers. May move as a 'react' for free. When Arnet piloting, immune to attrition < 4 and adds 1 to attrition against opponent. | |
·Tempest Scout 2 Endor R | Combat Vehicle: AT-ST | P:3 A:4 L:3 D:2 F:4 | AT-ST assigned to coordinate battle activities with the Endor biker scout detachment. Enclosed. First saw battle in Kashyyyk forests. | Scomp Link Deploy -1 to Endor. May add 2 pilots or passengers. May move as a 'react'. Immune to attrition < 3 when Marquand piloting. Your scouts may move here as a 'react'. | |
·Tempest Scout 3 Endor R | Combat Vehicle: AT-ST | P:3 A:4 L:4 D:3 F:4 | Enclosed. Assigned to the task of searching for potential Rebel traps. Modified to help cover more territory to accomplish this task. | Pilot, Scomp Link May deploy or move as a 'react' to a forest or Endor site. May add 1 pilot or passenger. Permanent pilot provides ability of 2. | |
·Tempest Scout 4 Endor R | Combat Vehicle: AT-ST | P:4 A:4 L:2 D:3 F:4 | Enclosed vehicle. Equipped with a prototype targeting computer. Maintains accuracy even in dense foliage. Energy diverted from propulsion to weapons systems. | Pilot, Scomp Link May add 1 pilot or passenger. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. AT-ST Dual Cannon deploys free aboard and may target at an adjacent site. | |
·Tempest Scout 5 Endor R | Combat Vehicle: AT-ST | P:3 A:4 L:3 D:3 F:4 | Uses experimental command and control software to coordinate combat data. Enclosed. | Pilot, Scomp Link May add 1 pilot or passenger. May move as a 'react'. Permanent pilot provides ability of 1. Adds 1 to your total power in battle at same site for each of your other piloted combat vehicles present. | |
·Tempest Scout 6 Endor R | Combat Vehicle: AT-ST | P:3 A:3 L:3 D:3 F:4 | Enclosed. Modified for perimeter patrol. Elite crew trained for many months over heavily forested terrain. | Pilot, Scomp Link May deploy -2 as a 'react'. May move as a 'react' for free. Permanent pilots provide total ability of 2. | |
URoRRuR'R'R's Bantha Special Edition R | Creature Vehicle | P:2 M:2 L:1 D:1 F:4 | Raised by RR'uruurr for personal use by URoRRuR'R'R. Alpha male of his bantha herd. Has trampled many Jawas. Nicknamed 'Rrr'ur'R.' | May add 2 'riders' (passengers). Ability = 1/2. Adds 1 to power of each of your Tusken Raiders and other banthas present. When 'ridden' by URoRRuR'R'R, adds one battle destiny. | |
Ubrikkian 9000 Z001 Premiere C2 | Transport Vehicle | P:2 M:6 L:3 D:2 F:4 | Enclosed repulsorlift landspeeder. Micro-thrusters placed around spherical hull. Seats three. Extremely maneuverable. Top speed of 160 km per hour. | May carry 3 passengers. Also, may move as a 'react' only to a battle or Force drain (if within range). | |
Wittin's Sandcrawler Special Edition R | Transport Vehicle | P:3 R:4 D:3 F:5 | Patrols the Dune Sea searching for lost droids and other items worth scavenging. Armor reinforced to protect against krayt dragon attacks. Enclosed. | Deploys only on Tatooine. May add 1 driver and 7 passengers. While your Jawa is aboard, this vehicle and your Jawas at same site are immune to attrition < 3. Power +2 if Wittin at same site. |
·4-LOM's Concussion Rifle Dagobah R | Character Weapon | BlasTech LJ-90. Not as accurate as the E-11 Blaster Rifle, but uses the same scope mount and has much better range. Acquired by 4-LOM after teaming up with Zuckuss. | Use 4 force to deploy on a warrior, free on 4-LOM. May target for free during a battle at same site or exterior site up to 2 sites away. Draw Destiny. Add 1 if Blaster Scope attached. Character hit if destiny - X > ability, where X = distance to target. | ||
AT-AT Cannon Hoth U1 | Vehicle Weapon | Laser cannons mounted on the head of an Imperial walker provide devastating coordinated firepower. Effective against a wide variety of targets. | Use 2 Force to deploy on any AT-AT. May fire during a battle at same or adjacent site. May select a target only at an adjacent site using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Vehicle hit if destiny +2 > armor or maneuver. Starfighter hit if destiny > 3. Character hit if destiny +1 > ability. | ||
AT-ST Dual Cannon Endor R | Vehicle Weapon | High rate of fire used for anti-personnel operations. Enhanced design from prototype used in the Battle of Hoth. | Use 1 Force to deploy on your AT-ST. May target a character, creature or vehicle for 1 Force. Draw destiny. Add 1 if targeting a character or creature. Target hit if total destiny > defense value. May fire repeatedly for 2 Force each time. | ||
Antipersonnel Laser Cannon Jabba's Palace U | Vehicle Weapon | Rapid-fire weapon. Requires three power cells to operate. Has no stun setting. Lightweight enough to be stored and then quickly mounted when the need arises. | Use 3 Force to deploy on any transport vehicle. Your warrior present, if aboard, may target using 3 Force. Draw destiny. Character hit if destiny +2 > Ability. May fire repeatedly for 2 Force each time. | ||
Assault Rifle Premiere R2 | Character Weapon | BlasTech model DLT-19 "heavy blaster rifle." Enhanced with extra power packs and greater range. | Use 3 Force to deploy on any warrior. May fire during a battle at same site or an adjacent site. Select target involved in battle for 2 Force. Draw destiny. Character hit if destiny + 1 > ability. Vehicle hit if destiny + 1 > maneuver or armor. | ||
Blaster Rifle Premiere C2 | Character Weapon | Stormtrooper BlasTech E-11 blaster rifle. Can convert from a pistol to a rifle configuration by using extendable stock. Carries 100 shots. Military-issue only. | Use 2 Force to deploy on any warrior. May target using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Character hit if destiny + 1 > ability. Vehicle hit if destiny + 1 > maneuver or armor. | ||
·Boba Fett's Blaster Rifle Cloud City R | Character Weapon | Sawed off BlasTech EE-3 blaster rifle. Although its barrel is a few centimeters under the legal limit, no one has lived to file an official complaint. | Use 1 Force to deploy on Boba Fett, 3 on any other bounty hunter. May deploy as a 'react.' May target using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Character hit if destiny > ability. Vehicle hit if destiny +1 > armor or maneuver. May fire repeatedly for 1 Force each time. | ||
Boosted TIE Cannon Premiere U1 | Starship Weapon | Enhanced TIE blaster cannon prototype. Greater range and power. Improved targeting software. Requires more powerful energy cells. Tested by elite TIE squadrons. | Use 1 Force to deploy on any TIE advanced x1. May target using 1 Force. Draw destiny. Capital starship hit if destiny - 1 > armor. Starfighter hit if destiny + 1 > maneuver. | ||
·Bossk's Mortar Gun Dagobah R | Character Weapon | Relby-v10 micro grenade launcher. Modified version of the limited range CSPL "Caspel" Projectile Launcher. Blows lots of stuff up. | Use 2 Force to deploy on Bossk, 4 on any other warrior. May fire using 2 Force. Draw destiny. If destiny > 0, one card with that destiny number at same site is lost (your choice). If destiny = 0, mortar gun explodes and warrior firing it is lost. | ||
Cloud City Blaster Cloud City C | Character Weapon | Relby-k23 blaster pistol. Inflicts severe pain prior to death. Safety known to fail. Although these blasters are on the civilian restricted list, Imperial agents use them anyway. | Use 2 Force to deploy on any warrior at a Cloud City site. May target using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Character hit (and may not be used to satisfy attrition) if destiny > ability. | ||
Concussion Missles Death Star II C | Starship Weapon | Originally developed by smugglers and pirates as defense against starfighters. Adapted by the Empire to serve as onboard defense for slow moving bombers. | Use 1 Force to deploy on your bomber, TIE Defender, freighter or transport. May target a starship for free. Draw destiny. Add 1 when targeting a starfighter or squadron. Target hit if total destiny > defense value. | ||
Dark Jedi Lightsaber Premiere U1 | Character Weapon | Multifaceted jewels focus light into a deadly blade. Projects a meter-long beam of pure energy. A lightsaber is constructed personally by a Jedi as a part of training. | Use X Force to deploy on any warrior where X = (7 - warrior's ability), and you may then use as follows: Add 1 to Force drain where present. OR Target a Character by using X Force. Draw two destiny. Character hit if total destiny > ability. | ||
·Darth Vader's Lightsaber Death Star II R | Character Weapon | Vader's lightsaber. Symbol of the most feared man in the galaxy. Vader's control of the dark side of the Force allows him to wield this weapon in surprising ways. | Deploy on Vader. May target a character or creature. Draw two destiny. Target hit if total destiny > defense value. Also, during a duel, Vader may 'throw' this lightsaber to add 1 to each of his duel destiny draws (place lightsaber in Used Pile at end of duel). | ||
·Dengar's Blaster Carbine Dagobah R | Character Weapon | Rugged, reliable Valken-38 carbine. Excellent sniper's weapon in the hands of a competent marksman. Stolen from a victim when Dengar was working as an Imperial Assassin. | Use 1 Force to deploy on Dengar, 3 on any other warrior. May target using 1 Force. Draw destiny. Character hit if destiny +1 > ability. Vehicle hit if destiny +1 > maneuver or armor. If hit by Dengar, target's forfeit = 0. | ||
·Dengar's Modified Riot Gun Jabba's Palace R | Character Weapon | Originally at area-effect weapon. Modified by Dengar to concentrate on one target. Induces an extended period of unconsciousness. | Use 2 Force to deploy on Dengar, 5 on any other bounty hunter. May target a non-droid character using 3 Force. Draw destiny. Character immediately captured if destiny +3 > ability. | ||
Disruptor Pistol Special Edition F | Character Weapon | Highly specialized weapon used for disintegration. Commonly found on the black market and in criminal arsenals. One of the favored weapons of the Black Sun. | Use 2 Force to deploy on your warrior (1 on your non-unique warrior). May target a character or creature using 2 Force (for free if on your non-unique warrior). Draw destiny. Target lost if destiny > defense value. | ||
Double Laser Cannon Jabba's Palace R | Vehicle Weapon | Similar power output to the Atgar P-tower. Equipped with a hydrolic coolant system. Effective in dealing with raiding swoop gangs. | Use 4 Force to deploy on Jabba's Sail Barge, or a sandcrawler. It is power +3 and immune to attrition < 5. Your warrior present if aboard may target using 2 Force. Draw Destiny. Vehicle hit if destiny +2 > armor of maneuver. | ||
Dr. Evazan's Sawed-off Blaster Special Edition U | Character Weapon | Equipped with powerful infrared scope. Extremely sensitive trigger mechanism. Used to earn Evazan the death sentence on several systems. | Deploy on Dr. Evazan (may deploy on him as a 'react') or use 3 Force to deploy on your warrior. May target a character or creature at same or adjacent site using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Target hit if destiny +1 > defense value. May fire repeatedly. | ||
E-web Blaster Hoth C1 | Artillery Weapon | D:2 F:1 | Massive infantry weapon powerful enough to damage even starfighters. | Deploy on any site. May be moved with two warriors for 1 additional Force. Your warrior present may target using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Character or vehicle hit if destiny +1 > ability, armor or maneuver. Starfighter hit if destiny > 4. | |
Enhanced TIE Laser Cannon A New Hope C2 | Starship Weapon | Sienar Fleet Systems' latest laser cannon prototype increases the firepower most Imperial TIEs - but many Moffs consider the weapon too expensive for widespread use. | Use 1 Force to deploy on your TIE. May target a starship using 1 Force. Draw Destiny. Subtract 2 if targeting a capital starship. Target hit if destiny > defense value. | ||
Feltipern Trevagg's Stun Rifle Special Edition U | Character Weapon | Assault rifle modified by Feltipern. Used by the Gotal bounty hunter before he became a tax collector. Occasionally brought along to 'ease' Feltipern's collection duties. | Deploy on Feltipern Trevagg or use 2 Force to deploy on your other bounty hunter. May target a character using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Add 2 if target is the target of any bounty. Target may be captured if total destiny > defense value. | ||
Force Pike Death Star II C | Character Weapon | Uses microscopic vibrations emitted from its tip. Cuts through stone, metal, and bone. Ceremonial weapon for most; deadly implement in the hands of an Emperor's Royal Guard. | Deploy on your Royal Guard (or use 3 Force to deploy on your other warrior). Adds 1 to defense value. May target a character or creature using 1 Force. Draw destiny. Target hit if destiny +1 > defense value. If hit by a Royal Guard, target's power = 0. | ||
Gaderffi Stick Premiere C2 | Character Weapon | Notorious 'gaffi' weapon favored by Tusken Raiders. Built from scavenged metal. Intimidates and evokes fear. | Use 2 Force to deploy on any Tusken Raider. May target for free. If a battle has just been initiated where present, immediately draw two destiny. If total destiny > 5, opponent's weapons are "knocked away" (may not be used this battle). | ||
Gamorrean Ax Jabba's Palace C | Character Weapon | Built by Snogrutt, a Gamorrean engineer. Ax head contains an ultrasonic generator. Jabba's Gamorrean guards sometimes switch the power off to prove their might. | Use 1 Force to deploy on any Gamorrean. Adds 1 to power. When present at a site, Gamorrean draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise. May target for free. Draw destiny. Character hit if destiny > ability. | ||
Han Seeker Premiere R2 | Automated Weapon | Military version of a 'remote.' Programmed to stalk specific targets or secondary targets. Heat and light sensors track with fatal accuracy. Can stow away on starships. | Use 1 Force to deploy on opponent's side at any unoccupied site. Moves during your control phase, like a character, at normal use of Force. When at same location as Han or alien ability < 3, choose one to be immediately lost. Seeker is also lost. | ||
Heavy Turbolaser Battery Death Star II C | Starship Weapon | The ultimate in armor penetration. Relies in dense capacitor banks for massive firing charge. Capacitors regularly malfunction. Hitting maneuverable targets nearly impossible. | Use 4 Force to deploy in your Star Destroyer (adds 2 to power) or any mobile system. May target a starship using 2 Force. Draw two destiny. Subtract 1 when targetting a capital starship. Otherwise, subtract 6. Target hit if total destiny > defense value. | ||
·IG-88's Neural Inhibitor Dagobah R | Character Weapon | Menotor DAS-430 electromagnetic projectile launcher. Often mistaken for a blaster rifle. Fires small hollow darts filled with neurotoxin which cause temporary paralysis. | Deploy on IG-88, or use 2 Force on any other bounty hunter. May target a non-droid character using 3 Force. Draw destiny. If destiny +1>ability, until end of your next turn character is power, forfeit and landspeed=0. | ||
·IG-88's Pulse Cannon Dagobah R | Character Weapon | IG-88's personal favorite for mass destruction. Rapid-fire fusion plasma bursts are extremely effective against multiple targets. Not widely used due to incidental damage. | Use 1 Force to deploy on IG-88, 4 on any other warrior. Adds 2 to power. May target X non-droid characters using X Force. Draw destiny for each. If destiny = 0, character is power -1 and forfeit -1 until end of turn. If destiny -1 > ability, character hit. | ||
Imperial Blaster Premiere C2 | Character Weapon | A BlasTech DH-17 blaster pistol. Uses power packs and high-energy blaster gases. Shoots bolts of explosive coherent light energy. | Use 1 Force to deploy on any warrior. May target using 1 Force. Draw destiny. Character hit if destiny > ability. Vehicle hit if destiny > maneuver or armor. | ||
Infantry Mine Hoth C2 | Automated Weapon | Typically stolen by Rebel spies and sabateurs from the perimeter of high-security Imperial installations. | Deploy at same exterior site as one of your mining droids. 'Explodes' if a character deploys or moves (without using a vehicle or starfighter) to same site. Draw destiny. Character lost if destiny +2 > ability. Infantry Mine is also lost. | ||
Intruder Missile Special Edition F | Starship Weapon | Produced by Sienar for TIE bombers and TIE defenders, using plans stolen from Slayn & Korpil by ISB agents. Often sold to bounty hunters and mercenaries by Black Sun. | Deploy on your TIE Bomber, TIE Defender or freighter. May target a capital starship for free. Draw destiny. Add 3 if that capital starship was targeted by another weapon this turn. Target hit if total destiny > defense value. After firing, place Missile in Used Pile. | ||
Ion Cannon Premiere U1 | Starship Weapon | Fires blasts of ionized energy. Causes massive disruptions in weapon, engine and computer systems aboard a target. Disables starship defenses against tractor beams. | Use 2 Force to deploy on any Star Destroyer. May target using 1 Force. Draw destiny. If destiny + 2 > target's armor or maneuver, all weapons aboard target are lost, armor or maneuver = 0 and hyperspeed = 0. | ||
Jawa Blaster A New Hope C2 | Character Weapon | Built from scavenged parts, Jawa blaster are not required to adhere to any design standards. An etching on this stock warns "datinni greb zroom." | Deploy on your Jawa. May target a character or creature for free. Draw destiny. If destiny -1 > defense value, target hit. If destiny = 0, Jawa Blaster 'explodes' (weapon and character firing it are lost). | ||
Laser Projector Premiere U2 | Automated Weapon | Laser system activated by distress signal from guards. Used at security checkpoints and detention block control rooms. Targeting guided by centralized droid controller. | Use 2 Force to deploy at an interior sire. Cannot move. May target for free. Draw destiny. Character hit if destiny - 1 > ability. Seeker hit if destiny > 2. Laser Projector may be targeted by another weapon and hit if destiny > 1. | ||
Leia Seeker A New Hope R2 | Automated Weapon | Military version of a 'remote.' Programmed to stalk specific targets or secondary targets. Heat and light sensors track with fatal accuracy. Can stow away on starships. | Use 1 Force to deploy on opponent's side at any unoccupied site. Moves during your control phase, like a character, at normal use of the Force. When at same location as Leia or warrior of ability < 3, choose one to be immediately lost. Seeker also lost. | ||
Light Repeating Blaster Rifle Premiere R1 | Character Weapon | BlasTech model T-21 light repeating blaster. Excellent power, good range. Carries energy for 25 shots. Unlimited firepower when attached to a power generator. | Use 2 Force to deploy on any warrior. If a power droid or any fusion generator present, may target using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Character hit if destiny +1 > ability. Vehicle hit if destiny +1 > maneuver or armor. May fire repeatedly for 2 Force each. | ||
Luke Seeker Premiere R2 | Automated Weapon | Military version of a 'remote.' Programmed to stalk specific targets or secondary targets. Heat and light sensors track with fatal accuracy. Can stow away on starships. | Use 1 Force to deploy on opponent's side at any unoccupied site. Moves during your control phase, like a character, at normal use of the Force. When at same location as Luke or pilot of ability <3, choose one to be immediately lost. Seeker also lost. | ||
·Mara Jade's Lightsaber Enhanced Jabba's Palace NA | Character Weapon | As part of her training to become the Emperor's hand, Mara Jade learned from Palpatine himself how to effectively fight with a lightsaber. | Use 1 Force to deploy on Mara Jade. May add 1 to Force Drain where present. May target a character or creature for free. Draw two destiny. Target hit, and its forfeit = 0, if total destiny > defense value. | ||
Mos Eisley Blaster Jabba's Palace C | Character Weapon | BlasTech DL-18. Carried by Jabba's guards. Typically used for covering fire, to protect a comrade or pin an enemy down. Nicknamed "Mos Eisley Special." | Use 1 Force to deploy on any alien warrior (free if on Tatooine). May target for free. Draw destiny. Character is forfeit -2 for remainder of turn if destiny +2 > ability. | ||
Ponda Baba's Hold-out Blaster Special Edition U | Character Weapon | High-powered, short-barreled blaster. Modified Imperial blaster pistol. Kept concealed by the Aqualish mercenary. | Deploy on your smuggler or use 2 Force to deploy on your warrior. May deploy on Ponda Baba as a 'react.' May target a character or creature using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Target hit, and forfeit = 0, if destiny +1 > defense value. | ||
Probe Droid Laser Hoth U2 | Character Weapon | Although a probe droid's primary defense is stealth, many models can be equipped with a laser cannon to enhance the droid's combat and sabotage capabilities. | Deploy on any Probe Droid. May target for free. Draw destiny. Character hit if destiny > ability. Artillery weapon immediately lost if destiny > 5. | ||
Proton Bombs Dagobah U | Starship Weapon | Proton-scattering energy warheads. Especially effective against ray- and energy-shielded targets. Ineffective against particle deflector. | Deploy on a bomber: When present during a Force drain, may target a related interior site. Draw destiny. Site 'collapsed' if destiny > 4. OR May fire in a Bombing Run battle. Draw destiny. All characters, starships and vehicles with that destiny number at same site are lost. | ||
SFS L-s7.2 TIE Cannon Death Star II C | Starship Weapon | TIE cannon mass produced at Wakeelmui system. Campatable with multiple TIE models for ease of deployment. | Use 2 Force to deploy on any TIE (for free if a TIE/ln). May target a starship using 1 Force. Draw Destiny. Target hit if destiny > defense value. | ||
SFS L-s9.3 Laser Cannons Special Edition C | Character Weapon | Developed by Sienar Fleet Systems weapons division to provide added firepower against shielded Rebel fighters. Also provides added coverage to increase accuracy. | Deploy on your TIE Avenger, TIE Interceptor or TIE Defender. May target a starfighter using X Force, where X = 0 to 3. Draw destiny. If destiny + X > defense value, target hit (lost instead if X = 3). | ||
Scout Blaster Endor C | Character Weapon | Hold-out blaster utilized by Imperial scouts. Small size limits range, but concealability is often an asset. | Deploy on your biker scout, or use 2 Force to deploy on your other warrior. May deploy as a 'react'. May target a character or creature using 1 Force (for free if fired by your spy or scout). Draw destiny. Target hit if destiny > defense value. | ||
Speeder Bike Cannon Endor U | Vehicle Weapon | Used for strafing runs during hit and fade tactics. Often difficult to target for an inexperienced pilot. | Use 1 Force to deploy on your speeder bike, 2 on your swoop. Vehicle is power +2. May target a character, creature or vehicle for free. Draw destiny. Target hit if destiny + 1 > defense value. | ||
·Superlaser A New Hope R2 | Death Star Weapon | The Death Star has more firepower than the combined might the entire Imperial fleet. Enormous generators power the devastating planet-destroying weapon. | Deploy on Death Star system at parsec 0. May target a capital starship at Death Star system, or at a system it orbits, using 4 Force. Draw two destiny. Target hit if total destiny > defense value. | ||
Superlaser Mark II Death Star II U | Starship Weapon | The redesign of the Death Star called for improved defenses against Rebel starships. The superlaser redesign, while not able to target snub fighters, can devastate capital starships. | Deploys on Death Star II. May be fired only if That Thing's Operational is on table. May fire for free at a capital starship at Death Star II system (or at a system Death Star II is orbiting) for free. Draw three destiny. Target hit if total destiny greater than armor. | ||
·Thermal Detonator Jabba's Palace R | Character Weapon | Strictly regulated. Dangerously unstable. Explosive baradium core. Class-A type has blast radius of 20 meters. Can be programmed with a very sensitive deadman's switch. | Use 3 Force to deploy on any bounty hunter, when collecting a bounty, adds 3 to Force retrieved. Also, may detonate at same site. draw 3 destiny, all cards (except effects) with any of those destiny numbers at that site are lost. Thermal Detonator is also lost. | ||
