The Confusion
Between Fact and Fan Fiction^%$#@!RomanceHumour
If you think the picture of Krycek kissing Mulder would be better suited for romance please
email me.Our brave and courageous fan fiction writers venture into the unknown regions of
"Is there some escape from these words that plague me so?" Sarah McLachlan
their minds to sacrifice to us, the people, a piece of their souls.
THERE HAS BEEN A MAJOR REFORMATTING TO THE FANFICTION SECTION OF MY WEBSITE!! Because of this, it is possible this the design is still incomplete but the stories are still readable.
I have seperated the stories by category:
Parodies, Filks, Poems and Vignettes
Non Fiction (including Top Ten Lists)
Some stories may fall into more than one category.
New Stories are posted at this page and they are also marked throughout my fanfiction pages.Please
send feedback to me on my fan fic or on my site.There's a
fanfic challenge page for those who need help to get started. And if you do respond to a challenge, your story is guaranteed to be put up at my site. You can feel free to submit me your fanfic challenges and if I like them I will definetly post it with your name.NEW STORIES!!!
Walls by Cara S. A very well written vignette from Scully's POV.
The Red and the Black Series
A series of alternate universe stories in which Mulder really does kill himself in Gethesmane. How does Scully deal with this? Here is a series of stories that can be read alone as long as you have read the one preceeding it. They deal chronologically with Scully's feelings toward this event. Each story is short and very angsty.
Mulder, It's Not Me What if Mulder really did die in Gethesmane? How would Scully react? Answers in this story.
Take Me With You The story continues with devastating endings?
Hands Is she finally healing?
*lol* I sound like one of those book covers to cheap romances!!! Now there's a job idea!
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