Bio Page: Tycho
Callsign: Tycho
Joined: 1999.10
Skins: Download
Squads: former Black Death Union
Intro: none
History: Lessons Learned
| Personal
Name: John ?
Location: United Kingdom
Birthdate: ?
ICQ number: ?
Website: none
Forums: none |
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Character information: Commander John Tycho
General history
Tycho was born in London in 2794. He was a member of several mercenary groups prior to the Starsiege, most recently the Black Death Union. During the war on Mars his unit was captured by the Imperial Knights, and upon his release he used his earnings from his mercenary career to begin a new life as a technician on Mercury. At the beginning of the Starsiege he was captured by the Cybrids and enslaved through use of drugs and hypnosis. Later resuced by the Ghosts along with the rest of the current residents of Fantasma Colony. Driven by vengeance to join the Ghosts to pay back the Cybrids. In 2832 he left Fantasma to reactivate his reserve commission in the Wolf Pack, with the purpose of bringing reinforcements back to Mercury.
Development of abilities
Little is known about Tycho's abilities or how they developed. His most noteworthy ability is doubling, in which he duplicates himself temporarily.
197cm 93kg cinnamon/gray, moustache and beard, Caucasian/English and Scottish. Depending on circumstance, he is either loud and cheerful or loud and snappish. Good pilot and tactician. Occasionally comes up with odd strategies under stress. Furious with the Cybrids at his kidnapping and enslavement and determined to destroy them. An excellent technician and engineer.
Character study
He grunted as the alarm sounded, jumped to his feet with the speed and efficiency drilled into him by years of military experience, and began scrrolling through his mental list of things to do for the day.
His vehicles were not doing well right now, and he'd be damned to go out in less-than-optimal condition. He would have to cannibalize several elements from that Adjudicator they had destroyed and dragged in recently, and as he showered and dressed he planned the necessary steps for refitting the incompatible servoes to a usable format.
He opened his cabinet, browsed his food stock for a moment, and grabbed two bars of protein supplement and one of Xenogears's tomatoes. He kept his food here under stasis so he would be able to stuff himself at breakfast without having to go down to Four. It saved time, and this way he would not have to eat for many hours and interrupt his work.
The purpose of his life had descended to mere survival and fighting; very well, he would survive and fight at peak performance, and Hunter help the glitches that got in his way.
One day the Cybrids would be repaid for their kindnesses to him, and he intended to fire the last shot.
He drank the tomato juice, ate the fruit's flesh, and then ate the two bars with a grimace. Xenogears had to redesign those things, he thought, making a mental note to send her a memo to that effect as soon as he had the free time. He smirked. Free time? Sure, and when that happened Xenogears would send him a set of equations proving he was the thirty-sixth Dalai Lama.
And how the hell would he be able to refit his vehicles if he had to spend all his time promoting world peace and chanting mantras?