Timer Mine Premiere C2 | Automated Weapon | A timer-activated explosive device designed to be placed by a mining droid. Originally used in ore and spice mines for demolition. Altered for military use. | Deploy on opponent's side at same site as one of your mining droids. 'Explodes' at beginning of your next turn. Draw destiny. That number of opponent's characters there are immediately lost (owner's choice). Timer Mine is also lost. | ||
Turbolaser Battery Premiere R2 | Starship Weapon | High-powered blasters. Require power generators, cryogenic cooling units and large crews. More effective against capital starships than starfighters. | Use 3 Force to deploy on any Star Destroyer or any mobile system. May target using 2 Force. Draw two destiny. Capital starship hit if total destiny - 2 > armor. Starfighter hit if total destiny - 5 > maneuver. | ||
·URoRRuR'R'R's Hunting Rifle A New Hope U1 | Character Weapon | Owning a hunting rifle is an important status symbol in Tusken culture. URoRRuR'R'R scavenged this weapon from a starship wreck near Anchorhead. | Use 1 Force to deploy on URoRRuR'R'R or Chief Bast, 3 on your non-droid character. May target a character or creature using 1 Force. Draw destiny. Subtract 1 if targeting a character. Add 2 if targeting a creature. Target hit if total destiny > defense value. | ||
·Vader's Lightsaber Premiere R1 | Character Weapon | Custom-built by Darth Vader. After the Clone Wars, he wielded this weapon while hunting down the last of the Jedi. Cuts through almost anything except another lightsaber blade. | Deploy only on Vader (for free), and you may then use as follows: Add 1 to Force drain where present. OR Target a character for free. Draw two destiny. Character hit, and it's forfeit = 0, if total destiny > ability. | ||
Vehicle Mine Hoth C2 | Automated Weapon | Launches and detonates when activated by a passing metallic mass or the repulsorlift field of an approaching speeder. The shrapnel can hit even the quickest craft. | Deploy at same exterior site as one of your mining droids. 'Explodes' if starfighter or non-creature vehicle deploys or moves to or across same site. Draw destiny. Vehicle lost if destiny +2 > armor or maneuver. Starfighter lost if destiny > 3. Vehicle Mine is also lost.. | ||
Vibro-Ax Jabba's Palace C | Character Weapon | SoroSuub BD-1 Cutter vibro-ax. Powered by an ultrasonic generator concealed in the shaft. Jabba's skiff guards use them to prod victims into the Sarlacc's nest. | Use 3 Force to deploy on any alien warrior. Adds 1 to power. May target using 1 Force. Both players draw destiny. Target immediately excluded from battle if warrior's power + your destiny > target's power + opponent's destiny. | ||
·Zuckuss' Snare Rifle Dagobah R | Character Weapon | Merr-Sonn Munitions, Inc. GRS-1 Snare Rifle. Shoots liquefied shockstun mist up to 150 meters. Liquid spraynet Hardens into a translucent web, confining the stunned target. | Deploy on Zuckuss, or use 1 Force to deploy on any other bounty hunter. May target using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Character may be immediately captured if destiny -1 > ability. Creature immediately lost if destiny > defense value. |
Binders Cloud City C | Device | Because standard binders are durable but not easily adaptable, bounty hunters often carry special binders which automatically tighten around a captive's appendages. | Deploy on one of your warriors or bounty hunters. May now escort any number of captives. If device removed from your character, select one captive escorted by that character to remain and release all others. | ||
Blaster Scope Premiere U1 | Device | The effectiveness of a blaster can sometimes be enhanced through an electronic targeting scope mounted on top, especially for long range targets. | Deploy on an Imperial Blaster or Blaster Rifle. Where present during battle, scope allows that weapon to target any Character or vehicle at an adjacent site. | ||
Caller Premiere U2 | Device | Hand-held device that commands restraining bolt. Each caller can be keyed to a specific bolt. Used throughout the galaxy. Also called 'owners.' | Deploy on Imperial or Jawa. During your control phase, may steal one droid at same site if it is controlled by a Restraining Bolt. After droid is stolen, Restraining Bolt returns to owner's hand. | ||
·Carbonite Chamber Console Cloud City U | Device | Most often used to freeze Tibanna gas for transport. Modified by Ugloste to work on humans. Intended to capture Luke Skywalker, the Emperor's prize. | Deploy on Carbonite Chamber. Adds 3 to Carbon-Freezing destiny. Also, during your turn, you may use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck, take one Ugnaught, Prepare The Chamber or Carbon-Freezing into hand and reshuffle. | ||
Comlink Premiere C1 | Device | Hand-held communication device. Military comlinks have scrambling and variable frequency programming for secure communication during battles or emergencies. | Use 1 Force to deploy on any character. If opponent has just initiated a battle or Force drain at Comlink's location or an adjacent site, you may 'react' by deploying cards (at normal use of the Force) to that battle or Force drain location. | ||
Death Star Tractor Beam A New Hope R2 | Device | "Why are we moving towards it?" | Use 2 Force to deploy on Docking Bay 327. At the end of a battle at a Death Star system, may target a starship present (except a Mon Calamari Star Cruiser) using 2 Force. Draw two destiny. Target captured if total destiny > defense value. | ||
Deflector Shield Generators Hoth U2 | Device | Located atop the superstructure of a Star Destroyer, the generator towers create an energy shield which repels solid objects and weapons fire. | Use 3 Force to deploy on any Star Destroyer. Adds 2 to armor. If starship has immunity to attrition, also adds 2 to immunity. | ||
Droid Detector Premiere C2 | Device | To keep out the mechanicals he so detested, Wuher installed an automatic droid detector at the entrance to the Mos Eisley Cantina. | Deploy at any interior site. Cannot be moved. All droids there must move away (at normal use of the Force) by the end of the opponent's next turn, or they are lost. Droids may not deploy to same site and are lost if present at end of any turn. | ||
Electro-Rangefinder Hoth U1 | Device | Long-range stereoscopic sighting device connected to the cannons of an Imperial walker. Calibrated to allow the AT-AT commander to accurately fire at distant targets. | Use 2 Force to deploy on any AT-AT Cannon. It may fire at targets two sites away. Also, when used to Target The Main Generator, adds 1 to total. | ||
Floating Refinery Special Edition C | Device | Refines Tibanna gas at mines like those at Cloud City. Also used for moisture collection on dry planets. | Deploy on a cloud sector (limit one per sector). Force you activate may be drawn into hand (one per turn for each of your Floating Refineries on table). Each cloud sector or gas miner drawn in this way may be revealed to retrieve 2 Force. | ||
Fusion Generator Supply Tanks Premiere C2 | Device | Installed at many facilities throughout the Empire to provide power to the Imperial spacefleet. Supplies starships with energy necessary for sub-light and hyperspace travel. | Deploy on any starship at a system where a related docking bay site is on table. Adds 1 to hyperspeed, power and maneuver. | ||
·Homing Beacon Special Edition R | Device | "You're sure the homing beacon is secure aboard their ship? I'm taking an awful risk, Vader. This had better work." | Deploy on opponent's starship (even if 'concealed') if your bounty hunter or Imperial leader is on table. Your starships may move for free (and may move as a 'react') to this location. During your move phase, may cancel Landing Claw on this starship. | ||
Hypo A New Hope R1 | Device | Truth drugs like Bavo Six decrease resistance to interrogation. The enormous needle adds psychological pressure, facilitating the interrogation process. | Deploy on your IT-O. Once during each of your control phases, if present with a captive: You may ask one yes-or-no question about cards in opponent's hand. Opponent must must answer truthfully or lose 1 Force. OR May add 1 to Force Drain where present. | ||
·Interrogation Array Cloud City R | Device | Torture rack so visually frightening it sometimes yields the desired results without even being switched on. | Deploy on a prison. During your control phase, opponent loses 1 Force for each captive of ability > 2 here. Also, during your control phase, may use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck, take one Torture or Aiiii! Aaa! Agggggggggg! into hand and reshuffle. | ||
···Jet Pack Jabba's Palace U | Device | Mitrinomon Z-6 jet pack. Exhaust vents are used to maneuver in mid-flight. Gyro-stabilizer automatically applies counterthrust when landing. | Use 3 Force to deploy on any alien (except Boba Fett or Jabba). May 'fly' (landspeed = 3). May use 2 Force to move as a 'react'. | ||
··Laser Gate A New Hope U2 | Device | Security corridors are guarded by a grid of laser emplacements which can be activated upon demand to seal off sensitive areas from intrusion. | Deploy between any two interior mobile sites. To pass, a character must have (power + ability) > 4 or use a Lift Tube (all other vehicles are blocked). Laser Gate defense value = 3. May be targeted by a character weapon from either site. | ||
Magnetic Suction Tube A New Hope R2 | Device | 'Slurp.' | Deploy on your Sandcrawler. Once during each of your control phases, may target one character present. Draw destiny. If destiny > character's ability, "suck up" character (relocate to related interior Sandcrawler site or owner's Used Pile). | ||
·Mandalorian Armor Cloud City R | Device | Contains wrist lasers, rocket dart launchers, a flame projector, a projectable grappling hook, a concussion grenade launcher, four kinds of sensors and a broad band antenna. | Use 3 Force to deploy on any Imperial or alien (except Vader or Boba Fett). Character is power +2, has armor = 5 and is immune to attrition < 3. | ||
Observation Holocam Premiere U2 | Device | Remote surveillance viewers with droid controllers supplement security. Can activate alarms and automated weapons when needed, bringing help to endangered locations. | Deploy at any site. Cannot be moved. You may either: Add 1 to weapon destiny for each of your automated weapons there or at adjacent sites. OR A character at an adjacent site you control may add its power to a battle at holocam's site. | ||
Portable Fusion Generator Hoth C2 | Device | Larger assault weapons require troops to carry their own power sources. Both light and efficient, these units produce ample power for most combat needs. | Deploy on any warrior. When that warrior fires a blaster rifle or artillery weapon, adds 1 to each of that weapon's destiny draws. Also, may add 1 to power of one droid present. | ||
Probe Antennae Hoth U2 | Device | A probe droid encodes and scrambles messages before using its telescoping antennae to transmit information through hyperspace. | Deploy on any Probe Droid. Adds 2 to X. OR Use 1 Force to deploy on one of your other droids. When at a site you control, once each turn during your control phase, you may glance at one card randomly selected from opponent's hand. | ||
Restraining Bolt Premiere C2 | Device | Affixed to droid's special recessed socket by using a fusion welder. Bolts can override a droid's circuits, freezing it in place if the droid tries to disobey orders. | Deploy on any droid at any site. Droid cannot move and cannot utilize its "game text." During your deploy phase, Restraining Bolt may be transfered (for free) to another droid at same site. | ||
Stormtrooper Backpack Premiere C2 | Device | Standard-issue Imperial equipment with full survival and encampment gear, plus ammunition and food for an extended deployment. Makes each trooper self-sufficient. | Deploy on any trooper. May carry and use any number of weapons and devices. Trooper is immune to attrition < 3 when at a planet site. | ||
Stormtrooper Utility Belt Premiere C2 | Device | Standard Imperial issue for stormtroopers. Contains grappling hook, rope, and other miscellaneous emergency tools. Rebels have been known to steal and use them. | Use 1 Force to deploy on any Imperial or alien. Character's power and forfeit are +1. If on Death Star, power and forfeit are +2. | ||
Tractor Beam A New Hope U1 | Device | Captures enemy vessels for boarding. When used in conjunction with an ion cannon, tractor beams can ensnare even the most maneuverable starships. | Use 2 Force to deploy on your Star Destroyer. At the end of a battle at same system or sector, may target an opponent's starship present (except Mon Calamari Star Cruiser) using 2 Force. Draw destiny. Target captured if destiny > defense value. |
Commence Primary Ignition A New Hope R2 | Epic Event | During your control phase, fire superlaser as follows: Name the System: Use X Force to target a planet system Death Star is orbiting. You May Fire When Ready: Draw destiny Stand By: If (destiny + Y - Z) > 8, target system is "blown away" and this card is lost. Otherwise, this card is used and one Death Star Gunner on table is lost (your choice). X = total sites at target. Y = total Death Star sites where opponent has no presence. Z = opponent's choice of X or total sites at one Rebel Base (Yavin 4 or Hoth). | |||
·Epic Duel Cloud City R | Epic Event | Deploy on your side of table. The Circle Is Now Complete or Vader's Obsession may be played to initiate an epic duel as follows: If Vader is present with specified target, each player draws two destiny (add 1 to each destiny draw if using a lightsaber). Add character's ability. If Vader loses, place him out of play. You lose 6 Force (9 if dueling Luke). If Obi-Wan loses, place him out of play. Opponent loses 9 Force. If Luke loses, opponent must choose: Cross Luke to the Dark Side and lose X Force, Where X = Luke's ability. OR Lose Luke and lose triple X Force. | |||
Target The Main Generator Hoth R2 | Epic Event | During your control phase, fire your AT-AT Cannon (if within rage of the Main Power Generators) as follows: Prepare To Target The Main Generator: Draw destiny. Maximum Firepower!: if (destiny + X + Y) > 8, Main Power Generators site is "blown away" and this card is lost. Otherwise this card is used. X = ability of one of AT-AT's pilots. Y = total Hoth sites you control. | |||
·That Thing's Operational Death Star II R | Epic Event | Deploy on Reactor Core. Death Star II may move (hyperspeed = 3). While Death Star II orbits a system you occupy (except Endor), once during each of your control phases, opponent loses X Force, where X = 2 plus number of related battleground sites you occupy. Once during each of opponent's control phases, opponent's piloted starfighter here may attempt to "blow away" Death Star II. Draw destiny. Add 3 if armed with torpedoes or missiles. Add pilot's ability. If total destiny > 8, starships here may attempt to 'escape' and Death Star II is 'blown away' (lose double Force). |
Bring Him Before Me/Take Your Father's Place Death Star II R | Objective | Deploy Throne Room, Insignificant Rebellion and Your Destiny. For remainder of game, Scanning Crew may not be played. Opponent's cards that place a character out of play may not target Luke. You may deploy Emperor (deploy -2) from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Opponent may deploy Luke from Reserve Deck (deploy -2; reshuffle) or Lost Pile. If Luke is present with Vader and Vader is not escorting a captive, Luke is captured and seized by Vader. Vader may not transfer Luke. Flip this card if Luke captured. | While this side up, lose 1 Force at end of each of your turns. Once during each of your turns, when Vader, Luke (even as a non-frozen captive) and Emperor are all present at your Throne Room, you may initiate a Luke/Vader duel: Each player draws two destiny. Add ability. Highest total wins. If Vader wins, opponent loses 3 Force. If Luke wins, shuffle Reserve Deck and draw destiny; if destiny > 12, Luke crosses to Dark Side, totally depleting opponent's Life Force. Flip if Luke neither present with Vader nor a captive. | ||
Carbon Chamber Testing/My Favorite Decoration Special Edition R | Objective | Deploy Carbonite Chamber, Carbonite Chamber Console and Security Tower with a Rebel (opponent's choice) from opponent's Reserve Deck (if possible) imprisoned there. While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, you may deploy from Reserve Deck one Audience Chamber, Docking Bay 94 or East Platform; reshuffle. You may not play Dark Deal. Flip this card if you move a frozen captive to Audience Chamber (or if no Rebel was in opponent's Reserve Deck at start of game). | While this side up, your aliens and starships are immune to attrition < 4 and, once during each of your control phases, you may retrieve 1 Force. While you have a frozen captive at Audience Chamber, Scum And Villainy is immune to Alter and during your deploy phase, you may deploy Scum And Villainy from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Place out of play if there are no frozen captives on table (unless no Rebel was in opponent's Reserve Deck at start of game). | ||
Court Of The Vile Gangster/I Shall Enjoy Watching You Die Enhanced Jabba's Palace NA | Objective | Deploy Audience Chamber, Great Pit Of Carkoon and Dungeon. While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one docking bay or independent starship from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Bounty Hunters are forfeit +2 and immune to Goo Nee Tay. You may not play Scanning Crew. Each player loses 1 Force at end of each of their deploy phases unless that player has a non-droid character at a Tatooine battleground site. Flip this card if you have two captives (or a captive of ability > 2) at any Jabba's Palace site(s). | While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy Sarlacc, Rancor or Rancor Pit fromk Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Captives targeted by trap door are immediately relocated to Rancor Pit (do not draw destiny) and Trap Door may not be canceled. Opponent loses Force equal to forfeit value of each opponent's character eaten by a Rancor or Sarlacc (place that character out of play). Flip this card if you have no captives at Tatooine sites and opponent has no character at same site as Rancor. | ||
Endor Operations/Imperial Outpost Endor R | Objective | Deploy Endor system, Bunker and Landing Platform. While this side up, once during each of your control phases, may take one Ominous Rumors or Establish Secret Base into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Flip this card if Ominous Rumors and Establish Secret Base are both on table. Place out of play if an Endor location is "blown away". | While this side up, at each Endor site where you have a biker scout or a piloted AT-ST, your Force drains may not be modified or canceled by opponent, except by a 'react'. Opponent draws no more than one battle destiny in each battle. Your AT-STs are immune to attrition < 3. Once during each of your draw phases, you may retrieve one biker scout. Flip this card if Ominous Rumors and Establish Secret Base are not both on table. Place out of play if an Endor location is "blown away." | ||
Hunt Down And Destroy The Jedi/Their Fire Has Gone Out Of The Universe Special Edition R | Objective | Deploy Holotheatre and Visage Of The Emperor. May deploy Meditation Chamber and/or Epic Duel. While this side up, during your move phase, may use 4 Force to take Vader into hand from a location you control (cards on him go to owner's Used Pile). Add 4 to each player's destiny draw for Sense and Alter. Flip this card if Vader is at a battleground site and no Light Jedi or Luke is at a battleground site. Place out of play if you play Scanning Crew, initiate a non-Epic duel or Force drain at an Executor site. | While this side up, opponent cannot initiate battles or Force drains where opponent has a Jedi or Skywalker. You lose no Force from Visage Of The Emperor. While Vader at Meditation Chamber, subtract 2 from each of opponent's battle destiny draws. Opponent may not play Sense or Alter. Flip this card if opponent has Luke or a Jedi at a battleground site or if Vader is not on table. Place out of play if you play Scanning Crew, initiate a non-Epic duel or Force drain at an Executor site. | ||
ISB Operations/Empire's Sinister Agents Special Edition R | Objective | Deploy any Coruscant location. For remainder of game, your characters with 'ISB,' 'Rebel' or 'Rebellion' in lore are ISB agents and spies, and may deploy regardless of deployment restrictions listed in their game text. Flip this card if ISB agents control at least two Rebel Base locations or if four ISB agents are on table. | While this side up, once during each of your draw phases, you may retrieve one ISB agent. When you have a non-Undercover ISB agent at a battleground site, your Force drains are +1 there and opponent's Force drains are -1 at same and related locations. Flip this card if no ISB agents are on table. | ||
Imperial Occupation/Imperial Control Special Edition R | Objective | Deploy any planet system and one ![]() ![]() | While this side up, opponent's Force drains are -1. You may retrieve 1 Force whenever you deploy a matching operative to the Renegade planet. Your matching operatives on that planet are each forfeit +2 and, when at same site as a Rebel, are each power +2. When you have at least one matching operative in a battle on the Renegade planet, you may add one battle destiny. Flip this card if you do not occupy at least two battleground sites related to the Renegade planet. | ||
Ralltiir Operations/In The Hands Of The Empire Special Edition R | Objective | Deploy Ralltiir system. While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy from Reserve Deck to Ralltiir one site or non-unique Imperial; reshuffle. At Ralltiir locations, each Rebel is deploy +2. Flip this card if Imperials control at least three Ralltiir sites and opponent controls no Ralltiir locations. Place out of play if Ralltiir is "blown away." | While this side up, opponent's Force drains are -1. At Ralltiir locations, each Rebel is deploy +2. At all locations, add X to your total battle destiny, where X = number of Ralltiir locations your Imperials occupy. Once during each of your control phases, you may use 2 Force to take any one card into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Flip this card if opponent controls at least two Ralltiir locations. Place out of play if Ralltiir is "blown away." | ||
Set Your Course For Alderaan/The Ultimate Power In The Universe Third Anthology NA | Objective | Deploy Death Star and Alderaan systems and Docking Bay 327. For remainder of game, Revolution is canceled and Commence Primary Ignition may target only Alderaan, Yavin 4, Hoth or a Subjugated planet. While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, may take one card with "Death Star" in title into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. You may not Force drain at Alderaan system. At Death Star sites, your Force drains and battle damage against you are canceled. Flip this card if Alderaan is "blown away." | While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one battleground system from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Your Star Destroyers deploy -2 (or -1 if Victory class) to Death Star system. Your Force drains at battleground systems where you have a Star Destroyer are each +2 (or +1 if Victory class). If Yavin 4 system is "blown away," adds 3 to Force lost for each opponent's Yavin 4 site. Place out of play if Death Star is "blown away." | ||
This Deal Is Getting Worse All The Time/Pray I Don't Alter It Any Further Enhanced Cloud City NA | Objective | Deploy one Cloud City battleground site. May deploy Secret Plans and/or All Wrapped Up. While this side up, once during each of your deploy phases, may take Bespin system, Bespin: Cloud City, Dark Deal or Cloud City Occupation into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Your Cloud City, Jabba's Palace and Special Edition characters are immune to Goo Nee Tay when deploying to Bespin Locations. Flip this card if Dark Deal on table and you occupy Bespin System and Bespin: Cloud City. | While this side up, Surreptious Glance may not cancel Dark Deal, The Planet That It's Farthest From is suspended if targeting Bespin. Opponent loses 8 Force when you play All Too Easy. At each Bespin location you control with an Imperial, your Force drains may not be modified by opponent. If you have an alien/imperial pair in battle, your total battle destiny is +2 (+4 if alien is an Ugnaught). Flip this card if Dark Deal is cancelled, if opponent controls Bespin or if Bespin is "blown away". |
