Hey, there!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and check out my little nook here in the great big world of cyberspace. It's nothing fancy, just some links to my favorite spots, some role play logs from Elendor MUSH (Amon Thranduil mostly... a couple of Lorien as well), and a whole lot of pictures of me and my family and friends.
Speaking of my family, you will find that most of the pictures are of the cutest kids in the world. That would be my son, Jonah, the smartest and most wonderful boy ever to walk the face of the Earth, and Simone, my precious and adorable baby girl! So anyway, I should just stop typing and get to the pics and stuff
The web site for Elendor MUSH, where I usually am
Okay, so this is about as far away from SF/Fantasy, but I love Days of Our Lives... this is the most awesome web page for fans, especially the newbie who would like to know all of the past dirt (comprehensive archive section!!!!)
For anyone that is a fan of Adam Sandler, or if you just enjoy a good Bill Gates joke, this one's for you.
With Rhuarc as a slightly more productive squirrel
Several Species Of Tolkien's Creatures Gathered Together In A Grove And Grooving With A Maia
Feasting, frolicing, and general merriment
With a very disgruntled Glindorel at this years Bardic Congress
And this, my misguided adventure in drawing. Khillaure on a bad hair day?
So there you have it, a little look into my life. If you haven't been scared away, I applaud you for hanging in there (or being a big fool, I can't decide which). Check back in periodically as I'll be changing things around and adding more pics and logs just as soon as I get them developed!
If you have any comments or suggestions, please feel free to e-mail me or go right ahead and sign my guestbook!
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© 1997 kb_nightshade@yahoo.com