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Welcome to The Nintendo Archives. This site will bring YOU the best codes on the internet for the NES,N64, and Gamecube plus downloads, news, and information. |
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4/06/02: Site News: Sorry for the absence. NBA 2K2 codes as well as Spy Hunter codes are up. Oh, and try the new CSS-JS menu. It is much more effective and more flashy than frames. Note that most pre-4.x browsers can't view any CSS and Javascript. An alternative way to navigate will be provided.-ZM |
3/18/02: Site News: The system pages are condensed so there are only 4 pages per system. This is to make life easy for me and you. I am also in the process of creating the frame pages (pages w/o the grey sidebar.) Enjoy the layout! -ZM |
3/9/02: Site News: The frames are working! Click this link to view the page with frames. Other than that, I was debugging some pages.-ZM |
3/3/02: Site News: As visitors know, I have attempted to add navigational frames to the site. They currently aren't working well. As I struggle with this, Email me what you think of the frames (other than they don't load properly.) Here are some Road Rage codes to hold you over while I fix this REALLY big mess. -ZM |
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This site has nothing to do with Nintendo of America. All copyrights /trademarks are properties of their respective owners. Everything is subject to change. This site is © 1998-whenever it stops updating Zombie Mario and hosted by Geocities. Site rated I for Insane: May drive viewers crazy because of the backround, text color, text size, or Weird Al. You choose. This site is easier to navigate if you have CSS and Javascript activated. If your browser doesn't support CSS or JavaScript, you need to update your browser and, more importantly, your life. |
Visitors since ZM felt like a cliche counter was needed. Site started sometime in September 1998, which was near ZM's 11th BD. |