·Battle Deployment Death Star II R | Admiral's Order | At each system where any player does not have both a starfighter and a capital starship present that player's starships there are power -2. At sites related to systems you occupy, during each battle opponent may draw no more than one battle destiny. Once during each of your deploy phases, you may deploy one combat vehicle from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. | |||
·Fighter Cover Death Star II R | Admiral's Order | Each starfighter that fires a weapon in battle is power +3 for the remainder of battle. Once per turn you may cancel and redraw your starship weapon destiny just drawn. At sites related to systems you occupy, your characters who have immunity to attrition each add 2 to immunity and 1 to each of that character's weapon destiny draws. | |||
·Fighters Coming In Death Star II R | Admiral's Order | Unique (·) starfighters without permanent pilots are immune to attrition < 4 (or add 2 to immunity if starfighter already has immunity). Starships without pilot characters aboard are power -2. At docking bays related to systems you occupy, your Force drains are +1. Once per turn, your starfighter just lost from a system may be relocated to a related docking bay. | |||
·Intensify The Forward Batteries Death Star II R | Admiral's Order | Each player, if that player has a capital starship armed with a starship weapon in battle, draws one battle destiny if not able to otherwise and once per battle, may reduce the defense value of one opponent's capital starship present by 4 for remainder of the battle. At sites related to systems you occupy, your non-pilot warriors are deploy -1, defense value +2 and forfiet +1. | |||
·We're In Attack Position Now Death Star II R | Admiral's Order | Each pilot deploys -1 (or -2 if with an admiral) aboard a capital starship. Each capital starship with a pilot character aboard is immune to attrition < 4 (or adds 2 to immunity). During each of your control phases, opponent loses 1 Force for each battleground site your general or commander controls that is related to a system you occupy. |
·A Dangerous Time Dagobah C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "This is a dangerous time for you, when you will be tempted by the dark side of the Force." | USED: Examine the cards in opponent's Force pile. Reorder however you wish and replace. LOST: Search your Reserve Deck and take one Dark Forces into hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. | ||
·A Dark Time For The Rebellion Hoth C1 | Lost Interrupt | Absolute control wielded by the Emperor enables the Imperial forces to dominate planetary systems before the Rebel Alliance can gain a foothold. | If opponent just deployed a planet site, search through your Reserve Deck for the related system and immediately deploy it. Shuffle, cut and replace. | ||
·A Real Hero Special Edition R | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "I got my own problems." | Take Lobot into hand from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. Lost: If your Lando is in a battle at a Cloud City site, add two battle destiny. OR If Han and your Lando are involved in the same battle, cancel one opponent's battle destiny just after it is revealed. | ||
·Abyssin Ornament Jabba's Palace U | Used Interrupt | The Abyssins are known for their regenerative abilities. Jabba keeps several statue heads of Abyssin creatures on his repulsor sled. | Once per game, target one non-unique character on table. Draw destiny. If destiny is less than X, retrieve X Force, where X equals the number of copies of that card you have on table (immune to Sense). OR search your Reserve Deck and take one non-unique alien into hand; reshuffle. | ||
Accelerate Endor C | Used Interrupt | The Empire trains its personnel to operate a variety of specialized equipment in demanding environments. This training allows troops to take seemingly risky actions. | Adds 2 to maneuver, 1 to power and 1 to landspeed of either your speeder bike piloted by a biker scout or your swoop for remainder of turn. (Interrupt may even affect the result just after a destiny draw targeting the vehicle's maneuver.) | ||
·Aiiii! Aaa! Aggggggggggggg! Cloud City R | Lost Interrupt | "They never even asked me any questions." | If you have a Rebel of ability > 1 captive at a prison you control, opponent loses X Force, where X = the number of opponent's characters with ability > 2 on table. | ||
All Power To Weapons Special Edition C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | The TIE fighter's energy management system allows its pilot to transfer all power from engines to weapons at a moment's notice. | USED: If a battle was just initiated, each of your TIEs present is power +2 and immune to attrition for remainder of turn. LOST: Lose 1 Force to take up to three non-unique TIEs into hand from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | ||
Alter Premiere U1 | Used Interrupt | A user of the Force can subjugate the will of others or alter the environment at a distance, as when Vader 'disciplines' those whose lack of faith disturbs him. | Cancel one Effect (or Utinni Effect) by drawing a destiny < ability of your highest-ability Character on table. OR Cancel one Sense card just played. | ||
·Always Thinking With Your Stomach Endor R | Lost Interrupt | When Rebels get separated from their means of transportation, they lose effectiveness. | Cancel a Force drain at an exterior planet site where opponent has no vehicles or starships. Draw destiny. If destiny > number of opponent's characters at that site, choose one of those characters to be missing. | ||
·Any Methods Necessary Enhanced Cloud City NA | Used Or Starting Interrupt | Darth Vader authorized the bounty hunters to use any means at their disposal to find and capture the Millennium Falcon - not that they need any encouragement. | USED: Activate 1 Force. STARTING: Take into hand from Reserve Deck one prison and one bounty hunter (may also take a matching weapon and/or starship). When you draw your starting hand, draw six more cards instead of eight. Place Interrupt in Reserve Deck. | ||
·Apology Accepted Dagobah C | Used Interrupt | "I shall assume full responsibility for losing them and apologize to Lord Vader." Needa discovered that Vader was only slightly more forgiving than the Emperor. | At the end of any battle phase, lose one of your Imperials of ability < 6 who survived a battle you lost this turn. Activate Force up to either that character's forfeit value or the amount of your battle damage in that battle. | ||
·Atmospheric Assault Cloud City R | Lost Interrupt | The TIEs patrolling Cloud City took advantage of Bespin's dense cloud cover. | If you just initiated a battle at a Cloud City sector, add one battle destiny. OR Deploy one TIE Assault Squadron for free (no replacement is necessary). | ||
Bantha Fodder Jabba's Palace C | Used Interrupt | "Uu a'kingsa riika pagh bagla bis kachata weenow con bantha poodoo." | Cancel As Good As Gone or Innocent Scoundrel. OR Search your Reserve Deck and take one bantha, Tusken Raider, Taym Dren-garen or Weequay into hand; reshuffle. | ||
·Blast Points Special Edition C | Used Interrupt | "Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise." | If your trooper just fired a character weapon during a battle, add one battle destiny. OR During you deploy phase, deploy on your trooper one character weapon from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | ||
·Blasted Droid Cloud City C | Used Interrupt | "Oh my! Oh, uh, I'm, I'm terribly sorry. I. . . I didn't mean to intrude. No, no, no, please don't get up. No!" | During your control phase, fire (for free) one of your blasters carried by a trooper or one of your automated weapons. Hit target is immediately lost. | ||
Boring Conversation Anyway Premiere R1 | Used Interrupt | "Uh...had a slight weapons malfunction. But, uh, everything's perfectly all right now. We're fine. We're all fine here, now, thank you. How are you?" | Cancel either: Report To Lord Vader, Scomp Link Access, Rebel Planners, Rebel Reinforcements, Gift of the Mentor, Panic, Don't Get Cocky, Skywalkers, Demotion, Combined Attack or Surprise Assault. | ||
·Brief Loss Of Control Cloud City R | Lost Interrupt | Eliciting fear from the opponent gives the dark side a powerful advantage. | Just after the weapons phase of a battle, use 2 Force to cause each player to target one of that player's characters involved in the battle. Target characters cannot apply their ability toward drawing battle destiny this turn. | ||
Charming To The Last Premiere R2 | Lost Interrupt | "You're far too trusting. Dantooine is too remote to make an effective demonstration. But don't worry...We will deal with your Rebel friends soon enough." | If Tarkin and a Rebel with ability > 2 are involved in the same battle, you may add one battle destiny (add two destiny if Rebel is Leia). | ||
·Close Call Dagobah C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | If this little one doesn't pulverize you, the next one just might. | USED: Cancel one asteroid destiny and cause it to be drawn again. LOST: Lose 1 Force. Opponent must reveal the top card of Reserve Deck, Force Pile and Used Pile. Card(s) with lowest destiny number greater than zero are lost. | ||
·Cloud City Sabacc Cloud City U | Used Interrupt | Sabacc variant popular among the miners. Ugnaughts and chief administrators of Bespin's city in the clouds. | Requirements: a gambler, thief or smuggler on Cloud City. Wild cards (1-6): Lando and Weather Vane. Clone cards: Locations and Ugnaughts. (Gamblers may use clone cards as zeroes.) Stakes: One starfighter, weapon or device. | ||
Cold Feet Hoth C2 | Used Interrupt | Wampas pack snow around the appendages of captured prey, making use of Hoth's cold environment o immobilize them. | Target a character at any marker site. Draw destiny. If site under "nighttime conditions," add 2 to destiny draw. If total destiny > ability, character may not move for remainder of turn. | ||
·Collapsing Corridor Hoth R2 | Lost Interrupt | Most of Echo Base was tunneled out of a huge glacier by Rebel engineers. Its icy passageways could not withstand Imperial shelling. | If you just moved an AT-AT to innermost marker, target one underground site on Hoth. Draw destiny. Target 'collapsed' if destiny > marker number. | ||
Collateral Damage Premiere C2 | Lost Interrupt | Blast vests and helmets with blast shields cannot protect Rebel soldiers from grenades, panel explosions and other combat hazards. | An accident occurs at the beginning of a battle at any site where opponent has at least two characters and one weapon. Draw destiny. If destiny < number of opponent's characters at that site, one is lost. (Opponent's choice.) | ||
ComScan Detection Hoth C2 | Used Interrupt | The Imperial Nacy boasts the best communications network in the galaxy. Sophisticated control technology allows the Empire to dispatch armed forces without delay. | If opponent just moved a character, vehicle or starship as a 'react' to a location, you may immediately move one vehicle or starship, if within range, to that location (at normal use of Force). | ||
·Combat Readiness Endor C | Used Or Starting Interrupt | Imperial troops prepared for quick deployment to seize valuable terrain. | USED: If a battle was just initiated, draw destiny and activate up to that much Force. STARTING: If you have not deployed an Objective, deploy from Reserve Deck one battleground site (or two ![]() | ||
·Compact Firepower Endor C | Used Interrupt | The small blasters used by biker scouts can be fired when piloting a vehicle at high speed. | If your warrior just fired a DH-17 blaster or scout blaster during a battle, draw destiny: (0) no effect, (1-3) target may not use weapons this turn, (4+) target is power and forfeit = 0 this battle. | ||
Control Dagobah U | Lost Interrupt | Users of the Force can mysteriously manipulate their own physiology and psychology. Control allows rapid healing and provides some immunity to pain, poison and disease. | Cancel one Sense or Alter card. (Immune to Sense.) OR Cancel one Immediate Effect, Mobile Effect or Force drain. | ||
·Coordinated Attack Special Edition C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "Stay in attack formation." | USED: During a battle at a system or sector, instead of firing one of your starship weapons at a target, reduce that target's power by 4 until end of turn. LOST: During a battle at a system or sector, use 3 Force to cancel one battle destiny just drawn. | ||
Counter Assault Premiere C1 | Lost Interrupt | Imperial stormtroopers use tactical training to regroup and mount a surprise counterattack, such as when they halted Han Solo's wild pursuit. | Use 1 Force to cancel a Force drain at one location. Draw one destiny for each character, starship and vehicle the opponent has present. Compare your destiny total to opponent's power total. Player with lowest total loses Force equal to the difference. | ||
Counter Surprise Assault Special Edition R | Lost Interrupt | "He certainly has courage." "What good will it do us if he gets himself killed?" | Cancel Surprise Assault. OR Use 4 Force to cancel opponent's Force drain at a mobile site. Deploy (for free) from Reserve Deck any number of non-unique troopers to that site (Light Side characters, vehicles, and starships here may 'escape' to Used Pile). | ||
·Counterattack Endor R | Lost Interrupt | The Imperial forces on Endor quickly responded to the Rebel intrusion. Commander Igar had a plan in place to deal with such a commando force of Rebels. | If a battle that opponent initiated just ended, initiate a new battle at same location. 'Reacts' are allowed only for opponent, but cards may not 'react' away or hide from battle. Loser ignores battle damage. If your trooper present there, add one battle destiny. | ||
Crash Landing Hoth U1 | Used Interrupt | AT-AT weapons are rarely quick enough to score a direct hit on a fast-moving snowspeeder. They are more likely to wing a craft, causing a forced landing. | If you have a piloted AT-AT at a site, target a non-creature vehicle at same or adjacent exterior site. Draw destiny. If that AT-AT has a vehicle weapon, add 1 to destiny draw. Target 'crashes' if total destiny > 3. | ||
·Dark Collaboration Premiere R1 | Lost Interrupt | Imperial leaders are ruthlessly effective when working together. Tarkin, Motti and Tagge presented a deadly combination as they plotted to "crush the Rebellion." | If Tarkin and either Tagge or Motti are in a battle together, you may add two battle destiny. OR Cancel Restricted Deployment or Rebel Barrier. | ||
Dark Jedi Presence Premiere R1 | Lost Interrupt | A Dark Lord's presence motivates Imperial troops. "See to it personally, Commander." | If one of your Dark Jedi is present during any battle, use 1 Force to cause all other Imperials there to battle at double power. | ||
Dark Maneuvers Premiere C2 | Used Interrupt | Imperial TIE fighters, while easily damaged, are very fast and agile. Sophisticated tactics are executed to take advantage of Rebel X-wing and Y-wing weaknesses. | Add 2 to maneuver and 1 to power of any starfighter for the remainder of this turn. If it has hyperdrive, also add 2 to hyperspeed. (Interrupt may even affect the result immediately after a destiny draw targeting the starfighter's maneuver.) | ||
·Dark Strike Cloud City C | Lost Interrupt | Many have experienced the awesome power of the Dark Lord in battle. Few have lived to tell about it. | If you just targeted with a lightsaber, add 3 to your weapon destiny. OR Cancel Swing-And-A-Miss. OR Lose 1 Force to cause one opponent's character just 'hit' to be immediately placed in Lost Pile. | ||
·Dead Ewok Endor C | Lost Interrupt | Many Ewoks gave their lives in the Battle of Endor. | Reduce any alien's forfeit to 0 for remainder of turn. OR If you have two Imperials present at a site, draw destiny. Add 1 for each of your blasters present. If total destiny > number of Ewoks present at same site, those Ewoks are lost. | ||
Dead Jawa Premiere C2 | Lost Interrupt | Many Jawas were killed by stormtroopers searching for R2-D2. They used banthas and gaffi sticks to feign a Tusken Raider attack, but Obi-Wan saw through the ruse. | If two or more Stormtroopers are present where the opponent has Jawas, target as many Jawas there as desired. Draw destiny. If destiny > the number of Jawas you targeted, they are immediately lost. | ||
Debris Zone Hoth R2 | Used Interrupt | A reactor core explosion in a destroyed AT-AT causes a plasma release which shatters its armor, showering the immediate area with molten projectiles. | If an AT-AT, an AT-ST, Jabba's Sail Barge or Planet Defender Ion Cannon has just been lost at a site, draw destiny. All cards with that destiny number at that site are lost. | ||
·Defensive Fire Dagobah C | Used Interrupt | 275 gunners manning 60 turbolaser batteries provide a wide firing arc. Even so, asteroids are a challenge due to the sluggish recharge rates of the high-powered blasters. | Cancel Rogue Asteroid, OR Randomly select one card from opponent's hand and place it, unseen, in Used Pile. | ||
Direct Hit Hoth U1 | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Snowspeeders move much faster than AT-AT cannons can track, but if approaching on a poor attack vector, the snowspeeder is at the mercy of the well-trained AT-AT gunner. | Add X to one weapon destiny (before weapon destiny is drawn) when targeting a combat vehicle. USED: X = 1. LOST: X = 3. | ||
·Don't Move Endor C | Used Interrupt | Stormtroopers rely on an intimidating presence and technologically superiority. | If a battle was just initiated, and two of your troopers are armed with weapons, target one opponent's character present. Draw destiny: (0-2) no effect, (3-4) target is power = 0 for remainder of turn, (5+) target captured. | ||
Double Back Cloud City U | Lost Interrupt | Having lost sight of Boba Fett, Luke was surprised by his sudden reappearance. | If a Bounty Hunter is lost, use 1 Force to retrieve one bounty hunter from your Lost Pile. OR Use 3 force to search your Reserve Deck, take one bounty hunter into hand and reshuffle. | ||
Double-Crossing, No-Good Swindler Cloud City C | Lost Interrupt | "You've got a lot of guts coming here. . . after what you pulled." | If Han and your Lando are at same site, opponent loses 3 Force. OR If Nabrun Leids just completed a transport, Nabrun is lost and you may immediately deploy cards to that site from hand (at normal use of the Force, but troopers deploy free). | ||
·Dune Sea Sabacc Jabba's Palace U | Used Interrupt | Popular among Tatooine's native population. Apart from the Jawas, no one else seems to understand the rules. | Requirements: A Jawa at a Tatooine site. Wild cards (0-7): sandcrawler sites, Magnetic Suction Tube, Jawa Siesta and Jawa Pack. Clone cards: Tatooine locations, sandcrawlers, Jawa weapons, and Utinni! Stakes: One device or droid with out armor. | ||
E Chu Ta Cloud City C | Used Interrupt | "How rude!" | One of your protocol droids 'insults' one character present, canceling that character's game text for remainder of turn. OR During your battle phase, initiate a battle where both players have droids (but no presence or spies). Both sides add one battle destiny. | ||
·Eee Chu Wawa! Endor C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Paploo's brave diversion provided more of a ride than the adventurous Ewok had bargained for. | USED: For remainder of turn, subtract 1 from forfeit of each opponent's Ewok (or subtract 2 from any one opponent's character). LOST: Cancel one Ewok's game text for remainder of turn. OR Cancel Sound The Attack. | ||
Elis Helrot Premiere U2 | Used Interrupt | A Givin pilot who can seal his joints to withstand the vacuum of space. Makes slaving and spike runs to Kala'uun. Has made many special modifications to his ship, the Hinthra. | Any or all of your characters at one site may attempt to hire transport to any one other site. Draw destiny to determine Elis' asking price. Accept transport by using that much Force. Decline transport and Elis leaves (to Lost Pile). | ||
Emergency Deployment Premiere U1 | Used Interrupt | TIE fighters are stored in large racks far above the hangar deck. Catapulted into space by powerful tractor beam generators, TIEs can quickly scramble to engage the enemy. | If opponent just initiated a battle where opponent has more than double your power, draw up to 3 cards from your Reserve Deck. Of those 3, deploy anywhere (for free) any Characters, starships, vehicles, devices or weapons. Any others are lost. | ||
·End This Destructive Conflict Cloud City R | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy as father and son." | USED: During a battle at a site, instead of firing one character weapon, cause one opponent's character present to be power -4 until end of turn. LOST: During a battle at a site, before battle destiny is drawn, use 3 Force to cancel one battle destiny. | ||
·Endor Occupation Endor R | Used Interrupt | Each planet controlled by the Empire drains potential resources from the Rebel Alliance. | Cancel Tatooine Celebration, Cloud City Celebration or Coruscant Celebration. (Immune to Sense.) OR During your activate phase, activate 1 Force for each Endor battleground you occupy. | ||
Evacuate? Premiere U2 | Used Interrupt | Escape pods are on many starships allowing those in peril to flee, an act considered cowardly by Imperial officers. "We've analyzed their attack, sir, and there is a danger." | Unless Tarkin is aboard, save all characters, weapons and devices aboard any just-lost capital starship. Relocate them to any one planet site or one of your capital starships. | ||
Evader A New Hope U1 | Used Or Lost Interrupt | A panic move by Black 2 send Vader spinning wildly from the Death Star trench-ironically sparing his life. His destiny would be fulfilled another time. | USED: Cancel all Revolutions in play (owner loses 1 Force for each). LOST: If Vader or Vader's Custom TIE was just lost, relocate that card to Used Pile. OR Relocate to Used Pile one Imperial just lost from any Death Star location. | ||
·Exhaustion Hoth U2 | Lost Interrupt | "Sir, the temperature's dropping too rapidly." "That's right, and my friend's out in it." | Opponent must lose 1 Force for each of opponent's missing characters on table. OR Select one missing character under "nighttime conditions" to be lost. | ||
Exposure Hoth U1 | Lost Interrupt | "Artoo says the chances of survival are 125 to 1." | Use X Force during your control phase, where X = the total number of characters (whether present or missing) at exterior marker sites under "nighttime conditions." Those characters are lost. | ||
·Fear Dagobah C | Lost Interrupt | "I'm not afraid." "Oh. You will be." One of the lessons Luke learned was that fear of the unknown can be stronger than fear of the known. | Opponent must choose to lose either 2 Force from hand or 1 Force from top of Reserve Deck. | ||
·Flawless Markmenship Special Edition C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Heavy-weapons gunners assigned to Imperial facilities undergo intense training. The Imperial Navy boasts a higher weapons accuracy rate than that of the Imperial Army. | Add X to one starship weapon or tractor beam destiny (before destiny is drawn) when targeting opponent's starship. USED: X = 2. LOST: X = 4. | ||
·Flight Escort Cloud City R | Lost Interrupt | "Rather touchy, aren't they?" | During your move phase, if you have at least two combat vehicles at same cloud sector, relocate one starfighter present to a related docking bay or system. OR If one of your combat vehicles is defending a battle at a cloud sector, add one battle destiny. | ||
