Bio Page: Xenogears
Callsign: Xenogears
Joined: 1999.09
Skins: Download
Squads: former Wolf Pack
Intro: none
History: Trojan Horse
| Personal
Name: Xena ?
Location: Malaysia
Birthdate: ?
Email: ?
ICQ number: ?
Website: none
Forums: none |
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Character information: Inspector Xena Suki
General history
Born in 2805 in Sa Thauri, Venus. Became a mining business specialist and inspector, reporting human rights violations at Hephiastus and other Venusian mining operations until she transfered to Mercury. At the beginning of the Starsiege she was captured by the Cybrids, and was able to liberate herself in late 2831.
Development of abilities
Xenogears did not develop any abilities of her own, but rather absorbed them from her mate Razorback. In 2834 Delithita attempted to kill her, but her non-corporeal form was absorbed into Razorback's body, which they now both inhabit. In addition, the two of them can switch physical form to take the other's, or seperate as necessary.
169cm 53kg black/blue Asian/Malaysian and Japanese descent. Very calculating and unemotional. Precise, efficient to a maddening degree. Disagreeable but very reliable.
Character study
She awakened slowly just before the alarm would have sounded, reached over and deactivated the device with the ease of long practice.
Her schedule was as usual: Ops in an hour, end shift six hours past that, and then another four hours upgrading whatever of Fantasma's systems her computers in Ops told her needed it.
She showered quickly and dried herself, then sat on the stone slab that served as her bed. She pulled her legs into lotus position, and reached out for the portable computer sitting on the table beside the bed. She set it in front of her and typed a few commands into it as she let herself relax.
Most of Fantasma's systems were working well, at least according to the sensors. She let a map of the colony flow through her mind, searching for disturbances.
For once, all seemed well. Satisfied, she switched off the screen and sat there silently for a time.
The future was irrelevant for the moment, she told herself, and with that understanding came greater calm. Whatever she needed to do, she did not need to do for another forty-five minutes.
Exist in the present, she told herself. Logically, there is no alternative.