Karen's Page

Just a collection of pictures and things... take a look see what you think.
there isn't alot here, but I hope you like what you see!!

Just a little about me: I grew up in a little town in Ohio, and moved to Michigan for college in 1995. In April of 1999 I graduated from Eastern Michigan University with my degree in Communications and Political Science. In August of 1999 I moved to Grand Rapids Michigan. And for now I am just making ends meet and trying to have a little fun now and then! I'm currently working as a secretary, I love the company I am with now but they are unappreciative, so hopeing to find something more challenging. The people here are great, and I've made some good friends in the process. I'm happy with my life right now. But still looking for "me". Like I always say, life is about learning. You won't quit learning until you die, or you get rich enough that you just don't give a shit anymore!

  My Scrapbook  
My Idle Ramblings
A couple of my favorite songs

And you MUST check this out! Why? Cuz I said so!