·Focused Attack Cloud City R | Lost Interrupt | Not since his duel with Obi-Wan had Vader unleashed the raw power of the dark side. | If Vader is present during a battle at a site, for remainder of turn, he loses his immunity to attrition, but adds ability to power (he may not apply ability toward drawing battle destiny). OR During a duel, add one destiny to your total. | ||
·Force Field Cloud City R | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Han was fast. Vader was faster | USED: Cancel an attempt to target a Dark Jedi with a character weapon. LOST: If one of your characters was just targeted during a battle, use 3 Force to cancel the targeting. | ||
·Force Lightning Death Star II R | Used Or Lost Interrupt | The Emperor is strong in the dark arts of the Force. He can direct pure energy to shoot forth from his outstretched fingers. | Target any character (even a captive) present with Emperor.USED: Target is defense value -4 for remainder of turn.LOST: Emperor loses immunity to attrition and is defense value -2 for remainder of turn. Draw destiny. Target lost if destiny +1 > defense value. | ||
·Freeze! Endor U | Used Interrupt | Despite Wicket's warnings, an Imperial scout got the drop on Leia. | If a Rebel just deployed or moved to a site where you have a trooper present armed with a weapon, use 1 Force. For remainder of turn, that Rebel may not battle or move and battle damage against you is limited to 4 at that location. | ||
·Frustration Dagobah R | Lost Interrupt | "Rrraaaarrr!" | During your control phase, glance at opponent's hand and target one non-interrupt card you find there that has a deploy cost < total number light icons on table. Opponent must deploy target by the end of your next turn, or it is lost. | ||
Full Scale Alert Premiere U2 | Lost Interrupt | Imperial stormtroopers adopt strict security measures. Excellent communications and sheer numbers can hinder Rebel movement across entire territories. | Use 2 Force. Draw Destiny. If destiny < number of Stormtroopers on the table, all opponent's movement is blocked for the remainder of this turn (except for smugglers and the starships they are aboard). | ||
Furry Fury Hoth R2 | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "All right, don't lose your temper." Hoth hath no fury like a Wookiee scorned. | USED: Cancel Wookiee Roar or Han's Back or Life Debt. LOST: If Han and Chewie are in a battle together, draw two destiny. Subtract total from opponent's attrition and total power (cannot fall below zero). | ||
Ghhhk A New Hope C2 | Lost Interrupt | Dejarik of creature from Clak'dor VII. Ghhhk rise with the dawn, screeching their mating calls across the jungle. Locals use their skin oils as a healing salve. | If you just forfeited all your cards that participated in a battle you lost, cancel all the remaining battle damage. (Immune to Sense.) OR Cancel Nightfall. | ||
·Go For Help! Endor C | Used Interrupt | When confronted with enemy troops, biker scouts are instructed to immediately call for reinforcements. | If opponent just initiated a battle at an exterior site with double your total power, reveal top 3 cards of your Reserve Deck. If any of those cards are scouts or speeder bikes, deploy them for free to that battle (replaces others on top of Reserve Deck in same order). | ||
Gravel Storm Premiere U2 | Lost Interrupt | Tatooine's twin suns cause turbulent storms that strike with little or no warning. Strong winds whip rocks through the air with enormous force. | Strikes at Dune Sea, Jundland Wastes, Beggar's Canyon, Lars' Moisture Farm, Jawa Camp, or Mos Eisley. Target one opponent's character at that site. Draw destiny. Target lost if destiny > ability. | ||
·Gravity Shadow Jedi Pack NA | Lost Interrupt | "Traveling through hyperspace ain't like dustin' crops, boy!" Gravititational phenomena cast shadows in hyperspace, posing a serious threat to lightspeed navigation. | If opponent's starship has just begun to move through hyperspace, draw destiny. If destiny > pilot's ability, starship must return to original location and may not move this turn. If destiny = pilot's ability, starship is lost. | ||
He Hasn't Come Back Yet Hoth C2 | Lost Interrupt | "Princess Leia is wondering about Master Luke...She doesn't know where he is." "I don't know where he is." "Nobody knows where he is." | During your control phase, target any character alone at one of your exterior planet sites (except a docking bay). Draw destiny. Target is missing if destiny + 3 > ability. | ||
He's All Yours, Bounty Hunter Cloud City R | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Once Skywalker had taken the bait, Han was of no use to the Empire. | USED: Cancel Captive Pursuit. LOST: During your move phase, transfer an escorted captive to another bounty hunter or warrior present. | ||
Heart Of The Chasm Cloud City U | Lost Interrupt | The Cloud City chasm's central fin was engineered with a tensile strength unsurpassed by anything in the region, save the silk of the Kashyyyk treeworm. | During your deploy phase, use X Force to rearrange all Cloud City sites, where X = total number of those sites. All cards at a given site move along with that site. OR Cancel Off The Edge. OR Search your Reserve Deck, take one Weather Vane into hand and reshuffle. | ||
Heavy Fire Zone Special Edition C | Used Interrupt | "Heavy fire, boss! Twenty-three degrees." | If a battle was just initiated, deploy (for free) a vehicle weapon or starship weapon from hand (or Reserve Deck= reshuffle) on your participating vehicle or starship. | ||
·Hidden Weapons Jabba's Palace U | Used Interrupt | Boba Fett's Mandalorian armor was so versatile that his opponents never knew what to expect. | If Boba Fett, or your character with Mandalorian Armor is present during the weapons phase of a battle, target one opponent's character present. Draw Destiny: (0-1) no effect (2-3) character immediately captured (4-5) character is hit (6+) character immediately lost. | ||
·High-speed Tactics Endor U | Used Interrupt | Biker scouts train relentlessly on their speeder bikes to ensure that their speed advantage is a potent weapon. This training includes high-velocity brawling. | Target two non-creature vehicles with maneuver (one yours, one opponent's) present at same site. Both players draw destiny, add your vehicle's maneuver to your total. Lowest total loses vehicle. OR You speeder bike piloted by a biker scout adds one battle destiny. | ||
··HoloNet Transmission Dagobah U | Used Or Lost Interrupt | The Empire uses a real-time hologram communication network. Provides extensive coordination in battles, blockades and searches. Allows rapid deployment and reinforcement. | USED: Cancel Transmission Terminated. LOST: Search your Used Pile and take one Imperial or Visage Of The Emperor into hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. | ||
·Hot Pursuit Endor C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | The mobility of speeder bikes is greatly valued by the Empire's advanced scout detachments. | USED: If opponent's card present with your vehicle of landspeed > 2 has just begun to move as a 'react', cancel that 'react'. LOST: Select one opponent's vehicle present with your vehicle of landspeed > 2 to be power = 0 for remainder of turn. | ||
·Human Shield Cloud City C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | A shining example of Imperial honor and bravery. | USED: If an opponent's weapon just 'hit' an Imperial present with a captive being escorted, the captive is 'hit' instead. LOST: During a battle at a site, you may forfeit any or all captives present. | ||
·Hunting Party Special Edition R | Used Interrupt | Sometimes a missing person is found by the wrong search party. | During your control phase, form a search party to search for an opponent's missing character at same site. Add 1 to search party destiny draw for each bounty hunter in search party. If successful, capture the character found. | ||
·Hutt Smooch Jabba's Palace U | Lost Interrupt | "We have powerful friends. You're gonna regret this." "Rota go ma namatota." | Capture one opponents undercover spy ("cover is broken"). Or if opponent just deployed a spy to a site where opponent has no presence or Force icons, return spy to hand. Any Force used to deploy the spy remains used, and spy may not spy this turn. | ||
·I Can't Shake Him! Special Edition C | Used Interrupt | "You've picked one up... watch it!" | If your starship weapon aboard your starfighter was just fired a during a battle, add one battle destiny. OR During your deploy phase, deploy one starship weapon or tractor beam from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | ||
I Have You Now Premiere R2 | Lost Interrupt | "Several fighters have broken off from the main group. Come with me." Darth Vader targets his TIE fighter's fire-linked blaster cannons at the Rebel pilots in the trench. | If a Dark Jedi and a Rebel with ability >2 are involved in the same battle, you may add one battle destiny (add two destiny if Rebel is Luke) | ||
·I'd Just As Soon Kiss A Wookiee Hoth C2 | Lost Interrupt | "I can arrange that. You could USE a good kiss!" | If opponent just deployed a card, use 3 Force to return it to opponent's hand. Any Force used to deploy that card remains used. On opponent's next turn, that card must be deployed (if possible) to same location (for free). | ||
·I'm On The Leader A New Hope R1 | Lost Interrupt | In the defense of the Death Star at the Battle of Yavin, Darth Vader took the lead attacker, supported by his wingmen Black 2 and Black 3. | Target opponent's starfighter making an Attack Run. Draw destiny. Add 1 for each of your TIEs in Death Star: Trench. If total destiny > maneuver, starfighter is lost. OR Add 1 to weapon destiny draws of any starfighter for remainder of this turn. | ||
I've Got A Problem Here Premiere C2 | Lost Interrupt | Debris fragments damaged Jek Porkins' X-wing, causing a cascade of computer and flight control failures. | Use 1 Force to target an opponent's starfighter at a system where a battle just finished. Draw destiny. Starfighter immediately lost if destiny > maneuver. | ||
·Imbalance Dagobah U | Used Interrupt | "ConcentraaAAATE!" | If opponent just retrieved Force, opponent must lose X Force, where X = one-half the number of cards retrieved (round up). | ||
Imperial Barrier Premiere C2 | Used Interrupt | As is often the case with a hasty plan, a quick heroic escape from the Death Star was temporarily thwarted by the magnetically sealed door in the trash compactor. | Use 1 Force to prevent any character or starship just deployed by the opponent from battling or moving for the remainder of this turn. | ||
Imperial Code Cylinder Premiere C2 | Used Interrupt | Imperial officers are issued coded cylinders which access computer information via Scomp links. Each cylinder is coded to the officer's own security clearance. | If any Imperial leader is present with a Scomp link, you may: Glance at the cards in any Reserve Deck for 20 seconds. Shuffle, cut and replace. OR If also at a Death Star site, cancel Scomp Link Access or Into The Garbage Chute, Flyboy. | ||
·Imperial Command Death Star II R | Used Interrupt | The Emperor's high command is subjected to close scrutiny by the Imperial bureaucracy. Despite this apparent lack of trust, many turn out to be fine commanders. | Take one admiral or general into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. OR If your admiral is in battle at a system (or your general is in battle at a site), you may either add one battle destiny or prevent opponent from drawing more than one destiny. | ||
Imperial Reinforcements Premiere C1 | Lost Interrupt | Imperial stormtroopers deploy in 8-10 trooper squads. Reinforcements are typically held in reserve according to standard Imperial operating procedures. | If opponent outnumbers you in total characters and starships on table, use 1 Force to draw destiny. That number of Stormtroopers and/or TIE fighters may be retrieved from Lost Pile. | ||
·Imperial Supply Hoth C1 | Used Or Lost Interrupt | The Empire's efficient, fear-driven logistical systems can quickly divert weapons and equipment from one conflict to another, focusing on regions of highest strategic priority. | USED: Lose 1 Force to activate 2 Force. LOST: Lose 1 Force to activate 4 Force. | ||
·Imperial Tyranny Endor C | Lost Interrupt | The Empire considers alien species to be inferior. | If an opponent's alien is defending a battle against your non-unique Imperial, add one battle destiny. If an opponent's Ewok, Elom or operative is defending, also add 3 to your total power. OR Add 2 to your total weapon destiny when targeting a non-unique alien. | ||
·In Range Special Edition C | Used Interrupt | "They'll be in range of our tractor beam in moments, my lord." "Good. Prepare the boarding party and set your weapons for stun." | If you have a Star Destroyer in a battle, during the weapons segment use its tractor beam for free. Add 2 to tractor beam destiny if targeting a unique (·) starship. If not captured, target is power and maneuver -3 for remainder of battle. | ||
Informant A New Hope U1 | Used Interrupt | The Empire's network of spies and petty informants allows Imperial operatives to discover and react to Rebel assaults before they occur. | If a battle was just initiated at same site as your Undercover spy, your characters at adjacent sites may move there as a 'react' (for free). OR Cancel Sabotage. | ||
·It's An Older Code Endor R | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Even though Vader allowed the stolen shuttle Tydirium to land on Endor, he had a plan to deal with the Rebels. | USED: If opponent just landed a starship at an exterior site, you may deploy up to three related sites from your Reserve Deck; reshuffle. LOST: Use 2 Force to 'scan' (reveal) opponent's hand. You may place one starship you find there in opponent's Used Pile. | ||
It's Worse Premiere C2 | Lost Interrupt | Things went from bad to worse when Luke was attacked by a dianoga, a parasitic predator native to the planet Vodran. | If It Could Be Worse was just played, it is canceled and you may use X Force to raise damage against opponent by X amount. OR If opponent just lost Force from a battle, play to increase loss by 1 Force. | ||
·Jabba's Palace Sabacc Jabba's Palace U | Lost Interrupt | Jabba has won the service of many of his guards and other henchbeings through games of chance. | Requirements: Gambler, gangster, smuggler or information broker at a Jabba's Palace site. Wild cards (1-6): Passenger Deck and deserts. Clone cards: Aliens and Jabba's Palace sites (gamblers and Jabba may use clones as 4). Stakes: One character weapon or non-unique alien. | ||
·Jabba's Through With You Special Edition U | Used Interrupt | "Klees ka tlanko ya oska" | If your bounty hunter just fired a character weapon during a battle, add one battle destiny. OR During your deploy phase, deploy on your bounty hunter one character weapon from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | ||
·Jabba's Twerps Special Edition U | Lost Interrupt | "Look, Jabba, next time you want to talk to me, come see me yourself. Don't send one of these twerps." | If opponent just initiated a battle where your an alien leader is present, deploy up to three non-unique aliens to that location from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. OR Once per game, retrieve one Force for each of your alien leaders present at any battleground sites. | ||
Kintan Strider Premiere C1 | Lost Interrupt | A dejarik hologram of a ferocious creature with incredible healing abilities. Extinct on the homeworld of Kintan, but used as a guard beasts by many Hutt gangsters. | If opponent just forfeited or lost a character, use 1 Force to regenerate one of your own characters. Retrieve the character closest to the top of your Lost Pile into your hand. | ||
Lando System? Dagobah R | Lost Interrupt | "Lando's not a system, he's a man." Regardless of where Rebels flee, dark agents are sure to follow. | During your control phase, use 1 Force to move any one of your Dagobah icon characters of ability > 1 to any Cloud City icon location where you have presence. If moving to a Cloud City site, this movement is free and you do not need presence. | ||
·Levitation Attack Cloud City U | Used Interrupt | Vader used his mastery of the Force to levitate objects from around the room. This calculated attack was designed to break Luke's spirit as well as his body. | If a battle was just initiated where you have a character of ability > 3 present, search your Used Pile for one device which deploys on a character. Add device's destiny number to your total power, then place device on top of Used Pile. | ||
Lightsaber Deficiency Hoth U1 | Used Interrupt | "Ah...Uh..." | Cancel Lightsaber Proficiency. OR Target a character with ability < 4 using a lightsaber in a battle or a Force drain. Draw destiny. Target lost if destiny > ability. Lightsaber lost if destiny = ability. | ||
·Limited Resources Premiere U2 | Lost Interrupt | The Empire dominates consumption of resources. Despite being efficient, Rebel logistical and maintenance officers often are compelled to expend emergency reserves. | If the opponent has two cards or less in hand, opponent must immediately lost 2 Force (4 Force if it is your turn). If the opponent has Fusion Generator Supply Tanks aboard a starship, loss is reduced by 2. | ||
Local Trouble Premiere R1 | Lost Interrupt | "Look like somebody's beginning to take an interest in your handiwork." Imperial stormtroopers coerce local residents to assist them in the apprehension of Rebel scum. | Use 1 force at the beginning of your battle phase to allow any two Stormtroopers in the Cantina to battle any one opponent's character (your choice). You may add one battle destiny. No other battles may occur in Cantina this turn. | ||
·Lone Pilot Premiere R2 | Lost Interrupt | One lone TIE fighter, acting as a scout near the Death Star, suddenly encountered the Millennium Falcon. | If any pilot (or permanent pilot) is defending a battle alone at a system, add one battle destiny. OR If Motti is defending a battle alone at a system, add two battle destiny. | ||
·Lone Warrior Premiere R2 | Lost Interrupt | Though generally deployed in squads, all Imperial warriors are trained in the close combat techniques and have a reputation for ferocity when cornered. | If any warrior is defending a battle alone at a site, add one battle destiny. OR If Tagge is defending a battle alone at a site, add two battle destiny. | ||
Look Sir, Droids Premiere R1 | Lost Interrupt | Trooper 1124, Davin Felth, discovered droid plating dropped by R2-D2 and C-3PO when exiting escape pod. | Use 1 Force to search through the opponent's Used Pile and move any droids you find there to opponent's Lost Pile. OR Use X Force to destroy any one droid on table where X = droid's deploy cost. | ||
·Main Course Endor U | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Threepio always tried to be polite to Captain Solo and to keep him from getting hot under the collar. | USED: Cancel Frozen Assets. (Immune to Sense.) LOST: If opponent's alien and Rebel are in battle together without a protocol droid, draw one destiny (or two if Rebel is Han) and subtract that amount from opponent's attrition and total power. | ||
·Masterful Move Special Edition C | Used Interrupt | A skillful hologamer nullifies the advantage of even the most powerful game piece with clever maneuvering. | Use 1 Force to take one hologram, dejarik or Imperial Holotable into hand from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. OR Cancel Mantellian Savrip. OR Cancel opponent's Force drain at a holosite. | ||
·Moment Of Triumph Premiere R2 | Lost Interrupt | A ruthless ruler of Outer Rim Territories. Grand Moff Tarkin used the Death Star to destroy Alderaan, creating the doctrine of rule by fear. | If Tarkin is defending a battle alone, add two battle destiny. OR If any alien is defending a battle alone, add one battle destiny. | ||
Monnok A New Hope C2 | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Dejarik creature. Savage predator from remote deserts of Soccorro. Respected and honored by Soccorran hunters, considered "good luck" by superstitious smugglers. | USED: If opponent has 13 or more cards in hand, place all but 8 (random selection) in Used Pile. LOST: Use 4 Force to reveal opponent's hand. All cards opponent has two or more of in hand are lost. | ||
Nevar Yalnal Premiere R2 | Lost Interrupt | Immense Ranat scavenger from Aralia. Slyly spies for anyone willing to pay his price. Outcast. Works as a laborer for Hrchek, the Saurin droid trader. | If both players have a spy at the same site, draw destiny. Opponent's spy is lost if destiny > 2. If spy is Undercover, it is lost if destiny > 0. | ||
Ng'ok A New Hope C2 | Used Interrupt | Dejarik of a Ng'ok war beast. Foul temper gives rise to bad feelings. Has razor-sharp retractable claws. Used in many systems to frighten off potential attackers. | If opponent just deployed four or more characters to same location this turn, prevent all of those characters from battling this turn. OR if opponent just 'reacted' to a battle, cancel the battle. | ||
None Shall Pass Jabba's Palace C | Used Interrupt | Jabba's Gamorrean guards keep a watchful eye for unwelcome guests. | If opponent just deployed a Rebel to a Jabba's Palace site, (and you have no Imperials at a Jabba's Palace site), return Rebel to opponents hand. Any Force used to deploy that Rebel remains used, and Rebel may not be deployed for the remainder of the turn. | ||
Oh, Switch Off Hoth C2 | Used Interrupt | Mindless philosophy for an overweight glob of grease. | Cancel any attempt to steal, destroy or capture one of your droids. Droid is protected for remainder of this turn. OR Switch OFF any binary droid for remainder of this turn. | ||
Ommni Box Premiere C2 | Used Interrupt | Difficult-to-play instrument which enhances music. Tech Mo'r plays one for Figrin D'an and the Modal Nodes in the Mos Eisley Cantina. | Shuffle any player's Reserve Deck or Lost Pile or Used Pile. | ||
Oo-ta Goo-ta, Solo? A New Hope C2 | Used Interrupt | Greedo cheskopokuta klees ruya Solo. Hoko yanee boopa gush Cantina. Cheeco wa Solo's anye nyuma Greedo vakee. Jabba kul steeka et en anpaw. | If Nabrun Leids just completed a transport, use 2 Force. Nabrun is lost and all Rebels transported are captured. (Immune to Sense.) OR Prevent a just-deployed smuggler from moving this turn. OR Cancel a Kessel Run. | ||
·Operational As Planned Death Star II C | Used Or Starting Interrupt | "We shall double our efforts." | USED: Place one card from hand on top of Force Pile. STARTING: If Endor system on table, take Death Star II system, Jerjerrod and any Effect into hand from Reserve Deck. When you draw your starting hand, draw only six more cards. Place Interrupt in Lost Pile. | ||
Our First Catch Of The Day Hoth C2 | Used Interrupt | "Sir, Rebel ships are coming into our sector." | Add 2 to a tractor beam destiny draw. OR Cancel The First Transport Is Away! or Hyper Escape. | ||
·Outflank Endor C | Used Interrupt | Commander Igar's defense of Endor called for the use of speeder bikes to harass any attacking Rebels. | During a battle, if you have weapons at both sites adjacent to that battle, add 3 to your total power and add one battle destiny. OR For remainder of turn, your biker scout at an exterior site is power +1 and adds 1 to each of that character's weapon destiny draws. | ||
Overload Premiere C2 | Lost Interrupt | Weapons like lightsabers, turbolasers and blasters run on powerful energy cells or generators. Occasionally, these cells overheat causing the weapon to unexpectedly explode. | Target any weapon (except a Gaderffii Stick or any Ewok weapon). Draw destiny. Weapon lost if destiny < weapon's destiny number. If destiny = 0, the character or starship carrying weapon is also lost. | ||
Overwhelmed Special Edition C | Lost Interrupt | When the Empire amasses its fleet, the only option for the Alliance is retreat. | During your deploy phase, target a system where your total power is more than double opponent's total power and opponent has no Jedi or starship weapon. Place all opponent's starships there (and cards on them) in owner's Used Pile. | ||
Physical Choke Premiere R1 | Lost Interrupt | Darth Vader often used physical means of 'persuasion' to get information. Captain Antilles of Tantive IV chose to die rather than reveal the location of the stolen Death Star plans. | Cause one Rebel Trooper to be immediately lost. OR If a Dark Jedi is present at a battle you have just won, use 1 Force to attempt to choke any opposing character present. Draw destiny. If destiny > target's ability, target is lost. | ||
·Pitiful Little Band Endor C | Used Interrupt | The Emperor's defense of the forest moon of Endor appeared to work with devastating effectiveness. | If your scout is battling opponent's scout, spy or operative, add one battle destiny. OR If you have a spy or scout at Bunker or any prison, place out of play one captured spy of ability < 3 or captured operative there. Retrieve Force equal to double that captive's forfeit. | ||
Point Man Cloud City R | Lost Interrupt | In a military situation, on a regional or galactic scale, commands sometimes get misinterpreted. A local commander giving orders is far more reliable. | Cancel Demotion, Restricted Deployment, Commence Recharging, Logistical Delay, They're On Dantooine, Asteroid Sanctuary, Scramble, Order To Engage, No Disintegrations, Asteroids Do Not Concern Me, Report To Lord Vader or What Is Thy Bidding, My Master? | ||
Precise Attack Premiere C2 | Lost Interrupt | "Only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise." | During a battle at any site, target one character or vehicle by combining the destiny draws of two or more of your weapons at same site. | ||
·Prepare The Chamber Cloud City U | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Coolant emitted by the TCF32 Carbonite Encasement Apparatus is rumored to have a mildly euphoric effect on Ugnaughts. Individuals on TCF32 duty are regarded with envy. | USED: Add 2 to Carbon Freezing destiny. LOST: If one of your Ugnaughts is defending in a battle, add one battle destiny. | ||
·Prepared Defenses Death Star II C | Used Or Starting Interrupt | Since the debacle at Yavin, the Emperor places a premium on the security of his costly war machine. | USED: Add 1 to your battle destiny just drawn. STARTING: Deploy up to three Effects if each of them deploys for free, is always immune to Alter and has "deploy on table" (or "deploy on your side of table") in its game text. Place Interrupt in Lost Pile. | ||
Probe Telemetry Hoth C2 | Used Interrupt | Probe droids use electromagnetic, seismic, acoustic, olfactory and optical sensors. They report their findings using an omnisignal unicode. | Use 2 Force to search any Lost Pile and place X non-unique cards there out of play, where X = number of Probe Droids on table. OR If your only character on a planet is a Probe Droid, your cards are deploy -1 to related sites for remainder of turn. | ||
·Projective Telepathy Cloud City U | Used Interrupt | "Luke." "Father." "Son, come with me." | Cancel Anger, Fear Aggression when it is inserted or revealed. OR A player who just initiated a battle or Force drain must use 2 Force or it is canceled. | ||
·Put All Sections On Alert Special Edition C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "We have an emergency alert in section AA-twenty-three." | USED: Target one Rebel at a Death Star (or Executer) site. Target may not use its game text and may not apply ability toward drawing battle destiny. (Immune to Sense.) LOST: Retrieve into hand up to two cards with "Death Star" in title. | ||
·Release Your Anger Cloud City R | Lost Interrupt | "Only your hatred can destroy me." | If opponent just initiated a battle, you may do one of the following: Add one destiny to your total power only. OR if you have a character weapon present, select one opponent's character present to lose all immunity to attrition for remainder of battle. | ||
·Relentless Pursuit Special Edition C | Lost Interrupt | When tailed by a TIE fighter, Rebel pilots are often forced to focus on escaping the TIE's firing arc. | If your piloted starship armed with a starship weapon is in a battle, lose 1 Force to reduce the power of one opponent's starship in that battle to zero. OR Place one opponent's starship just 'hit' in Lost Pile. | ||
·Res Luk Ra'auf Dagobah R | Lost Interrupt | Rek guza kias n'ek kriesuk zief. Rek res fesruk T'doshok kulesuk luk g'razzurg koref selukra fes k'nel. Kren'ef, T'doshok res luk rek grien forek res fel luraken. | If any bounty hunter is defending a battle alone, add one battle destiny. OR If Bossk, Greedo or Boba Fett is defending a battle alone, add two battle destiny. | ||
Retract the Bridge A New Hope R1 | Lost Interrupt | Strategically retracted bridges can frustrate enemy movement, forcing routing plans to be rearranged. | During your deploy phase, use X Force to rearrange all interior Death Star sites, where X = total number of those sites. All cards at a given site move along with that site. OR Cancel On The Edge. | ||
·Rise, My Friend Death Star II R | Lost Interrupt | "I sense you wish to continue your search for young Skywalker." | If Emperor on Death Star II, take Vader into hand from a location you control (cards on him go to owner's hand). OR During your control phase, if Vader escorting Luke or Leia at a site you control, relocate Vader (with captive) to Death Star II: Docking Bay. (Immune to Sense.) | ||
·Rite Of Passage Cloud City C | Used Interrupt | There are many different paths to becoming a Jedi, each with its own risks and consequences. A student must choose wisely. | At the beginning of opponent's move phase, target an opponent's character alone at a mobile site and select an adjacent site. Opponent must choose to move target there for free (target cannot move for remainder of turn), lose target or lose 2 Force. | ||
·Sacrifice Special Edition F | Used Interrupt | Jabba's minions could be expected to be sacrificed to save the Hutt, to destroy one of the Hutts enemies or to provide the Hutt and his minions with a good laugh. | Reduce your battle damage by 5 by losing from hand a starship, vehicle or character. OR If your character's forfeit was just reduced to 0, restore it to normal. (Immune to Sense.) | ||
Scanning Crew Premiere C2 | Used Interrupt | Imperials use sensitive equipment to search captured ships for shielded compartments. Scanning crew BT-445 planned to search the Millennium Falcon. | Use 1 Force to glance at the cards in the opponent's hand for 10 seconds. You may move any one Rebel you find there to the top of opponent's Used Pile. | ||
·Scout Recon Endor C | Used Interrupt | Familiarity with native terrain is essential to a scout garrison. Imperial command can also put this type of information to effective use. | Add 1 to landspeed of your scout at an exterior planet site for remainder of turn. OR If Igar is with Grond or Dyer in battle, draw one destiny and subtract if from opponent's attrition against you. | ||
Scruffy-Looking Nerf Herder Hoth R2 | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "But you didn't see us alone in the south passage. She expressed her true feelings for me." "My...Why you stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking NERF HERDER!" | USED: Cancel Solo Han or Warrior's Courage or I Know. LOST: If Han and Leia are in a battle together, draw two destiny. Subtract that amount from opponent's attrition and total power (cannot fall below zero). | ||
Self-Destruct Mechanism Hoth U1 | Used Interrupt | "'Fraid there's not much left...I didn't hit it that hard. It musta had a self-destruct." | Sacrifice (forfeit) a droid to cancel all attrition against you at same site this turn. OR Re-target an opponent's weapon to one of your droids at same site. If droid is lost, use original target's forfeit number. | ||
Sense Premiere U1 | Used Interrupt | "I sense something. A presence I've not felt since..." | Cancel one Interrupt (or one 'react') by drawing a destiny < ability of your highest-ability Character on table. OR Cancel one Alter card just played. | ||
Set For Stun Premiere C2 | Lost Interrupt | "...bring me the passengers. I want them alive!" Imperial soldiers use blaster stun settings to intimidate or to capture prisoners for questioning and interrogation. | Use 2 Force to target one opponent's character. Draw destiny. If destiny > character's ability, character immediately returns to opponent's hand. (Also, any cards deployed on character return to owners' hands.) | ||
·Shattered Hope Cloud City U | Lost Interrupt | Using the power of the dark side, Vader caused Luke to lose his confidence and question his sense of direction. | If you just won a battle at an interior site where you have a character of ability > 3 present, after all forfeiting has occurred, relocate one opponent's character present to an adjacent site. (If on Cloud City, may relocate that character to Weather Vane instead.) | ||
·Shocking Revelation Cloud City C | Used Interrupt | "Well, don't blame me. I'm an interpreter. I'm not supposed to know a power socket from a computer terminal." | Target a location. Scomp Links there cannot be used for remainder of turn. OR If opponent is about to scan or otherwise look through your hand (unless using Grimtaash), opponent continues but must lose 4 Force plus the card allowing the scan. | ||
·Short Range Fighters Special Edition R | Used Interrupt | Imperial battlestations keep squadrons of TIE/lns on constant patrol. | Once per game, target one non-unique starfighter on table. (Immune to Sense.) OR Take one non-unique starfighter into hand from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | ||
·Shut Him Up Or Shut Him Down Dagobah U | Used Interrupt | Some droids are disliked due to their annoying personality. Several highly publicized berserk assassin droid incidents haven't helped their public image. | Cancel Death Star Plans, The Professor, Bacta Tank, How Did We Get Into This Mess?, Shoo! Shoo! or Thank The Maker. | ||
·Slip Sliding Away Cloud City R | Used Interrupt | Luke got the shaft. | Relocate a card from the top of any Deck or Pile to the bottom (without looking). OR if you have a droid at a Scomp link on Cloud City, cancel Into The Ventilation Shaft, Lefty. OR use 3 Force to cause a character at Weather vane to be lost. | ||
·Sneak Attack Endor C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Imperial training allows scouts to use speed and stealth to their advantage. On Endor, they were also backed up by Commander Igar's AT-STs. | USED:If all of your ability in a battle is provided by scouts and/or spies, they each add 1 to your total battle destiny (limit +6). LOST: For remainder of turn, your unique(·) scouts and unique(·) spies are each power +1 (or +2 while being attacked by a creature). | ||
·Sniper A New Hope U1 | Lost Interrupt | Tusken Raiders often attack lone desert travelers at long range. Their cowardly nature leads them to rely on surprise attacks rather than direct engagement. | During your control phase, fire one of your weapons. If URoRRuR'R'R firing, may add 2 to each weapon destiny draw. (A seeker may be targeted by a character weapon using a defense value of 4.) Any 'hit' targets are immediately lost. | ||
Something Hit Us! Dagobah U | Used Interrupt | "That was no laser blast..." | During a battle, lose 1 Force. Cumulatively adds 1 to attrition against opponent. | ||
·Sonic Bombardment Cloud City U | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui ooui -- | USED: Search your Reserve Deck, take any one prison into hand and reshuffle. LOST: If you have an opponent's alien captive at a prison, opponent loses 3 Force. | ||
Stop Motion Hoth C2 | Used Interrupt | "Your tauntaun'll freeze before you reach the first marker." | Target one creature vehicle at any marker site. Draw destiny. If site under "nighttime conditions," add 2 to destiny draw. Tauntaun lost if total destiny > 5. Other creature vehicle lost if total destiny > 3. | ||
Stunning Leader A New Hope C2 | Lost Interrupt | Stormtroopers are trained to stun, not kill, priority targets in order to split enemy forces and hold the leaders for interrogation. Stun effects wear off, requiring efficient action. | If a battle was just initiated at an interior site, use 1 Force to exclude from that battle all characters of ability > 2 and all leaders (on both sides). | ||
·Surface Defense Special Edition R | Used Or Starting Interrupt | "The battle station is heavily shielded and carries a firepower greater than half the starfleet." | USED: Add 1 to your just-drawn weapon destiny. STARTING: If you have deployed a battleground, deploy Resistance, Secret Plans and/or There Is No Try from Reserve Deck. Place Interrupt in Reserve Deck. | ||
Surprise Cloud City R | Lost Interrupt | Boba Fett shifted his attention from Han to the pursuing Jedi initiate. Luke was unaware until the last second that he was being targeted. | Use 3 Force: Retarget an Interrupt or Utinni Effect which specifies a target to another appropriate target on the same side of the Force. OR Relocate any Effect (except those immune to Alter) deployed on a location to another appropriate location. | ||
·TIE Sentry Ships Cloud City C | Lost Interrupt | Several TIEs were assigned to patrol Cloud City prior to the Imperial occupation of Bespin. Their instructions were to herd any vessels attempting to escape toward the Executor. | If opponent just initiated a Force drain at a system, cloud sector or asteroid sector, you may 'react' by deploying TIEs and pilots to that location (at normal use of the Force). | ||
·Tactical Support Hoth R2 | Lost Interrupt | Highly organized Imperial infantry units can mobilize with incredible speed, often putting their surprised adversaries on the defensive. | Lose 1 Force to search through your Reserve Deck and take up to three troopers into your hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. | ||
·Take Evasive Action Dagobah C | Lost Interrupt | Aoooga! Aoooga! | Cancel Egregious Pilot Error, Out Of Nowhere, Collision! or Don't Get Cocky. OR Use 1 Force to subtract 3 from all asteroid destiny draws against you for remainder of turn. | ||
Takeel Premiere C2 | Lost Interrupt | Takeel, a burned-out Snivvian mercenary known as a double-crosser. Spice addicted. Frequents the Cantina looking for work, but has also turned lawbreakers over to the Empire. | If both players just drew one battle destiny, use 1 Force to switch numbers. | ||
Tallon Roll Premiere C2 | Used Interrupt | Maneuver named after Adar Tallon, tactician of the Old Republic who revolutionized starfighter combat. Pursuing fighter rolls and turns, maintaining speed and target lock. | Target two starfighters at same system (one Rebel, one Imperial). Each player draws destiny. Opponent totals destiny and starship's power. You total destiny, starship's power and starship's maneuver. Lowest total immediately loses starfighter. | ||
·Tarkin's Orders Sealed Deck NA | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "Put all sections on alert!" | USED: Cancel a Force drain at a site related to a system you control. LOST: Cancel Surprise Assault, It Could Be Worse, Nabrun Leids, Collision! or Hyper Escape. OR Lose 1 Force to search your Lost Pile and take one non-unique starfighter into hand. | ||
·Tauntaun Skull Special Edition C | Used Interrupt | Bones strewn around the cave lair of the wampa are proof of the beast's prowess. | During a battle or attack, place out of play one non-droid character, creature or creature vehicle from your Lost Pile. Add its destiny number to your total power. OR Take one Stop Motion or Yaggle Gakkle into hand from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. | ||
That's It, The Rebels Are There! Hoth U2 | Used Interrupt | "That is the system and I'm sure Skywalker is with them." | During your control phase, move one of your starships at normal use of the Force (if within range) to a system where you have a Probe Droid at a related site. That starship cannot move again this turn. | ||
The Circle Is Now Complete Premiere R1 | Lost Interrupt | Vader and Obi-Wan Kenobi fought a final lightsaber duel near Hangar Bay 327 on the Death Star. "When I left you I was but the learner; now I am the master." | If Vader and Obi-Wan are at same site, use 1 Force initiate a duel between them. Either Jedi is power +2 if they have a lightsaber. Loser of battle is out of play, and he (the same persona) may not be deployed for the remainder of the game. | ||
The Empire's Back Premiere U1 | Lost Interrupt | "No star system will dare oppose the Emperor now." | If Vader, Tarkin, Motti or Tagge is lost, use 2 Force to retrieve one of them from the Lost Pile. OR Use 4 Force to search through your Reserve Deck and take Vader, Tarkin, Motti, or Tagge into your hand. Shuffle deck, cut and replace. | ||
·They're Coming In Too Fast! Special Edition C | Used Interrupt | "We're not out of this yet!" | If you have a piloted starship armed with a starship weapon, select one opponent's starship present to lose all immunity to attrition for remainder of turn. OR Cancel A Few Maneuvers. | ||
·They've Shut Down The Main Reactor Special Edition C | Used Interrupt | "We'll be destroyed for sure!" | If you have a piloted capital starship armed with a starship weapon or equipped with a tractor beam, use 2 Force to target an opponent's starship present. Until end of your next turn, target cannot move and its pilots may not apply ability toward drawing battle destiny. | ||
This Is Some Rescue! A New Hope U1 | Used Interrupt | "When you came in here, didn't you have a plan for getting out?" | Cancel I'm Here To Rescue You, Plastoid Armor, Out Of Commission, Alternatives To Fighting, Cell 2187 or Ewok Rescue. | ||
·This Is Still Wrong Cloud City R | Used Interrupt | Han: 2. Luke: 2. Chewie: 0. | If a battle was just initiated where opponent has a female targeted by This Is Just Wrong, add one battle destiny. OR Search your Reserve Deck, take one This Is Just Wrong into hand and reshuffle. OR Cancel This Is More Like It. | ||
Those Rebels Won't Escape Us Dagobah C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "I don't know how we're gonna get out of this one." | USED: Cancel Nabrun Leids. LOST: During your move phase, cancel Landing Claw. OR Cancel Hyper Escape, Closer?! or one 'react.' | ||
·Torture Jabba's Palace C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "We have been without an interpreter since our master got angry with our last protocol droid and disintegrated him." | Cancel Never Tell Me The Odds if it was just inserted or revealed. (Immune to Sense). LOST: Target a droid at Droid Workshop that you have captured or stolen. Droid is lost. Retrieve Force equal to droid's forfeit (doubled if stolen). | ||
Trample Hoth R1 | Used Interrupt | The enormous feet of a walker are designed for mobility on many types of terrain. They also can be used by merciless pilots to crush the Rebellion. | Target a character, 'crashed' vehicle or unpiloted vehicle with maneuver at same exterior site as one of your piloted AT-ATs or AT-STs. Draw destiny. Character lost if destiny > ability. Vehicle lost if destiny < 7. | ||
·Trap Door Jabba's Palace U | Used Interrupt | "Boscka!" | If you have no characters in the rancor pit at the end of your deploy phase, target a character (even a captive) at audience chamber. Draw destiny. If destiny +2 is greater than ability, target relocated to rancor pit, and, if captive, released to the LS of the rancor pit (not used pile). | ||
Trinto Duaba Premiere U1 | Used Interrupt | A Stennes Shifter, a near-human race. Have ability to blend unnoticed into crowds. Trinto profits from turning lawbreakers over to Imperial authorities. | If there are cards in the opponent's Used Pile during your battle phase, draw one destiny. All cards there with the same destiny number are lost. | ||
Trooper Assault Cloud City C | Used Interrupt | An assault of stormtroopers caused Leia, Chewie and Lando to retreat. When working together, the troopers' powerful onslaught can appear unstoppable. | If a battle was just initiated at a site, each of your troopers present is power +2 and immune to attrition until end of turn. | ||
Trooper Charge Premiere U2 | Lost Interrupt | Imperial troopers are fearless and totally indoctrinated. Backed by the most powerful weapons and starships in the galaxy, they tend to consider themselves invincible. | Select one of your troopers in a battle to make a 'charge.' If that trooper is a Death Star Trooper, it is power +3 the battle. If any other trooper, power +2. However, that trooper must be forfeited at end of battle. | ||
·Trooper Sabacc Special Edition F | Used Interrupt | Sabacc is a popular pastime for off-duty Imperial stormtroopers throughout the galaxy. | Requirements: A gambler or trooper at a site. Wild cards (2-7): Imperial and Rebel leaders. (Trooper may use weapons as wild cards.) Clone cards: Locations and droids. Stakes: Once transport vehicle without armor or one character weapon. | ||
Turn It Off! Turn It Off! Hoth C1 | Used Or Lost Interrupt | "Turn it off! Turn it off! Off! TURN IT OFF!" | USED: Cancel any attempt to place a 'hit' starship, vehicle or droid in the Used Pile rather than the Lost Pile. OR Cancel Han's Toolkit. LOST: Cancel Crash Site Memorial. | ||
Tusken Scavengers Premiere C2 | Lost Interrupt | "Sand People always ride single file to hide their numbers." They frequently attack strangers as they scavenge for useful equipment. Looted Luke's landspeeder. | Use 1 Force to draw destiny. If destiny < the number of Tusken Raiders on table, you may scavenge (search through) the opponent's Used Pile. All vehicles, weapons or devices you find there are lost. | ||
·Twi'lek Advisor Jabba's Palace C | Used Or Starting Interrupt | "He's no Jedi." | USED: Use 3 Force to search your Reserve Deck and take one Effect of any kind into hand; reshuffle. STARTING: Deploy from your Reserve Deck one Effect which has no deploy cost; reshuffle. Place Interrupt in the Lost Pile. | ||
Uncertain Is The Future Dagobah C | Lost Interrupt | Even a Jedi cannot always foresee future events. | Use 3 Force. Each player counts cards in hand, then places entire hand and Used Pile onto Reserve Deck. Shuffle, cut and replace. Each player then draws from Reserve Deck the counted number of cards to create a new hand. | ||
·Unexpected Interruption Dagobah R | Lost Interrupt | "Sir! Sir! I've isolated the reverse power flux coupling!" | Use 2 Force to search your Reserve Deck and take one Interrupt into hand. Shuffle, cut and replace. | ||
Utinni! Premiere R1 | Used Interrupt | The Jawa who shot R2-D2 with an ionization gun called to his companions, "Utinni!", the Jawa word for "come here!" | If one of your Jawas is at the same location as any Utinni Effect, "steal" that Utinni Effect into your hand, to use or lose as your own. OR Cancel any Interrupt or Effect with "Jawa" in the card name. | ||
·Vader's Eye Premiere R1 | Lost Interrupt | Darth Vader's armored mask and life-support system provide him with extraordinary physical protection in duels and battles, in addition to his Dark Jedi combat skill. | If Vader is defending a battle alone at a site, add 1 to power and add one battle destiny. OR If any other Imperial with ability > 2 is defending a battle alone at a site, add one battle destiny. | ||
·Vader's Obsession Premiere Introductory Two Player Game T3 | Lost Interrupt | Vader sought to hunt down and destroy all Jedi. After completing the circle with Obi-Wan, he turned his attention to the young Skywalker | During your move phase, if Vader moves to Luke's site from an adjacent site, begin a duel between them. Each adds two destiny to power. Winner retrieves lost Force equal to the difference. Loser loses same amount of Force, plus the character. | ||
··Voyeur Dagobah C | Used Or Lost Interrupt | As there are very few local authorities on Dagobah, peeping astromechs can get away with just about anything. | Name an Interrupt card. Opponent must reveal entire Used Pile, without shuffling. Then you choose: USED: Opponent must lose 1 Force for each copy of that Interrupt found there. LOST: Each copy of that interrupt found there is lost. | ||
Walker Barrage Hoth U1 | Used Interrupt | Before an AT-AT's troops can disembark to engage the enemy, the walker must first destroy the Rebel traitors' defensive emplacements. | If you have a piloted AT-AT at a site, target an artillery weapon at same or adjacent exterior site. Draw destiny. Target lost if destiny +1 > forfeit. Also, one opponent's character at same site as target (random selection) lost if lost if destiny + 1 > 6. | ||
Walker Garrison Empire Strikes Back Introductory Two Player Game T3 | Lost Interrupt | When efficiently deployed, a squadron of AT-ATs can quickly take control of a wide area, making it easy for imperial forces to dominate a planet. | If Veers is at an exterior Hoth site, use 2 force to search your Reserve Deck and take one AT-AT into your hand. OR If you have 3 AT-ATs at three different Hoth sites, your force drains are +2 at Hoth locations this turn. | ||
Wall Of Fire Hoth U1 | Lost Interrupt | Walkers are capable of incinerating entire infantry units in seconds. Rebel troops refer to the deadly barrage as the "wall of fire." | If you have a piloted AT-AT at a site, target as many troopers together at same or adjacent exterior site as desired. Draw destiny. if destiny > the number of troopers you targeted, they are immediately lost. | ||
·Watch Your Back! Special Edition C | Lost Interrupt | "Fighters above you, coming in!" | During a battle at a system or sector, if you are about to draw a card for battle destiny, you may instead use the maneuver number of your starfighter in that battle. | ||
We Have A Prisoner A New Hope C2 | Lost Interrupt | "You are part of the Rebel Alliance, and a traitor. Take her away!" | Use 1 Force if opponent just lost or forfeited a character from battle. Character is captured instead. OR Use X Force to capture all characters aboard a captured starship, where X = twice the number of characters. | ||
We're All Gonna Be A Lot Thinner! Premiere R1 | Lost Interrupt | Trash compactors crush waste before it is jettisoned into space. Magnetically sealed to prevent leakage. R2-D2 saved the day by shutting down compactor 3263827. | Everything in Trash Compactor is crushed (Lost). | ||
·Weapon Levitation Cloud City U | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Vader confiscated Han's blaster, his ship, his Wookiee, his girl and his only hope of escape. | USED: Search your Used Pile, take one weapon into hand and reshuffle. LOST: If a battle was just initiated, one of your characters of ability > 3 present may 'steal' one character weapon present. | ||
·Weapon Of An Ungrateful Son Cloud City U | Used Or Lost Interrupt | When Vader dueled Luke at Cloud City, he fought a son trained by his former master and a weapon constructed by his former self. | USED: If a lightsaber was just used to enhance a Force drain, place it in owner's Used Pile. LOST: Place any or all of you devices and character weapons on table in your Used Pile. | ||
·Why Didn't You Tell Me? Cloud City R | Used Or Lost Interrupt | Lacking foresight, Luke suffered the consequences of rushing into battle unprepared. | USED: Cancel Noble Sacrifice, Gift Of The Mentor or Old Ben. LOST: If Luke is defending a battle, draw one destiny. Subtract that amount from opponent's attrition and total power (cannot fall below zero). | ||
·Wounded Warrior Endor R | Used Interrupt | "Oh, Princess Leia, are you all right?" | Cancel Leia's game text for remainder of turn. OR If your weapon (except a lightsaber) just 'hit' an opponent's character, for remainder of turn that character is power=0 and may not apply ability toward drawing battle destiny. | ||
·Wounded Wookiee Jabba's Palace U | Lost Interrupt | When blaster fire from the barge's gun hit Chewie's skiff, his leg was injured by shrapnel. This setback distracted the Rebels, causing them to momentarily lose their advantage. | During a battle, if opponent drew more than two battle destiny, cancel all but two of those destiny draws (your choice). OR If your non-unique alien is in a battle, cancel game text of one Rebel present for remainder of turn. OR Cancel Clash Of Sabers. | ||
Yaggle Gakkle Hoth R2 | Used Interrupt | "Steady. Hey! Steady, girl. Hey, what's the matter? You smell something?" | Target a creature vehicle at same site as a creature. If ferocity > target's maneuver + landspeed, creature vehicle is eaten, cumulatively adding 2 to creature's ferocity. | ||
·You Are Beaten Cloud City U | Lost Interrupt | "It is useless to resist. Don't let yourself be destroyed as Obi-Wan did." | Use 2 force to target a character present with your warrior with a lightsaber. Target cannot move or battle until end of your next turn. OR Use 1 Force to search your Reserve Deck, take one I Am Your Father into hand and reshuffle. OR cancel Uncontrollable Fury. | ||
You Overestimate Their Chances Premiere C1 | Lost Interrupt | "Evacuate? In our moment of triumph?" | If an opponent has just initiated a battle, triple the resulting battle damage for the eventual loser. OR Triple the result of Don't Underestimate Our Chances. | ||
·You Rebel Scum Endor R | Lost Interrupt | Imperial troops treat members of the Rebellion with disdain, showing little respect for their combat skills. | For remainder of turn, cancel game text of one Rebel present with two stormtroopers. OR During your control phase, cancel game text of one non-unique Rebel for remainder of turn. | ||
·Young Fool Death Star II R | Lost Interrupt | "Now, young skywalker ... you will die." | If opponent's character present with Emperor was just lost, lose 1 Force to place that character out of play. OR Release frozen Luke at your Throne Room (Luke may not be battled unitl end of your next turn) OR Cancel NOOOOOOOOOOOO! | ||
Your Powers Are Weak, Old Man Premiere R1 | Lost Interrupt | "You should not have come back." | During any battle involving both Vader and Obi-Wan, you may add one battle destiny. OR Destroy (cancel) either: Return Of A Jedi, Jedi Lightsaber, Jedi Presence or Old Ben. |
·3,720 To 1 Dagobah C | Effect | What are the odds of having a Corellian, a Wookiee and a protocol droid together with an Alderaanian princess who happens to be the daughter of the Dark Lord of the Sith? | Insert in opponent's Reserve Deck. When Effect reaches top it is lost and up to the three lowest destiny numbers of each player's characters on table are totaled. Player with lower total loses Force equal to the difference. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·A Bright Center To The Universe Special Edition U | Effect | The intimidating power of the Empire was focused in the core systems, allowing the Emperor to ignore minor activities occurring on the Outer Rim. | Deploy on Death Star system or Coruscant system. Target another system. At locations related to target system, opponent's Force drain modifiers are canceled. Effect canceled if opponent controls this system. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·A Day Long Remembered Special Edition U | Effect | "It has seen the end of Kenobi and will soon see the end of the Rebellion." | If Obi-Wan not on table, deploy on Yavin 4 or Hoth system. If system "blown away," relocate to opponent's side of table: Rebels and Rebel starships are deploy +8 and lose immunity to attrition. Canceled if Obi-Wan is deployed. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·A Disturbance In The Force Premiere U1 | Effect | The destruction of Alderaan caused a great disturbance in the Force " if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced." | During your deploy phase, 'insert' (face down) into opponent's Reserve Deck. Shuffle. Opponent cuts deck without looking. When effect reaches top it is immediately lost, but opponent may not activate any more Force that turn. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
Ability, Ability, Ability Cloud City C | Effect | "Ben. . . Ben, please! Ben. . . Leia! Hear me, Leia!" | Deploy on opponent's side of table. During opponent's deploy phase, opponent must choose to deploy a card with ability or lose 2 Force. Effect lost if opponent has more cards with ability on table than you. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
Abyss Cloud City U | Effect | Careless abuse of the Force by a young Jedi trainee can have dire consequences. When hanging from the weather vane of Cloud City, Luke's balance was his only hope. | Deploy on table. If a unique (·) card is drawn for destiny and a duplicate is on table, destiny card is lost (destiny = 0). If duplicated card is a character, it loses immunity to attrition for rest of turn and player must lose 2 Force or lose that character. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Alert My Star Destroyer Special Edition C | Immediate Effect | For important Imperial dignitaries, an individual Star Destroyer is placed at their personal disposal. | If your admiral, moff, or Dark Jedi just shuttled aboard your Star Destroyer, deploy on that character. Star Destroyer is immune to attrition and Flagship deploys free on that starship. Immediate Effect lost if character not aboard that starship. | ||
·All Too Easy Cloud City R | Immediate Effect | "Perhaps you are not as strong as the Emperor thought." | If an opponent's character at the Carbonite Chamber was just 'hit' by a lightsaber, deploy on that character. Character is instead immediately captured and 'frozen.' If captive released, lose Immediate Effect. (Immune to Control.) | ||
·All Wrapped Up Jabba's Palace U | Effect | A capture cable is a quick and effective way for bounty hunters to suddenly snare their target. | Deploy on your side of the table. We Have A Prisoner and Oo-ta Goo-ta Solo? play for free and are immune to Sense. Also, whenever opponent forfeits a character, your bounty hunter present may capture that character. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·An Entire Legion Of My Best Troops Endor U | Effect | Stormtrooper standard gear includes plastoid composite armor, utility belt, positive-grip boots and energy sinks to dissipate blaster fire. | Deploy on your side of table. Stormtroopers (except biker scouts) have armor=4. Also, your blaster rifles, Stormtrooper Utility Belts and Blaster Scopes are deploy -1 and are destiny +2 when drawn for weapon or battle destiny. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Aratech Corporation Endor R | Effect | Aratech Corporation sent support staff to various Imperial outposts and garrisons. Gave advanced briefings and training to biker scout personnel. | Deploy on Carida system. Your speeder bikes piloted by biker scouts are power +1 and forfeit +1 and may follow (for free) an opponent's vehicle or character that just moved from same site (if within range). (Immune to Alter while you occupy Carida.) | ||
·Astromech Shortage A New Hope U2 | Effect | Imperial pilots often target astromech aboard Rebel starfighters in an attempt to prevent hyper-escapes. Scarcity of undamaged astromechs can delay starfighter deployment. | Use 3 Force to deploy on opponent's side of table. All opponent's starships with a astromech icon are deploy +1. | ||
Awwww, Cannot Get Your Ship Out Dagobah C | Effect | "Listen, friend, we didn't mean to land in that puddle, and if we could get our ship out, we would, but we can't so why don't you just..." | Deploy on a landed starship (not at a docking bay). Starship may not move. OR Deploy on a starship or vehicle on Dagobah. Starship or vehicle may not move. At the start of you next control phase, starship or vehicle 'sinks' to the Used Pile. | ||
·Bad Feeling Have I Dagobah R | Effect | "Ready are you? What know you of ready?" | Deploy on opponent's side of table. Luke, Leia, Han, Chewie, Lando, Yoda, and Obi-Wan are deploy +2. Also, opponent may not play any cards with the words "bad feeling" in the title. | ||
Baniss Keeg Premiere C2 | Effect | Duros are famous spacers and starship engineers. Many are forced to work for the Empire. Some, like Baniss Keeg, train pilots for deep space missions. | Deploy on any non-pilot character (except droids) to give that character Pilot skill. Adds 2 to power of any starship that character pilots. OR Deploy on any pilot. Adds 1 to power of any starship that character pilots. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
··Bantha Herd Special Edition R | Mobile Effect | While banthas are found on many worlds, the largest herds are found on Tatooine. The Sand People of that planet learned to tame the beasts. | Deploy on an exterior Tatooine site. Specify starting direction. During your control phase, moves to next adjacent exterior site )reversing direction as necessary. During battle, if your Tusken Raider or bantha here, may add one battle destiny. | ||
·Battle Order Endor U | Effect | Administration of the Imperial installation on Endor includes coordination of troops on the ground and tight security provided by the Empire's space fleet. | Deploy on table. You may initiate battles for free. Also (unless Battle Plan on table), for either player to initiate a Force drain, that player must first use 3 Force unless that player occupies a battleground site (except a holosite) and a battleground system. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
Besieged A New Hope R2 | Effect | Stormtroopers blasted through the main airlock of the Tantive IV. The Rebel soldiers' attempt to defend the intrusion was no match for the Empire's superior firepower. | Deploy on a captured starship. Your characters present with captured starship may battle opponent's characters aboard (as if present together at a site). Effect canceled when starship escapes or is stolen. | ||
·Biker Scout Gear Endor U | Effect | Standard-issue equipment for Imperial biker scouts. Adds electromagnetic vision enhancement visor and boosted comlink. Protects with lightweight head and upper body armor. | Deploy on your side of table. Biker scouts have armor=3 and are immune to Scramble. Also, Scout Blaster, Comlink, DH-17 blaster and Blaster Rack deploy for free and are destiny +2 when drawn for weapon or battle destiny (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Blast Door Controls Premiere U2 | Effect | Panels control blast doors and key security lock-downs during alerts. Luke destroyed one, locking Imperial forces out of Hangar Bay 327. | Deploy on your side of table. Cancels: Into The Garbage Chute, Flyboy; Narrow Escape; Blast The Door, Kid!; and Rebel Barrier. | ||
Blaster Rack Premiere U1 | Effect | Imperial facilities like the Death Star and garrison bases have blaster racks at key locations to equip soldiers with weapons like blaster rifles and thermal detonators. | Deploy on your side of table. At any time, you may move one of your Character weapons from any site to the Blaster Rack. During your deploy phase, weapon may be re-deployed for an expenditure of Force equal to the weapon's deploy cost. | ||
·Blown Clear Special Edition U | Effect | Vader was nearly killed when Han damaged his TIE fighter during a surprise attack in the Death Star trench. | Deploy on your side of table. During a battle, you may place out of play | ||
![]() Dagobah R | Mobile Effect | Bombers can sometimes slip past orbital defenses. Making a low-altitude bombing run allows "surgical strikes," even in cramped situations such as canyons and city streets. | Deploy on a non-interior planet site (except Dagobah). May move to an adjacent non-interior site at start of your move phase. Your bombers at a related system you control may move to this site. Bombers must return to system at end of your battle phase (if possible). | ||
Bounty Cloud City C | Effect | One of the most profitable occupations in the galaxy is hunting down and capturing wanted beings. The more notable the quarry, the more profitable the venture. | Deploy on a non-droid character. If subsequently captured by a bounty hunter and then transferred to a prison, retrieve Force equal to character's forfeit -2 and place Effect in Used Pile. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Breached Defenses Hoth U2 | Immediate Effect | "Imperial troops have entered the base! Imperial troops have entered-" | If an Imperial just moved to an Echo site, deploy on your side of table. While you have presence at an Echo site, your total power is +1 in battles at Hoth sites. | ||
·Broken Concentration Dagobah R | Effect | To effectively use the Force, a Jedi is required to learn concentration. A Jedi who gives in to distraction places both himself and his friends in peril. | Deploy on your side of table. Apprentices subtract X from training destiny, where X = ability - Jedi Test number (minimum zero). Also, once per turn, you may use 2 force to move the top card of opponent's Force pile to the top of opponent's Reserve Deck. | ||
Cane Adiss Jabba's Palace U | Immediate Effect | Adventurous pilot. Boasts to Jabba that he has traveled to every uncharted planet in the galaxy. Has been hired by the Empire to keep an eye out for Rebel activity. | If opponent just initiated a Force drain at a non-shielded planet location, deploy on that location. Your characters, starships and vehicles may deploy here regardless of presence and location deployment restrictions. (Immune to Control.) | ||
Carbon-Freezing Cloud City U | Effect | "Oh, they've encased him in carbonite. He should be quite well protected. If he survived the freezing process, that is." | Deploy on Carbonite Chamber. During your control phase, may target one captive present. Draw destiny. If destiny < 5, captive lost. If destiny > 10, place on captive. Captive is 'frozen' and opponent loses 8 Force. If captive released, lose Effect. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Closed Door Endor R | Effect | Double durasteel doors are often enough to protect important Imperial installations. | Deploy on Back Door. Opponent may not deploy or move to Bunker. Effect canceled if opponent controls Back Door or Landing Platform or if you initiate at Force drain at Bunker. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Cloud City Occupation Special Edition R | Effect | "I advise everyone to leave before more Imperial troops arrive." | Deploy on Bespin system if you occupy at least two Cloud City battleground sites. During each of your control phases, opponent loses 1 Force for each Cloud City battleground site you occupy. Canceled if opponent controls this system. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Combat Response Death Star II C | Effect | Being stationed at Endor during the construction of the second Dearth Star allowes Imperial pilots time to train in the latest starfighter combat techniques. | Deploy on table. During your deploy phase, you may reveal one unpiloted starfighter from hand to takes its matching pilot character from Reserve Deck (or vice versa and depploy both simultaneously; reshuffle. (Immune to Alter) | ||
·Come Here You Big Coward! Special Edition C | Effect | "Chewie! Come here!" | Deploy on table. Unless opponent occupies at least two battlegrounds, cancels: Asteroid Sanctuary, opponent's Force drains at non-battle ground locations, and opponent's Force retrieval. (Immune to Alter if you occupy any battleground.). | ||
Come With Me A New Hope C2 | Effect | Pilots are often reassigned at the last minute for a variety of tactical reasons. Darth Vader ordered DS-61-2 and DS-61-3 to accompany him to the Battle of Yavin. | Use 1 Force to target a starfighter's permanent pilot. Draw destiny. If destiny > 2, deploy on starfighter to remove permanent pilot (otherwise, Effect is lost). May add 1 pilot. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
![]() Dagobah R | Effect | The interior or a space slug's maw is mildly acidic. Long-term exposure to this corrosive environment can cause considerable damage. | Deploy on space slug belly. At the end of each player's turn, for every character and starship that player has present, that player must lose 1 Force. Effect canceled if space slug lost. | ||
·Crossfire Endor R | Effect | Scout walker pilots are trained to set up a deadly heavy fire zone. This tactic can be disrupted by enemy weapons fire. | Deploy on table. When you fire two weapons (except lightsabers) in a battle, your total power is +5. Also, S-foils and Maneuvering Flaps are suspended where you have either a weapon present or a starship (or vehicle) with maneuver > 3 present. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Crush The Rebellion Enhanced Cloud City NA | Effect | After dueling his son and seizing control of a city in the clouds, Vader resumed his quest to destroy the Alliance. | Deploy on table. Once per turn, may take I Have You Now or Evader into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. At mobile sites, opponent draws no more than two battle destiny per battle. Evader is immune to Sense. May lose 1 Force to cancel Clash of Sabers. (Immune to Alter.). | ||
·Dark Deal Cloud City R | Effect | "Perhaps you think you're being treated unfairly?" "No." "Good. It would be unfortunate if I had to leave a garrison here." | Deploy on Bespin: Cloud City if you control that sector and at least three related sites. At each Cloud City site, your total power is +4 and your Force drains are +2. Effect canceled if opponent occupies four Bespin locations. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Dark Forces Jedi Pack NA | Effect | "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the Force." | Deploy on your side of table. When Surprise Assault is played, may use 1 Force to add one destiny to your total. Also, when Sense or Alter is played, may use X Force to exclude X Jedi from being the "highest-ability character." | ||
···Dark Hours Premiere U2 | Effect | After surviving Tarkin's extortion, kidnapping, threats of execution and the assault of the Interceptor droid, Princess Leia was asleep when her rescuers came. | Select one site under "nighttime conditions." Target every character there (except droids) and draw one destiny each. If destiny > ability, character 'sleeps' (power, forfeit and ability = 0, "game text" unusable) until the end of your next turn. | ||
Dark Waters A New Hope R2 | Effect | Swamp predators require damp and cluttered environments to enhance their camouflage and stealth. "Something just moved past my leg." | Deploy on any exterior planet site (except Hoth) or any interior vehicle site. Opponent's Force drains are -1 here. (Immune to Alter when a swamp creature is present.) | ||
·Death Mark Hoth R1 | Effect | "A death mark's not an easy thing to live with. You're a good fighter, Solo. I hate to lose you." | Use 3 Force to deploy on any exterior planet site. Target an opponent's smuggler. Each turn opponent must lose 1 Force at beginning of opponent's control phase. Utinni Effect canceled when reached by target (target goes to Used Pile). | ||
·Death Squadron Hoth U1 | Effect | "Make ready to land our troops beyond their energy field and deploy the fleet so that nothing gets off the system." | Deploy on any system. Adds X to total power of your starships at the system, where X = the number of your starships present. Your troopers and combat vehicles may be shuttled to related sites for free. | ||
·Death Star Sentry Premiere U1 | Effect | Death Star troopers on sentry duty observe and direct incoming starships and monitor other critical sites. They perform sensor scans for life forms and weapons. | Use 2 Force to deploy on any Death Star site. Declare one of the following to affect that site and adjacent sites while 'sentry' present: Opponent's deploy +1. OR Opponent's ability required for battle destiny +1. OR Your total power +1. | ||
·Den Of Thieves Jabba's Palace U | Effect | Jabba's palace is considered a safe haven to many on the run. It is also widely known to provide luxurious accommodations to its welcomed guests. | Deploy on your side of the table. Once per turn, you may cancel a Force drain by placing here from hand, one non unique alien. Aliens may deploy from here as if from hand. (if effect canceled by opponent, any aliens here may immediately deploy for free). | ||
·Desilijic Tattoo Special Edition U | Effect | Jabba The Hutt's clan requires all members to carry ritual scaring identifying them forever as heirs to the Nal Hutta legacy. These tattoos are considered marks of power. | Deploy on your Hutt. Once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one Jabba's Influence or Death Mark from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. While at Audience Chamber, no battles or Force drains may take place here unless a Rebel present. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Despair Cloud City R | Immediate Effect | The carbonite froze more than just Han's body. | If a Rebel was just captured or 'frozen,' deploy on another Rebel. That Rebel may not apply ability toward drawing battle destiny (if Leia, she is also excluded from being the "highest-ability character"). If captive released, lose Immediate Effect. | ||
·Desparate Counter Death Star II C | Effect | The Empire relied on the skill of its pilot corps to defend the Death Star reactor core from attack. | Deploy on Death Star II system. When opponent moves from a related sector, for each TIE armed with a weapon there, movement destiny is -3 (limit -9). Also, you may deploy either Combat Response or Imperial Arrest Order from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Destroyed Homestead Special Edition R | Utinni Effect | "Uncle Owen? Aunt Beru?" | Deploy on Lars' Moisture Farm. Target Obi-Wan or Luke. Target may not apply ability toward drawing destiny for Sense, Alter or battle destiny. Opponent loses 1 Force during each of your control phases. Utinni Effect canceled when reached by target. | ||
Disarmed Premiere R1 | Effect | C-3PO's arm was pulled off by attacking Tusken Raiders. "I don't think I can make it. You go on, Master Luke...I'm done for." | If both players have a character with a weapon at same site, deploy on that opponent's character during any control phase (even opponent's control phase). Character loses weapon, is power -1 and may no longer carry weapons. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Dreaded Imperial Starfleet Special Edition R | Effect | The Empire uses short-range fighters and patrol craft to maintain a presence in every system within its scope of power. | Deploy on your side of table. Once per turn, you may cancel a Force drain by placing here from hand (if Effect canceled by opponent, any starfighters here may immediately deploy for free). | ||
![]() Endor R | Effect | Listening posts are often constructed as part of a standard Imperial installation. On Endor, such a post was incorporated into the control bunker. | Deploy on an interior site that has a Scomp link. While you occupy this site, once per battle you may deploy a non-unique Imperial starship as a 'react' (for free if starfighter) to the related system from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. (Immune to alter.) | ||
·Emperor's Power Death Star II U | Effect | From his throne room aboard the second Death Star, Emperor Palpatine monitors activity throughout the galaxy. | Deploy on your Throne Room. You may not Force drain here. While Emperor here, opponent's characters are deploy +2 to Death Star II sites and, one per turn, you may lose Effect (or 1 Force from top of Reserve Deck) to add one battle destiny anywhere. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Empire's New Order Endor R | Effect | Palpatine's cruel vision of his Empire included the enslavement and subjugation of entire species. | Deploy on table. Droid Merchant game text is canceled. Also, while none of your ability on table is provided by aliens, retrieve 1 Force after each battle in which opponent's alien is lost (or 2 if Ewok, Elom or operative). (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Endor Shield Death Star II U | Effect | Planetary scale shield projected from surface of Endor moon. Protected second Death Star during construction. Only another superlaser could penetrate it while operational. | Deploy on Bunker. Imperials deploy -1 here while Death Star II system orbits Endor and you control Bunker. At Death Star II system and each Death Star site opponent may not deploy and must use +3 Force to move there. | ||
·Establish Secret Base Endor R | Effect | The Empire's remote bases develop new technology and hide sensitive projects from potential Rebel saboteurs. | Deploy on Endor system if your biker scouts and/or AT-STs control three Endor sites. Your Force drain here is +1 for each Endor site your biker scout or AT-ST controls (limit +3). Place Effect in Used Pile if opponent controls this system. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Expand The Empire Premiere R1 | Effect | The Emperor disbanded the Imperial Senate "for the duration of the emergency," seizing absolute power. He planned to extend rule by terrorizing planets into submission. | Deploy on any site. 'Expands' your "game text" for that site to add to your "game text" at the adjacent sites. | ||
·Failure At The Cave Dagobah R | Utinni Effect | "That place is strong with the dark side of the Force. A domain of evil it is. In you must go." | Deploy on Dagobah: Cave. Target an apprentice. All Jedi Test game text is suspended. If target present during any battle phase, opponent draws destiny. If destiny<4, you retrieve 2 Force (also, if destiny=0, target is lost). Otherwise, Utinni Effect canceled. | ||
Fear Will Keep Them In Line Premiere R2 | Effect | "The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station." | Deploy on any capital starship. When that starship is at a system you control, your total power is +1 in battles at related sites. | ||
Field Promotion Dagobah R | Effect | Imperial officers are fiercely competitive, especially on the Executor. Lord Vader's flagship is a place where devious political calculation prospers. The naive are doomed to failure. | Deploy on an Imperial of ability < 5 present with Vader, Emperor Palpatine or one of your admirals, generals, or moffs. Imperial gains leader skill, is power +1, and is immune to Demotion, Report to Lord Vader, and What is Thy Bidding, My Master?. (Immune to Alter). | ||
·Firepower Special Edition C | Effect | "About twenty guns. Some on the surface, some on the towers." | Deploy on your side of table. Each of your starships with two or more starship weapons aboard is power +2. Once during each of your deploy phases, you may use 2 Force to deploy from Lost Pile one starship weapon, vehicle weapon or artillery weapon (for free). | ||
·First Strike Special Edition U | Effect | "There'll be no escape for the princess this time." | Deploy on your side of table. Whenever a battle is initiated, player initiating battle retrieves 1 Force and defender loses 1 Force. Also, during a battle you initiate, each time opponent plays an interrupt, opponent must first use 2 Force. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Flagship Dagobah R | Effect | After the Battle of Yavin, it was politically necessary to demonstrate the unstoppable might of the Empire. The Executor and Death Squadron ensured this objective. | Use 2 Force to deploy on one of your Star Destroyers. Your other starships may move as a 'react' to same system (for free). If starship lost, you lose X Force, where X=starship's armor. (Immune to your Alter) | ||
·Flagship Operations Unknown:D PV | Effect | "There's too many of them!" | Deploy on any Star Destroyer if at least 5 Executor sites on table. Your TIEs are deploy -1, forfeit +2 and destiny +2. At systems where you have a TIE, your Imperial capital starships are deploy -3 and your battle destiny draws are +1 each. (If on Executor, immune to Alter). | ||
·Flagship Operations Death Star II R | Effect | "There's too many of them!" | Deploy on any Star Destroyer if at least 5 Executor sites on table. Your TIEs are deploy -1, forfeit +2 and destiny +2. At systems where you have a TIE, your Imperial capital starships are deploy -3 and your battle destiny draws are +1 each. (If on Executor, immune to Alter.) | ||
Forced Landing Cloud City R | Utinni Effect | "You will not deviate from your present course. . . Permission granted to land on platform three-two-seven." | Deploy on a docking bay. Target an opponent's starfighter at the related system or a related cloud sector. Target may not move away from Utinni Effect. Utinni Effect canceled when reached by target. | ||
·Forced Servitude Sealed Deck NA | Effect | The Empire often uses droids for nefarious purposes. Imperials compel droids to do jobs that are repugnant to humans. An automaton has no ethical conscience. | Deploy on an opponent's location. Whenever you lose a droid from hand or Life Force, it satisfies Force loss up to its forfeit value. Once per turn, you may play Imperial Code Cylinder to cancel a Force drain where you have a droid. Effect canceled if opponent controls this location. | ||
Frostbite Hoth C2 | Effect | "Luke! Luke! Don't do this. C'mon, gimme a sign here." | Deploy on Hoth system. At the end of each player's turn, for every character that player has present at a marker site under "nighttime conditions," that player must lose 1 Force (2 if character is missing). | ||
Frozen Dinner Hoth R1 | Immediate Effect | Freeze dried and ready to serve, a tasty, wholesome Rebel makes a nutritious meal for the whole wampa clan. They're Gr-r-reat! | Deploy on any character alone at Wampa Cave. Character is power = 0 and may not move. May be canceled if opponent has a lightsaber or total ability > 4 present. If character eaten by a creature, cumulatively adds 2 to ferocity. | ||
He Is Not Ready Dagobah C | Effect | "All his live has he looked away. To the future, to the horizon. Never his mind on where he was! Hmm? What he was doing! Hm." | Deploy on any character. Subtracts 2 from that character's training destiny draws. OR Deploy on an opponent's pilot at a site. During each of opponent's move phases, opponent must choose to move that character, lose that character or lose 1 Force. | ||
·High Anxiety Hoth R1 | Effect | When a Rebel is missing, ranking members of the Alliance express a professional yet dispassionate concern. Some are not so dispassionate. | If an opponent's character with ability > 2 has just become missing, deploy on a Rebel with ability > 2 on same planet. Rebel is completely excluded from battles. Immediate Effect canceled if missing character is found or lost. | ||
·Hutt Bounty Jabba's Palace R | Effect | "Chissaa, picha gawanki Chewbacca. Yupon cogorato kama walpa kyess kashung kawa Wookiee." | Deploy on a smuggler, gambler, or thief. If subsequently captured by a bounty hunter and then transfered to Jabba's Palace Dungeon, retrieve Force equal to character's forfeit. (+6 if Han) and lose effect. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
Hyperwave Scan A New Hope U1 | Effect | Full Imperial scans include full-spectrum transceivers, dedicated energy receptors, crystal gravfield traps, and hyperwave signal interceptors. | Deploy on your side of table. Scanning Crew is immune to Sense. If Scanning Crew is played against an opponent who has 13 or more cards in hand, opponent also loses all cards with 'Rebel' in the title found there. | ||
·I Am Your Father Cloud City R | Immediate Effect | "Search your feelings, you know it to be true." | If Vader just won a battle or duel against a Luke of ability < 6, deploy on Luke. During each of your move phases, opponent loses 2 Force. Also, when at same location as Vader, Luke is power and forfeit = 0 and does not add power to any starships he pilots. | ||
I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing Premiere R1 | Effect | Darth Vader ruthlessly used the Force to strike down enemies and soldiers who displeased him. He could choke victims from afar without touching them. | Use 1 Force to deploy on one of your Dark Jedi. Opponent's total ability at same location is reduced by 2, unless an opponent's Jedi is also present. | ||
·I Had No Choice Cloud City R | Effect | Gamblers are vulnerable to bribery, extortion and other forms of manipulation. Their notorious dealings can be easily taken advantage of. | Deploy on an opponent's gambler. Gambler's game text may not be utilized. Also, whenever a battle is initiated, you may use X Force to prevent gambler from participating in the battle, where X = gambler's ability. | ||
·I Want That Ship Dagobah R | Effect | Like nerf herders herding nerfs, Imperial commanders often use TIE fighters to drive fleeing Rebel ships into tractor beam range. | Deploy on one opponent's unique (·) starship at a location you do not occupy. When starship is targeted by any tractor beam or ion cannon, subtract 2 from maneuver. If starship is captured or lost, lose Effect and opponent must lose 3 Force (5 if Falcon). | ||
I've Lost Artoo! Premiere U1 | Effect | "WHAAAAAAAAAOOOOW!" | Use 1 Force to attempt to knockout a starship's astromech or nav computer Draw destiny. If destiny > 1, deploy on starship to reduce hyperspeed to zero. | ||
·Ice Storm Hoth U1 | Mobile Effect | Among the gravest dangers in the harsh environment of Hoth are frequent quick-moving ice storms. | Deploy at outermost marker. All characters present at same exterior site are missing. Each turn, during your control phase, storm moves to next marker, reversing direction if at innermost marker. Mobile Effect lost when moved beyond outermost marker. | ||
·Image Of The Dark Lord Hoth R2 | Effect | Vader's hologram exacts loyalty from his legions. | Use 4 Force to deploy at any site if opponent is generating at least 3 Force more than you. At that site, adjacent sites and same site as Vader, players activate Force only if they have presence. | ||
·Imperial Academy Training Endor C | Effect | Graduates of the Empire's military academies train to fire standard-issue weapons efficiently | Deploy on your side of table. Each of your non-unique Imperials armed with a non-unique blaster is forfeit +2, adds 1 to his total weapon destiny and, where present, cumulatively adds 1 to total battle destiny. (Immune to Alter while your non-unique blaster is on table.) | ||
·Imperial Arrest Order Endor U | Effect | When an Imperial blockade raises the alert level, all independent ships are scanned and any suspicious characters on planet are detained and interrogated. | Deploy on table. Unique (·) Imperials of ability < 3 are forfeit +2. Nabrun Leids and Elis Helrot are limited to owner's move phase and exterior sites. Once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one docking bay from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
Imperial Decree Cloud City U | Effect | To Imperial command personnel: The Rebellion must be crushed! Minor acts of sedition are to be ignored. The destruction of the Alliance is your primary goal. | Deploy on your side of table. Whenever you control any two Rebel Base locations, or any one planet site and two systems, the effects of Revolution and all opponent's Force drain bonuses everywhere are ignored. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
··Imperial Domination Hoth U1 | Effect | When Vader's forces impose the New Order upon a region, Rebel resources and lifelines are quickly eliminated. | Deploy on any location. Whenever you control this location during your control phase but do not Force drain here, opponent generates no Force here on opponent's next turn. | ||
Imperial Justice A New Hope C2 | Effect | "There's nothing you could have done Luke, had you been there. You'd have been killed too." | If opponent is generating at least 4 more Force than you, deploy on a location to cancel all Force generation at that location. OR Deploy on a location. It is now immune to Revolution. | ||
·Imperial Propaganda Special Edition R | Immediate Effect | Imperial data transmissions depict Rebel incursions as terrorist acts. The Alliance is portrayed as a danger to civilians of the Empire. | If you occupy at least two battlegrounds and just lost more than 2 Force to a Force drain at a location, deploy on that location (limit one per Force drain). Opponent loses 2 Force for each Imperial Propaganda on table. | ||
·Inconsequential Losses Death Star II C | Effect | With its superior numbers, the Empire knowingly sacrifices the safety of many units and weapons in order to preserve the greater war machine. | Deploy on table. Each turn, each of your characters, vehicles, and starships may forfeit one of its weapons (except a lightsaber) using forfeit value = 3. Also, your forfeited weapons go to Used Pile. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Information Exchange Jabba's Palace U | Effect | "Chisa nyooda ishaley. Kun Jabba neguda len Malta." "Ikkit ui! Yobbit, yobbiy. Nelan tui ke bada." | Deploy on your side of the table. Whenever you have an information broker at a location where you just initiated a battle, you may examine the top four cards of opponent's Reserve Deck. You may then lose 1 Force to immediately cancel the battle. | ||
·Insignificant Rebellion Death Star II U | Effect | "Your fleet is lost. And your friends on the Endor moon will not survive. There is no escape, my young apprentice." | Use 2 Force to deploy on table. Each time you win a battle, opponent loses 1 Force (cannot be reduced) and stacks lost card here face down. When attempting to cross Luke over (except with Epic Duel), add 3 to total destiny for each card in stack. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Jabba's Influence Special Edition R | Effect | Jabba makes offers one cannot refuse. Smugglers, thieves and competitors who do not acquiesce have been rumored to wake up with a bantha's head in their bed. | Deploy on one of your gangsters or bounty hunters. Once during each of your control phases, if present with an opponent's smuggler or character of ability = 1, may use 3 Force. Opponent must use 5 Force or that character returns to opponent's hand. | ||
·Jawa Pack Premiere U1 | Effect | Jawas travel in packs for protection. They use ambush tactics against unwary droids in the canyons of the Jundland Wastes. "Aeeeyaa!" | To deploy (on your side of table), requires 3 Force from both players' Force Piles. Cannot deploy otherwise. All your Jawas are forfeit +1. | ||
·Juri Juice Premiere R2 | Utinni Effect | Popular beverage served in many cantinas and tapcafes. Has intoxicating effect on many species. Favorite drink of Kabe, Chadra-Fan thief of Mos Eisley. | Deploy on any alien if Cantina, Mos Eisley or Jabba's Sail Barge on table. That alien may not use ability in battles (if Kabe, she also cannot 'steal'). Utinni Effect canceled by moving that alien to one of those sites without 'driving' a vehicle. | ||
Ket Maliss Premiere C2 | Effect | Assassins are highly valued by Jabba the Hutt and other gangsters. Prince Xizor's "shadow killer," has unknown but undoubtably lethal business in Mos Eisley. | Deploy on any non-warrior character (except droids) to give that character Warrior skill. OR Deploy on any warrior. That character is power +1. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Knowledge And Defense Dagobah C | Effect | "A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack." | Insert in opponent's Reserve Deck. When Effect reaches top it is lost, but opponent may not initiate any battles for remainder of turn. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Krayt Dragon Bones A New Hope U1 | Effect | Tusken Raiders, Jawas and other desert dwellers believe that krayt dragon bones possess mystical powers that can bring good or bad luck. | Use 1 Force to deploy on table. Each opponent's destiny draw, you do the following: (0) Put top used card in hand; (1) lose 1 Force; (2) activate 1 Force; (3) lose this Effect; (4) retrieve 1 Force; (5) deploy a character for free; (6+) nothing. | ||
·Kuat Drive Yards Special Edition R | Effect | Company that produces current generation of Star Destroyers, as well as Nebulon-B Frigate. Ship yards are extremely well defended. | Deploy on Kuat system. All your Imperial-class Star Destroyers are immune to attrition < 4. Once during each of your deploy phases, may deploy one Imperial-class Star Destroyer from, Reserve Deck- reshuffle. (Immune to Alter while you occupy Kuat.) | ||
·Lateral Damage Premiere R2 | Utinni Effect | Starships can become damaged in combat and rendered ineffective until they can be repaired and re-outfitted. | Deploy on any system. Target an opponent's starship. Target's power and forfeit = 0. When target reaches Utinni Effect, target draws one destiny. Utinni Effect canceled if destiny > 2. Otherwise, draw again next move phase, etc. | ||
·Leave Them to Me Death Star II C | Effect | "I will deal with them myself." | Deploy on table. While you occupy a 'Subjugated' planet location, operatives are forfeit = 0, operatives do not add to Force drains and your Force drains may not be reduced. At any time, you may place Effect out of play to retrieve 1 Force. | ||
·Location, Location, Location Dagobah R | Effect | "Mudhole? Slimy? My home this is!" | Deploy on table. During each player's deploy phase, that player must choose to either deploy a location or lose 1 Force. Effect canceled if any player deploys three or more locations in a single turn. | ||
Lost In Space Dagobah R | Immediate Effect | Congratulations on purchasing the TIE/ln starfighter by Sienar. Equipped with a jettison device and distress beacon, it should provide you with years of worry-free subjugation. | Deploy on one pilot aboard a starfighter just lost at a system. Pilot drifts' without presence at that system (until captured or rescued by a capital starship) and does not participate in battles or attacks, but may be targeted by starship weapons (maneuver=0). | ||
·Luke? Luuuuke! Premiere U1 | Utinni Effect | "All right. I'll be right there, Aunt Beru." | Deploy on any Tatooine site. Target any Rebel. Target is power and forfeit -1 (-3 if target is Luke). If Rebel's forfeit reaches zero, Rebel is lost. Utinni Effect canceled when reached by target. | ||
Macroscan Premiere C2 | Effect | Electrobinocular view. Readouts list object's true and relative azimuth, elevation and range. Built-in night vision. | Use 2 Force to deploy near opponent's Reserve Deck. At any time, you may use 1 Force to peek at the top card of that deck. If "nighttime conditions" exist anywhere on table, you may peek at the top three cards. | ||
·Maneuver Check A New Hope R2 | Effect | "Luke, at that speed will you be able to pull out in time?" | Deploy on Death Star:Trench. Opponent must make maneuver check for starfighters leaving the trench. For each starfighter, owner draws destiny. If destiny + maneuver < 5, starfighter is lost. | ||
·Meteor Impact? Hoth R1 | Utinni Effect | "There's a meteorite that hit the ground near here. I wanna check it out. Won't take long." | Use 2 Force to deploy on an exterior planet site. Target a character on same planet. Character may not leave planet or move away from Utinni Effect. Utinni Effect canceled when reached by target. | ||
·Mobilization Points Death Star II R | Effect | The imperial noose relies on swift troop dispatch from docking bays. | Deploy on table. Your Force generation is +1 at each docking bay you occupy (or +2 if you control). Once per game, you may take one Carida, Wakeelmui, Gall, Kuat or Rendili system or Executor into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Molator Premiere R1 | Effect | Creature in dejarik hologame drawn from Alderaanian mythology. Stories describe molators as powerful, enchanted protectors of Alderaanian kings and queens. | Deploy on your side of table. For each unit of ability you have present during a battle, you may use 1 Force to raise your total power by 1. Ability used in this way cannot also be used to draw destiny. | ||
·Mostly Armless Cloud City R | Immediate Effect | One lesson learned in Jedi training is that when you have been injured, don't panic. | If your character with a lightsaber just won a battle, deploy on an opponent's character present. Character is Disarmed (power -1 and may no longer carry weapons). Opponent loses 1 Force at the end of each opponent's turns. (Immune to Control.) | ||
·Mournful Roar Hoth R1 | Immediate Effect | With the thought of losing Han, Chewbacca let out an anguished, sorrowful, lamenting, mournful, angst-ridden, tormented, agonizing roar. | Deploy on Chewie just after Han is lost or missing. Opponent cannot play Let The Wookiee Win or Wookiee Roar. Opponent must also lose 1 Force at end of every player's turn. Effect canceled if Han is deployed again or found. | ||
·Much Anger In Him Dagobah R | Effect | "Adventure, heh. Excitement, heh. A Jedi craves not these things. You are reckless." | Deploy on a Rebel. At the end of each opponent's battle phases, if you have presence at the location where that Rebel has presences and a battle did not take place there, opponent loses 4 Force. | ||
·No Bargain Special Edition U | Effect | "Zeet tu seet. Jabba no tuzindy honkabee." | Deploy on your side of table. While no Imperials are at any Jabba's Palace sites, at all such sites: Rebels are deploy +2, Revolution is canceled and your non-unique aliens are each forfeit +1. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Ominous Rumors Endor R | Effect | Rumors of a new 'technological terror' filled the galaxy with dread. | Use 2 Force to deploy on Endor system if opponent controls no Endor sites. Your Force drains are +2 at up to X other battleground systems, where X = number of Endor sites you occupy. Effect canceled if opponent controls three Endor sites. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Oppressive Enforcement Special Edition U | Effect | The Imperial fleet keeps a tight grip on the systems under its control. Abuses and excesses by local citizens are not tolerated. | Deploy on your side of table. Your Imperial capital starships are each destiny +1. Your Immediate Effects may deploy for free. Whenever opponent cancels your card with Sense or Alter, place that canceled card in Used Pile. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Organa's Ceremonial Necklace Premiere R1 | Utinni Effect | Necklace worn by Princess Leia during the awards ceremony after the Battle of Yavin. A powerful artifact in the Alderaanian royal family for dozens of generations. | Deploy on any Yavin 4 site. Target one Imperial. When Imperial reaches target site, 'steal' necklace. Whenever necklace is present during Force drain: add 1 to Force drain and may then pass (for free) to an adjacent site you control (if any), and so on. | ||
·Overseeing It Personally Death Star II R | Effect | Though reluctant to leave Coruscant. Emperor Palpatine occasionally finds it necessary to personally put lagging Imperial operations back on schedule. | Deploy on Emperor. While at a battleground planet site you control, at each related site where an Imperial is present, your Force drains are +1. | ||
·Perimeter Patrol Endor R | Effect | Heavy Imperial patrols on Endor forced the Rebels to deploy covertly. The required stealth measures created many complications. | Deploy on Bunker. While you control Bunker, each time opponent deploys a vehicle, starship or Rebel to an Endor site (except Rebel Landing Site), that card cannot move or battle for remainder of turn and opponent must lose 1 Force. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Pinned Down Endor U | Effect | Heavy blaster fire hampered Han's attempts to open the Back Door to the Endor control bunker. | Deploy on your side of table. Opponent may not 'react' away from a battle where you have a blaster present. Also, if you have a blaster present when opponent cancels a battle, draw destiny, opponent loses Force equal to destiny draw. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Planetary Subjugation Special Edition U | Effect | The Empire crushes resistance with massive orbital bombardment. The coordinated attack of a TIE bomber wing reduces a planet's surface to rubble. | Deploy on table. You may add up to 5 to destiny of each TIE Bomber drawn for battle or weapon or battle destiny. You may add 1 to Proton Bomb weapon destiny draws. Asteroid Sanctuary is canceled unless present with opponent's starship. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Precision Targeting Dagobah U | Effect | "Sir, we just lost the main rear deflector shield. One more direct hit on the back quarter and we're done for!" | Use 3 Force to deploy on table. Any card which is 'hit' may not be used to satisfy attrition. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
··Presence Of The Force Premiere R1 | Effect | A location is affected by the history of the events which occur there. The Force "...binds the galaxy together" and has an ebb and flow. | Deploy on any location to add one dark Icon and one light Icon. | ||
·Pride Of The Empire Special Edition C | Immediate Effect | Imperial starships that perform with distinction are highly publicized in an attempt to make the pilots look like heroes to the citizens of the Empire. | If you just won a battle in which opponent lost a starship, deploy on your participating starfighter. Once during each of opponent's move phases, opponent loses 1 Force (2 if starfighter is a TIE/ln). Also, that starfighter is power +2. (Immune to Control.) | ||
·Program Trap A New Hope U1 | Effect | Imperial slicers imbed a secret command in a droid's primary performance banks. A predetermined trigger causes a power overload, destroying the droid and anything nearby. | Use 2 Force to deploy on an opponent's droid (except R2-D2 and C-3PO), 1 on your droid. When either player draws a destiny matching the number of characters at same site, droid 'explodes' (all characters present are lost). | ||
Quick Reflexes Jabba's Palace C | Effect | Boba Fett's helmet has infrared capabilities, a motion tracking system, a macrobinocular viewer, an internal comlink and a broadband antenna. He doesn't miss a thing. | Deploy on your side of table. During your draw phase, you make use 2 Force to search through your Lost Pile. Take one Hidden Weapons into hand or take any one blaster and immediately deploy it (for free). | ||
Reactor Terminal Premiere U2 | Effect | The Death Star has many terminals coupled to the main reactor for power distribution throughout the immense space station. | Use 1 Force to deploy on your side of table. During your control phase, you may return any cards from your hand to the top of your Used Pile. | ||
·Rebel Base Occupation Special Edition R | Effect | "General, prepare your troops for a surface attack." | Deploy on a Rebel Base system if you occupy at least two related battleground sites. During each of your control phases, opponent loses 1 Force for each related battleground site you occupy. Canceled if opponent controls this system. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Relentless Tracking Endor R | Effect | Biker scouts commonly work as a team to track enemies of the Empire. A pair of scouts on speeder bike is difficult to elude. | Deploy on opponent's non-droid character at same or adjacent site as your scout. During each of your control phases, if your scout is at this site (and not Undercover), opponent loses 2 Force (or 3 Force if that scout is also a biker scout). | ||
·Rendili StarDrive Special Edition R | Effect | Responsible for early Imperial space supremacy. Rendili designs provide extremely stable weapons platforms for capital ship weapons. | Deploy on Rendili system. Your Victory-class Star Destroyers are deploy -2 here. Each of your Turbolaser Batteries deploys for free, fires for free and adds 1 to each of its weapon destiny draws. (Immune to Alter while you occupy Rendili.) | ||
·Resistance Jabba's Palace U | Effect | Oola had to choose between giving in to Jabba's constant advances or resisting him and inciting his wraith. | Deploy on your side of table. While you occupy at least 3 battlegrounds or opponent occupies no battle grounds, you lose no more than 2 Force from each Force drain or insert card. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Responsibility Of Command Hoth R1 | Utinni Effect | "Headquarters personnel, report to command center." | Use 2 Force to deploy on any war room at a Rebel Base, Target a Rebel with forfeit > 4 or an opponent's leader. Opponent may not initiate a battle or Force drain where target is present. Utinni Effect canceled when reached by target. | ||
Restricted Access Cloud City C | Effect | In an effort to direct Luke toward Vader, Captain Bewil used his control of hatchways and lift tubes to cut off Luke's support, limiting his options and resources. | Insert in your Reserve Deck. When Effect reached the top, it is lost, along with all opponent's insert cards there. Reshuffle. (Immune to Alter.) OR Deploy between two mobile sites. Opponent's characters may pass only if aboard a Lift Tube or opponent uses +1 Force each. | ||
·Return To Base Special Edition R | Effect | Imperial codes demand that damaged starships return to base for repair. Some captains with only minor damage to their ships resent this order. | Use 4 Force to deploy on your side of table. A starship you just lost may be placed here. Holds one starship at a time. During your deploy phase, may use X Force to bring starship to hand, where X = deploy cost of that starship. | ||
![]() Dagobah C | Mobile Effect | "We're gonna get pulverized if we stay out here much longer." | Deploy on an asteroid sector and specify starting direction. Every move phase, moves to next adjacent asteroid sector (reversing direction as necessary). Where present, adds 2 to asteroid destiny. May be targeted by starship weapons (armor = 3). | ||
·Royal Escort Death Star II C | Effect | When away from the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, the Emperor is protected by legions of troops. Typically this force includes soldiers trained to fight in local environment. | Deploy on table. Each of your non-unique troopers on Endor or Death Star II is forfeit +1. When opponent just used a weapon to target your character aboard a piloted vehicle, that character may use that vehicle's defense value. | ||
![]() Jabba's Palace U | Mobile Effect | Called "Teeth Of The Wind" by Tusken Raiders. Only those familiar with Tatooine's vast deserts can navigate successfully during its furious onslaught. | Deploy on a Desert. Specify starting direction. All characters (except Jawas and Tusken Raiders) present at same non-interior site are missing. During your control phase, moves to next adjacent site (reversing directions as necessary), but lost if at an interior site. | ||
·Scum And Villainy Jabba's Palace R | Effect | A relief in Nal Hutta sandstone. Hand-carved by slaves of the great Hutt artist Dreyba. Commissioned by Jabba to illustrate his vast influence. Titled "Ne Ganna Dateel Jabba." | Deploy on Audience Chamber. While all your ability on table is provided by aliens and independent starship pilots, your aliens and starships deploy -1 and you retrieve 2 Force whenever you initiate battle. (Immune to Alter if you control at least three Jabba's Palace sites.) | ||
·Search And Destroy Endor U | Effect | Imperial troops searched the forests of Endor to flush the Rebels out. | Deploy on table. Biker scouts are forfeit +1. During every draw phase, unless opponent's character of destiny < 4 occupies a battleground site, opponent loses 1 Force. Effect canceled unless your characters of destiny < 4 occupy two battleground sites. | ||
·Secret Plans Special Edition U | Effect | Imperial computer systems are equipped with complex algorithms designed to prevent access by unauthorized users. | Deploy on your side of table. Once during each of your control phases, may take one Shocking Revelation into hand from Reserve Deck- reshuffle. Also, whenever opponent retrieves X cards, opponent must first use X Force or that retrieval is canceled. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Security Precautions Endor R | Effect | "I think I got it." | Deploy on a location. Your Force generation is +1 here. Also, if you 'probe' opponent's "Hidden Base" system, opponent loses X Force, where X = 15 - number of systems on table. You take no battle damage where you have a 'probe' card. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Send A Detachment Down Premiere R1 | Utinni Effect | Vader sent Imperial stormtroopers to the surface of Tatooine in search of the stolen Death Star plans. "There'll be no one to stop us this time." | Use 2 Force to deploy on any Tatooine site (except docking bay). Target any trooper on Death Star. When target reaches Utinni Effect, attrition +1 against opponent in all Tatooine battles as long as target remains at same site as Utinni Effect. | ||
·Shot In The Dark Dagobah U | Effect | To test his theory that he was not in a cave, Han blasted the floor. He was right. | Deploy on your side of table. Once per turn time, you may lose 1 Force to draw the top card of your Reserve Deck into your hand. If that card is a space creature, you may immediately deploy it for free. | ||
·Sienar Fleet Systems Special Edition R | Effect | Industry leader in fighter production, but produces several other products. Constantly working on advancements to the baseline TIE design. | Deploy on Wakeelmui system. Retrieve 1 Force each time you deploy a TIE. Also, once per turn you may relocate a TIE just lost from table to Used Pile. (Immune to Alter while you occupy Wakeelmui). | ||
Silence Is Golden Hoth U2 | Effect | "Excuse me, sir, might I in--" | Use 2 Force to deploy on your side of table. Neither player may move or deploy cards as a 'react' to a location where a droid is present. May be canceled by Scomp Link Access. | ||
·Something Special Planned For Them Death Star II C | Effect | The high command of the Emperor's fleet is selected as much for loyalty and obedience as for martial skills. A wise admiral knows better than to question Palpatine. | Deploy on table. For opponent to move a starship from same location as your Star Destroyer requires +2 Force. Also, when opponent has just retrieved Force using an Interrupt or Utinni Effect card, that card is placed out of play. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Special Delivery Cloud City C | Effect | Because bounty hunters are untrustworthy, the Empire relies on its troopers for efficient prisoner delivery. | Deploy on a prison. When one of your troopers delivers a captive here, you may search your Lost Pile, take any one card into hand and then lose effect. | ||
·Spice Mines Of Kessel A New Hope R1 | Utinni Effect | Captives sent to the Kessel spice mines spend the rest of their lives digging for glitterstim, a spice sold throughout the galaxy by smugglers and crime lords. | Deploy on Kessel (may not be moved). target one captive and one trooper to escort captive. When targets reach Utinni Effect, retrieve Force equal to captive's forfeit (captive and Utinni Effect lost). | ||
·Strategic Reserves Special Edition R | Effect | The Empire is able to quickly relocate its manpower, deploying its troops as efficiently as possible. | Deploy on your side of table. Once per turn, you may cancel a Force drain by placing here from hand any non-unique Imperial. Imperials may deploy from here as if from hand. (if Effect canceled by opponent, any Imperials here may immediately deploy for free). | ||
Sudden Impact Dagobah U | Effect | An asteroid looming in one's path can force a quick decision. One must choose, but choose wisely. This pilot chose poorly. | Deploy on any Effect or Utinni Effect (except those immune to Alter). During each of owner's draw phases, if you occupy an asteroid sector, owner must choose to either lose 1 Force or voluntarily cancel that Effect or Utinni Effect. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
Sunsdown Premiere U1 | Effect | When the twin suns of Tatooine set. "Sand People or worse" become a threat, and battles are more dangerous. On Hoth, temperatures drop to deadly extremes. | Deploy on any planet system to cause "nighttime conditions" at related sites. During battles there, both sides add one destiny to power only. Spies deploy free to sites under "nighttime conditions." | ||
Swilla Corey A New Hope C2 | Effect | Petty criminals throughout the galaxy often earn extra money by teaching their trade to intiates. Thievery has become more popular as the Empire tightens its grip. | Deploy on your non-thief to give that character thief skill. Once during each of your control phases, may target one device at same site. Draw destiny. If destiny < target's destiny number, it is stolen. OR Deploy on a weapon to prevent theft. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Tactical Re-Call Premiere R2 | Utinni Effect | Sophisticated communication equipment hidden in the ruins of the extinct Massassi race is used to coordinate forces and to re-call Rebel officers for debriefing and orders. | Deploy on any Yavin 4 site immediately after winning a battle elsewhere. Target a warrior involved in that battle. Target's power and forfeit are -2 (-3 if Leia) until target reaches this Utinni Effect (which is then canceled). | ||
·Tarkin's Bounty Special Edition U | Effect | "You don't know how hard I found it signing the order to terminate your life." | Deploy on opponent's spy or Rebel leader. If subsequently captured by a bounty hunter or Imperial and then transferred to Detention Block Corridor, retrieve Force equal to character's forfeit (+4 if Leia) and lose Effect. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Tatooine Occupation Special Edition R | Effect | Sandtroopers commanded by Governor Aryon do not enjoy their assignment. They find a means of venting their frustrations by harassing the local inhabitants. | Deploy on Tatooine system if you occupy at least two Tatooine battleground sites. During each of your control phases, opponent loses 1 Force for each Tatooine battleground site you occupy. Canceled if opponent controls this system. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
Tentacle A New Hope C2 | Immediate Effect | Dianogas use their seven tentacles for both locomotion and catching food. The few survivors of such attacks claim that a dianoga tentacle has the strength of a hydro-clamp. | If opponent just played an Interrupt, use 1 Force to deploy on table. That Interrupt is played out but is then 'grabbed' (played here but is out of play). Any new Interrupts of the same name are unique (·). (Immune to Control.) | ||
The Dark Path Dagobah R | Effect | "If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Consume you it will, as it did Obi- Wan's apprentice." | Deploy on your side of table. Once per turn, you may peek at the top three cards of your Reserve Deck. Place any two of those three in your Lost pile. | ||
·The Emperor's Prize Cloud City R | Utinni Effect | Vader thought that by capturing Luke, he would crush the Alliance's last hope. But, there was another... | If Luke was just 'frozen,' deploy on Emperor Palpatine or Detention Block Corridor. Target Luke and Vader. When reached by targets, place Utinni Effect on Luke and opponent must lose half of Life Force (round down). If Luke released, lose Utinni Effect. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
The Shield Doors Must Be Closed Hoth U1 | Effect | "Your highness, there's nothing more we can do tonight. The shield doors must be closed." | Deploy between Echo Docking Bay and innermost marker site. When under "nighttime conditions," no movement is allowed to or from Echo Docking Bay unless it is to or from an Echo site. | ||
·There Is No Try Dagobah C | Effect | "Always with you what cannot be done." | Deploy on table. Sense and Alter are now Lost Interrupts. Also, when any player makes a destiny draw for Sense or Alter, and that destiny draw is successful, that player loses 2 Force. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
···There'll Be Hell To Pay A New Hope U2 | Immediate Effect | Luke's dream of joining the Academy often distracted him from his chores, sometimes resulting in his having to pay the price for his impatience. | Use 3 Force to deploy on table and stack one just-played Interrupt here. To play any new Interrupt of the same name, player must first stack it here and use +1 Force for each Interrupt in stack, even if Interrupt is normally free. (Immune to Control.) | ||
·This Is Just Wrong Hoth R1 | Utinni Effect | "Why, I guess you don't know everything about women yet." | Deploy on any male character. Target a female character on table. Target is power -2. Utinni Effect canceled when present with target. | ||
Too Cold For Speeders Hoth U1 | Effect | "We're having some trouble adapting them to the cold." | Use 2 Force to deploy on your side of table. Non-creature vehicles at marker sites under "nighttime conditions" are power = 0, maneuver = 0 and landspeed = 0. | ||
Undercover A New Hope U2 | Effect | The Empire maintains a network of spies attempting to infiltrate the Rebel Alliance or misinform their operatives. | Deploy on your spy at a site and cross spy to opponent's side. Spy is now Undercover. During your deploy phase, may voluntarily "break cover" (lose Effect) if at a site. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Vader's Bounty Cloud City R | Effect | "We would be honored if you would join us." | Deploy on a Rebel of ability > 2. If subsequently captured by a bounty hunter and then transferred to a prison where Vader is present, retrieve Force equal to character's forfeit (+4 if Luke) and lose Effect. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Vader's Cape Cloud City R | Effect | A symbol of the Dark Lord of the Sith, and of the seductive power of the dark side. | Use 3 Force to deploy on one of your Imperials or aliens. Immune to attrition < 5. When in battle, adds 1 to each of your battle destiny draws. | ||
·Visage Of The Emperor Dagobah R | Effect | Palpatine's hologram. Imposing. Ominous. Intimidating. Instrument for the evil Emperor's sinister reach across the galaxy. Used on a secret frequency of the Imperial HoloNet. | Lose 2 Force to deploy on Executor: Holotheatre or Death Star: Conference Room. At the end of each player's turn, each player must lost 1 Force. Effect canceled if opponent controls this site. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·We're The Bait Cloud City R | Utinni Effect | "He doesn't want you at all, he's after somebody called, uh...Skywalker." "Luke?" "Lord Vader has set a trap for him." "And we're that bait!" "Yeah, well, he's on his way." | Deploy on Han, Leia or Chewie if captured or 'frozen.' Target Luke. Luke may not attempt Jedi Tests. Also, during each of opponent's draw phases, opponent loses 2 Force (3 if captive is 'frozen'). Utinni Effect canceled when reached by target. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
Weapon Malfunction Hoth R1 | Utinni Effect | "Luke, we've got a malfunction in fire control. I'll have to cut in the auxiliary." | Deploy on any docking bay. Target a weapon deployed on a starfighter or vehicle. That weapon cannot be fired. Utinni Effect canceled when reached by target. | ||
·Weather Vane Cloud City U | Effect | Not a good place to hang around. | Deploy on table. Any character here may be captured or rescued by a player's starship or vehicle controlling Cloud City during that player's control phase. Character here lost if new character arrives. Effect lost if Cloud City lost. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Well Guarded Jabba's Palace U | Effect | Most of Jabba's guards had been sold to the Hutt and were too scared (or too dumb) to leave. Jabba assigned his best guards to watch over his most prized possessions. | Deploy on you side of table. While you have fewer than 13 cards in your hand, your non-unique cards in hand (except effects of any kind and any interrupts) are immune to Grimtaash. (Immune to Alter while you occupy 2 battlegrounds). | ||
·Well-earned Command Endor R | Effect | Imperial officers often simulate large-scale battles with hologram games to improve their tactical ability. Those who excel at these games often mark themselves for advancement. | Deploy on your general or commander. When battling, adds 1 to your total battle destiny (or 2 if Igar). Once during each of your control phases, may take one Imperial Propaganda into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. Your Force drains are +1 at holosites. | ||
·Wrong Turn Premiere U1 | Effect | Imperial troopers use tactics to strand and cut off fugitives. Only daring and unpredictable actions gave Luke and Leia a chance to escape. | Use 3 Force to deploy on opponent's side of table. All opponent's warriors are deploy +1. | ||
·You Cannot Hide Forever Death Star II U | Effect | "Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way you can save your friends." | Deploy on table. Opponent's Jedi are defense value -1. Never Tell Me The Odds is canceled. You may place Effect in Lost Pile to take one Endor or DSII Effect that deploys for free into hand from Reserve Deck; reshuffle. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
·Your Destiny Death Star II C | Effect | Luke's destiny lies with his father, Darth Vader. To become a Jedi Knight, Luke must accept this. | Deploy on Bring Him Before Me. When Vader is present at a battleground site, at start of your turn opponent loses 3 Force unless Luke is captured, out of play, or present at a battleground site. Also, Luke is immune to Responsibility Of Command. (Immune to Alter.) | ||
Your Eyes Can Deceive You Premiere U1 | Effect | "With this blast shield down, I can't even see. How am I supposed to fight?" | Deploy beside either player's Lost Pile. That pile is turned face down. Cards from that player's Life Force may not be viewed when they are lost. |